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Update, Saturday January 1st of 2011

Started by The Deku Trombonist, January 01, 2011, 02:47:33 AM

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The Deku Trombonist

On behalf of the Staff here at NinSheetMusic, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! And what better way to bring in the New Year than with an update, and a whopping 50 sheet update at that! Hopefully 2011 will be a great year for everyone, as we here at NSM will continue to provide a great variety of sheet music for all the musicians out there.

And as usual, don't forget to show the arrangers your appreciation. Enjoy!

[PC] Cave Story - "Pulse" - Olimar12345
[PC] Cave Story - "Tyrant" - Olimar12345
[NES] Contra - "Stage 2/4 - Base" - Thomas Wilson
[NES] Contra - "Stage 3 - Waterfall" - Thomas Wilson
[NES] Contra - "Stage 5 - Snowfield" - Thomas Wilson
[NDS] Doctor Who - "The Doctor" - shadowkirby_64
[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "FITHOS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC" - Commander6
[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "Liberi Fatali (Children of Fate)" - Commander6
[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "The Castle" - Commander6
[GBA] Golden Sun - "Ivan's Theme" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun - "Vale Town" (Replacement) - Sam Waetford
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Air's Rock" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Alone" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Boat Battle" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Caves" (Replacement) - Sam Waetford
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Children's Song" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Jenna Battle Theme" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Jupiter Lighthouse" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Magma Rock" (Replacement) - Jimbabwe
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "The Golden Sun Rises" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Title Theme" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Village Theme" (Replacement) - Sam Waetford
[SNES] Harvest Moon - "Spring Theme" (Replacement) - The-Real-Link
[N64] Harvest Moon 64 - "Bar Theme" (Replacement) - WiiMan96
[N64] Harvest Moon 64 - "Mountain Theme" (Replacement) - WiiMan96
[N64] Harvest Moon 64 - "Summer" (Replacement) - Nintendude73
[GCN] Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life - "Breeze" (Replacement) - WiiMan96
[PSX] Harvest Moon: Back to Nature - "Mineral Town" - Shadoninja
[GCN] Kirby Air Ride - "Checker Knights" (Replacement) - Brassman388
[GCN] Kirby Air Ride - "Magma Flows" (Replacement) - Brassman388
[GCN] Kirby Air Ride - "Frozen Hillside" (Replacement) - Brassman388
[GCN] Kirby Air Ride - "City Trial (Backside)" (Replacement) - Brassman388
[WII] Kirby's Epic Yarn - "Ending" - The Deku Trombonist
[WII] Kirby's Epic Yarn - "Prologue" - The Deku Trombonist
[GB] Pokemon Gold/Silver -"Title" (Replacement) - Sekter77
[PS2] Kingdom Hearts - "This is Halloween" - SlowPokemon
[GBC] Pokemon Trading Card Game - "Normal Duel" - Shadoninja
[NDS] Professor Layton and the Curious Village - "Professor Layton's Theme" - Bloop
[Dreamcast] Sonic Adventure 2 - "Cannon's Core Part 3" - PianoMan
[Dreamcast] Sonic Adventure 2 - "E.G.G.M.A.N" - PianoMan
[Dreamcast] Sonic Adventure 2 - "Riff A" - PianoMan
[GB] Super Mario Land 2 - "File Select" - Sekter77
[GB] Super Mario Land 2 - "Haunted House" - Sekter77
[WII] Super Paper Mario - "The Ultimate Show" - Sekter77
[GCN] Tales of Symphonia - ''Hidden Sorrow'' - Sipan1234
[GCN] Tales of Symphonia - ''Shining Dew'' - Sipan1234
[SNES] The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - "Death Mountain" - The Deku Trombonist
[N64] The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - "Inverted Song of Time" - winterkid09
[WII] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - "Kakariko Village is Saved" - Adrian Currier
[WII] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - "Zelda Saves Midna" - Adrian Currier


uhm where is my Zelos theme (Serious Arrange)?



Yay, Nightmare Before Christmas! (Or Kingdom Hearts)
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.

The Deku Trombonist

Quote from: sipan1234 on January 01, 2011, 08:22:29 AMuhm where is my Zelos theme (Serious Arrange)?

You didn't fix it up or change anything.


what!!! but I thought you going to do. but how can I remove the F-key. not necessary


Deku's job is to upload the sheet music, it's your job to arrange...

But if you need someone with a newer version of Finale to change the key, I'm sure somebody can help you!



"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Quote from: Shadoninja on January 01, 2011, 04:38:11 PMI can help. what needs to be done?

delete the F-key from Zelos theme (Serious Arrange) it's a duets. because that F-Key is nothing for used get it.

here is the link


Quote from: winterkid09 on January 01, 2011, 04:32:15 PMDeku's job is to upload the sheet music, it's your job to arrange...

But if you need someone with a newer version of Finale to change the key, I'm sure somebody can help you!


l want that newer version of Finale to change the key. can you send a link to me


The Deku Trombonist

The key had nothing to do with it. It's a duet arrangement in which one person does nothing for half the time and then in the other half, only 1 hand does something. So I said either add something to the piano 2 part or get rid of it.


What's the most severe section that needs improvement on? I actually have no clue. That's gonna be my replacing sheets project.


Quote from: winterkid09 on January 01, 2011, 06:06:54 PMdo you have any money for it?

yes only 10 EURO is that enough or not
Quote from: DekuTrombonist on January 01, 2011, 06:13:55 PMThe key had nothing to do with it. It's a duet arrangement in which one person does nothing for half the time and then in the other half, only 1 hand does something. So I said either add something to the piano 2 part or get rid of it.

l don't understands you sorry man


The "Zelda saves Midna" sheet seems unfinished...I think it's supposed to end differently.

I played it like this: It's one of those songs that I thought was really a remix. Remixes don't count?
I haven't found the music on youtube, but I'll ask Ruto for the mp3 if you need it.
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