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Started by glennbow321, November 07, 2010, 01:35:40 PM

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      Firstly, It's good to see Ninsheetmusic up and running again.  Last time I had checked, it was down for whatever reasons.  I would also be great if someone could tell me where I could get another free version of Finale Notepad or Finale Reader because I lost my version due to viral issues. 
      Well, here are my requests:
          -Dance Dance Hottest Party 3-A Brighter Day
         -Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon- In the Wind and Light
          -Final Fantasy Tactics Advance-Undefeated Heart
      Thank You!! :)

Go here for these requests:
Dance Dance Hottest Party 3-A Brighter Day
Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon- In the Wind and Light
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance-Undefeated Heart



I'll do the Tactics Advance one.


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!
