The Subspace Chronicles

Started by Brawler4Ever, March 27, 2008, 06:57:43 PM

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Okay, so due to the fact that we have 3 stories right now, I thought that I might make this. :P
Rules are simple.
1. Every NSM user gets one character from Super Smash Brothers Brawl.
2. HIDDDEN CHARACTERS MAY BE USED. (Hence, the Spoilers warning).
3. Chars such as Yoshi, G+W, Robot/R.O.B., Pikachu, Jiggly Puff, Pokemon Trainer, and maybe some others may be used more than once.
4. For every other, such as Mario and Snake, there may only be one User claiming that Char. For example, I can be "Red Yoshi," but not "Blue Mario."  :o. “Blue Pikachu” and the like may only be used once. There cannot be 2 "Orange Yoshis", for example.
5. Only PLAYABLE Characters may be used. That means: No Primids, Master Hand, or Tabuu, along with the other enemies. The Ancient Minister is evil in…this thing.
6. You cannot kill your or any other character. If you decide to quit, let someone else use your character. You CANNOT KILL YOUR CHARACTER AND THEN CHOOSE ANOTHER.
7. Normal Forum policies must be followed.

So, naturally… I’ll start.

Red Yoshi was walking down the beach, when suddenly the sky grew dark. Red Yoshi looked around, and noticed several small dark dots dropping onto the ground. Looking up, Red Yoshi saw a giant ship coming toward Yoshi Island. It was almost as large as the Island itself.
   Red Yoshi ran back to warn his people of the intruders.

So began the Subspace Chronicles.

If you want to write notes to others, create a line like this and then write your note.  Are there more than one Lucarios in Pokemon? If there is, then rule #3 applies to it. If not, Rule #4 must be used for Lucario. Thank you!
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!

Concerto No.20 in D minor

There was much confusion in the tribe of the yoshis, as Red Yoshi had come back to tell his tale.  Suddenly, from the heavens down asended a heavenly figure, twas Pit!


The Yoshi's glared at Pit's wonderful glide through the air, but suddenly Lucario unleashed his thunder onto Pit....they started to battle.



Red Yoshi gathered the jumbled Yoshis together. Telling them it was going to be okay, he left them to go to the battle between Pit and Lucario.

"Yosh! Yoshi! Yo! Yosh!" He cried.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


A nearby bush rustled. The battle ceased, for it was a very large rustle for such a small bush. A cel-shaded piggie slowly made his way toward the noise, curious of what he would find. As the piggie neared his destination, a cel-shaded arrow flew by and struck the piggie. The piggie, infuriated, ran angrily to where a 12 yr. old, cel-shaded kid stand with a bow. He struck the child in the stomach. The piggie, feeling much better, started to walk away.

Toon Link walked over to the piggie. He picked it up. Oh noes, its the magical piggie that farts when you pick it up. (Windfall island piggie FTW!) Using his trusty Windwaker, he called the winds to carry away the evil piggie. The piggie was gone.


Toon Link started a chant: "Heeyaaaahhhh! Ugh ugh ugh! Wahahahahahah!" Soon the yoshi's began to chant, and Pit and Lucario continued to brawl. A bright light glowed in between the two. The legendary Smash Ball had appeared.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Lucario rushed for the smash ball, hitting it as much as he could, but Pit got there before him. He had a difficult time getting it, so Lucario made his move....He punched it as hard as he can. WHAM! Lucario glowed with he had to released his attack.


Lucario looked like he had a thunder bolt in his hands.....He threw it down...........destruction.....Pit was defeated.......the Yoshi's went down a pipe......the piggie got burnt to a crisp.......Lucario had won, but wait! Someone was coming after him! It was.....



It was Red Yoshi! Red Yoshi jumped high in the air, and before Lucario could recover from his strike against Pit, he was on his back on the floor. Red Yoshi's weight began crushing Lucario. Yoshi punched Lucario in the face, then again. But just as Yoshi was about to defeat this imposter, Lucario kicked Yoshi off him. Yoshi sprang to his feet, as did Lucario. His hands glowed with power. They faced each other, ready to duel to the death if necessary.

Has everyone forgotten the Halberd? Or should it just not exist?
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Lucario and Red Yoshi started brawling giving each other taunts and making loser symbols as the Halberd flew eeriely through the darkened sky.  The sound of laser cannon fire caught the attention of the two fighters and as Lucario looked to see what it was, he was blasted off the stage into the abyss.


Red Yoshi looked around his once-beautiful island. He was alone. But, just as he was about to sink into despair, the shiny black dots fell toward his island again. There were hundreds of them, and they began to form into some little people.

Red Yoshi ran to them, hoping to get them to help him, but one of them punched Yoshi. Red Yoshi fell to the floor, and the little people formed a circle around him.

The large black ship hovered menacingly close to the island.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


((Is it supposed to be Subspace or Supspace? Cuz I'm pretty sure it's Subspace :P))


Ganondorf stood atop the black ship and made a sign, signaling for some laser cannons to begin firing at the battlefield. They began firing and it began to fall apart.


All of the terrified Yoshi's fell through a crack that had been formed and were sent plummeting downwards.

Meanwhile, a few miles away, Captain Falcon was gliding through the underground race-track determined to win the Grand Prix.
He was just about to floor it when he felt a rumbling and dozens of yoshi's came down from the ceiling.


...As the yoshis crashed down onto the racetrack the F-Zero pilots ran over them, killing many of the yoshi clan. Red yoshi looked down the hole at the massacre and swore vengeance on Captain Falcon and his racing gang. it was only when he loked up did he see the mighty warrior that was standing beside him. that warrior was...

damn commies.


...that warrior was the great Sir Meta Knight.  Before Red Yoshi could react, Meta Knight had bagged Red Yoshi and then beemed the bag up to his ship.  To satisfy his needs, he sent a whole collague of dark purple matter down the crack onto the remaining yoshi clan.


Red Yoshi tried to scramble out of the bag, but could not.
"Dang." he thought to himself, and proceeded to try to eat the bag from the inside.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!