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Gamer's Help Topic

Started by Beethoven II, February 22, 2008, 07:38:21 PM

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Beethoven II

All right.  I've always wanted one of these topics on the old site.

In this topic, you can...
  • post questions that you need answers for
  • post cheats
  • post questions on technical dificulties
  • post terms, characters, abilities, ect.
If you guys can come up with anything
else to post about, tell me.

All right-First question, by Beethoven II:

Q: I've been playing Battlefield online, but i get "punkbusted"
    What does that mean?

Concerto No.20 in D minor

It means either you don't have an admin account or you cheated.

Beethoven II

How can you cheat online?  i'll just be doing what everone else is doing, and BAM!!  What do you mean by admin account?


Don't steal my name in your topic.

me irl



can someone please tell me how to change the Opening title screen back to the original one you started with rather then the home edition screen with the pic of all the chars faces?
I really like the original opening screen and want it back

adn no there is no option in the options menu to change it back
arg anybody know what im tlaking about please help...
my navis.....
Check out my artwork and leave me your critiques, everything helps just be honest, I will reply everyone ASAP
heres my thread

Concerto No.20 in D minor

I have no idea...maybe you unlocked it or something?  The same thing happens in Mario Kart DD.  When you unlock all the characters and beat all the tracks you get a new home screen.


yeah thats right i unlocked it
but i don want it there
and apparently there is a way to put the original one back becasue my friends has it but it was so long ago he doesnt remeber how he did it
my navis.....
Check out my artwork and leave me your critiques, everything helps just be honest, I will reply everyone ASAP
heres my thread


Quote from: gamer4251 on February 23, 2008, 09:08:32 AMDon't steal my name in your topic.
1. You spammed, if you clearly read the post, you would know.
2. It says "Gamer", last time I checked, your name had a lower case "g" and had a 4251 after it.


Bethoven:  If you weren't cheating, it could possible be that your ping was too high for the server, some servers have ridiculously low ping limits (like 100, wtf).  Also, if you have a mod installed, you could get kicked.

If it happens randomly mid game then I don't know.

My question:  How do I install drivers for a video card to use my monitor when I need the monitor to work to install the drivers?


Beethoven II

ah, i did this about five months ago...hmmm.

I'm not sure, but i think you plug in the video card into the moniter. It was weird i remember I 'll post again
later if i figure out. ;)


Quote from: Beethoven II on February 23, 2008, 08:23:59 PMah, i did this about five months ago...hmmm.

I'm not sure, but i think you plug in the video card into the moniter. It was weird i remember I 'll post again
later if i figure out. ;)

Yes, thats what I'm doing.

Worst case scenario: Faulty graphics card :'(

Best Case Scenario:  ....

Another Scenario:  Need to install the video card drivers.  But to do that, I need to see to install, but I need the drivers to see.  :'(

ugh, I guess I have to take everything out to see if it works without the case to see if it is a short.

What a pain in the ass.  I'll also try a VGA-USB adapter..



Gamer4251© says:

It was a joke.

Harvest:  You sure that you need to install the drivers to use a monitor?  I've never had to install them to use the monitor itself, but to play any games or use anything else.

me irl


HugoMeister says:

That joke was lame.


Idk, that never happened to me, and I unlocked everything and stuff...

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Quote from: gamer4251 on February 24, 2008, 07:54:37 PMHarvest:  You sure that you need to install the drivers to use a monitor?  I've never had to install them to use the monitor itself, but to play any games or use anything else.

I think I've got a bad motherboard.