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TWG XII - The Second Great Fairy War

Started by Dude, October 20, 2010, 07:34:32 PM

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i dont mind seer me. I had better reasoning to vote nakah than i did winter. Maybe it was a defense maybe it wasnt. Think as you may, but i just think that nakah has a big influence and normally he texts me to discuss what we think and he hadnt yet. Its out little chat because neither of us like the chat on here. Im not saying nakah is a wolf he just struck me as odd with the jumpy votes.


Quote from: universe-X on October 23, 2010, 04:19:42 PMDon't jump to conclusions now.

I just thought Nakah and Concerto (2 of the best at TWG) are acting a little strange this game around. Just a little.

And I do have a reason to ask, and you'll find out by Day Phase.

I'm just being analytical this time around.
Quote from: askalice23 on October 23, 2010, 04:28:42 PMi dont mind seer me. I had better reasoning to vote nakah than i did winter. Maybe it was a defense maybe it wasnt. Think as you may, but i just think that nakah has a big influence and normally he texts me to discuss what we think and he hadnt yet. Its out little chat because neither of us like the chat on here. Im not saying nakah is a wolf he just struck me as odd with the jumpy votes.

I definitely agree with the last part, Nakah does usually put more thought into voting.



Hahaha. The only 'major influence' and 'god-like "kingship"' I have in this game is what you guys attribute and hype up to me. I've never once held an ego over myself. It's your choice to follow my votes or take my word as law, but in the past I had hoped that happened just because you guys had a sense of what I was saying to be true. Other than that, where can you really accuse me of trying to use my "divine right" to control the vote majority.

This game is a perfect example. It was Day 1, so of course my votes have reason to be less-sensical and more jumpy. I didn't really even mean to vote jub3rt seriously, let alone have him lynched. Although now that this has happened, Mashi brings up an interesting point. Thanks for hyping me up and putting me on a higher level only to use that as reason to vote me, AskAlice. Not to mention, you have made no effort to  talk about this game with me beyond the site either. I find your analytical approach on Day 1 to be more wolfy than my less serious and floaty approach.

In any case, jub3rt is dead, and while he gave me a little bit of an off vibe, I really can't say it was a lynch well-conceived. It does however expose a new light which will be interesting to look into come the next phase.


So, I might as well make this public, just to let go of any accusations of me being a wolf :P

I had the Extra Life and I am using it this night phase to revive Master_Gamer38. :)


I'm going to post my thoughts for each player for now.


1. Universe-X- Confirmed, had the Item.
2. winterkid09- He's acting different than in the previous game when he was a Wolf.  He's making attempts to find the Wolves, though unfortunately, they all seem to be illogical for the most part.  However, do to his personality switch, I'm slightly inclined to believe he's Human, especially after the Jub3r7 and askalice23 affair that recently occurred.
3. askalice- When winterkid09 accused Jub3r7, askalice23 voted for winterkid09 for the reason that he didn't like how he referred to the blues.  However, if you look at winterkid09's post about it, he states that he believes claiming is bad because it will reveal the blues, so already we can see askalice23 seems to have made up an excuse to vote for winterkid09.  Then there's the incident with Nakah.  When Nakah voted for Jub3r7, askalice23 jumped on him for illogical reasons.  askalice23 seems to have been in friendly terms with Jub3r7, which is why I'm inclined to believe he and askalice23 are Wolves.  Due to this, it leads me to believe winterkid09 and Nakah are also Human.
4. Jub3r7- He never did anything suspicious in my mind, but askalice23's reaction to things involving him are what makes me feel Jub3r7 is a Wolf.
5. Concerto- ???
6. Nakah- Nakah doesn't seem to be playing very differently in my opinion, though it may be because I haven't actually played a game with him.  But even so, I don't see any major change towards how he acts as a Human in previous games.  Not to mention, because of the incident involving askalice23, I'm quite sure they're on uneven odds, so I'm sure it's obvious I believe Nakah is Human.
7. ETFROXX- Confirmed, Seer.
8. Master_Gamer38- Confirmed, was wolfed.
9. Mashi- I know I'm Human.
10. Wrydryn- ???

As you can see, I believe that askalice23 and Jub3r7 are Wolves.  Wrydryn and Concerto are the only two other players who I don't have an opinion of so far, so I'm confident one of them is the final Wolf, since I'm leaning to believe the rest of the players are Human anyways.


Quote from: Nakah on October 24, 2010, 10:34:21 AMHahaha. The only 'major influence' and 'god-like "kingship"' I have in this game is what you guys attribute and hype up to me. I've never once held an ego over myself. It's your choice to follow my votes or take my word as law, but in the past I had hoped that happened just because you guys had a sense of what I was saying to be true. Other than that, where can you really accuse me of trying to use my "divine right" to control the vote majority.

This game is a perfect example. It was Day 1, so of course my votes have reason to be less-sensical and more jumpy. I didn't really even mean to vote jub3rt seriously, let alone have him lynched. Although now that this has happened, Mashi brings up an interesting point. Thanks for hyping me up and putting me on a higher level only to use that as reason to vote me, AskAlice. Not to mention, you have made no effort to  talk about this game with me beyond the site either. I find your analytical approach on Day 1 to be more wolfy than my less serious and floaty approach.

