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The Will to Go On--Full Story+Afterthoughts

Started by SlowPokemon, November 22, 2010, 07:18:56 AM

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New chapter! Enjoy the little snippet of what happens after the final page was written.

   In a small coffee shop in Mahogany, three longtime best friends, in bodies that were a year older but with personalities that were hardly different at all, sat enjoying their drinks.

   One was a tall, gangly boy, with bright green hair; the second, a serious-looking boy who was both younger and more mature than the first; and the third, a pretty girl who was looking upon the first boy with admiration.

   â€œSo then,” the first boy, Aaron, laughed, “I get aboard the ship, and Lucian runs on behind me!”

   â€œYou don’t say,” said the girl, Karen, glancing nervously at the serious boy, Will. “That’s odd. I don’t remember seeing Lucian.”

   Will raised his eyebrows disapprovingly, but said nothing. Whatever had happened near the ship after Aaron got on wouldn’t be said.

   â€œWe battled for the top spot, actually,” Aaron said, somewhat ruefully, “and he beat me. Honestly…I lost to all the other applicants. So that makes me the weakest over there.”

   â€œYou’re the strongest of us three though,” Karen said, smiling.

   â€œThank you,” said Aaron, looking happy but somewhat confused. “And you know what? That little bastard…he beat almost everyone there! He didn’t get the Champion spot though… something tells me he lost to Cynthia on purpose. He’s not so bad as we thought, y’know?”

   â€œI know exactly what you mean,” said Will, finally speaking. “And I know how you feel, Aaron… I lost to everyone too. That girl right there…” he said, jerking his thumb in Karen’s direction, “…she beat everyone but some dragon guy. She’s in Lucian’s spot too.”

   â€œYou said I was the best of all of us, though…” said Aaron, looking crestfallen.

   â€œOh, you are,” assured Karen quickly. “Bug has a type advantage against Dark, remember?”

   â€œYou still have Houndour, though,” said Aaron doubtfully.

   Karen smiled. “Nope, even better.”

   â€œHuh?” Aaron said. “Wait… don’t tell me…Houndour evolved?”

   â€œOf course!” Karen scoffed. “It HAS been a year after all.”

   â€œBut… in the entire four months we spent traveling around Johto, I don’t remember you using Houndour in a battle once,” Aaron said, frowning.

   Karen glared at him. “Really, Aaron. Stop exaggerating. I did too battle with Houndour.”

   â€œYes, you battled with him,” said Aaron, confused, “but he didn’t battle with any Pokémon.”

   â€œSh-shut up!” Karen stammered, turning red with anger while Will turned red with laughter.

   â€œWhat are you laughing about!” demanded Aaron of Will.

   â€œIt’s just…” Will began, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye, “…after being away from each other for a year…the whole time Karen being miserable cause she missed you…the first thing you two do when we meet is start bickering!” He started laughing hysterically, so hard he fell out of his chair. “It’s just like old times, guys,” he said, gaining control of himself well enough to get up and sit down in his chair again. “I miss those days.”

   â€œTraveling around the region, you mean?” Karen said quickly, hoping Aaron had not heard the part about her missing him. “I agree. Those were amazing times.”

   â€œYou didn’t like them so much when they were happening,” Aaron reminded her. “Remember? The entire time we were having fun, you were an absolute bâ€"”

   â€œYes, well, she has the ability to look back on those memories fondly now,” Will interrupted before things got ugly.

   â€œEven being here…” Karen said thoughtfully, looking around. “It’s so…nostalgic, you know?”

   â€œOf course,” said Will. “Remember when we came in here when Aaron was getting his Gym badge?”

   â€œOf course,” returned Karen. “Do you remember who we saw?”

   â€œYeah,” said Will slowly, doubting she remembered who he was thinking of. He changed tactics halfway through his sentence. “It was…Eusine. Right?”

   â€œYeah!” Karen said. “Eusine came in and sat down with us.”

   â€œEusine!” laughed Aaron. “I always loved that guy.”

   â€œI don’t think you would like the way he looks at Karen…” murmured Will grimly.

   â€œHmm?” said Aaron.

   â€œOh…nothing,” said Will, startled.

   â€œYeah, I always liked that guy,” Aaron repeated. He was silent for a moment. “Complete psycho, though.”

The other two broke into the conversation at once: “Completely!” “Of course!”

   â€œHas he found that Pokémon yet?” Aaron said curiously.

   â€œWho, Suicune?” said Will, surprised. “Of course not. Those two are like…the police and the villain, like in a comic book. They’ll hunt him forever, and come close every time…but they’ll never catch him.”

