
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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Fingerz's Arrangements (NEW Pokémon Quest)

Started by fingerz, January 03, 2011, 03:49:01 PM

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Hi everyone! My arrangements are split into two parts. Part 2 consists of Pokémon-related arrangements and everything else. You can find the first page of my arrangements HERE!


Pokémon Ruby Version & Pokémon Sapphire Version

Drought - [Original ZIP]

Heavy Rain - [Original ZIP] [Duet ZIP]

Mt. Pyre - [Original ZIP] [Modified ZIP]

Mt. Pyre Peak - [Original ZIP] [Modified ZIP]

Route 111 (Desert) - [Original ZIP] [Duet ZIP]

Sootopolis City - [Original ZIP] [Modified ZIP]

Pokémon Diamond Version & Pokémon Pearl Version

Amity Square - [Original ZIP] [Duet ZIP]

Cyrus! Team Galactic Boss Battle - [Original ZIP] [Modified ZIP]

Route 205 (Night) - [Original ZIP] [Duet ZIP]

Route 225 (Night) - [Original ZIP] [Duet ZIP]

Route 228 (Night) - [Original ZIP] [Duet ZIP]

Stark Mountain - [Original ZIP] [Modified ZIP]

Pokémon Black Version & Pokémon White Version

Musical Hall - [Original ZIP] [Two Pianos ZIP]

N's Room - [Original ZIP]

Opelucid City (Black) - [Original ZIP]

Opelucid City (White) - [Original ZIP] [Two Pianos ZIP]

Pokémon X & Pokémon Y

AZ - [Original ZIP]

Battle! Elite Four - [Original ZIP]

Battle! Lysandre - [Original ZIP] [Modified ZIP]

Boutique - [Duet ZIP]

Let's Super Train! - [Duet ZIP]

Route 4 - [Original ZIP]

Trainers' Eyes Meet! Hiker - [Original ZIP]

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team

Stormy Sea - [Original ZIP] [Two Piano ZIP]

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness

Aegis Cave - [Original ZIP] [Modified ZIP]

Amp Plains - [Original ZIP]

Drenched Bluff - [Original ZIP] [Duet ZIP]

Dusk Forest - [Original ZIP] [Modified ZIP]

Foggy Forest - [Duet ZIP]

Heartwarming - [Original ZIP] [Modified ZIP]

Hidden Land - [Original ZIP]

Hidden Highland - [Original ZIP]

Oh No! - [Original ZIP] [Duet ZIP]

Team Charm's Theme - [Original/Playable ZIP]

Title Theme - [Duet ZIP]

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

Spinda's Café - [Original ZIP] [Duet ZIP]

Super Pokémon Rumble/Pokémon Rumble Blast

Desert Battle Theme - [Original ZIP]

Forest Battle Theme - [Original ZIP]

Glacier Battle Theme - [Original ZIP]

Hauntyard Battle Theme - [Original ZIP]

Lava Battle Theme - [Original ZIP]

Northerly Town - [Original ZIP] [Modified ZIP] [Duet ZIP]

VS Dark Rust Theme - [Original ZIP]

Westerly Town - [Original ZIP] [Duet ZIP]

Donkey Kong Country 3

Boss Boogie - [Original ZIP]

Chase - [Original ZIP] [Two Pianos ZIP]

Lakeside Limbo - [Original ZIP]

Treetop Tumble - [Original ZIP] [Two Pianos ZIP]

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Palm Tree Groove - [Original ZIP] [Two Pianos ZIP]

Shovel Knight
Strike the Earth! (Plains of Passage) - [Original ZIP]

Sonic Rush

What U Need - [Original ZIP]

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

Data World Battle (Normal) - [Original ZIP] [Duet ZIP]

Rowdy Rumble - [Original ZIP] [Duet ZIP]

To Our Surprise - [Original ZIP] [Modified ZIP]

Epic Mickey

Oswald's Theme - [Original ZIP] [Modified ZIP]

Metroid Fusion

Final Mission - [Original ZIP]

Metroid Prime

Artifact Acquisition Fanfare - [Original ZIP]

Chozo Artifact Temple - [Original ZIP]

Crashed Frigate - [Original ZIP]

Magmoor Caverns - [Original ZIP]

This is the end of my second page. You can find the first part HERE!
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


RIGHT! Sorry about that! Now I'm REALLY done with all that. I think I'll take what Slow said back there into consideration and rework my pages. :)

Now, I have a plethora of new arrangements for you all 'cause I got bored revamping all my old ones! XD I've renamed PLAYABLE sheets to MODIFIED as it makes more sense and now DUETS are either ONE or TWO PIANOS. I did revamp Lakeside Limbo, so you can check that out if you want to. Just a bit of rhythmic stuff to fix, that's all.

