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Super cool NSM tinychat!

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, October 09, 2010, 03:11:27 AM

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I like food.




I'm even in the tinychat for once, come on gooo!


I might be there in like an hour or so so wait maybe??




Quote from: Slow
Quote from: manio
I love taking wiener schnitzel in my mouth
Quote from: Kefka
cooperating anal
Quote from: ZeldaFanmy dream is to get a quote in someone's sig someday


have a flight to catch at 3 tomorrow, help me stay up



I'm there.




bespinben: woah, woah, what's going on here?
[8:32 PM] thatgamer_danielle: All the mods are here lol we just need maestro
[8:32 PM] latios: Sounds like fun
[8:33 PM] latios: WOOO
[8:33 PM] latios: EVEN BEN IS HEAR
[8:33 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Nothing ben!
[8:33 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Just sleep
[8:33 PM] olimar12345: Manycam.... ;___;
[8:33 PM] yug_guy: lol
[8:33 PM] bespinben: saw your post dude, thought you might be a bit lonely
[8:33 PM] thatgamer_danielle: *here latios
[8:33 PM] dude: what
[8:33 PM] dude: lol
[8:33 PM] dude: nah
[8:33 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Lol if anyones lonely its me
[8:33 PM] dude: waaah
[8:33 PM] bubbles: im bored
[8:33 PM] bespinben: oh hey bubbles
[8:34 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Me too bubbles
[8:34 PM] latios: *pops bubbles*
[8:34 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Wanna talk? lol
[8:34 PM] dude: somebody once trolled me successfully rickrolled me
[8:34 PM] bubbles: *gasp*
[8:34 PM] dude: i aint the sharpest n00b in the thread
[8:34 PM] bubbles: they rick rolled YOU
[8:35 PM] thatgamer_danielle: I think that was me dude, i rickrolled you
[8:35 PM] dude: i was looking kinda dumb with the CAPS LOCK BUTTON ON
[8:35 PM] olimar12345: nice song lol
[8:35 PM] yug_guy: Lovin' them dank maymays
[8:35 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Which song?
[8:35 PM] dude: i bet you thought that this song was over
[8:35 PM] dude: WELL
[8:35 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Oh give you up
[8:35 PM] thatgamer_danielle: nvm
[8:35 PM] thatgamer_danielle: I'm so stupid lol
[8:36 PM] dude: the memes start coming and they don't stop coming
[8:36 PM] etf: guys I'm on nsm
[8:36 PM] etf: set off the alarms
[8:36 PM] dude: um
[8:36 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Sweet etf i'll pm you
[8:36 PM] yug_guy: *WEEWOOWEEWOO*
[8:36 PM] dude: i forgot the rest
[8:36 PM] dude: waaahhhhh
[8:37 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Oh damn i've been on tc and skype so long that i forget nsm...
[8:37 PM] bubbles1 entered the room.
[8:37 PM] guest-260354 changed nickname to bubbles1
[8:38 PM] bubbles1: wtf, another m
[8:38 PM] latios: hey look more bubbles
[8:38 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Hey, is that a dog you have, etf?
[8:38 PM] yug_guy: Bubbles has successfully reproduced via mitosis
[8:38 PM] etf: yes
[8:38 PM] bubbles1: no seriously, im the real bubbles
[8:38 PM] etf: yes it is
[8:38 PM] etf: that is Toby
[8:38 PM] bubbles: yeah right. i am
[8:39 PM] yug_guy: WHO DO I BELIEVE?!
[8:39 PM] bespinben: really bubbles. are you sure you didn't create another tinychat?
[8:39 PM] bubbles1: im serious
[8:39 PM] dude:
[8:39 PM] dude: found it
[8:39 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Wtf
[8:39 PM] thatgamer_danielle: who is bubbles two then?
[8:39 PM] thatgamer_danielle: *bubbles1
[8:39 PM] kefka: friends, i think we have an imposter
[8:40 PM] etf: can't we all just be ourselves
[8:40 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Dibs on Maya lol
[8:40 PM] dude: kefka grab your gf
[8:40 PM] oasis left the room.
[8:40 PM] thatgamer_danielle: I bet it's her
[8:40 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Okay i'll change my name back
[8:40 PM] blazinflizard changed nickname to thatgamer_danielle
[8:40 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Done
[8:40 PM] kefka: no seriously
[8:41 PM] kefka: where's ruto?
[8:41 PM] dude: that's your job
[8:41 PM] kefka: brb, im going to message her
[8:41 PM] dude: ;)
[8:41 PM] bubbles1: hey imposter!
[8:41 PM] bubbles: excuse me? im the real bubbles
[8:41 PM] latios: .-.
[8:41 PM] dude: inb4 it's maya
[8:41 PM] bubbles: back me up olimar, latios!
[8:41 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Lol thats what i said dude
[8:41 PM] thatgamer_danielle: I believe bubbles 1
