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Final Fantasy IV DS is out!

Started by The-Real-Link, April 03, 2008, 11:05:04 AM

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YAYZ!!! I've never played Final Fantasy IV before, and from what I hear it is one of the best of the FF games. I bought Final Fantasy III DS last the weekend it came out, and LOVE it! I just got my new issue of NP today, and the cover story is FF4DS. It looks INSANE!!!!! I wonder if I can make the wait seem to go faster if I freeze myself until July????? *goes to boot up cryostasis tank*


Yay! July! I knew about this for about a year now, but no release date.  Yayz.

me irl



i played ff4 on the gba, and i really liked it... i just hope its a better game  (for the ds) than ff3 (which was disappointing)...
It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.



Played it like 14 hours.  Awesome.


I love how they kill off like half the characters, including the little kiddies :'(

me irl


I got it since Tuesday, but haven't played it yet. But if Gamer4250 says it's awesome, I believe him immediately. However, I've played the GBA port not too long ago.


FFIV is now my 2nd favourite Final Fantasy, and giving it the 3D treatment WITH VOICE OVERS makes it even better :)

me irl


Which is your favorite then?

After posting my previous post here I began with the game (have played a mere thirty minutes), but it's really the most impressive DS-game so far.


Quote from: G-Han on July 27, 2008, 11:23:29 AMWhich is your favorite then?

After posting my previous post here I began with the game (have played a mere thirty minutes), but it's really the most impressive DS-game so far.
GAAA!!! *Bangs head on keyboard* I reserved a copy of it, but I haven't been able to get to Gamestop to pick it up yet.


It's even more impressing after two hours. Final Fantasy VII has been knocked off as second-favorite Final Fantasy.


Final Fantasy VI is still my favourite, I actually like V more than VII.

me irl


I'm 'gonna go get my copy today! Did the voice overs sound as good as they did in the trailers?


I don't think I'll get it...

I've had some bad experiences with DS Final Fantasy games (Well just FF3... I don't have any others :P)


The VO are actually pretty good, not like amazing, but good.

me irl