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101 Reasons? Why Brawl sucks :0

Started by MetroidHunter26, March 28, 2008, 10:16:10 PM

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Right while I was scrolling along I found a thread in one of the forums I visit (Nsider2) and I came across a thread that had 101 reasons...why Brawl sucks! I was pretty well either a combination of  >:(  &  :o  buy as I read the reasons I relized it was a joke thread so I just HAVE to show you the thread so here it is!

Word for Word (It swears)

1. The opening cinematic is composed of clips from SSE.
2. It can sometimes take up to 5 WHOLE seconds to connect to Wi-Fi.
3. It has too many control schemes, it gets confusing.
4. I don't know if Dedede is a penguin, an eagle, or some strange undersea reptile.
5. Lack of a shiny Charizard.
6. Taunts people without widescreen TVs by having widescreen support.
7. Sonic can swim.
8. Charizard can swim.
9. Squirtle can drown.
10. Luigi is too different from Mario.
11. I don't know what the hell ever happened to Wario's "nuclear explosion" fart, that trailer was false advertising.
12. ZSS doesn't have a Power Suit alt costume.
13. Dr. Mario got replaced with Lucario.
14. Where the hell is Mewtwo?!
16. Mr. Game and Watch lacks depth.
17. There are no ghosts whatsoever on Luigi's Mansion.
18. The Pirate Ship stage has graphics that completely clash with the rest of the game.
19. Tabuu is really green [adjust the color settings on the TV if he's not], why is he green?
20. Zero Suit Samus has more clothes than Kirby.
21. My TV has almost broken nearly a hundred times due to characters being KO'd into the screen.
22. It promotes violence.
23. It promotes animal cruelty.
24. Pikaman scares the shit outta me.
25. Donutman scares the shit outta Pikaman, and that only make him scarier.
26. Coin Launcher occasionally has obstacles that hinder my shooting enjoyment.
27. I suffer from drowsiness after 27+ hours of continuous play.
28. I still don't know what Dedede is.
29. The background buildings in New Pork City are 2-D.
30. It's too fun.
31. It's graphics fail compared to what you see on the PS3.
32. I don't understand how all those platforms can float.
33. You must recover!
34. Sheik doesn't use a mace, I think she should have a mace.
35. Tripping.
36. Ganondorf is too slow when compared to those such as Captain Falcon.
37. The move Thunder is called Thunder, it's frickin lightning.
38. Ice Climbers suck at climbing ice.
39. Masterpieces.
40. There aren't this many characters.
41. Where the hell is number 15?!
42. I ask again, WTF is Dedede?!
43. I miss my Mewtwo.
44. Sonic calls me "Slow."
45. Geno isn't playable.
46. Ridley isn't playable.
47. Krystal isn't playable.
48. K. Rool isn't playable.
49. The Boulder car from Excite Truck isn't playable.
50. Doesn't have enough Paper Mario crud.
51. Bowser runs like an idiot.
52. Pit may or may not be older than Snake.
53. Rayquaza is a boss for Pokemon.
54. Who gives a monkey a gun? That's just silly.
55. I've KO'd 4 [real] people with Luigi's kicky-taunt.
56. Wi-Fi may or may not have lag.
57. My Wiimote insists on being player two when I'm by myself using a Gamecube controller.
58. I can't use the Wii menu with a Gamecube controller, Brawl should have come with an update for that.
59. Some FS's are just crazy, y'know?
60. Ike's name is too short.
61. .R.O.B. has too many periods.
62. This R.O.B. doesn't.
63. Mario should friggin wears his cape, fly around, and kick the crap outta everyone.
64. Lack of body chunks flying around after a fiery explosion.
65. Dark Toon Link has creepy eyes.
66. Wario promotes obesity in small children.
67. Wario made me fat.
68. Wario sat on me.
67. Wario made me skinny.
68. Déjà vu.
69. Brawl is just 5 letters off from Satan.
70. Excite Bike isn't careful enough.
71. I sometimes eat when playing Brawl.
72. They never fully explain who eats the banana fruit and leaves the peel.
73. Squirtle stole the trademark Koopa-Shell sound effect.
74. Captain Olimar whistles out rainbow mouth farts.
75. Ness is a wannabe and thinks he's hip because he wears his hat sideways.
76. I saw ZSS eat a cheezburger.. SCANDAL! Watch your figure missy!
77. Peach can't sing for crap.
78. Daisy exists within the trophy section.
79. People can drop through platforms...WTF...
80. I lost a match on Wi-Fi one time....
81. Sandbag only moved up to item status.
82. There's a friggin real life cat in Pokemon Stadium 2. What the crud happened to all the rules?
83. There's a frilly blue butterfly man as the final boss.
84. A frilly blue butterfly man can kick your ass.
85. I think ZSS should give all her cheezburgers to that cat.
86. Luigi doesn't share his hallucinates.
87. Moltres should do more.
88. I fell down the stairs yesterday.
89. You can unlock the Tails trophy before you get Sonic.
90. Nintendog.
91. Devil.
92. Goldeen should be replaced with Magikarp.
93. Smart Bombs are stupid half the time.
94. Screw Attacks and Franklin Badges should be more identifiable.
95. Crazy Hand has seizures frequently, and they expect you to beat him up.
96. You bounce off spikes.
97. Wolf gave me the finger.
98. I got 72 KO's in Cruel Brawl without using any attacks.
99. The percentage of Geno supporters who didn't have a valid reason to support him.
100. I don't have Snake's Box.
101. There's 101 reasons why Brawl severely fails.

Even I do not know which ones are serious.

and if you want to see what other people said or just go to the site here is the link.

Hope this wont start an uproar >___>,

Shiny Boy

Tripping is definitely annoying. As is Nintendog.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


There ARE ghosts on Luigi's mansion...
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Well an "average" or should I say, "normal" person would know that King Dedede is a penguin just by looking at him.

Shiny Boy

Yes, but he's definitely an abstract sort of penguin.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!



damn commies.


#102:  Its one of the buggiest games in existence.  Seriously, you can tell there was a serious lack of bug testing.  The tether recovery only works half the time, you can get stuck with the super scope firing forever, there are blocks in the underground part of Mushroomy Kingdom that you get stuck to until you die, etc etc.

me irl

Shiny Boy

Actually, the only thing I've found really annoying is the long loading times.
As for bugginess, I have yet to encounter a bug. I have several games that do glitch out rather dramatically, and Brawl is not one of them by a long shot.
I haven't used a single tether recovery, except for once or twice with Olimar. I'm under the impression that they're supposed to be a gamble.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


They kinda are and I only use them when I am in a position where it looks like it will ACTUALY grapple on the ledge.


I've encountered many times with Zero Suit Samus where the ropey thing goes far beyond the ledge, yet you continue falling, or times when you're right up against the corner of the ledge and fail to grab it, falling to your death.  There's also the whole deal about how terrible the online is, and the ridiculous load times for a game that barely even uses the hardware.

me irl

Shiny Boy

Yes, load times are established as annoying, and online is pretty shoddy. But I wouldn't say this game is overrated by any means.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!

Shiny Boy

I think grabs aren't the problem here, but Link's does have a generally shorter range as a tether recovery.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


who spends the time and effort to do all of this? NO LIFE!



Um. Zero Suit has a better recovery than her whip.
The Down B kick works wonders. Way better the whip anyways. I might use the whip if I was below the level too much, but the kick works amazingly.