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CRoll + Pencil + Paper = ?

Started by Cobraroll, December 23, 2010, 07:45:53 AM

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Smeargle is by far my favorite. Close second is Tyranitar. Nice job ;D
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Currently using Finale 2012


Hm, the truck looks familiar. If I remember correctly, we had Scanias as well. Although we mostly had Sisu's vehicles.

Also what's the guy doing half-awake? He still has a minute left to sleep.


The armoured battalion stationed in the same camp as us had a few SISU/PASIs. Our medic troop was supposed to have one as well, but then the third battalion managed to break one of theirs in Afghanistan, and the armoured battalion had to donate one of their vehicles to replace it. Not a month later, they were back up with a full set of PASIs again, while the artillery lost their only one. *mumblegrumbleprioritybattalionmumble*

Also, that guy always needed five minutes to get out of bed.

More drawings to come!
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Okay, here we go!

Some guy at Smogon requested a Conkeldurr. I wanted to draw it differently from that one pose GameFreak always depicts it in, but the result was... well, so-so:

The feet are drawn larger than usual. The head tuft and nose are smaller than they should be. Still looks like a proper joke, though.

Some more from last year as well:

I dismantled this more often than I fired it, I think.... some details are still off, though.

How many men can fit in such a tent? Answer:always one more!

I'd be happy to take requests.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


How about a Minccino, but in a different pose than Game Freak's art?
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


How big a tent is that? Hard to tell from the picture.


^The opening is about one metre tall, the middle pole a good twenty centimetres longer. The tent is meant to be about 3-4 metres across. That's a jerry can hooked up to the oven there. It's a little badly drawn, though.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Right. Squad-sized, then. Oh how I hated those.

Of course never had to sleep in one after becoming an assistant instructor for the NCO students. Oh the joys of having a half-platoon tent for four people.


Is he fighting? Taking orders? Taking an attack? Eating? Sleeping? Daydreaming? We will never know.

I'm not sure what to make about this. I always forget that Koffing has a proportionally very small face, while this one is hardly anything but face. It could be a baby, but I imagine that Koffing's pores aren't open for at least a month or two after hatching. Newborn Koffing should be rather smooth and leathery, like basket balls or something, then develop "pimples" as they mature. These pimples will eventually become blisters, which will crack open and allow gas to be emitted. It might look like horrible wounds, but they actually help Koffing breathe and fart (and it's not always easy to distinguish the two).
Koffing are spongy creatures, though as evident in Pokémon Stadium, they do have some sort of star-like bone structure and powerful muscles, allowing it to squeeze itself empty of gas and dust. Large eyes help them see through dense smoke. As a final act of self-defence, Koffing can produce sparks, igniting its gas. This attack will be devastating to the surroundings and knock Koffing out, but is less effective in enclosed spaces due to the limited amount of oxygen available. On the other hand, those conditions make its gas all the more dangerous.

It's unknown how Koffing are able to levitate, seeing as their density is nine times larger than that of air. However, weighing a single kilogram on average, Koffing are by all means lightweight Pokémon, having the smallest (measureable) density of them all.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Garbodor: The Trash Heap Pokémon. In what way it is connected to trash is debated. Some say it's a garbage bag mutated into a creature, like its pre-evolution. Yet others claim it is a creature mutated into resembling a garbage bag. Everybody agrees, though, that Garbodor absolutely stinks. Its upper body is covered in dense, filthy hair, its lower body is leathery and usually so caked in with mud and sludge that it's hard to tell where the creature ends and the filth begins. Garbodor naturally search out filthy places, and attempts to clean one have been met by vigorous protests and clear signs of severe discomfort.

Its hands form the prime argument that this creature did not evolve by means of natural mutations. They are so big, lumpy and hideously formed that they're next to useless for picking up things smaller than a basket ball. Some Garbodor only have a single finger on each hand, giving it next to no dexterity. Though, it is still capable of gripping food and shoving it into its weird mouth. The arms can also batter opponents with surprising strength, enough to rip the bark off trees. They can also be used to dig into the heaps of trash as Garbodor scavenge through the landfills for food. Garbodor's right hand secretes a toxic sludge that can be used to incapacitate enemies. It is unknown what its spongy "horns" are good for, but some theorize they're meant to spread the smell of a Garbodor over a larger area, scaring away enemies or attracting mates.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Birdo for Smash


Thank you!

