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Submissions for Jan. 15 Update - 3 New + ∞ Replacements

Started by The Deku Trombonist, January 03, 2011, 04:23:34 PM

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The Deku Trombonist

You may only make one post in this topic with your submissions. Subsequent posts will be deleted. Edit your posts to respond to any comments I may have. This is not for holding discussions. General questions go in the Questions Thread. Specific questions can be PM'd.

For the next update, you may post  3 New songs + ∞ Replacements you think are ready for submission.
So basically, you can submit as many replacement arrangements as you want, but only 3 new ones.

Please indicate if your submission is a replacement, it makes things much easier.


Any extra posts will be deleted.  I will edit your post with rejection reasons, or to tell you it's accepted.  I may accept all or just one or none of your submissions.

So, in a lovely step-by-step process:
1.  Perfect up to 3 songs for submission
2.  Make sure they are formatted PERFECTLY
3.  Post links to the submissions here: Just a Mus File
4.  Did I mention I want them perfectly formatted?  Repeat steps 2 and 3 if you didn't listen to me
5.  I will review submissions and post acceptance/rejection feedback whenever I can.
6.  On January 14th, I'll close the thread to Submissions.
7.  I'll wait 1 day if any modifications need to be made and then all accepted songs will be uploaded and we'll start this circus again

Got it?  If yes, make your post and submit your songs!  If not, PM me with questions.

Questions I've Received (or made up):
-Do I need to break up a medley? No, it counts as one submission
-Do I have to include copyright and the site URL?  Yes.  The copyright is just <Publisher> © <Year Published> without the <> obviously.  The URL is
-When can we submit? Now!  Just do it.
-Can I still submit after you've swept-through the posts? Yes.  You can submit up until I post that the thread is closed for submissions.

I will post a list of accepted arrangement under here as they are accepted.

[GCN] Animal Crossing - "8:00 P.M." (Replacement) - The Deku Trombonist
[GCN] Animal Crossing - "Go K.K. Rider!" (Replacement) - G-Han
[GCN] Animal Crossing - "K.K. Jazz" (Replacement) - Nintendude73
[GCN] Animal Crossing - "K.K. Lullaby" (Replacement) - The Deku Trombonist
[GCN] Animal Crossing - "K.K. Western" (Replacement) - The Deku Trombonist
[NDS] Animal Crossing: Wild World - "2:00 A.M." (Replacement) - The Deku Trombonist
[NDS] Animal Crossing: Wild World - "2:00 P.M." (Replacement) - Nintendude73
[NDS] Animal Crossing: Wild World - "6:00 A.M." (Replacement) - Nintendude73
[NDS] Animal Crossing: Wild World - "9:00 A.M." (Replacement) - WiiMan96
[NDS] Animal Crossing: Wild World - "Main Gate" (Replacement) - The Deku Trombonist
[NDS] Animal Crossing: Wild World - "The Roost" (Replacement) - The Deku Trombonist
[NDS] Animal Crossing: Wild World - "Town Hall (Day)" (Replacement) - Nintendude73
[NES] Contra - "Boss Theme" - Thomas Wilson
[NES] Contra - "Stage 6 - Energy Zone" - Thomas Wilson
[NES] Contra - "Stage 8 - Alien's Lair" - Thomas Wilson
[SNES] Donkey Kong Country - "Aquatic Ambience" (Replacement) - The Deku Trombonist
[SNES] Donkey Kong Country - "Fear Factory" (Replacement) - The Deku Trombonist
[SNES] Donkey Kong Country - "Map" (Replacement) - The Deku Trombonist
[SNES] Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest - "Island Map" (Replacement) - The Deku Trombonist
[WW] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King - "A New Home" - WiiMan96
[WW] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King - "Monster Ronde (Duet)" - WiiMan96
[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "Movin'" - Commander6
[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "The Landing" - Commander6
[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "The Stage is Set" - Commander6
[GB] Kirby's Dream Land - "Lollipop" - PianoMan
[GCN] Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness - "Mt. Battle Lobby"  - ArguMargu
[DC] Sonic Adventure 2 - "In the Groove" - PianoMan
[DC] Sonic Adventure 2 - "Pumpkin Hill" - PianoMan
[Genesis] Sonic the Hedgehog - "Green Hill Zone" (Replacement) - PianoMan
[WII] Super Paper Mario - "Floro Caverns" - Bloop
[WII] Super Paper Mario - "Mimi the Copycat" - Bloop
[PS2] Tales of the Abyss - "Confrontation" - Sipan1234
[GCN] Tales of Symphonia - "Fighting of the Spirit" - Sipan1234


Just this one.

