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TWG XII - The Second Great Fairy War

Started by Dude, October 20, 2010, 07:34:32 PM

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I just wanted to point out that in the last TWG I immidiately went and said I was a plain green character and had no defense to back it up besides (I just AM human.) Which is what Jub3r7 has said in his first 3 posts. He replied immediately after someone said he could just as easily be sunnymilk and said (well I'm not) I only have a few leads besides that, I'll share another

Sorry, the posts were on the last page and I can't get exact quotes, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

Quote from: universe-X on October 21, 2010, 07:03:56 PMWinterkid, your reasoning is weird. :|
Wouldn't this kinda make sense? :o Narrows down reds.

Also, would a Lunachild be able to bring down- never mind :P

Here Universe-X does 2 things, uses alot of smileys, which I tend to do when I'm unsure of myself, althought that is biased, and possibly not applicable. but he also begins asking a question about who Lunachild can bring down, now when I was in the last TWG i constantly wondered what I could do with my vengeance power, as in (who can I bring down with me, what if they're guarded?) So that's all I've got at the moment, thoughts?


I was gonna say "bring down another red", but the answer was obvious :P

And I try to use emotes in every sentence xP

Safety on winter, for now.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Quote from: winterkid09 on October 22, 2010, 01:19:53 AMBesides myself, who would you consider the beginner players? That might influence my decision slightly because you've got a valid point.
I'd rather not point fingers at players.  I was just making an observation.


Concerto likes the idea of pointing us in the direction of less experienced players, as that would exclude him from the equation. Usually there's a bit more coming from you even this early on in the game.


Sorry if this sounds stupid and over-analyzed, but...

By Concerto:
Oh right, TWG.

That sounds like what someone would think if they were a bored human...
But it doesn't sound like what someone would say so specifically, so obviously, unless they wanted to make it obvious to other players about what they're thinking.

QuoteBut at the same time, he's a pretty experienced player. And that seems like something a not so experienced wolf may say. I'm not sure..
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]



I sent the first part to someone (my suspicions), and their response was the part in quotes.

I'm keeping my safety on Mashi, because it's suspicions like these that I can't act on.
And since I can't act on them, I didn't.

I really didn't like it when everyone found out I was a wolf two games ago, and now, I'm hindering the progress of humans by accidentally causing everyone to think that I'm a wolf. Now the entire day phase will be wasted, thanks to me. Dam it.

And since Nakah seems like the person to agree with, people are going to agree with him, and so will the wolves, and when people see the wolves agreeing with Nakah they will agree too due to some branch of psychology.

It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


One thing i dont like about this site is that nakah is king. What he says goes. jub is right mostly everyone will agree with him. However i would like to point out, nakah you are a little vote happy in this game and well since you are the unofficial god of twg (no shot at you just the people who assume everything you say is code)  people will try to side with him. And im pretty sure that nakah knows he influences the game alot. So with that said im voting nakah on account you are vote happy and you influence everyone a little too much

Also for everyone who says he doesnt influence the game, look at almost every previous twg. I will also admit i have done it in the past and my thought process was nakah is expierenced and knows what he is doing so im going to vote with him.

P.S. the first paragraph was no shot at you. You are a very good player, however that shouldnt be a reason people vote with you.


I was contemplating about Jub3r7 before, because the way he behaved in this game was similar to how he was acting as a Wolf and Human in the previous two games.  However, now that I've seen askalice23's post, I'm inclined to take sides with Nakah.  And since this Phase is going to end soon, I'm going to post this quick and then post other stuff afterwords.


After a long discussion, the meeting had come to a close and it was decided that jub3r7 was to be killed by being impaled with icicles.  "Eye will be the one to do it!" Exclaimed Cirno. While everyone watched, jub3r7 was stabbed multiple times in multiple places with icicles. Finally, as the sun was setting, the fairies grew tired and decided it was time to rest.

jub3r7 is dead. Night ends tomorrow at 6:00PM EST

I'm getting better with the story, aren't I? :)


Okay, now that I'm under no time constraints, I'll be able to post more better.

askalice23, your accusation doesn't really make any sense.  Your first point was that Nakah is vote happy, but from what I can recall, that's how he is for most games as a Human anyways, he makes direct accusations with psychological evidence.

Now, if Nakah is a human, how is him helping us find the Wolves going to be bad for us?  Easy, it won't.
If he's a Wolf, how is he going to hurt us?  By influencing us to vote a Human on Day 1, which also happens to be the Phase that we're supposed to lynch a Human; lynching a Wolf is extremely rare during this Phase.
But the problem, what proof do we have is there showing us that Nakah is a Wolf?  Your accusation of him being vote happy is hardly proof in that matter, because he does this when he's a Human.  So your evidence is going against your point.

As for him influencing the game.  Whom else has posted any reasonable reason to vote anyone else?  Whom else has voted along with Nakah already?  No one has, for both questions.

So what your post is telling me is that you're either a Wolf trying to save your Wolf partner through a KitB and possibly lynching Nakah or someone in the alliance protecting another person in the alliance.  However, if the latter were the case, I'm quite confident you would be aware of the fact that letting it go would be more beneficial than making yourself look suspicious.  So I'm very confident it's the former scenario.


Dude- did you use when choosing roles?

I have a feeling these roles weren't chosen at random...

And now we wait in Night 2. MG and Jub3r are dead. :o


After rereading the topic, I noticed that had askalice23 kept his vote on winterkid09, it would have been a KitB between winterkid09 and Jub3r7 if I didn't vote in time.  But, he switched his vote to Nakah, which wouldn't make sense if he was in the alliance or a Wolf, unless he miscounted the amount of Wolves on the two players.
But even so, it still does not attribute to the evidence askalice23 brought up towards Nakah and his reason to vote for winterkid09 seemed odd to me as well.

But alas, I'm feeling very odd today and can't seem to think straight.  But I think it would be best if ETFROXX seered askalice23 this Phase just in case.


Quote from: universe-X on October 23, 2010, 03:29:14 PMDude- did you use when choosing roles?

I have a feeling these roles weren't chosen at random...

And now we wait in Night 2. MG and Jub3r are dead. :o

Wait a second, How would you be able to say that unless you had a better knowledge of the roles than others? Any human should have a "mostly" vague idea of the roles at this point in the game. To me this implies that you are a wolf considering all wolves know who the reds are. That would give you a reason to possibly ask Dude that question.


Don't jump to conclusions now.

I just thought Nakah and Concerto (2 of the best at TWG) are acting a little strange this game around. Just a little.

And I do have a reason to ask, and you'll find out by Day Phase.