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The Subspace Chronicles

Started by Brawler4Ever, March 27, 2008, 06:57:43 PM

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After Meta Knight was finished with his business, he returned to his ship and went to the prisoner quarters where the Red Yoshi was sacked.  He walked down the hallway and through the automatic doors.  He stopped abrubtly.  His gaze was apon a chewed up empty sack.  Then suddenly Red Yoshi came from behind him and knocked him unconcious.



Toon Link was furious. He got his wish for bacon....but it was burnt! NOOOOOOOOOO! He gazed at the heavens, finding a gigantic ship warping through a purple portal. He saw his arch nemisis, Ganondorf, at the very top. Toon Link was not going to let him get away. Using his trusty Windwaker, he called forth a cyclone to carry him to the ship. His anger fuelled the cyclone. It gained speed, and was soon so strong, that the mighty ship could not escape.

Toon Link jumped from the center of the cyclone onto the ship's deck. There he stood, dressed entirely in black, with an evil grin upon his face. Ganondorf would pay.

Toon Link rushed at him with the Blade of Evil's Bane, The Almighty Master Sword. Ganondorf blocked the strike with a parry of his own. They disengaged. They stared into each other's eyes.

The battle had begun.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


(Ugh, I can't do parts in the story like that, it screws up some things, and it's repetitive, "the battle has begun".)


Red Yoshi wondered around for some time, before finding a steel black door. Red Yoshi opened it, only to find himself on the top deck of the ship! There, he saw the strangest thing. A tiny goth kid with a shiny white sword was fighting a tall man with an even shinier white sword.

But that didn't interest him, so he looked around the deck. He looked over the side to see his island, but all he saw was a charred land in the middle of a fiery sea. A gaping hole was cut in the middle of it, and Yoshi could make out his people being slaughtered by someone or something. Red Yoshi took a deep breath, and jumped into the black hole to save his people.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


It was Lucario! One by one, the Yoshi's were being struck with Lucario's lightning. They didn't die, but they fell unconscious for a few hours. The Red Yoshi stared with horror. Lucario spotted him and rushed toward him!



but before red yoshi could reach Lucario, a figure wearing a blue cape ran past him! Lucario spun around just as Marth jumped into the air and slashed down at his shoulder. Lucario dodged the strike just in time and then turned to face Marth. Yoshi was now standing at Marth's side, an egg cocked back and ready to be thrown. Lucario unleashed a great blast of energy at Marth, but Red Yoshi jumped in the way and pushed Marth aside. Yoshi was blast down the tunnel and out of site. Lucario walked over to the dazed Marth and kicked him in the groin to find out if this feminine looking person was a man or a woman. feeling the satisfying thud of his hoof against balls, he spat and began attacking the yoshis again. Marth stood up and drew his sword...

damn commies.

Beethoven II

But before he could strike, a bright light floated from out of the hole, and flew through the air and settled between Ganandorf and the goth kid. Everyone ceased fighting to look, and just when they thought they could see what it was, it stuck Ganandorf in the face, seething with electricty....Lucas had arrived....


Toon Link slowly lowered the Master Sword. Following the Red Yoshi, he fled from his opponent. He was just too powerfull. He had caught up with Red Yoshi. He shrugged. They all looked at each other, then began to battle. Countless Yoshi's were slain. Lucario had been stabbed in his arm. Marth was beaten, but had sustained no major injury. Lucas was more afraid then anything else.

Toon Link lay a few feet away from every body else. He remained motion-less. The others cared not, for he was their enemy. Ganondorf walked over to the body. Before he could touch it, however, three golden triangles formed around Ganondorf. Trapped, he struggled as a shadow sped toward him. A glint of steel, a glance of green, and Ganondorf was sent flying.

Link walked over to poor Toon Link. Link's hand began to glow. He stopped in surprise. How was this possible? A fourth piece to the triforce? It could not be. Link released a fairy to heal his toon self. Toon Link slowly got up and stared eye to eye to his counterpart. Toon Link's hand also began to glow. The only light that now shone was that of the Triforce(s) of Courage.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Red Yoshi got up from the cold floor. He looked around.

The strange blue-thingy was still slaughtering his people. He would have to pay for that.

The person who helped Red Yoshi was on his/her knees, resting. Red
Yoshi had no idea if it was a boy or a girl, nor did he care.

A new kid with blond hair was standing by Red Yoshi. Not interesting.

The angry man in black was missing. Strange. Instead of the man in black, a new younger male in green was talking with the goth kid. Brothers? Maybe. They looked alike.

The Halberd was still hovering over the entrance of the tunnel. But, its supposed leader was out of commision for now, so it could be ignored.

But the blue thingy... that would have to settled NOW! Red Yoshi took a deep breath, and formed into a ball. An egg formed around its body, and he sped in the direction of the blue thing, all of his force pointing in the direction of his once-happy people.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Then in the mis'd of nothing came king dedede crashing down on to the halberd off of kirby's star crushing lucario and sending him down through to the next floor.

King dedede got up and summoned to waddle dee's to go make sure lucario was down for good when it caught his eye! "It" was ganondorf who had lied to him about destroying kirby!

Ganondorf already pre occupied by toon link saw de de de coming and had to hurry and retreat. But he couldn't as king dedede summoned 2 more waddle dee's to distract ganon! Toon link didn't know if the waddle dee's where after him or ganon he arrogantly striked the first one down...


     Meanwhile, Kirby was on Popstar in the all-you-can-eat-buffet pissing off the owner because he was eating everything. All of a sudden a giant purple explosion formed right next to the resturaunt. Kirby made a run for it. All of a sudden Bowser jumped out of the blast. Dare I say it? The battle had begun.
    Bowser went to slash Kirby with his claws, but Kirby jumped in the and hit Bowser with rapid punch Bowser was knocked back but he instantly came back with his spiked shell aiming for Kirby's face. Kirby was badly hurt. Right as  Bowser came to pick him up and imprison him, he made a last stand. Kirby jumped and came down as a solid block of concrete right on to Bowser's head. Bowser was defeated. But soon after Bowser turned into shadow bugs. It had been a clone!
 All of a sudden Pit came flying out of Subspace snatched Krby and brought through Subspaceback to the island.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


however, that buffet in popstar. there was something special on the menu, an energy tank.  the last one on the planet and samus wanted it. she...was...mad!  determined to somehow retrive the tank from kirby's digestive track she super laser him and pit out of the skies. but she lost them and angrily tried to find where theylanded