   Aaron laughed. “I guess so.”

   â€œHe went to the Kanto region, actually,” said Karen. “There had been Suicune sightings there or something.”

   Aaron smirked. “Well, I wish him good luck catching the Pokémon of pure water…”

   â€œThe life-giver…” Will said, smiling.

   â€œThe canine beast so wickedly fast that no man in history has ever been able to catch it,” finished Karen, laughing.

   â€œThat’s not nice, you guys,” said Will fairly. “It’s his dream. At least he can sort out some priorities.”

   â€œI guess you’re right,” said Aaron, smiling. “Still, he’s pretty crazy.”

   â€œBut…anyway…” said Karen, biting her lip. “…I think that there was someone…else…that we saw here. I just can’t remember who.”

   Will sighed. He would have to bring it up.

   â€œAre you talking about…that weird kid we saw in here?”

   â€œYes!” Karen shouted, her face lighting up. A few customers nearby gave her dirty looks. “Sorry,” she whispered, turning red. “But…yes!”

   â€œWhich weird kid is this?” Aaron asked, frowning.

   â€œYou know…” said Will resignedly. “That awkward kid. About our age.”

   â€œOh!” said Aaron, the memory dawning on him. “With the notebook. And the pimples all over his face.”

   â€œAnd the bright blue eyes,” said Karen thoughtfully.

   â€œHe was so awkward,” commented Will.

   â€œYes,” agreed Karen. “And I didn’t like his superior attitude.”

   â€œOnly cause it rivaled hers,” Aaron whispered to Will.

   â€œI can’t believe it’s been a year and that’s the first time I’ve remembered that kid the whole time,” Karen said, puzzled.

   â€œThat’s odd,” said Will evasively. He looked around; the fact that the kid was being mentioned had to signify that he was somewhere nearby…

   â€œAnyway, I think we’ve sucked all the coffee we can out of these cups,” Aaron said, smiling. “Let’s go.”

   â€œOkay!” Karen said, her eyes sparkling in anticipation of the night ahead. “Come on, Will!”

   â€œHold on,” Will said, catching the eye of someone by himself at a small table in the corner. “Go ahead, I’ll catch up in a second.”

   â€œOkay,” said Karen cheerfully, and hand in hand she left the coffee shop with Aaron.

   Will waited until they were gone, then walked slowly back to the table, glancing around. There sat a boy, looking older

   â€œHello, Will,” said the Strange Boy, smiling wryly. There was that smile…, Will thought. The boy hadn’t changed one bit, he realized. “Nice to see you again,” he continued.

   Will hesitated, then said, “You too.” He paused. “Why are you here?”

   The Strange Boy leaned down, picked a notebook off the floor, and flipped through it, revealing all the pages to be blank.

   â€œNew notebook,” said the Strange Boy with that smile of his.

   â€œThat’s great,” said Will hesitantly. “So…”

   â€œOh, don’t worry,” laughed the Strange Boy. “I won’t be haunting you guys anymore. Your story is told.”

   â€œWhy are you here?” Will inquired again.

   â€œI…was homesick for this story,” admitted the Strange Boy. “It’s one of the best I’ve ever stumbled upon. I wanted to see how things were shaping up after the events I saw, so I came. I won’t be staying long this time, though. As a matter of fact…I think I saw a good story in Sinnoh forming on my way over.”

   â€œAaron’s in Sinnoh,” said Will, frowning.

   â€œYes, he is,” the Strange Boy agreed.

   There was a moment’s silence.

   â€œI better get back to my friends,” said Will at last, a bit confused.

   â€œOkay,” said the Strange Boy. “Good seeing you again. I have a feeling we’ll meet again at some point.” He smiled wryly again, then leaned back, closed his eyes, and sipped his coffee. “What a great story this was…of course, it’s completely the characters that make a good story…completely the characters…”

   He finished off his coffee, stood up, nodded to Will, and walked out. Will stood there thoughtfully for a moment, then walked out to where Karen and Aaron were waiting.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Thanks! XD I wasnt really trying to wrap it up though. It's more like I got greedy and curious as ti what was happening.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



It was pretty good. Nice job! ;)
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


I'm more worried about my spinoff (that's what the second message was about) being completely horrible and "why is this still going on" than this extra chapter.  :-\
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Whoo! Read this all in one go!

I loved it. :D It was cute, you made me hardcore Aaron/Karen shipper, and I loved the concept behind it. It's been a while since I've read fanfiction, and this was a nice story to read after all that time!
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Snall bump...just read this whole thing. 'Tis very cool. :)
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


In fact,†it’s very awesome!

D: because of the forum change thing.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]