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Community Minecraft Server!

Started by Sammbo101, November 15, 2010, 04:15:13 PM

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Like a party in the US with some of us cool peeps.

Or you could just fly us to Finland, your choice.

me irl


Sooooooo I got Minecraft. Are you guys still planning on doing the Mines of Morea ?

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


dunno, you could start if you really wanted to.  You'll need to make a mob tower + grinder so you can harvest lots of gunpowder for tnt.

me irl


Forget that, find some diamond and let's clear our a massive room.

Also Kefka wii man and I ended up building our mind on the west side of your mountain fortress place. Good chance we're going to hit the same caverns at some point if you're as close to bedrock as I am.


So any plans for projects we should work on? Ideas include:

  • Community crafting room (full of workbenches and furnaces)
  • An inn near spawn (so newcomers or people dying at night have a place to sleep without being totally toasted)
  • Colosseum (for spleef, jousting etc.)
  • Amphitheatre / public speaking hall (for group announcements etc. so the speaker knows everyone's paying attention)
  • Nether portal (maybe later once we better establish ourselves, find a good place for it)
  • Bulletin Board (doesn't need to be called that, basically a wall with tons of signs on it with news, notices, projects etc.)

I've claimed some land beyond the ice going straight out from the door to our base, maybe a little to left (there's a sign or two on there with a torch behind them) which can be used as the space for an amphitheatre or Colosseum if you want. It's tree-free and fairly flat.

By the way, whose tower is that on the half-floating landmass next to base / Kefka's Fortress?


Zat is mein watchtower

Pretty freaking badass natural floating mass, ya?

And no point for a Nether portal, you can't travel through them in SMP as of now (and probably not for a while)

me irl


Yeah, I was hopin' no one would take much interest so I could build my stuff on there. Curse you and your pro badass-natural-floating-mass-finding skills.

Also, I'm guessing you took the torches from the base of that thing. I put them there so mobs would stop spawning there during the day. You might want to replace 'em before creepers destroy your awesome pro badass natural floating landmass.


Maybe, though they made it look lame.

I would be okay with creepers separating it from the ground though, then it would be completely floating and awesome.

me irl



I has found awesome base.

Eez mine. No touchy.


On my single player world I have built my tower to max height. It makes me sad. I want to make it taller.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Build down.  Or mine a giant crater and start from down there :P

me irl


Made a community bulletin board thing. I've started building a path outside base, follow that to the end and read the sign on the tree there. Follow the direction until you come to a ditch with a bit of running water on your left and a giant wall with a couple signs on it to your right. (THERE'S TORCHES)

Fell free to make some signs and post your bitchin' there.


I just bought minecraft (finally had money to). I'll be popping on sometimes.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.
