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PDF Sheet Conversion Project

Started by Winter, October 27, 2010, 09:48:49 PM

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Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


That was sarcasm, in case you missed that, MG. xP And if it wasn't... then...umm, Winterkid, you need to read the previous posts...


While this is a great idea, it's not very practical, nor is it realistic at the moment. :P I think this should go on hiatus until we actually have potential to upload these to the site.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


The reason I wanted to start was because we'd have a better chance of the sheets even beginning to be uploaded if they were ready to go, you know?


So I'm going to start off by uploading sections of sheets which will be certain video games, post them in a new reply and if anyone believes that certain sheet need to be fixed before being added, i will only add the others to the list.

I think that will work pretty well, having more than just my own opinion in deciding which sheets are up to par


Quote from: winterkid09 on October 28, 2010, 04:55:46 PMSo I'm going to start off by uploading sections of sheets which will be certain video games, post them in a new reply and if anyone believes that certain sheet need to be fixed before being added, i will only add the others to the list.

I think that will work pretty well, having more than just my own opinion in deciding which sheets are up to par

Here, I'll get the list that can be converted: .

Quote from: SlowPokemon on October 28, 2010, 04:36:21 PMWhile this is a great idea, it's not very practical, nor is it realistic at the moment. :P I think this should go on hiatus until we actually have potential to upload these to the site.

Finally someone that can actually see reality.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Advertising another site helps NSM more than anything else at the moment. Wait...


Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Quote from: pumpy_heart on October 28, 2010, 07:46:50 PMAdvertising another site helps NSM more than anything else at the moment. Wait...
Apollomix/Vgvirtuoso reference?


Because we're totally not talking about NSM at all.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


I was just referencing master_gamer's post where he showed how sheets should look.


Well its kind of hard to compare and contrast something to itself.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Right, guess I should post something here.

I'm all for adding the option for PDF. Though, the problems:

1. Making the database and the uploader PDF-friendly. While it's not difficult nor a too time-consuming job, my time is limited. I'll try to find some time for it though.
2. What to convert. As seen in this topic, some of the sheets are deemed "not even worthy of conversion". Once again, here comes the eternal Fixing the Sheets -project of NSM.
3. The conversion itself. Speaking as a guy who once renamed all the files so they would be properly named for the system, going through all the sheets one by one and converting them will suck.

I'd say we don't bother with huge conversion projects before I can get the system itself running, as slow as it might sound. I'll try to find some time but unfortunately non-commissioned officer student JaMaHa has limited time and limited access to the computer. Should get a long vacation for christmas though.


^Point 1 is the key here. If you can get time during Christmas, it would be great. I agree that we can't do much until the system is in place.

2 and 3 isn't that bad. With enough volunteers, the conversion can be done in a week, and by that I mean "every sheet on site, if need be". If people can be assigned a section to convert, they can individually judge whether a sheet is good enough for conversion, submit the ones who are, and the uploaders again can, if they have time, go through the .pdfs, eventually scrapping the remaining crappy sheets before uploading the rest.

So yeah, I think the technical stuff is the only hinder we will have to overcome. However, that isn't to say it will be easy, neither to do nor get time for. But I think we will manage it, if only we put in some collective effort.
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The Deku Trombonist

Just one issue which I can see here:

Quote from: Cobraroll on November 07, 2010, 02:46:37 AMIf people can be assigned a section to convert, they can individually judge whether a sheet is good enough for conversion, submit the ones who are, and the uploaders again can, if they have time, go through the .pdfs, eventually scrapping the remaining crappy sheets before uploading the rest.

I'm not exactly a fan of this idea. I wouldn't want people to waste time converting every sheet on the site only to have them rejected. It would be a whole lot better if people started fixing the sheets now. That way, we can build up a list of arrangements that are ready to be converted and then, whent he time comes, people can starting converting those. And don't forget, people can submit as many replacements as they want. I really, really, really (ad infinitum) don't want to be stuck fixing everything by myself. But if that's what it takes, so be it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for having everyone helping to convert, I just don't want people to waste time converting and submitting crap.


It's nice to see your approval of this JaMaHa! But yeah, I have been holding off temporarily on this until the sheets are mostly fixed. Everyone seems to be in agreeance with that anyway