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The CTRL-V Game!

Started by SlowPokemon, November 11, 2010, 03:29:08 PM

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Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


I have nothing copied  ???


Unforgiven from Metallica.

This was a old project I wanted to finish, but the solo kinda screwed up. I can't find an instrument that would fit an higher octave guitar.

I didn't wanted to use dickspeed first but it was needed later. It was needed in Unforgiven 5 to but I didn't wanted that. And wrong math, think I did X12 in place of X16.

...Check out my yt channel...xD


import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

import org.rsbot.event.listeners.MessageListener;
import org.rsbot.event.listeners.PaintListener;
import org.rsbot.script.Script;
import org.rsbot.script.ScriptManifest;
import org.rsbot.script.methods.Skills;
import org.rsbot.script.methods.GrandExchange.GEItem;
import org.rsbot.script.util.Filter;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSArea;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSGroundItem;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSItem;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSNPC;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSObject;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSPath;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSTile;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSTilePath;

@ScriptManifest(authors = "MrSharingan", name = "Sharingan Hill Giants", keywords = "Combat", description = "Kills Hill Giants with the option of Resource Dung", version = 5.27)
public class SharinganHillGiants extends Script implements PaintListener,
MouseListener, MessageListener {

   private int foodWithdraw = -1;
   private int withdrawAmount = 1;
   private int startBones, startLimp, startFire, startNat;
   private final int doorID = 1804;
   private final int keyID = 983;
   private final int ladderDownID = 12389;
   private final int resDoorID = 52853;
   private final int[] npcID = { 4692, 4691, 4690, 4693, 4689, 117 };
   private int[] lootID;
   private int safeTileSpot;
   private int bonesBuried;
   private final int bigBonesID = 532;
   private final int resDoorExitID = 52868;
   final int[] foodID = { 1895, 1893, 1891, 4293, 2142, 291, 2140, 3228, 9980,
         7223, 6297, 6293, 6295, 6299, 7521, 9988, 7228, 2878, 7568, 2343,
         1861, 13433, 315, 325, 319, 3144, 347, 355, 333, 339, 351, 329,
         3381, 361, 10136, 5003, 379, 365, 373, 7946, 385, 397, 391, 3369,
         3371, 3373, 2309, 2325, 2333, 2327, 2331, 2323, 2335, 7178, 7180,
         7188, 7190, 7198, 7200, 7208, 7210, 7218, 7220, 2003, 2011, 2289,
         2291, 2293, 2295, 2297, 2299, 2301, 2303, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897,
         1899, 1901, 7072, 7062, 7078, 7064, 7084, 7082, 7066, 7068, 1942,
         6701, 6703, 7054, 6705, 7056, 7060, 2130, 1985, 1993, 1989, 1978,
         5763, 5765, 1913, 5747, 1905, 5739, 1909, 5743, 1907, 1911, 5745,
         2955, 5749, 5751, 5753, 5755, 5757, 5759, 5761, 2084, 2034, 2048,
         2036, 2217, 2213, 2205, 2209, 2054, 2040, 2080, 2277, 2225, 2255,
         2221, 2253, 2219, 2281, 2227, 2223, 2191, 2233, 2092, 2032, 2074,
         2030, 2281, 2235, 2064, 2028, 2187, 2185, 2229, 6883, 1971, 4608,
         1883, 1885, 15272 };
   private RSTile[] bankToHouse = { new RSTile(3182, 3444),
         new RSTile(3186, 3446), new RSTile(3180, 3447),
         new RSTile(3171, 3450), new RSTile(3165, 3451),
         new RSTile(3160, 3450), new RSTile(3151, 3448),
         new RSTile(3148, 3446), new RSTile(3146, 3443),
         new RSTile(3138, 3443), new RSTile(3131, 3445),
         new RSTile(3126, 3446), new RSTile(3119, 3446),
         new RSTile(3115, 3449) };
   private RSTile[] ladderToEntrance = { new RSTile(3115, 9852),
         new RSTile(3113, 9848), new RSTile(3112, 9843),
         new RSTile(3111, 9836), new RSTile(3108, 9832),
         new RSTile(3104, 9826) };
   private RSTile houseTileOut = new RSTile(3115, 3449);
   private RSTile ladderTile = new RSTile(3116, 9851);
   private RSTile bankTile = new RSTile(3182, 3444);
   private RSTile dungExitTile = new RSTile(1134, 4589);
   private boolean waitForDeath = false;
   boolean waitedLost = false;
   ArrayList<Integer> lootItems;
   RSNPC npc;
   RSArea bankArea;
   RSArea houseArea;
   RSArea giantArea;
   RSArea resDungArea;
   States state;

