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TWG XII - The Second Great Fairy War

Started by Dude, October 20, 2010, 07:34:32 PM

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Quote from: Nakah on October 24, 2010, 05:05:58 PMUniverse you dumbass, way to completely misuse the item. The item should have been saved for an instance to revive the seer. Another mark of dumbassery: the guardian SHOULD NOT come out, unless you want the guardian AND seer both dead.
It's more likely the wolves attempted to kill ETF and failed, rather than missed the wolfing due to inactivity. This means the guardian and ETF have an alliance(hopefully).
Also, the fact that mg was killed does not make him a confirmed green. Wolves sometimes risk wolfing one of their own if they know there's a possibility of revival, thus confirming their wolfy partner as 'green.' Not saying this has to be the case. Either way, using the item already was a poor decision.
I also admit what I did was pretty stupid. I only realized what happened after I sent the PM in. Either way, calm down. :P

So, any thoughts on wolves?




Cirno should not come out. This would create a weak link in an alliance. There should be a hidden alliance between Cirno and ETF.

If the wolves did not send a PM, I'm believe it would be safe to call Nakah human. My logic? Let's go back to TWG V.

Quote from: Nakah on June 01, 2010, 03:39:33 PMjake3343 you wolf. I know well enough that you wouldn't vote someone for suspected missed-wolfing. I would never miss a wolfing, that's just plain stupid. It's a waste of a chance to kill and it makes your chances of outlasting more difficult. I wouldn't even chance it.

So, this post got interrupted by supper, and then lots of posts followed, and now askalice is proven red. I was planning on posting more, but for now this is good.

Avid user of NFNet IRC network.




you havent heard the last of me ;)



No more voting, take off your votes, FAST. DO IT NOW.


I'm quickly switching to a placeholder on Wrydryn under Nakah's request due to what may be an unexpected circumstance.


Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


e unexpected circumstance is nakah doesnt want to die.... selfish act why risk killing one of your own so you can live... im taking him down with me because i have that power. oh and i didnt bold my vote askalice



ps... very bad game on my part im sorry to everyone expecting a good game... just didnt have it this time around tried to rush things


Askalice revealed to me that he's the Brutal Wolf, so one of us is going down with him. He also revealed that there's only one wolf left(jub3rt was red also), I've spread the convo out to several of you, to keep this info flowing in the event that a person with the convo dies. We should commence the insta now, since I've done all I can do at this point. May the Force be with all of you.