[GCN] Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness - "Mt. Battle Lobby"

Could you make it a MID?

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting to change that thing about the midi. Fixed now. You only need to provide a Mus for updates done by me. But as I say to everyone who asks this, the same may not apply with other updaters.

Accepted with minor changes.


[PS2] Tales of the Abyss Confrantation MIDI
[GCN] Tales of Symphonia Fighting of the Spirit MIDI


Both Accepted.

you're not gonna change Fighting of the Spirit?
oh wait l forgot ''Like a glint of Light'' post here but this time I fixed it



I saw my arrangegement is little changed on ninsheetm like ''Credits''  ''Shining Dew'' ''Hidden Sorrow'' but why?

Because there were wrong notes/rhythms.


[NES] Contra - "Stage 6 - Energy Zone" - Thomas Wilson Midi
[NES] Contra - "Stage 8 - Alien's Lair" - Thomas Wilson Midi
[NES] Contra - "Boss Theme" - Thomas Wilson Midi


Stage 6: Woo! Correctly grouped rhythms in a compound time signature. :)  Accepted.

Bed time.

And the other ones are accepted too.

Composer #40

[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "Movin'" - Commander6 (midi)
[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "The Landing" - Commander6 (midi)
[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "The Stage is Set" - Commander6 (midi)


All Accepted :)

It happens Every. Day!


New Submission:
[DC] Sonic Adventure 2 - "In the Groove" - PianoMan MUS MIDI
[DC] Sonic Adventure 2 - "Pumpkin Hill" - PianoMan MUS MIDI
[GB] Kirby's Dream Land - "Lollipop" - PianoMan MUS MID
[Genesis] Sonic the Hedgehog - "Green Hill Zone" - PianoMan MUS MIDI
I feel like this one is fuller and stays a little closer to the original.

Lollipop: Some of the left hand notes are flipped upside down if that makes sense. I can't really think of a better way to describe it. If that was intentional, I'll leave it. If not, consider it fixed and accepted.
In The Groove: Hmmm... alright, accepted.

Bed time.

Lollipop: I don't know what you mean, and it was most certainly not intentional, so I would be happy to try to fix it if I can understand what you mean. Is this better?

Lollipop: Yup, that's it.

Pumpkin Hill: The link leads to in the groove.

Green Hill Zone: Accepted, but because I'm a bit of an articulation nut sometimes, I went and added some.

New Submission:
[DC] Sonic Adventure 2 - "In the Groove" - PianoMan MUS MIDI
[DC] Sonic Adventure 2 - "Pumpkin Hill" - PianoMan MUS MIDI
[GB] Kirby's Dream Land - "Lollipop" - PianoMan MUS MID
[Genesis] Sonic the Hedgehog - "Green Hill Zone" - PianoMan MUS MIDI
I feel like this one is fuller and stays a little closer to the original.

Lollipop: Some of the left hand notes are flipped upside down if that makes sense. I can't really think of a better way to describe it. If that was intentional, I'll leave it. If not, consider it fixed and accepted.
In The Groove: Hmmm... alright, accepted.

Bed time.

Link fixed. My mistake. I'll try to add more articulation in the future.

You don't have to go totally nuts with them, but a few here and there definitely help to capture the feel of the original.

Pumpkin Hill: I fixed up the swing thing you want happening there. Accepted.


Super Paper Mario

Mimi the Copycat

Floro Caverns




[WW] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King "A New Home" - WiiMan96
[WW] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King "Monster Ronde (Duet)" - WiiMan96

A New Home: I'll accept it, but when update time comes, check the site for the corrected version.

I'll be back on the computer later today for the other one.

Monster Ronde: Yup, all good. But one small note (lol pun), duets are for 2 people on 1 piano. This is not a duet, it's for 2 pianos.

The Deku Trombonist

Submissions are closed for this update but it might not go up until the 16th, depending on when I get time to look at these last 4 that just popped up.