   // ITEMS
   GEItem bone;
   GEItem fire;
   GEItem nat;
   GEItem limp;
   int bonesID = 532;
   int fireID = 554;
   int natID = 561;
   int limpID = 225;
   int bonePrice;
   int firePrice;
   int natPrice;
   int limpPrice;
   int currentBones;
   int currentFire;
   int currentNat;
   int currentLimp;
   int totalBones;
   int totalFire;
   int totalNat;
   int totalLimp;

   // Paint
   private long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   private int startXPAttack = 0, startXPDefense = 0, startXPStrength = 0,
   startXPHP = 0, startXPRange = 0;

   public boolean onStart() {
      try {
         log("Checking for Updates, Please wait");
         URLConnection url = new URL(
         BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url
         double newVersion = Double.parseDouble(in.readLine());
         if (newVersion > getVersion()) {
                  "An Update is Available (Version "
                  + newVersion
                  + ")\nPlease go to the HillGiant Thread to Update");
            log.severe("PLEASE UPDATE!");
            return false;
         } else {
            "You have the Latest Version");
         if (in != null)
      } catch (IOException e) {
         log("Problem getting version (IOException)");

      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
         log("Problem getting version (NumberFormatException)");
      log("Loading up Variables, please wait");
      bankArea = new RSArea(new RSTile(3182, 3433), new RSTile(3189, 3446));
      houseArea = new RSArea(new RSTile(3113, 3450), new RSTile(3117, 3453));
      giantArea = new RSArea(new RSTile(3129, 9859), new RSTile(3095, 9824));
      resDungArea = new RSArea(new RSTile(1141, 4594), new RSTile(1098, 4558));
      if (!inventory.contains(keyID)) {
         log.severe("Didn't start with Brass Key, Shutting Down");
      if (game.isLoggedIn()) {
         startXPAttack = skills.getCurrentExp(0);
         startXPDefense = skills.getCurrentExp(1);
         startXPStrength = skills.getCurrentExp(2);
         startXPHP = skills.getCurrentExp(3);
         startXPRange = skills.getCurrentExp(4);
      log("Loading up Prices, please wait, this may take a while");
      bone = grandExchange.lookup(532);
      log("Loaded 1/4");
      fire = grandExchange.lookup(554);
      log("Loaded 2/4");
      nat = grandExchange.lookup(561);
      log("Loaded 3/4");
      limp = grandExchange.lookup(225);
      log("Loaded 4/4");
      bonePrice = bone.getGuidePrice();
      firePrice = fire.getGuidePrice();
      natPrice = nat.getGuidePrice();
      limpPrice = limp.getGuidePrice();
      startBones = inventory.getCount(532);
      startFire = inventory.getCount(554);
      startNat = inventory.getCount(561);
      startLimp = inventory.getCount(225);
      log("Loaded, loading Images, Please Wait");
      img1 = getImage("");
      img2 = getImage("");
      img3 = getImage("");
      img4 = getImage("");
      img5 = getImage("");
      log("Loaded images");
      safeTileSpot = 0;
      if (random(1, 50) < 25) {
         safey = new RSTile(3098, 9837);
      } else {
         safey = new RSTile(3115, 9829);
      mouse.setSpeed(random(3, 5));
      return true;

   int gamble;
   RSTile safey;

   public int loop() {
      if (start) {
         state = getState();
         if(interfaces.canContinue()) {
            sleep(500, 700);
         switch (state) {
         case IN_BANK:
            waitedLost = false;
         case IN_GIANT:
            waitedLost = false;
         case IN_DUNG:
            waitedLost = false;
         case IN_WORLD:
            waitedLost = false;
         case IN_HOUSE:
            waitedLost = false;
         case LOST:

      return 0;

