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The CTRL-V Game!

Started by SlowPokemon, November 11, 2010, 03:29:08 PM

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Benutzer: GradwHan Kontext:
Ihr aktueller Baum ist: TREE-BRGE
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Laufwerk G: = BRGOESSRVA\VOL5: \
LOGIN-LGNWNT32.DLL-430: Abschließen der folgenden Laufwerkzuordnung nicht möglich.
Fehlercode: 8804.
LOGIN-LGNWNT32.DLL-310: Einstellen des Datums und der Uhrzeit der Arbeitsstation nicht möglich.
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


Hey Dude! How awesome would it be if you could be a CA in PCV next year! We could really rock Community Council then!

(the Dude here is not in reference to Dude on NSM... but to me!)


Yes, it have been mentioned before. The reason I havn't fixed it yet is cause I can't. I have those files on another computer that I can't use right now (maybe 2-4 weeks left). But it's still not a serious problem, cause if I remember right, there isn't any new parts on that page that aren't on any of the other pages. Watch my video again if you wanna check the order (I still play badly there, I've improved a lot in my playing since then)

Some problems I have with a couple of nut rocker sheets =D


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!




For the favorite Pokemon thread. (My favorite Pokemon.)
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]

DrP <-- My English Teacher for next quarter... try and find the one that has something to do with a pirate


By the way, as a clue for my qoute. It's from a Rare game for the N64

^All my replies mess up here, so I have to copy and try again sometimes...


Chapter Nineteen
It’s All Ice Under the Bridge

   Not surprisingly, the Ice Path was cold. One really only had to look at its name to figure that out. However, none of our travelers thought that its name might actually describe exactly what it isâ€"a path of ice.

   â€œI think that we should try to get through here as qui-quickly as possible,” said Karen, her teeth chattering together.

   â€œWhy?” said Will. “I think that Ice Pokémon would be cool to catch.” He paused. “…Get it? Cool?”

   Karen gave him a reproachful look and turned to Aaron.

   â€œWh-what did you do with my j-jacket?” she managed to stammer.

   â€œI think you’re too cool for a jacket,” said Aaron dismissively. He paused. “…Get it? Cool?”

   â€œIt wasn’t funny the f-first time!” she seethed, hot with anger despite her freezing body. “Give me my jacket!”

   â€œYou don’t have one,” said Will, reading a map absently.

   â€œYes I do!” she screamed.

   â€œWait,” said Aaron slowly. “Do you mean that ugly, bright green one? Oh, I gave that to a homeless man I saw on the streets in Goldenrod.”

   â€œWHY?” shrieked Karen.

   â€œHe looked cold,” said Aaron blankly.

   â€œNO!” she shouted angrily. “WHY didn’t you tell ME about it, as it was MY freaking jacket!?”

   â€œWell…” he said, frowning. “I thought you would get angry.”

   â€œWhy would I be angry!” she shouted, half laughing in a maniacal, highly frightening sort of way. “ME! Imagine that, Will! ME, angry! ME! Can you even SEE why he would think that?”

   â€œYes,” said Will vaguely.

   Karen glared at him, then turned away to face Aaron. Remembering that she was mad at him too, she folded her arms in a way that was half to show her anger and half because she was freezing and needed to hug herself for warmth.

   â€œIt’s alright, Kare!” said Aaron brightly. “Look on the bright side!”

   â€œThere IS no bright side!” she said hotly. “We are in a freezing, dark, slimy, disgusting, CAVE! A CAVE, Aaron!”

   â€œA cave?” said Aaron.

   â€œYES, AARON!” she shouted, her voice echoing. “A CAVE! A large, naturally hollowed-out place in the ground, or in rock above the ground, that can be reached from the surface or from water!”

   â€œI know what a cave is!” said Aaron, looking hurt. “You take me for some sort of idiot!” She merely looked at him angrily, and he said indignantly, “She thinks I’m stupid! STUPID, Will! Me! Stupid! Can you even SEE why she would think that?” he asked in an offended way.

   â€œYes,” said Will vaguely. They continued to walk…and walk…and walk… until finally…

   â€œI see a light!” yelped Karen.

   â€œNo!” cried Aaron in despair. “No, Kare! Not now! You can’t leave me like this! DON’T GO TOWARDS THE LIGHT!”

   â€œWILL YOU SHUT UP!” she screamed, and raced out of the cave and into Blackthorn City.

   Once the other two caught up with her, she was in the middle of town. Unfortunately, it was freezing outside as well, and a small flurry of snow was showering down with great gusto.

   â€œCome…on…” said Karen, shielding her eyes from the gently falling snow. They all trudged against the howling wind, trying to keep the snow from their eyes, when they finally arrived at the Pokémon Center.

   They all went inside the Pokémon Center, and Karen collapsed on a couch. Aaron came over and sat next to her.

   â€œWell…” she murmured defeatedly. “At least there’s one good thing about going through that horrible, horrible, cave.”

   â€œWhat’s that?” said Aaron, looking down at her and smiling.

   â€œThat super annoying, arrogant kid with the blue eyes will still be back in Mahogany, meaning that there’s no way he can just pop up and give us mysterious advice and try to seem like he’s all weird and solitary…” she said bitterly.

   â€œHe is all weird and solitary,” Aaron pointed out.

   â€œI know,” sighed Karen. “I just hate the way that he smiles. You look at him, and he smiles like he knows something that you don’t. Like he’s soooo intelligent and the rest of us are all fools. No…” she continued thoughtfully. “Not like we’re fools. More like…we’re all puppets. And he’s controlling our strings. You know?”

   â€œI don’t know,” yawned Aaron. “Interesting theory.”

