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Super Smash Brothers Brawl Tournaments!

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, March 29, 2008, 12:33:19 PM

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Concerto No.20 in D minor

Welcome to the Super Smash Brothers Brawl Tournaments Topic!  Yay!

Players will be put into brackets, just like a tournament.  So depending on how many people we get, will depend on who plays who.

This will be a best 2 out of 3 tournament, where the loser will drop out, and the winner will go on.

Match One: The first match will be held on Battlefield.  No items, a three minute battle, no stock.
Match Two:  The second match will be held on Final Destination.  ALL items on low, a three minute battle, no stock.
Match Three:  If necessary, there will be a third and final match.  The two opponents will choose the level they listed below as their favorite, and the compter will choose one of the levels to play on (50/50 % chance).  Smash Balls will be set on low and it will be a three minute battle, no stock.

On Saturday, at 16:45 GMT, (10:45 am Western Coast, 12:45 pm Eastern Coast) we will meet in the NSM Chat room  From there we will have the first round matches at 17:00 GMT and we will all meet back in the chat to tell each other who won.  That should take approx. 10 minutes.  The second round will start at 17:20 GMT, we will have matches, meet back, 3rd round 17:40 GMT, matches then chat, then finally the final two will have their match at 18:00 GMT.  The losers are free to leave chat after their rounds are over.  THOSE WHO DO NOT SHOW UP BY 17:00 GMT WILL FORFEIT.  To make sure you know, what time it is, use this handy time thingy.

Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" and Enter, April 6, 2008 and for the time enter 17:00, 24-hour clock.  Then in the first box, select GMT, then in the second box, select the appropriate time zone for your area.


OKAY HERE WE GO!  We've got 16 cool people who signed up, here is the bracket!
Cool People:
1) Concerto_1891 0850 1661_Pit_Wario Ware Inc.
2) HugoMeister_1075 0668 2898_Pokémon Trainer_Spear Pillar
3) Silence of Darkness_3437 2859 6914_Ike_Pirate Ship
4) ZnD_1032 1182 8068_Toon Link_Battlefield
5) bbalcrazy92_1934 0197 7733_Ike_Battlefield
6) Akiro_0602 6029 5172_Toon Link_Hyrule Temple
7) Ninja_2062 8833 1652_Ike_Battlefield
8.) Dude_0559 6436 5290_Kirby_Temple
9) MetroidHunter26_1633 3899 7290_Samus/Zero Suit Samus_Spear Pillar
10) razer84_2148 7818 6548_Marth_Delfino Plaza
11) Shadoninja_4553 9648 9989_R.O.B._Yoshi's Island
12) blah54_0387 8480 6829_Zelda/Sheik_Smashville
13) pumpy_heart_2492 3827 1114_Ice Climbers_Frigate Orpheon
14) The Mindzeye_0087 1988 0051_Snake_Shadow Moses Island
15) Gamer4250_3652 0203 8636_Kirby_Temple
16) ZeldaFan_private_Zelda/Sheik_Spear Pillar


HugoMeister: I'll use Hugo as my Wi-Fi name.

SSBB: 1075 0668 2898

Character: Pokémon Trainer

Favorite Stage: Spear Pillar

Time Zone: Eastern -5 GMT

SD Card: Yes

I'll add everyone's code whenever you post.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever

Shiny Boy

Silence of Darkness: ALDER is my Wi-Fi name.
Code: 3437 2859 6914
Character: Ike
Stage: Pirate Ship
SD Status: I have one, but it's pretty small.
Time Zone: (GMT-09:00) Alaska.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


Ok just for the record, these are a list of really laggy stages:

Final Destination
PictoChat :(
Green Hill Zone

I'll add more when I find out what some more are.

...And I'll add my stuff later also.


Or maybe it's just us. Or you. (:p) I've no problem playing vs shado, gamer etc.


Well PictoChat has been sucking (lagging) ;D every time I'm on it.

So I can't play on it anymore :'(


I haven't experienced lag yet. :P

Brawl's been perfectly fine for me.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


code 1934-0197-7733

stage- battlefield


Concerto No.20 in D minor




Hey, I'll join!  ;D
I'm new here, some of you may have seen me in chat before as "Jebus".
I'm a friend of Hugo's from school ;D

Name: Ninja
Character: Ike

Stage: Battlefield

SD Card: No
Time Zone: Eastern -5 GMT
Having a Wii without Brawl is like having a 360 without Halo 3, or having a PS3 without a fire extinguisher.


Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Hi Hugo!  ;D
I decided to register myself, mainly because I didn't want to use Meta Knight like I told you when I asked you to register me, Lol.  I just completely pwned as Ike online, I won by about 7 points, 4 games in a row.  ;D 
Having a Wii without Brawl is like having a 360 without Halo 3, or having a PS3 without a fire extinguisher.


Name: Dude
FC: 0559-6436-5290
Character: Kirby!
Stage: PictoChat
TZ: -5 GMT (I think)
SD: No

(Happy now Concerto?)



I would love to join!

Character:SAMUS!/Zero Suit Samus
(As if anyone hadn't guessed)

Stage:Spear Pillar

Time Zone: GMT -7:00 Mountain Time.

SD: Yes!