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Submissions for Dec. 22-ish Update - 3 New + ∞ Replacements

Started by The Deku Trombonist, December 11, 2010, 02:32:10 PM

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The Deku Trombonist

You may only make one post in this topic with your submissions. Subsequent posts will be deleted. Edit your posts to respond to any comments I may have. This is not for holding discussions. General questions go in the Questions Thread. Specific questions can be PM'd.

For the next update, you may post  3 New songs + ∞ Replacements you think are ready for submission.
So basically, you can submit as many replacement arrangements as you want, but only 3 new ones.

Please indicate if your submission is a replacement, it makes things much easier.


Any extra posts will be deleted.  I will edit your post with rejection reasons, or to tell you it's accepted.  I may accept all or just one or none of your submissions.

So, in a lovely step-by-step process:
1.  Perfect up to 3 songs for submission
2.  Make sure they are formatted PERFECTLY
3.  Post links to the submissions here, mus and midi
4.  Did I mention I want them perfectly formatted?  Repeat steps 2 and 3 if you didn't listen to me
5.  I will review submissions and post acceptance/rejection feedback whenever I can.
6.  Sometime in December, I'll close the thread to Submissions.
7.  I'll wait 1 day if any modifications need to be made and then all accepted songs will be uploaded and we'll start this circus again

Got it?  If yes, make your post and submit your songs!  If not, PM me with questions.

Questions I've Received (or made up):
-Do I need to break up a medley? No, it counts as one submission
-Do I have to include copyright and the site URL?  Yes.  The copyright is just <Publisher> © <Year Published> without the <> obviously.  The URL is
-How do I make a MIDI? Open the MUS in Finale, click File>Save As... and choose MIDI from the dropdown list.
-When can we submit? Now!  Just do it.
-Can I still submit after you've swept-through the posts? Yes.  You can submit up until I post that the thread is closed for submissions.

I will post a list of accepted arrangement under here as they are accepted.

[PC] Cave Story - "Pulse" - Olimar12345
[PC] Cave Story - "Tyrant" - Olimar12345
[NES] Contra - "Stage 2/4 - Base" - Thomas Wilson
[NES] Contra - "Stage 3 - Waterfall" - Thomas Wilson
[NES] Contra - "Stage 5 - Snowfield" - Thomas Wilson
[NDS] Doctor Who - "The Doctor" - shadowkirby_64
[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "FITHOS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC" - Commander6
[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "Liberi Fatali (Children of Fate)" - Commander6
[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "The Castle" - Commander6
[GBA] Golden Sun - "Ivan's Theme" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun - "Vale Town" (Replacement) - Sam Waetford
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Air's Rock" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Alone" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Boat Battle" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Caves" (Replacement) - Sam Waetford
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Children's Song" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Jenna Battle Theme" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Jupiter Lighthouse" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Magma Rock" (Replacement) - Jimbabwe
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "The Golden Sun Rises" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Title Theme" (Replacement) - Thomas Wilson
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Village" (Replacement) - Sam Waetford
[SNES ]Harvest Moon - "Spring Theme" (Replacement) - The-Real-Link
[N64] Harvest Moon 64 - "Bar Theme" (Replacement) - WiiMan96
[N64] Harvest Moon 64 - "Mountain Theme" (Replacement) - WiiMan96
[N64] Harvest Moon 64 - "Summer" (Replacement) - Nintendude73
[GCN] Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life - "Breeze" (Replacement) - WiiMan96
[PSX] Harvest Moon: Back to Nature - "Mineral Town" - Shadoninja
[GCN] Kirby Air Ride - "Checker Knights" (Replacement) - Brassman388
[GCN] Kirby Air Ride - "Magma Flows" (Replacement) - Brassman388
[GCN] Kirby Air Ride - "Frozen Hillside" (Replacement) - Brassman388
[GCN] Kirby Air Ride - "City Trial (Backside)" (Replacement) - Brassman388
[GB] Pokemon Gold/Silver -"Title" (Replacement) - Sekter77
[PS2] Kingdom Hearts - "This is Halloween" - SlowPokemon
[GBC] Pokemon Trading Card Game - "Normal Duel" - Shadoninja
[NDS] Professor Layton and the Curious Village - "Professor Layton's Theme" - Bloop
[Dreamcast] Sonic Adventure 2 - "Cannon's Core Part 3" - PianoMan
[Dreamcast] Sonic Adventure 2 - "E.G.G.M.A.N" - PianoMan
[Dreamcast] Sonic Adventure 2 - "Riff A" - PianoMan
[GB] Super Mario Land 2 - "File Select" - Sekter77
[GB] Super Mario Land 2 - "Haunted House" - Sekter77
[WII] Super Paper Mario - "The Ultimate Show" - Sekter77
[GCN] Tales of Symphonia - ''Hidden Sorrow'' - Sipan1234
[GCN] Tales of Symphonia - ''Shining Dew'' - Sipan1234
[N64] The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - "Inverted Song of Time" - winterkid09
[WII] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - "Kakariko Village is Saved" - Adrian Currier
[WII] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - "Zelda Saves Midna" - Adrian Currier


ready for submission

[GCN] Tales of Symphonia ''Shining Dew'' MIDI
[GCN] Tales of Symphonia ''Hidden Sorrow'' MIDI
[GCN] Tales of Symphonia ''Zelos theme (Serious Arrange)'' MIDI Duets

Shining Dew: Accepted.
Hidden Sorrow: Accepted.