In any case, jub3rt is dead, and while he gave me a little bit of an off vibe, I really can't say it was a lynch well-conceived. It does however expose a new light which will be interesting to look into come the next phase.

i never said you had an ego i was just saying that everyone does hype you up a bit and thats why you can influence peoples votes easlily. it was night one we had nothing to go offf and you were being jumpy so i voted on you for being jumpy.


Quote from: Mashi on October 24, 2010, 11:41:48 AMI'm going to post my thoughts for each player for now.


1. Universe-X- Confirmed, had the Item.
2. winterkid09- He's acting different than in the previous game when he was a Wolf.  He's making attempts to find the Wolves, though unfortunately, they all seem to be illogical for the most part.  However, do to his personality switch, I'm slightly inclined to believe he's Human, especially after the Jub3r7 and askalice23 affair that recently occurred.
3. askalice- When winterkid09 accused Jub3r7, askalice23 voted for winterkid09 for the reason that he didn't like how he referred to the blues.  However, if you look at winterkid09's post about it, he states that he believes claiming is bad because it will reveal the blues, so already we can see askalice23 seems to have made up an excuse to vote for winterkid09.  Then there's the incident with Nakah.  When Nakah voted for Jub3r7, askalice23 jumped on him for illogical reasons.  askalice23 seems to have been in friendly terms with Jub3r7, which is why I'm inclined to believe he and askalice23 are Wolves.  Due to this, it leads me to believe winterkid09 and Nakah are also Human.
4. Jub3r7- He never did anything suspicious in my mind, but askalice23's reaction to things involving him are what makes me feel Jub3r7 is a Wolf.
5. Concerto- ???
6. Nakah- Nakah doesn't seem to be playing very differently in my opinion, though it may be because I haven't actually played a game with him.  But even so, I don't see any major change towards how he acts as a Human in previous games.  Not to mention, because of the incident involving askalice23, I'm quite sure they're on uneven odds, so I'm sure it's obvious I believe Nakah is Human.
7. ETFROXX- Confirmed, Seer.
8. Master_Gamer38- Confirmed, was wolfed.
9. Mashi- I know I'm Human.
10. Wrydryn- ???

As you can see, I believe that askalice23 and Jub3r7 are Wolves.  Wrydryn and Concerto are the only two other players who I don't have an opinion of so far, so I'm confident one of them is the final Wolf, since I'm leaning to believe the rest of the players are Human anyways.

How was that a made up excuse to vote for winter... the way he put it made me suspicious that was all. Like i said above night one what else do you want me to do... oh i got an idea lets all safety like every other game.


No one was wolfed, MG is revived, Day 2 ends Tuesday at 6:00

I'm not in the mood to put in a story plus I have an essay to do. Sorry.


This makes me wanna think Concerto is up to nothing (activity-wise), and even better kinda seals in Mashi's thoughts about jub3r7.

However, jub3r's death could be a cover up for Nakah (who I suspect is a wolf) as well. Just saying.

askalice is being pretty convincing this game around that he's human.

Winter's posts sound rushed/under some sort of pressure (almost the way I sound when I'm a wolf).

Mashi- I'm pretty sure he's human (maybe even the other blue), but I'm not confirming anything yet.

Wry's being pretty quiet, meaning he could also be a wolf. Once again, not confirming anything.

Me, MG, and ETF are confirmed greens/blues.


Reading my post again, I just realized that the Cirno could've used an Ice Shield to defend someone.

Cirno should come out, but in a later phase. Preferrably next day phase IF someone is wolfed.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

I honestly think askalice seems to be the most wolfish out of everyone.


Universe you dumbass, way to completely misuse the item. The item should have been saved for an instance to revive the seer. Another mark of dumbassery: the guardian SHOULD NOT come out, unless you want the guardian AND seer both dead.

It's more likely the wolves attempted to kill ETF and failed, rather than missed the wolfing due to inactivity. This means the guardian and ETF have an alliance(hopefully).

Also, the fact that mg was killed does not make him a confirmed green. Wolves sometimes risk wolfing one of their own if they know there's a possibility of revival, thus confirming their wolfy partner as 'green.' Not saying this has to be the case. Either way, using the item already was a poor decision.


Quote from: Nakah on October 24, 2010, 05:05:58 PMAlso, the fact that mg was killed does not make him a confirmed green. Wolves sometimes risk wolfing one of their own if they know there's a possibility of revival, thus confirming their wolfy partner as 'green.' Not saying this has to be the case. Either way, using the item already was a poor decision.
Although this is definitely a possibility, I don't think MG or any other players here are the type of people to do that here to be honest.  It would be too risky.

Aside from that though, I'm going to wait for ETFROXX's results before I make a vote for now.

Also, I suppose we should try to get this wolfing deal settled.  Either the Wolves were inactive and missed their wolfing (Which I find very unlikely), or they wolfed someone that was guarded.

Since the latter option is more likely, out of curiosity, I would like to know if the Guardian guarded someone other than ETFROXX.  Because I find it very odd for a Wolf to attempt to wolf the Seer when it's very obvious that she would be guarded.


It's kind of irrelevant at this point why someone wasn't wolfed. No one was, and knowing why wouldn't necessarily help us advance towards a wolf(even if it narrowed it down to the inactive people, there are other reasons that could have caused a missed wolfing). Whether ETF was guarded or not, we should look towards her seering results rather than trying to settle on something that cannot truly be settled.