REVAMPED! Lakeside Limbo from Donkey Kong Country 3
[Original ZIP]

Oh yes, I added in the 6 bars of epicness to the start of Lorule Field (Duet) so be sure to check it out! :D

NEW! Lorule Field (Duet) from The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
[Two Pianos ZIP]

Because Yuga is such an awesome guy and I really liked the original final boss music for Ganon, I decided to arrange the new version! There's a duet and a single sheet for anyone who wants to attempt it! The first bar is really the only hard part. :P

NEW! Yuga Battle (Lorule Castle) from The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
[Original ZIP]

NEW! Yuga Battle (Lorule Castle) (Duet) from The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
[Two Pianos ZIP]

Although Super Pokemon Rumble isn't a particularly fabulous game, the music from it is GODLY and I'd say that Westerly Town is my favourite tune from it (apart from Northerly Town). It's great to listen to and I'm sure it'd be fun to play to! Hope you enjoy it! :)

NEW! Westerly Town from Super Pokémon Rumble/Pokémon Rumble Blast
[Original ZIP]

NEW! Westerly Town (Duet) from Super Pokémon Rumble/Pokémon Rumble Blast
[Two Pianos ZIP]

I always find the tiny tunes in games really catchy, so I thought I'd to the Co-op Play Menu themes from New Super Mario Bros. 2! I'm sure you'll agree that they could be played over and over and over and over and... XDDD

NEW! Co-op Play Menu Themes (Duet) from New Super Mario Bros. 2
[Two Pianos ZIP]

Yah, I also went on a slight Luigi's Mansion 2 rampage and decided to arrange a heap of songs from that game too. I'm still in the midst of writing some out, so stay tuned! First up is a version of E. Gadd's theme known as the Dual Scream (a pun on the name of the DS). Very simple but effective. ;)

NEW! Dual Scream from Luigi's Mansion 2
[Original ZIP]

Next is quite a few of the ghost themes from that game in various forms. I'm not going to do what I did with Super Mario 3D Land and write out ALL the main theme songs, but I'll do a majority of them. The Karaoke Box is found in Haunted Towers and I didn't want to leave the room after finding it! XDD Hostile Intrusion plays when you're doing one of the bonus levels, suckin' up dem ghosts! :P

NEW! Karaoke Box (Ghost Theme) from Luigi's Mansion 2
[Original ZIP]

NEW! Hostile Intrusion (Ghost Theme) from Luigi's Mansion 2
[Original ZIP]

NEW! Hostile Intrusion (Ghost Theme) (Duet) from Luigi's Mansion 2
[One Piano ZIP]

AND finally, one that I'm very proud of, the Eerie Staircase themes when climbing up those wretched stairs on the way to the second boss. Anyone who's play this game will understand my arrangement; ground floor, about a third of the way up, two-thirds of the way there, WRONG ONE (and everything repeats) and then finally at the top! I hope you enjoy it! :D

NEW! Eerie Staircase Themes (Duet) from Luigi's Mansion 2
[Two Pianos ZIP]

And that's all for the time being! I hope you all enjoy and there'll be plenty more where that came from. :)
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Your Eerie Staircase arrangement structure is one of the most clever things I've ever seen done with an arrangement on this site.

I don't really think that "(Ghost Theme)" is necessary after all of the different arrangements. "Hostile Intrusion" is fine for that first level's music, "Karaoke Box" is fine, etc., adding Ghost Theme makes it look a bit clunky, especially since what fans call "Ghost Themes" are actually all of the horror-style music used when you enter a room with ghosts. It's really up to you and it doesn't detract from your (quite awesome) arrangements.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Awww, thanks Slow! I put a lot of time and effort into that arrangement and I'm glad it worked out really well. I just remembered how annoying that part was and I thought that making an arrangement that reflected those feelings was an excellent idea. ;)

Oh, okay! I wasn't sure if I should or shouldn't add Ghost Theme, seeing as they're all the same tune in different forms. Yeah, I think I'll rename them. I'm going to do that too when I get around to revamping all the SM3DL world music. They'll be now called Word S1. :)
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


RIGHT! NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR EVERYONE!! Yes, I've been a little over-productive one might say... I was literally doing four of those in a day. XD Well, I hope you enjoy! I've done too many to post here, so just go to my front page to see 'em all at the top. :)

Library Piano - Another awesome version of the Ghost Theme from Luigi's Mansion 2! Lots of fun to arrange and hopefully fun for someone to listen or play. ;)

Trainers' Eyes Meet! Hiker - A very small but catchy prelude to a Pokemon battle that caught my interest. MUST BE ARRANGED!!

