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TWG XII - The Second Great Fairy War

Started by Dude, October 20, 2010, 07:34:32 PM

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Alright fair enough, I've been busy but also in the chat. Not much I can back myself up with anyways. Just want to put it out there, I'm a human but it's not the first time I've been mistaken as the wrong role.


I'm actually thinking between winter and Concerto right now...


Sorry, I was away.

Mashi is dead. Day 3 ends Thursday at 6:00PM EST


Quote from: Mashi on October 25, 2010, 03:01:21 PMOkay, so, I think the last Wolf is either Concerto or Wrydryn.
This is all I'm gonna go off of. Any opinions?




Okay, I'm not sure what to do. The person I seered last night came up green.


then we choose between the other two left...

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Oh hey, sorry guys.  I've been working late nights for the past few days, so I haven't been as active as I'd like to have been.  Honestly, I don't know who to vote for without a bit more info, but this is what I understand so far.
mastergamer - has to be green, because he was killed night one, unless he was a wolf and somehow had some crazy master plan to get revived.  Which I doubt.
universe - also seems to be green, as he revealed that he had the Extra Life, which only greens can have.
concerto - I am me.
etf - is the seer.
winterkid/wrydryn - I could go either way with winter or wrydryn, I just need to know who ETF has seer'd to know who to vote for.  I honestly think one of them is the last wolf.  I'm leaning toward winterkid for now, but I could just as easily go for wrydryn.  I'd just like to know what others think.


I believe Winterkid to be human, he started the lynch on Jub3r in the first day phase. He wouldn't kill a fellow wolf like that. My choices are down to Wrydryn and Concerto.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Concerto, which finger, on my left hand, am I holding up right now?


We have half a hour people! Hurry up and make your choices!

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Quote from: master_gamer38 on October 27, 2010, 05:48:31 PMI believe Winterkid to be human, he started the lynch on Jub3r in the first day phase. He wouldn't kill a fellow wolf like that. My choices are down to Wrydryn and Concerto.
What if Jub3r wasn't a wolf?  That could mean that winter and Wrydryn are both wolfs.  Just a thought to throw out.  Really though, it'd be nice to know who ETF seer'd so we know which people she's seer'd as humans and who she hasn't seer'd.  For now, I'm voting Winter, but I could change my mind if ETF speaks up.




Concerto No.20 in D minor

lol, sorry.  >.>  Wait, if you seer'd wry green, why are you voting for him?