
Debate topic for next Tuesday: Are cannons truly valid instruments for an orchestra? Or should they be replaced with something safer, like Tesla coils?

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Started by master_gamer38, November 23, 2010, 05:37:19 PM

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Seven hath died.

Night 3 Ends Wednesday at 11:00 PM CST


Sorry about late update. I spaced it last night, even after posting last night. Hah. I wasn't in exactly the right mind though, so oh well.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


The third of the remaining has perished.

Day 3 Ends Friday at 11:00 PM CST


I'm going to put this up now. If I start making late updates. Someone go on IRC and yell at me, or have someone text me or something. To put it plainly, I asked someone out. They said yes. I've been texting her a lot, and I'm easily distractable IRL. If I miss something.. I'll get it asap. But, I'll do my best to stay as on time as I can.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


I most likely won't be around much for this phase ccause i have a wrestling tournament so safety on twgplayer2


I've been neglecting this game.

But apparently, so has everyone else.
So twgplayer10, because I'm too lazy to actually analyze the topic.


Bad news: I talked to the Psychic and he said that there are still 2 wolves left.  I believe we need to go about this differently...

Safety on twgplayer8


So have I. Its time to stop.


twgplayer2-me, not a wolf


twgplayer4-only two posts. Basically the first one says he'd be gone the second says he was back. Nothing useful. No reason to be pinned as a wolf, unless basing it on activity alone.

twgplayer5-5 posts containing somewhat useful information for the humans, I suppose.

twgplayer6- lynched. My guess is that he wasn't a wolf

twgplayer7-lynched. <(the green indicates that I think he was a wolf. Therefore his death was good. Red means I think(or obviously) the person wasn't a wolf, meaning a bad death.)

twgplayer8-nothing really. He did try to get the psychic to claim, but that didn't seem very wolfy to me. It seemed more like a human's suggestion.

twgplayer9-hasn't made a post since day 1. Was pretty active before then, I'll admit. Kind of suspicious towards him.

twgplayer10- was kind of caught in the whole defending of player6. Due to me beliving 6 wasn't a wolf(7 most likely was), I think it was more of a stupid mistake on his part than a give away of him being a wolf.

Due to being pressed for time I guess I'll make my desicion more off of instinct than fact. I'll vote twgplayer9 based on instinct alone.

Conclusion: Due to the lack of activity, there is a major lack of any evidence that can lead us to a better decision of who to wolf. Unless people start being more active, this game is gonna end up sucking and the wolves will win. START POSTING PEOPLE!


So, this phase has been pitiful (and I messed up in a PM). I'm extending it another 24 hours.

Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Quote from: twgplayer4 on December 03, 2010, 04:52:07 PMBad news: I talked to the Psychic and he said that there are still 2 wolves left.  I believe we need to go about this differently...

Safety on twgplayer8

I have a horrid feeling about this, but how do you know this?


Quote from: twgplayer4 on December 03, 2010, 04:52:07 PMBad news: I talked to the Psychic and he said that there are still 2 wolves left.  I believe we need to go about this differently...
Well, it's pretty obvious I'm the Psychic now that MG screwed me up. Apparently, there is one wolf, not two. So that means we got one. But who?

I'm starting to lean towards Number 2 as being a wolf, but until it's almost insta, I won't vote on anyone so... NO VOTE


Quote from: twgplayer2 on December 03, 2010, 05:06:05 PMtwgplayer9-hasn't made a post since day 1. Was pretty active before then, I'll admit. Kind of suspicious towards him.
Oh, and if number 9 hasn't been active, then how could he send his PM to MG for wolfing the last person? It says the last time here was logged in was the 26th and the PM had to have been sent after that...

I'm starting to get reeeeeal suspicious of you.



Quote from: twgplayer4 on December 03, 2010, 06:40:55 PMOh, and if number 9 hasn't been active, then how could he send his PM to MG for wolfing the last person? It says the last time here was logged in was the 26th and the PM had to have been sent after that...

I'm starting to get reeeeeal suspicious of you.

That happened in a TWG game I played earlier. One of the wolves was inactive and was the first one to die, actually.

I will safety twgplayer9 because I have been feeling the same suspicions since Day One


I acutally never bother looking at his activity. I was only talking about his last post. Not his last log in. But thanks for keeping me from making a stupid mistake #4.

Now #4 could be attempted to keep a lynch off his back by claiming psychic. I doubt it, but still possible.

No Vote for now. Still got an entire day to work this out.



I'm not believing anything you say anymore.


Okay, now that I know that there's only one Wolf left, I'm going to clear a few things up.  Firstly, twgplayer4 is not the real Psychic, he's my mouthpiece.  I'm the real Psychic.

Now you may be saying "hey twgplayer8 are you retarded?????????"

So as the Psychic, what was I trying to do you may ask?  Well for one, I tried to act anti-productive to an extent that I wouldn't be lynched and wouldn't be wolfed.  I think that was successful to be honest, but nevertheless, one last measure I took was to pretend I was a Human suggesting a Psychic to claim, the fact that I did this
Now, after lynching twgplayer7, it would be very beneficial to know whether he was a Wolf or not.  The fact that I believed that he wasn't led me to think of a way to inform you all of this, because if I didn't, we may continue to lynch more Humans.
But there's one problem, how could I inform you all without revealing my identity?  Well, you can't have TWG without risks, so I took one.  I claimed Psychic to twgplayer4, because I felt he was humane, not to mention that since we've been discussing the game periodically for a while, it wouldn't be as much as a shock from going to a stranger and revealing myself.
So now that this convoluted plan was in motion, I told him to post that the Psychic told him to tell everyone how many Wolves were left.  After he did this, you saw me question how the Psychic contacted him; it was a further way for me to seem less Psychic.  After that point however, we learned that there was only one Wolf left.  And everything became skewed up.
But since there's one Wolf left, there's no point for me to not claim Psychic.

So in other words, this actually benefits us, because now we know that twgplayer4 is Human, and I'm Psychic.  Hooraaaaaaaay.
We also learn that twgplayer8 is still being lazy and doesn't want to analyze the game, so he's going to trust twgplayer4's judgement.