Let's Super Train! - Same as above; very catchy and cool. I just don't think it's that nice as a piano duet, but oh well... XD

Mario Kart Channel - I've always liked this obscure tunes from the Mario Kart series and this one's a beauty! Perfectly captured, if I may say so mahself. :P

Barrel Mini-Game - This is a swing remix of the Main Theme from Super Mario World, appearing in probably the most frustrating mini-game in any RPG series to date... Good music, though... XD

Menu Theme - Probably the 105th version of this tune made by Nintendo for New Super Mario Bros. U... I still love it! :P

Battle! Elite Four - This is the rather catchy "doof-doof" music from Pokemon X & Y. It's an interesting arrangement... I can't say I like it, but it mimics the original, so I can't complain.

Boutique - MY GOD THIS SONG IS SO PRETTY!! I could listen to it for hours and not get bored! And, the arrangement sound great, too! Nothing beats buying clothes in C# minor. :P

Boss Boogie - By far the most awesome yet scary song I've heard in my life. That's just 'cause whenever I heard this song, I knew I was about to be raped by some over-powered boss in Donkey Kong Country 3... XD

Route 4 - I don't particularly like the Route themes from Pokemon X & Y, but this one's my favourite and, yes, I do like this one. Sounds much more like an English march to me than French music. :P

Chase - This is the classic frantic Donkey Kong 'Chase' theme from many of the games, however this one is so DAMN sexy due to the piano solo near the end. Check it out! And play it for me! :P

Battle! Lysandre - This guy has kick-ass music, in my opinion. Perfect for a good bash on the piano! Not that I play any of this stuff... I'm just an arranger. ;)

Palm Tree Groove - Another version of the 'Chase' theme from Donkey Kong games. This one's very catchy and super groovy! I think someone requested this somewhere... XD

AZ - I think Pokemon is a bit like James Bond movies; they've lost their touch in terms of satisfying action, yet they've gained a more emotional side. It's nice to see, actually. This is one of those themes that cause me to cry when playing these games... Yes, I'm very emotional when I play games. XD

Well, that's it for now (thankfully)! More to come soon! :)
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Quote from: fingerz on December 10, 2013, 12:26:00 AMMy heart goes to Hani and Ruto for their ongoing support and motivation.

:DDDDD no worries Joey! :DDD
plus we should sooo do the Lorule Field (Duet) together (y) or Great Fairy's Fountain dat one looks like a killer...xD
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 15, 2015, 07:20:41 PM
"Sorry to keep you waiting!'
~Pit, Kid Icarus Uprising ♥

Me youtube channel!:


Fingerz, I approve of the intro to Lorule Field ^__^ Also, the Yuga Battle is fantastic.

One thing: I can't find the Mario Kart Channel anywhere.  Help me out?



Quote from: Pit0010 on December 26, 2013, 07:33:01 PM:DDDDD no worries Joey! :DDD
plus we should sooo do the Lorule Field (Duet) together (y) or Great Fairy's Fountain dat one looks like a killer...xD
That's okay, Hani! You guys are my motivators! :D And yeah, that would kill me... Lorule Field would be fun to play, depending on who's got all those semiquavers. We could always take them out. After all, I arrange to hear them, not to play, so we can always edit it. ;)

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on December 27, 2013, 09:38:44 AMFingerz, I approve of the intro to Lorule Field ^__^ Also, the Yuga Battle is fantastic.

One thing: I can't find the Mario Kart Channel anywhere.  Help me out?
Excellent! I'm glad you like it! :) And yeah, Yuga Battle was good fun to write out. I'm surprised no one had done that song from A Link to the Past... Oh well, I did the better version of it. :P Oh, if you can't find something under it's title, that's because it's new and I've chucked it right up the top. Here's the link if you still need it: Mario Kart Channel - [Duet ZIP]

And thanks, mariolegofan! I really liked that theme when I played the game and thought that it'd turn into a great arrangement!

