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Community Minecraft Server!

Started by Sammbo101, November 15, 2010, 04:15:13 PM

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No, but it'd make as an awesome project. and it'd take an eternity to make.


So i'm playing Beta now. its INCREDIBLY different from classic. quite the leap, actually.


I like your new avatar, also I wish I had minecraft :(


So, I'm thinking of making a private server for anyone who plays on here(and pays). I want to construct a replica of the Mines of Moria, particularly the Halls of Durin: , as well as the rest of the mine. It'd be an extremely ambitious project, I realize, but it'd be probably one of the most interesting marvels you could make.


Yea, that's always the thing I think would be great to make in Minecraft.

me irl


I'd be willing to waste--er, contribute time to the mines! just lemme know when the url is set up! will it be on a free server or beta server?


Yeah I forget how to host a private server, so one of you guys can take that job if you'd like. It should definitely be with beta. Once someone gets the server hosted up they can just post the address in the thread.


It's fairly simple.  Download the server program from the main Minecraft site and run it.  Make sure you configure it right and the port is forwarded on the router and you're all set.

me irl


I can get it running, but I can't port forward because my router has a password and I have no idea what it could be. Unless there's an alternative way to port forward without typing my IP into the address bar.


Really can't get it to work. Anyone else able to host?


I do occasionally when I play with a friend, but can't regularly, sorry.

me irl


So I set up a small private server (finally) for an irl friend and I to play on. I'm opening it up to the community here if any of you want to join (So long as you don't try to give yourself a stack of TNT*cough*Kefkatic*cough*).

Oh you'd have to use hamachi though because I can't portfoward with my router because my parents are paranoid about opening the IP address to other people lololol.

PM me if you're interested.


I've decided He really needs to put a world timer in the game... i think i've put some 130 hours into one of my worlds now...


Quote from: Nakah on February 01, 2011, 12:23:28 AMSo I set up a small private server (finally) for an irl friend and I to play on. I'm opening it up to the community here if any of you want to join (So long as you don't try to give yourself a stack of TNT*cough*Kefkatic*cough*).

Oh you'd have to use hamachi though because I can't portfoward with my router because my parents are paranoid about opening the IP address to other people lololol.

PM me if you're interested.
Is the server available to people who don't have Beta?

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Why would you not have beta?

me irl