Zelos Theme: Either make this for 1 piano, or fix up the piano 2 part. You can't have a 2 pianos arrangement where the 2nd Piano does nothing for most of the time.

but what are you going to change

I'm not changing it, it's up to you.

do it for 2 piano


New Sheets
[NES] Contra - "Stage 2/4 - Base" - Thomas Wilson Midi
[NES] Contra - "Stage 3 - Waterfall" - Thomas Wilson Midi
[NES] Contra - "Stage 5 - Snowfield" - Thomas Wilson Midi

Let me know if any of the links mess up.
[GBA] Golden Sun - "Ivan's Theme" Midi
[GBA] Golden Sun - "Vale Town" Sam Waetford Midi
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Air's Rock" Midi
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Alone" Midi
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Boat Battle"
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Caves" Sam Waetford
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Children's Song"
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Jenna Battle Theme"
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Jupiter Lighthouse"
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Magma Rock" Jimbabwe
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "The Golden Sun Rises"
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Title Theme"
[GBA] Golden Sun: The Lost Age - "Village" Sam Waetford Midi

EDIT: 500th post. How appropriate it's here.

Stage 2/4: Accepted.
Stage 3: Accepted.
Stage 5: Acceptemibubble.

Woah shit this is gonna be a lot to go through.

Ivan's Theme: Accepted.
Vale Town: Accepted.
Air's Rock: Accepted.
Alone: Accepted.
Boat Battle: Accepted.

I'll get to the rest tomorrow, or whenever.

Caves: Accepted.
Children's Song: Some kind of weird error.
Jenna Battle Theme: Accepted.
Jupiter Lighthouse: Accepted.
Magma Rock: Accepted.
The Golden Sun Rises: Accepted.
Title Theme: Accepted.
Village: Some kind of weird error.

Err, whoops, "Some kind of weird error" = the link isn't working.

Pumpy: They worked for me.. Hmm..

Nevermind, they work now. Stupid inconsistent Australian internet...

Both accepted.


[DS] Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Professor Layton's Theme



We need to get the pdf project started ;) I don't have so many sheets on this computer, so the rest have to wait.
None of them are replacements, just add-ons =D
[Famicom] Mother/Earthbound Zero - Eight Melodies pdf
[Multiple systems] Worms - Main Theme pdf

*Copied these links to the right topic*


Quote from: fabbemannen on December 14, 2010, 10:00:34 AMWe need to get the pdf project started ;) I don't have so many sheets on this computer, so the rest have to wait.
None of them are replacements, just add-ons =D
[Famicom] Mother/Earthbound Zero - Eight Melodies pdf
[Multiple systems] Worms - Main Theme pdf

There's a thread just for PDF submissions, and we have quite a bit done


This is Halloween

Just downloaded Finale PrintMusic! xD

Is this from 358/2 Days or just normal KH?

It's from both--Halloween Town is in both of the games, with the same arrangement of the song, but since Kingdom Hearts was the original game, that's what I'm listing it under.

Formatting's nonexistant, and there are a few wrong notes and a number of inconsistencies. But I'm feeling nice so I fixed it. Accepted.

Wow, thanks! xD I forgot all about formatting when I did this--I think I first wanted to make sure it would be accepted.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


[GBC]Pokemon Trading Card Game - Normal Duel [MUS][MID]

[PSX]Harvest Moon: Back to Nature - Mineral Town [MUS][MID]

[SNES]Harvest Moon - Spring Theme [MUS][MID]
[GCN]Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life - Breeze [MUS][MID]
[N64]Harvest Moon 64 - Bar  [MUS][MID]
[N64]Harvest Moon 64 - Mountain [MUS][MID]
[N64]Harvest Moon 64 - Summer [MUS][MID]
I updated the transitions in Mineral Town.

Normal Duel: Accepted.

Mineral Town: For some reason it won't download. It goes to the download page but the file won't download.

Never mind, it works now. Accepted.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


[Dreamcast] Sonic Adventure 2 - "E.G.G.M.A.N" - PianoMan
     It sounds funky in the middle, but I swear that's it.
[Dreamcast] Sonic Adventure 2 - "Sonic Adventure 2 Riff A" - PianoMan
[Dreamcast] Sonic Adventure 2 - "Cannon's Core Part 3" - PianoMan


EGGMAN: Accepted, but try to pay a little more attention to rhythm groupings. Also, the little section in 8/4 seems a little unneccesary. But if for some reason you really want it left as 8/4, I'll leave it.

Bed time.


I did the 8/4 because for that section the rhythm suddenly changes into a pair of three beats three beats two beats. I figured two measures of 8/4 would be better than a pair of 3/4 3/4 2/4.

I still don't think that warrants a time signature change. My internets gone a bit shitty for the moment, so I can't download your other 2.

Internet's working. Your other 2 are also accepted.


Here's my one offering this time.
{Wii} Super Paper Mario
The Ultimate Show â€" MUS â€" MIDI

Just a note to remind myself to add the others from last update.

Probably some small improvements that could be made here and there in the left hand but it'd take way too much time and effort to sit there and nut it out, so I'll accept it.
Guitar and video games.

Composer #40

[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "FITHOS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC" - Commander6 (midi)
[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "Liberi Fatali" - Commander6 (midi)
[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - "The Castle" - Commander6 (midi)

lol at the title of the first one. All Accepted.

It happens Every. Day!


Doctor Who: The doctor's theme

Yeah, alright.
I like food.


Here is Wigglytuff's Guild:

I dunno, it feels like it needs a little something more in some areas, mainly in the left hand from the repeat sign onwards. Also, I think it could do with a few articulations, mainly staccatos, like shadoninja said.
I like food.


I shouldn't post here, but shadowkirby, make sure to put both the MIDI and MUS up at the same time, and you should use one post instead of 2 :p

Oh by the way, I may have my first submission next week :)


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.