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TWG XIII: ??? Signups

Started by Nakah, November 09, 2010, 01:42:32 PM

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10 spots. 7 Humans, 1 psychic, and 2 wolves. Go.



Hmm, first. Guess Slow wasn't really that Slow... but he's still in. >:-)
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


You should explain a bit more how this'll work Nakah.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.




now do we create the new names or are you assigning them

ps couldnt the mods just check ips to know whose who



Nakah, you said something about getting banned for 5 games if we do something wrong with the profiles, could you ellaborate?

Also you should give us random avatars, haha.



Sorry, I'll elaborate.

When signups are full, I'm going to close the thread and create 10 anonymous accounts with the names of the storyline players. Each account will have a specific role attributed to it. When posting in the thread, you must post with the account you have been assigned. If you are going to talk in the irc: you must create an alternate account that is identical to your 'role account' in order to converse with other players about the game.

What merits a 5 game ban? Revealing your real identity to someone in the game by any means. No one is to leave their pseudo-identity, for any reason.

So once the thread is closed, each of you will receive a PM(on your current accounts) with your role and new account information. From that point on, you are to post in the game with that new account.

   What are the benefits of this? Well, it eliminates the knowledge of who is who, and that allows everyone to start with a clean slate. Also, no one will be able to judge someone's role based off of a person's playing style for this reason. It adds another element to the game, by forcing everyone to form bonds of trust that are completely unbiased. You may think this person ranting about X being a wolf is ETF, but it could infact be askalice in actuality. What's most fun about this? It allows a player to act under a completely different personality in order to obscure their real identity from the rest of the players.



Are we allowed to speculate on the identities of other players? As it gets farther into the game, it may become obvious who certain players are, based on how they write, but would we be able to come out and say who we think people are?


The IRC thing might be hard :/ what if you have it set to login at startup? then it would say something like (winterkid09 changed his name to ______)

complete giveaway, and I can't avoid that...


IRC: Some people memorized my IP and stuff, so I'm not gonna use IRC.

I say we should establish a writing pattern right now. xD Complete sentences, no emotes, no abbreviations (unless it's something like United States -> U.S. not 'I love you' -> ilu), paragraph format. Some of us might need this *cough*askalice*cough* Plus, we will have to play strictly on Human & Wolf. I underestimated this game plan in the beginning :P



Quote from: universe-X on November 09, 2010, 08:27:27 PMIRC: Some people memorized my IP and stuff, so I'm not gonna use IRC.

IRC would be impossible to use. ISP's cannot be changed, and I have spent enough time on there to know them on sight typically.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


8 spots, 2 left... Jub can't play, but ETF and someone else can... :P Who else is a usual player?

We need to get Dahans to play, but he keeps refusing because he "doesn't know how", and won't look at the rules. Dx
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


My mistake mg, TWG DISCUSSION IS NOT ALLOWED FOR THIS GAME IN THE IRC CHAT. You'll all just have to stick to the thread and pms on your alternate accounts.

Jake: Yes, that's part of the fun of a mystery game. Speculating and determining who is who is inevitable as the phases progress.