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TWG XI: Beyond Azincourt

Started by master_gamer38, October 02, 2010, 04:17:34 PM

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Quote from: jake3343 on October 03, 2010, 11:55:55 AMAlso, is the Fleur-de-Lis told he is the Fleur-de-Lis or a Frenchmen?

They know that they are the F-d-L


Quote from: jake3343 on October 03, 2010, 11:55:55 AMWhy wouldn't the Ã,me de Sol come out instead of L'Artisien? The Ame de sol is basically a wolfsbane with a reviving power, and everyone would claim to the ame de sol. The guardian would still guard the seer, but the ame de sol would announce any red seerings, etc. Although having the seer come out would be just as fine, I think it would be better for the ame de sol to come out because the guardian might not be able to get on in time to guard the seer, seeing as night phase is pretty short.
Ah yes, I forgot the Ame de Sol was part Wolfsbane.  I suppose this would be a better plan, depending on the circumstances, so I agree with this plan.


Okay, I'm going to claim now. I'm the Ã,me de Sol.



Also, once all the claiming is figured out and all the special roles know who each other are, the Pope should pick the seer to not be lynched because 1) the seer would stay alive and 2) He would be able to seer the masterwolf red.


Dear all of the blues:

   Don't rush just yet to reveal yourselves to ETF. Make sure no one else counter-claims the role, because if they do, then the seer has to seer on of them before the rest of the blues can form an alliance(for obvious reasons).

I think the odds of this alliance forming by the end of the night are not very high, because trying to get this alliance together in one night would require some level of unnecessary risk. The best idea would have been for the seer to come out so that the guardian could guard them Night 1 since the seer would have been a fine medium for the alliance and rest of the humans, but I suppose it won't matter too greatly anyways.

So we should allow time to pass(Night 1, anyways) to make sure no one else counter-claims. Then by Day 1 it'd probably be safe for all of the blues to go revealing-crazy to ETF.


Night One is Over

     The snow began its nightly fall as the French hunkered down for the night. The fires were out and everyone was retired into the warm taverns and homes for the next day to come. The Frenchmen were enjoying the night at the tavern, singing drunken lullabies of merriment, even though they were involved in this long war. Jake and Jub3r7 in the back room looking for wine, Slow and ETF were sitting in front of the fire getting warm, Winter and Riolu were playing a Mandolin and Clarinet to go with the singing. Mashi, Dude, Askalice and Nakah were sitting at the bar playing cards, sipping the warm Ales that were being served by the tavern-keep, DrP. (yes, im putting myself in the story). Everyone was having a great time

     Riolu and Winter were just watching everyone after playing a few songs, not knowing what to do, so Slow invited them to sit and join them in front of the fireplace where ETF was telling a story of how a woman was to be sent by God to save the French people, and she believed it was here, much to the chagrin of all the others. ETF was just there, she knew something strange was going to happen, but just couldn’t put her finger on it.

   All of a sudden, the wind blew the door open and the candles and the fire were extinguished and it was completely pitch black. Nakah tried to keep everyone calm, but everyone just was yelling until he found some fire starters he invented, called matches. He relight everything and everyone was huddled in a circle in front of the bar area, standing in around the coffee table in front of the fireplace. Everyone returned back to their place and returned to what they were doing.

     Mashi took a sip of his ale and realized it didn’t taste right and after a few moments, he tried gasping for air and began to suffocate and spaz out. Blood began to come out of his mouth and nose and vomited profusely before collapsing to the floor.

     ETF quickly ran over in horror and picked up his limp arm. “Il est mort!” She cried out, and everyone huddled close.

     “It must have been one of them English bastards!” Nakah exclaimed.

     “Whoever killed Mashi will pay,” Slow asserted. "He knew were he hid those bottles of wine in the camp!"

      “All we can do now is bury Mashi and attack the English tomorrow,” Winter added. Everyone carried Mashi out of Rouen and buried him in the ground as snow began to pile up elsewhere.

     "Oh, great," I said to myself. "Someone dies in my tavern. That is going to be so bad for business. All well, let's hope no one finds out, or I'll be turning them British into the Daily Special... King Edward Stew with a side of British Chancellors-au-gratin." 

Mashi is dead. Night One is over. Day One ends October 5th at 7:00 PM PDT/10:00 PM EDT


Did you change the font? It looks different and I'm too lazy to quote you to find out. :3

Also, I'm doing school projects like crazy and don't need many distractions, so I'm gonna be on and off for quite a bit. I'll try and check when I can. I'll also be on the chatroom if you need me. (Like anyone goes there anyway... >_>)

Oh, and just in case I don't come back in time to vote, safety on SuperRiolu until further notice.


I love the way you write Drp. haha


Well I don't think this is reasonable, but i think we can say since im living dude isnt a wolf xD... haha but yeah lets see what goes on in the future. Nothing to go off of but thats expected. I always hate the 1st night/day :P


Someone experienced died. The wolves are so unpredictable.  ::)

Anyway, if anyone hasn't claimed to ETF yet, they should. While I haven't checked to see if everyone has been active since ETF claimed, is pretty safe to say that etf is the ame de sol. So yeah.

safety on winterkid09 I guess.


Quote from: askalice23 on October 04, 2010, 12:07:08 PMWell I don't think this is reasonable, but i think we can say since im living dude isnt a wolf xD... haha but yeah lets see what goes on in the future. Nothing to go off of but thats expected. I always hate the 1st night/day :P

Hmm, we can't say that for sure. He's as liable a suspect as anyone, really...don't assume anyone's human.

And lol, I was sitting in front of the fireplace getting warm... the very best situation to be in! And I'm friendly! Woo! And ETF has psychic abilities! Umm, okay!

All stories aside, though...
There's no real suspect for me at the moment.

Safety on jake3343. Although I guess Day doesn't end till tomorrow, but I like to be safe, eh? :P
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Okay, so, claim to me and I'll try to get things organized and we can hopefully have a better idea of things.

No vote or safety for now. I know I'll be on tomorrow so I'm not in a rush.


I'm just going to put a safety on... BigSig just in case I don't come back to vote when something arises
I'm just going to spend my summer here in California doing so many things. There are a lot of things to do here!


well nothing is gong to get done if we all put a safety and nothing is going on so nakah and thats off gut feeling