   // Enums :)
   public enum States {

   public States getState() {
      npc = newNPC();
      if (wereFighting()) {
         waitForDeath = true;
      } else if (!wereFighting() && waitForDeath) {
         sleep(2500, 3000);
         waitForDeath = false;

      if (inventory.getCount(foodID) > 0 && yesFood || !inventory.isFull()
            && !yesFood) {
         if (bankArea.contains(playerPos())) {
            return States.IN_BANK;
         } else if (houseArea.contains(playerPos())) {
            return States.IN_HOUSE;
         } else if (giantArea.contains(playerPos()) || playerPos().equals(new RSTile(3098, 9837))) {
            return States.IN_GIANT;
         } else if (resDungArea.contains(playerPos())) {
            return States.IN_DUNG;
         } else {
            return States.IN_WORLD;
      } else if (inventory.getCount(foodID) == 0 && yesFood
            || inventory.isFull() && !yesFood) {
         if (bankArea.contains(playerPos())) {
            return States.IN_BANK;
         } else if (houseArea.contains(playerPos())) {
            return States.IN_HOUSE;
         } else if (giantArea.contains(playerPos())) {
            return States.IN_GIANT;
         } else if (resDungArea.contains(playerPos()) || playerPos().equals(new RSTile(3098, 9837))) {
            return States.IN_DUNG;
         } else {
            return States.IN_WORLD;
      return States.LOST;

   private void doBank() {
      if (!bank.isOpen()) {;
         sleep(1000, 1200);
      } else {
         sleep(750, 1000);
         if (yesFood) {
            if (bank.getCount(foodWithdraw) < withdrawAmount) {
               log("Out of Food");
            if (inventory.getCount(foodWithdraw) == 0
                  && bank.getCount(foodWithdraw) >= withdrawAmount) {
               bank.withdraw(foodWithdraw, withdrawAmount);
               sleep(1000, 1200);
         } else {


   private void randTile() {
      if (random(1, 50) < 25) {
         safey = new RSTile(3098, 9837);
      } else {
         safey = new RSTile(3115, 9829);

   public void inWorldYeah() {
      RSObject door = objects.getNearest(doorID);
      if (inventory.getCount(foodID) > 0 && yesFood || !inventory.isFull()
            && !yesFood) {
         if (calc.distanceTo(houseTileOut) > 4) {
         } else if (calc.distanceTo(houseTileOut) < 4 && door != null
               && !door.isOnScreen()) {
            walking.walkTileMM(houseTileOut, 2, 2);
            sleep(1000, 1500);
         } else if (calc.distanceTo(houseTileOut) < 4 && door != null
               && door.isOnScreen() && door != null) {
            sleep(1000, 1500);
      } else if (inventory.getCount(foodID) == 0 && yesFood
            || inventory.isFull() && !yesFood) {
         if (calc.distanceTo(bankTile) > 4) {
            sleep(1000, 1200);
         } else if (calc.distanceTo(bankTile) < 4 && bankTile != null) {
            sleep(1000, 1200);

   public void inBankYeah() {
      if (inventory.getCount(foodID) > 0 && yesFood || !inventory.isFull()
            && !yesFood) {
      } else if (inventory.getCount(foodID) == 0 && yesFood
            || inventory.isFull() && !yesFood) {