ALRIGHTY FOLKS, NEW ARRANGEMENTS!! Just a couple for you today! I've decided to go through and clean out some of the older things on my list and actually do them instead of procrastinating. So, I present you with Block Plaza from Mario Kart Wii! Such a cute little song that's played at a godly pace... XD Funny thing is, if you slow it down to about 60% of it's original speed, all the percussion in the background actually sounds really groovy! :P

NEW! Block Plaza (Duet) from Mario Kart Wii
[Duet ZIP]

And, just 'cause I was listening to it at the time, I decided to put together Funky Stadium from the same game. Sure, it's a weird song, but I think you know that I like weird songs by now. ;)

NEW! Funky Stadium (Duet) from Mario Kart Wii
[Duet ZIP]

I'm going to do something that I've wanted to do for AGES next (that's not on my list), and then I'll do something that's a classic with a modern twist. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. ;) 'Til then! :D
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Quote from: fingerz on December 10, 2013, 12:43:38 AMREVAMPED! Lakeside Limbo from Donkey Kong Country 3
[Original ZIP]

Nice work, just one thing, what song did you exactly arrange? ???

Edit: Ohhh, the GBA version. Nevermind. ^^"

Sebastian do you arrange so accurate, good, and perfect?!
Your 100000000000000000000000 times better than me. I wish I had your skills :)


I know I'm nearing fanboy level here, cuz I literally burst out laughing when I listened to both Block Plaza and Funky Stadium.  You did an excellent job breathing new life into both those songs.  Well done.


Quote from: mariolegofan on December 30, 2013, 07:23:17 do you arrange so accurate, good, and perfect?!
Your 100000000000000000000000 times better than me. I wish I had your skills :)
Aww, thanks mariolegofan! My friends tell me I have a very keen ear for music. I'm not pitch-perfect, so I'm not cheating. ;)
Actually, I might start a new thread and ask people how they go about arranging. That way we can all come up with some ideas and get people trying things in new ways. :D

And yours are just fine. I've been doing it for a long time. :P

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on December 30, 2013, 03:06:02 PMI know I'm nearing fanboy level here, cuz I literally burst out laughing when I listened to both Block Plaza and Funky Stadium.  You did an excellent job breathing new life into both those songs.  Well done.
Hahaha! Yeah, they turned out nicer than I expected, actually. I'm glad you like 'em! :D

Hey guys, I just hit my 200th arrangement! That includes single and duet sheets of pieces, but not modified 'cause they're practically the same. But yeah, quite a milestone, I think! And there's plenty more to come, too! :)

...So I went a little crazy and did some arranging from Wario Land II. I hope you don't mind. They're really simple but effective pieces! I also did some harder ones and completed one that I'd been dreading for AGES... Wasn't that hard, actually. :P

Funky Stadium - I realised I could've made a single sheet out of this, so I did just that. The duet's more impressive, obviously. ;)

Zombie Wario - Took me two minutes to do this. It's a really cool piece, though! One of Nintendo's weirder abilities, I must say... XD

Treasure Map - Very catchy and VERY fast. Good luck to anyone who wants to play it! :D

S.S. Tea Cup - I originally wanted to arrange this when I was playing the game, so my wish has now come true! I don't know why I like this piece so much!! XD

Matching Game - This was a game that caused me a lot of agony, trying to match those damned pieces after seeing them for about 0.5 of a second... Good music, though. :)

Skull Castle - OMG THIS SONG IS AMAZING!! If you're going to check any of the Wario ones out, this one is by far the creepiest one! Blues scale and silence makes epicness. :D

Overworld (Super Mario Bros.) - I thought I'd put together my favourite version of a classic for you all to hear! This one's been on my list for AGES and I've been too scared to touch it 'cause it sounded awfully complicated. It was actually much easier than I expected! Lots of repetition and the chords weren't as queer as I thought... Hope you enjoy it! :D

Underground - I obviously had to follow the previous one with this. It only makes sense. :P I great arrangement of an original from a much-loved game of mine. :)

WELL, I'm gonna continue this trend for a little bit, so you should be able to guess what song I'm going to do next. If you get it right, I might have a surprise in stock for you all. ;)

That's it for now! Enjoy, and I hope to hear from you all soon! :D
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Imma guess Underwater.

Congrats on hitting 200! Happy to see that you haven't left the site for good. You were gone for a while...
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Holy cow! Excellent work on Funky Stadium (solo)! 100x better than mine.