Requests and suggestions are, as always, much welcome!
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


As stated in the Pokemon thread, excellent and highly original.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


New project in the works!

An avid Donald Duck fan, I've read the comics for some 17 years now. The Donaldverse is a conglomerate of ideas, without any coherent timeline (though efforts have been made, only a few writers even try to stick to them), no coherent geography or any overarching story. Every day in Duckburg is a fresh start. Status quo might be disturbed, but through heroic efforts by one of the main characters, everything returns to normal eventually. At the end of the day, life goes on as usual, with no permanent change whatsoever. Our heroes partake in breathtaking adventures or charming daily life events, then return back home when everything is sorted out. Normality and character traits vary from story to story. Background stories are plentiful, but they rarely coincide with each other, and almost never matter outside the story they are presented in. One day, it's stated that Donald grew up at his grandmothers' farm, raised by Grandma Duck and Uncle Scrooge, the next they say he lived with his family and didn't meet Scrooge before he was in his late thirties. In the end, it hardly matters anyway. Each writer has his own ideas of life in Duckburg, and that's a defining point of the comics. Nothing is ever certain.

However, in this ever-changing world, there is one thing that stands solid. You may even say the world revolves around it. The most prominent landmark in Duckburg, the starting point for as much as half the comics (of which there are a LOT). A building where everything can happen. Probably one of the most famous pieces of fictional architecture ever:

The Big Bin of Killmotor Hill. Scrooge McDuck's office, residence and personal cash vault. Its looks vary a little between artists, but outside Italy the "Grey concrete cube" design is by far the most common. In the US, the design from the DuckTales series is the most well known. It has a cupola on the roof and slightly concave walls, but is otherwise a lot like this.

Now, I intend to merge my personal fascinations for buildings and Donald Duck. As a civil engineering student, I'm learning a lot about how buildings work, how they're put together, and how to draw them according to the proper standards (the Eurocode series). I hope to do a proper engineering analysis of the building and create detailed schematics for the entire thing, from cellar floor to the air vents on the roof. I will mainly bade my work on the architectural drawings made by artist Don Rosa and his friend Dan Shane. With the architectural part already done, what remains is the civil engineering stuff. I know what it is going to look like, now I only have to make it work. In other words, I'll be putting pencil and paper aside for a moment, and proceed to post stuff drawn in AutoCAD:

Fig. 1 - West facade, upper part. Measurements in millimetres.

Fig. 2 - West facade, lower part. Measurements in millimetres.

Fig. 3 - Cross-section of the bin, viewed from the South. Elevation above ground level shown in metres. Notice the diving platform in the cash vault.

Fig. 4 - Typical cross-section of the outer walls. Measurements in millimetres. Beware of Donaldverse-exclusive materials.

At this point, everything is subject to change.

I'm also doing a few force calculations as well as some simple math on the amout of money in the bin (less than you'd think!). It's great exercise for curriculum-related stuff. Beside the obvious relations to Mechanics and Building Materials, there's also other relevant calculations to be done in this project:
 - Money, when piled randomly, behaves a lot like common soil (only a fair bit denser). There are significant forces in action, and those have to be calculated. Relevance points to Geotechnics.
 - Figuring out wind loads is a big part of this semester's curriculum in Projecteering.
 - On a level roof with level walkways, not to mention the level floor in the cash vault, water will eventually gather. I have to figure out the required sloping and drainage placement to secure a proper runoff of rainwater and dew. Hydromechanics all the way.
 - I might have overdone the rebar (concrete reinforcement bars) slightly. I hope Concrete Structures, which I'll have next semester, will be of help.
 - Gotta figure out a way to keep the roof in place above the cash vault. Currently unsure if large enough I-beams will suffice, or if I have to resort to trusses.

Questions, support, helpful advice, declarations of insanity or other feedback would be very welcome. I'll post more as soon as I get around to drawing it.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


This topic is full of win.

Also Don Rosa <3

I've read everything(I mean everything) he has ever written and I have each and every Donald Duck album he has made in Finnish and The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck in English. I'm a huge fan of his artwork.