   public void inHouseYeah() {
      RSObject door = objects.getNearest(doorID);
      RSObject ladderDown = objects.getNearest(ladderDownID);
      if (inventory.getCount(foodID) > 0 && yesFood || !inventory.isFull()
            && !yesFood) {
         if (ladderDown != null) {
            sleep(1000, 1500);
      } else if (inventory.getCount(foodID) == 0 && yesFood
            || inventory.isFull() && !yesFood) {
         if (door != null && door.isOnScreen()) {
            sleep(1000, 1200);

   public void inGiantYeah() {
      RSObject ladderUp = objects.getNearest(29355);
      if (resDung) {
         if (inventory.getCount(foodID) > 0 && yesFood
               || !inventory.isFull() && !yesFood) {
            RSObject resDoor = objects.getNearest(resDoorID);
            if (resDoor != null && resDoor.isOnScreen()) {
               sleep(1000, 1200);
            } else if (resDoor != null && !resDoor.isOnScreen()) {
               sleep(1000, 1200);
            } else {
               sleep(1000, 1200);
         } else if (inventory.getCount(foodID) == 0 && yesFood
               || inventory.isFull() && !yesFood) {
            if (ladderUp != null && calc.distanceTo(ladderTile) > 4
                  && !ladderUp.isOnScreen()) {
               RSPath toLadder = walking.getPath(ladderTile);
               sleep(1000, 1500);
            } else if (ladderUp != null && ladderUp.isOnScreen()) {
               sleep(1000, 1200);
            } else if (calc.distanceTo(ladderTile) < 4 && ladderUp != null) {
               sleep(1000, 1200);
      } else {
         if (inventory.getCount(foodID) > 0 && yesFood
               || !inventory.isFull() && !yesFood) {
            if (needHeal()) {
               RSItem food = inventory.getItem(foodID);
               if (food != null) {
                  sleep(750, 1000);
               if (!yesFood) {
                  log.severe("Were not using food but we need to heal");
                  log.severe("Script stopping");
            } else {
               if (!lootThere()) {
               } else {
                  if (!wereFighting()) {
         }  else if(inventory.getCount(foodID) == 0 && yesFood && lootThere()) {
         } else if (inventory.getCount(foodID) == 0 && yesFood && !lootThere()
               || inventory.isFull() && !yesFood) {
            if (ladderUp != null && calc.distanceTo(ladderTile) > 4
                  && !ladderUp.isOnScreen()) {
               RSPath toLadder = walking.getPath(ladderTile);
               sleep(1000, 1500);
            } else if (ladderUp != null && ladderUp.isOnScreen()) {
               sleep(1000, 1200);
            } else if (calc.distanceTo(ladderTile) < 4 && ladderUp != null) {
               sleep(1000, 1200);

   public void inDungYeah() {
      if (resDung) {
         if (inventory.getCount(foodID) > 0 && yesFood
               || !inventory.isFull() && !yesFood) {
            if (needHeal()) {
               RSItem food = inventory.getItem(foodID);
               if (food != null) {
                  sleep(750, 1000);
               if (!yesFood) {
                  log.severe("Were not using food but we need to heal");
                  log.severe("Script stopping");
            } else {
               if (!lootThere()) {
               } else {
                  if (!wereFighting()) {
         } else if (inventory.getCount(foodID) == 0 && yesFood
               || inventory.isFull() && !yesFood) {
            RSObject exitDoor = objects.getNearest(resDoorExitID);
            if (calc.distanceTo(dungExitTile) > 4 && exitDoor != null) {
               sleep(1000, 1200);
            } else if (calc.distanceTo(dungExitTile) < 4
                  && exitDoor != null && exitDoor.isOnScreen()) {
               sleep(1000, 1200);
            } else if (exitDoor != null && exitDoor.isOnScreen()) {
               sleep(1000, 1200);
            } else {
               sleep(1000, 1200);
      } else {
         if (inventory.getCount(foodID) > 0 && yesFood
               || !inventory.isFull() && !yesFood) {
            if (inventory.getCount(foodID) > 0 && yesFood
                  || !inventory.isFull() && !yesFood) {
               if (needHeal()) {
                  RSItem food = inventory.getItem(foodID);
                  if (food != null) {
                     sleep(750, 1000);
                  if (!yesFood) {
                     .severe("Were not using food but we need to heal");
                     log.severe("Script stopping");
                  if (!lootThere()) {
                  } else {
                     if (!wereFighting()) {