   Karen sighed and sat up.

   â€œAnyway,” she said, “we haven’t seen Lucian in a while.”

   â€œOh, him,” said Aaron resentfully. “I hope we never do again.”

   â€œMmm,” said Karen uninterestedly.

   Suddenly overcome with tiredness, she yawned, leaned onto Aaron and fell asleep.

   The next morning, she awoke in a bed, apparently placed there by someone. Today was the day, she realized grimly.

   Aaron was going to obtain his eighth and final badge.

   The three of them met in the lobby of the Pokémon Center and talked for a moment.

   â€œGood luck,” whispered Karen as she hugged him.

   Aaron didn’t say anything, but nodded importantly. He left for the Gym, isolating the other two.

   They sat in silence for a little time, when suddenly in the door ran…

   â€œProfessor Elm?” said Will incredulously.

Indeed it was.

   Elm was not looking good. His hair was uncombed, and he kept running his hand through it worriedly. He looked slightly out of breath.

   â€œKaren! Will! Where is Aaron?” he said urgently. “I need to tell you something about the Pokémon Gym challenge, immediately.”

   â€œIs this what you tried to tell me through my broken PokeGear that day?” said Karen disdainfully.

   â€œYes!” he said, looking distraught. “I’ve been looking all across the region for you! It seems I was always in your shadow. Everywhere I went, people had seen three kids running around, one with bright green hair. And now, I find you… But I fear it may be too late,” he finished grimly.

   â€œWhat is it?” said Karen uneasily. She had a strange nauseous feeling in her stomach, like a rider on a roller coaster does just before he takes the plunge down the hill.

   Elm began to pace back and forth.

   â€œAs you already know, only one of you can take the Gym challenge. This is because something happened with the Johto Elite Four.” He took a deep breath, stopped pacing with, it appeared, some effort, and turned to face them. “There are only two open spots in the Johto Elite Four. However, there is an opening. If the Gym challenge was taken, and completed successfully, that would prove strength beyond belief.” He swallowed painfully. “Anyone who completes the Gym challenge in Johto has no choice but to join the Elite Four in Sinnoh, which is far more powerful than ours here. I’m very, very sorry to have to tell you this, children.”

   Karen was in an alternate reality. Everything was moving in slow motion. She heard but she didn’t quite understand. Someone, somehow, must have made a mistake. Elm must have misspoken.

   â€œNot…Johto?” she managed to choke out.

   â€œNot Johto,” confirmed Elm sadly.

   â€œSo Aaron will be…gone?” she said woodenly.

   â€œI’m afraid so,” said Elm ruefully.

   Karen’s vision was blurred for a second. She wasn’t crying. It was more like her eyes chose to fill with tears; she still didn’tâ€"couldn’tâ€"quite believe what was happening. She wiped them, ignoring the painful lump in her throat.

   Elm stood there awkwardly, and after a moment just sat down in an armchair uncomfortably.

   Will quietly placed Karen in an armchair of her own, where she sat blankly for a long three minutes until Aaron came back into the Pokémon Center.

   â€œHey, guys!” he said, grinning broadly, waving his shiny Rising Badge in the air. “Look what I…Kare, what’s wrong?” he said, noticing her and Will.

   Karen’s eyes filled with the tears that weren’t tears again as she shook her head firmly. She wasn’t sure what she was saying no to, but she couldn’t quite do anything else.

   Elm explained the situation quietly to Aaron, getting up from his armchair. Aaron turned pale with shock as the realization dawned on him.

   He sat down on the couch near Karen’s armchair and asked Elm quietly, “How long do we have?”

   â€œYou have about three weeks,” said Elm unhappily. “The last ship to Sinnoh for six months sets sail on the first day of the new year.”

   Elm must have felt slightly out of place there, because he said an awkward goodbye and left the Pokémon Center.

   Aaron and Karen both got up and embraced each other tightly.

   â€œThese next three weeks,” whispered Aaron promisingly, “are going to be the best of our lives.”

   Karen could still say nothing, but nodded painfully.

   She didn’t have to see him to know he was telling the truth.

   And Will, feeling that it would be prudent to leave them on their own, went off to bed, wondering…

My nineteenth chapter of "The Will to Go On"
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


1. int i; deklarerar en variabel, vad menas med variabel? Vilken typ av variabel beskriver uttrycket?
2. I många programmeringsspråk vill man dela upp kod i olika block, hur gör man det i C#?
3. double och string är 2 andra datatyper, vilka typer av data beskriver dessa?
4. I uttryck såsom if-satser och loopar förekommer ofta villkor, beskriv 3 olika villkor. ex. (a > b) betyder att detta är sant om a större än b.
5. Uttrycket if(x == ”Hello”) ställer en fråga om något är sant vadå?
6. Hur skriver man i (pseudo)kod om man vill Skriva ut ”hej” om variabeln x > 10, annars vill man skriva ”hej då”?
7. Loopar är vad man använder då något skall upprepas, vi har pratat om for-loopar och while-loopar. Beskriv deras uppbyggnad. Vad har de för likheter och skillnader?
8. Något jag inte tagit upp på lektionerna är goto-satsen, varför tror ni jag inte gjort det och när kan det vara lämpligt att använda den?

The questions for programming in school =) (Google translate is your friend)


Sorry SlowPokemon, you are banned from using this forum!
You've consistently proved yourself incapable of being tolerant to other members' opinions, and you've had more than enough chances.
This ban is not set to expire.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



^A programming thing again =) Lol by the way Slow XD


Yes, nothing. I have nothing on mij clipboard


i think that's like.... one of my friends phone numbers.. can't for the life of me remember who or why it's on my clipboard.