[8:42 PM] thatgamer_danielle: I mean bubbles
[8:42 PM] dude: they're the same
[8:42 PM] dude: $10
[8:42 PM] dude: it's maya
[8:42 PM] latios: green bubbles were here first
[8:42 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Yup
[8:42 PM] yug_guy: Where's CAPTCHA when you need it?
[8:42 PM] thatgamer_danielle: I could be bubbles too if i wantd lol
[8:42 PM] thatgamer_danielle: I'm good at impersonating
[8:42 PM] kefka: messaged her
[8:42 PM] dude: bubbles/1 how tall are you
[8:42 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Oooh good question
[8:43 PM] thatgamer_danielle: I dont know the answer though lol
[8:43 PM] olimar123456 entered the room.
[8:43 PM] kefka: and we really need better verifications, i mean this is total crap
[8:43 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Yup
[8:43 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Agreed
[8:43 PM] guest-260399 changed nickname to olimar123456
[8:43 PM] etf: we need to be more mature
[8:43 PM] thatgamer_danielle: What the f lol
[8:43 PM] dude: lol
[8:43 PM] etf: I know
[8:43 PM] etf: I dream big
[8:43 PM] olimar123456: I am TG
[8:43 PM] latios: did olimar duplicate too
[8:43 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Wait wtf
[8:43 PM] latios: aish
[8:43 PM] dude: ????
[8:43 PM] olimar123456: impersonating Olimar
[8:43 PM] yug_guy: OLIMAR!
[8:43 PM] thatgamer_danielle: I'm not tg
[8:43 PM] latios: staahhhp
[8:43 PM] olimar123456: no I manycam crapped our
[8:43 PM] thatgamer_danielle: I mean im not olimar
[8:43 PM] olimar123456: out*
[8:44 PM] olimar123456: No, I am TG
[8:44 PM] thatgamer_danielle: Sigh call me back when this is over. Going to go for supper. Fuck yourself, clone
[8:44 PM] thatgamer_danielle left the room.
[8:44 PM] dude: this is weird
[8:44 PM] yug_guy: Harsh
[8:44 PM] olimar123456: I really am Olimar, you know
[8:44 PM] saria entered the room.
[8:44 PM] etf: :/
[8:44 PM] guest-260408 changed nickname to saria
[8:44 PM] olimar123456: and you didn't leave lol
[8:45 PM] dude: sariaaaa
[8:45 PM] dude: hopefully
[8:45 PM] saria: DOODLE
[8:45 PM] dude: are you really saria
[8:45 PM] maestr entered the room.
[8:45 PM] latios: if you're olimar, how many fingers am I holding up???
[8:45 PM] saria: yes
[8:45 PM] dude: ???????
[8:45 PM] guest-260414 changed nickname to maestr
[8:45 PM] dude: realllllly?
[8:45 PM] saria: yes
[8:45 PM] saria: ill skype you
[8:45 PM] maestr left the room.
[8:45 PM] dude: what's your real name
[8:45 PM] olimar123456: SERERER
[8:45 PM] olimar123456: ERS MER
[8:45 PM] saria: ERLERMER
[8:45 PM] dude: ok
[8:45 PM] olimar123456: ER WERS KERDERNG
[8:46 PM] latios: seems legit
[8:46 PM] dude: i can confirm
[8:46 PM] olimar123456: HER HER HER
[8:46 PM] dude: it's saria
[8:46 PM] saria: :(
[8:46 PM] dude: :(
[8:46 PM] olimar123456: there sure are a lot of people here rn
[8:46 PM] dude: wow olimar
[8:46 PM] danielle entered the room.
[8:46 PM] dude: rude
[8:46 PM] yug_guy: ...
[8:46 PM] yug_guy: Yeah
[8:46 PM] olimar123456: rude?
[8:46 PM] bubbles: hehehe, im TG
[8:46 PM] bubbles left the room.
[8:46 PM] dude: ...
[8:46 PM] saria: where is kefka??
[8:46 PM] dude: is it???
[8:46 PM] bespinben: so am I! got ya!
[8:46 PM] bespinben left the room.
[8:47 PM] kefka: me too!
[8:47 PM] kefka left the room.
[8:47 PM] dude: ........................
[8:47 PM] saria: oh fuck you
[8:47 PM] etf: this is fucked up -.-
[8:47 PM] bubbles1: me too! suckas
[8:47 PM] saria: yea fuck you
[8:47 PM] bubbles1 left the room.
[8:47 PM] dude: what
[8:47 PM] etf: for real, whats going on
[8:47 PM] saria: imposter
[8:47 PM] guest-260429 changed nickname to danielle
[8:47 PM] danielle: sorry guys
[8:47 PM] dude: yeah you're proably gonna be banned
[8:48 PM] dude: gj
[8:48 PM] danielle: i was just having fun!
[8:48 PM] saria: you're sorry?????
[8:48 PM] yug_guy: Fun?
[8:48 PM] saria: that isnt gonna make up for what youve done
[8:48 PM] dude: welp
[8:48 PM] saria: asshole
[8:48 PM] yug_guy: That was not most people's defintion of "fun"
[8:48 PM] danielle: that's not nice!
[8:48 PM] latios: you're not nice
[8:48 PM] saria: xD
[8:49 PM] olimar123456: installing manycam again for the 6th time....
[8:49 PM] saria: brb i have to cook dinner
[8:49 PM] etf: good luck olimar
[8:49 PM] dude: brb logging

so that happened




Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


Quote from: Slow
Quote from: manio
I love taking wiener schnitzel in my mouth
Quote from: Kefka
cooperating anal
Quote from: ZeldaFanmy dream is to get a quote in someone's sig someday