         } else if (inventory.getCount(foodID) == 0 && yesFood
               || inventory.isFull() && !yesFood) {
            RSObject exitDoor = objects.getNearest(resDoorExitID);
            if (calc.distanceTo(dungExitTile) > 4 && exitDoor != null) {
               sleep(1000, 1200);
            } else if (calc.distanceTo(dungExitTile) < 4
                  && exitDoor != null && exitDoor.isOnScreen()) {
               sleep(1000, 1200);
            } else if (exitDoor != null && exitDoor.isOnScreen()) {
               sleep(1000, 1200);
            } else {
               sleep(1000, 1200);

   boolean safeSpot = false;
   RSTile[] safeSpotTiles = { new RSTile(3098, 9837), new RSTile(3115, 9829) };

   public void dominate() {
      if (!safeSpot || resDung) {
         if (npc != null && npc.isOnScreen() && !wereFighting()) {
         } else if (npc != null && !npc.isOnScreen() && !wereFighting()
               && npc.getInteracting() == null
               && !getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
            sleep(1000, 1500);
         } else if (npc != null && !npc.isOnScreen()
               && npcs.getNearest(npcID) != null
               && !npcs.getNearest(npcID).isOnScreen()) {
            if (!wereFighting()) {
               if (inventory.contains(bigBonesID) && yesBury) {
                  if (getMyPlayer().getAnimation() == -1) {
                     sleep(500, 750);
               RSPath toMiddle = walking.getPath(npcs.getNearest(npcID)
               sleep(1000, 1200);
      } else {
         if (playerPos().equals(safey)) {
            if (npc != null && npc.isOnScreen() && !wereFighting()) {
            } else if (npc != null && !npc.isOnScreen()
                  && npcs.getNearest(npcID) != null
                  && !npcs.getNearest(npcID).isOnScreen()) {
               if (!wereFighting()) {
                  if (inventory.contains(bigBonesID) && yesBury) {
                     if (getMyPlayer().getAnimation() == -1) {
                        sleep(500, 750);
            } else {
         } else {

   private void walkSafeTile() {
      if (!playerPos().equals(safey)) {
         if (calc.distanceTo(safey) > 3) {
            sleep(1000, 1200);
         } else {
            sleep(1000, 1200);

   private RSTile playerPos() {
      return getMyPlayer().getLocation();

   private void walkPath(RSTile[] path) {
      RSTilePath dest = walking.newTilePath(path);
      sleep(1000, 1500);

   private void walkPathReverse(RSTile[] path) {
      RSTilePath dest = walking.newTilePath(path);
      sleep(1000, 1500);

   private void fight() {
      npc = newNPC();
      if (npc != null && (getMyPlayer().getInteracting() == null)) {
         sleep(750, 1000);

   private boolean needHeal() {
      if (combat.getLifePoints() < (skills.getRealLevel(Skills.CONSTITUTION) * 10) / 2) {
         return true;
      return false;

   RSArea lootArea;

   public int loot() {
      lootID = convertIntegers(lootItems);
      RSGroundItem loot = groundItems.getNearest(lootID);
      if (resDung) {
         lootArea = resDungArea;
      } else {
         lootArea = giantArea;
      if (!safeSpot) {
         if (loot != null && lootArea.contains(loot.getLocation())
               && !waitForDeath) {
            if (players.getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
               return random(400, 600);
            if (!inventory.isFull()) {
               if (!loot.isOnScreen()) {
                  camera.turnToTile(loot.getLocation(), 15);
                  if (!loot.isOnScreen()) {
                     return random(900, 1200);
               loot.doAction("Take " + loot.getItem().getName());
               sleep(random(1000, 1500));
               return random(900, 1100);
            } else {
               if (!yesBury) {
                  RSItem food = inventory.getItem(foodID);
                  if(food != null) {
                     sleep(750, 1000);
               } else {
                  if (inventory.contains(bigBonesID)) {
                     if (getMyPlayer().getAnimation() == -1) {
                        sleep(500, 750);
      } else {
         if (loot != null && lootArea.contains(loot.getLocation())
               && !waitForDeath) {
            if (players.getMyPlayer().isMoving()) {
               return random(400, 600);
            if (!inventory.isFull()) {
               if (loot.isOnScreen()) {
                  loot.doAction("Take " + loot.getItem().getName());
                  sleep(random(1000, 1500));
               return random(900, 1100);
            } else {
               if (!yesBury) {
                  RSItem food = inventory.getItem(foodID);
                  sleep(750, 1000);
               } else {
                  if (inventory.contains(bigBonesID)) {
                     if (getMyPlayer().getAnimation() == -1) {
                        sleep(500, 750);
      return random(500, 600);

   public void getCurrentCount() {
      int bonesCount = inventory.getCount(bonesID);
      currentBones = bonesCount - startBones;
      int fireCount = inventory.getCount(fireID);
      currentFire = fireCount - startFire;
      int natCount = inventory.getCount(natID);
      currentNat = natCount - startNat;
      int limpCount = inventory.getCount(limpID);
      currentLimp = limpCount - startLimp;

   public void addRefresh() {
      totalBones += currentBones;
      currentBones = 0;
      startBones = 0;
      totalFire += currentFire;
      currentFire = 0;
      startFire = 0;
      totalNat += currentNat;
      currentNat = 0;
      startNat = 0;
      totalLimp += currentLimp;
      currentLimp = 0;
      startLimp = 0;

   public boolean lootThere() {
      lootID = convertIntegers(lootItems);
      RSGroundItem loot = groundItems.getNearest(lootID);
      if (!safeSpot) {
         if (loot != null) {
            return true;
      } else {
         if (loot != null && loot.isOnScreen()) {
            return true;
      return false;

    * Returns the nearest NPC, specified by ID, that is not in combat.
    * @param npcID
    *            ID of NPC
    * @return A RSNPC object with the given ID that is not in combat, else
    *         null.
   public RSNPC getNearestFree(final int npcID) {
      return npcs.getNearest(new Filter<RSNPC>() {
         public boolean accept(RSNPC npc) {
            return npc.getID() == npcID && !npc.isInCombat()
            && npc.getHPPercent() > 0;

   public static int[] convertIntegers(List<Integer> integers) {
      int[] ret = new int[integers.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
         ret = integers.get(i).intValue();
      return ret;

   private boolean wereFighting() {
      if (getMyPlayer().getInteracting() != null) {
         return true;
      return false;

   private RSNPC newNPC() {
      RSNPC interacting = interactingNPC();
      return interacting != null ? interacting : npcs
            .getNearest(new Filter<RSNPC>() {
               public boolean accept(RSNPC n) {
                  if (npcID == null) {
                     return false;
                  for (int i : npcID) {
                     if (n.getID() != i || n.getHPPercent() == 0
                           || n.isInCombat()) {
                     return true;
                  return false;

   private RSNPC interactingNPC() {
      return npcs.getNearest(new Filter<RSNPC>() {
         public boolean accept(RSNPC n) {
            if (n.getInteracting() == null) {
               return false;
            String[] acts = n.getActions();
            if (acts == null) {
               return false;
            for (String a : acts) {
               if (a == null || !a.contains("Attack")) {
               return n.getInteracting().equals(players.getMyPlayer());
            return false;

   public void setRun() {
      if (walking.getEnergy() > random(60, 100)) {

   public void antiBan() {
      if (random(0, 15) == 0) {
         final char[] LR = new char[] { KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT };
         final char[] UD = new char[] { KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, KeyEvent.VK_UP };
         final char[] LRUD = new char[] { KeyEvent.VK_LEFT,
               KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, KeyEvent.VK_UP, KeyEvent.VK_UP };
         final int random2 = random(0, 2);
         final int random1 = random(0, 2);
         final int random4 = random(0, 4);

         if (random(0, 3) == 0) {
            sleep(random(100, 400));
            sleep(random(300, 600));
            sleep(random(100, 400));

            if (random(0, 8) == 0) {
               if (game.getCurrentTab() != 1) {
                  mouse.move(new Point(583, 252), 29, 11);
                  sleep(random(2000, 3000));
               if (interfaces.getComponent(744, 9).isValid()) {
                  interfaces.getComponent(744, 9).doClick();
               if (interfaces.getComponent(449, 29).isValid()) {
                  interfaces.getComponent(449, 29).doClick();

The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Raymond.... lol.
Nice programming.
Funny how some things turned into smileys XD
Back on topic... CTRL-V!

...That's pathetic.



How To Play Comptine d'un autre été L'après midi

Lol this was for youtube to play this song XD


er, trying to, er, get people to tell me their IP on omegle.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


QuoteIn 2008, a U.S. university study of international promiscuity found that Finnish people are the most promiscuous in the industrialized world, British people being most promiscuous among big western industrial nations. The study measured one-night stands, attitudes to casual sex, and number of sexual partners.[6][7][8]

Researchers said Britain's position on the international index "may be linked to increasing social acceptance of promiscuity among women as well as men". Britain’s ranking was "ascribed to factors such as the decline of religious scruples about extramarital sex, the growth of equal pay and equal rights for women and a highly sexualised popular culture".[6][7][8]

The top-10 ranking OECD nations with a population over 10 million on the study's promiscuity index, in descending order, were the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Australia, the United States, France, Turkey, Mexico, and Canada.[6][7][8]

Another study that looked at promiscuity based on total number of sex partners found that Austrian men were the most promiscuous males in the world with 29.3 sexual partners on average, while New Zealand women were the most promiscuous females in the world with an average of 20.4 sexual partners. New Zealand was the only country studied where women averaged a higher number of sex partners than men.[9][clarification needed]

One study found that people from developed Western countries were more promiscuous than people from developing countries in general, while the rate of STIs was higher in developing countries.[2]

Ohh this is what I get for acting like a thesaurus for my friend's thesis...(I looked up promiscuity)

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.



Day 5 â€" Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).

Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks. For a moment there I was worried, though. I almost needed to blow you.


Entering Music with the Simple Entry tool

PrintMusic offers many different entry methods. The simple entry tool itself can be used to click notes onto a staff, or enter notes with your computer keyboard or with a MIDI keyboard. Here, you’ll learn how to enter notes using each of these methods.

•Click the Simple Entry tool . The Simple Entry palette becomes active. From the Window menu, choose Simple Entry Rests palette to show the Simple Entry Rests palette. These palettes are shown on the next page. Also, another menu has appeared on the menu bar: the Simple menu. This menu contains commands, a list of keyboard shortcuts, and other options that allow you to customize the way Simple Entry works.
In addition to this tutorial, you can also open the file "EntryExercise” in the PrintMusic/Tutorials folder for hands-on training.

•From the Simple menu uncheck Create New Measures. For this tutorial, all measures are already in place. In the future, you can recheck this option if you want to tell PrintMusic to automatically add new measures when the final measure has been filled. We’ll talk more about this and other Simple Entry Options later in this chapter.•From the Window menu, choose Simple Entry Rests palette.
Now, notice the two Simple Entry palettes.

Lol this was for making an own sheet XD