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TWG XI Signups

Started by Nakah, September 26, 2010, 08:55:21 PM

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I guess I'm in :-\

Part of me doesn't want to, but in order to get to the next twg this one has to be completed. ::)


4 more spots, hurry up and join!
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: Dude on September 28, 2010, 12:39:06 PMI guess I'm in :-\

Part of me doesn't want to, but in order to get to the next twg this one has to be completed. ::)

the next game can be yours!!!!



Quote from: drpamplemousse on September 28, 2010, 02:53:54 PMthe next game can be yours!!!!

Wish it were so, but this is not a definite guarantee. Host is never promised to anyone, it always relies on majority vote. Although, if the majority agree now that they want to play dude's game next TWG, then that's entirely acceptable(Only, you'll still have to vote in the next host signup thread against any competitors).

Edit* DRP, I didn't see this earlier but you should get rid of two of your Frenchmen. This will speed up signups and also balance the game more, seeing as there are excessive greens, blues, and a purple which can be perceived as a half green.


Oh yeah, and let's make a pre-host voting alliance. XD

Everyone vote for Dude hosting next TWG, if any other good ones come up we can book 'em.
Like Nakah said, it's never truly a promise...
Unless everyone decides to vote for the same person.  ;D
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: Nakah on September 28, 2010, 05:49:53 PMWish it were so, but this is not a definite guarantee. Host is never promised to anyone, it always relies on majority vote. Although, if the majority agree now that they want to play dude's game next TWG, then that's entirely acceptable(Only, you'll still have to vote in the next host signup thread against any competitors).

That's why I said CAN BE...

Anyways, to everyone else (including Nakah)... we have two slots left... so get your friends to join in (I kinda wanna start by the weekend!)


In all honesty i feel like that is somewhat fair... i mean i feel like i sorta ruined the host voting so my vote will go to dude no matter the game.


screw it.... just take out 2 normal humans


I'll bug some people. Brb.

EDIT: He isn't on facebook yet. :(


fuck it, take me off. im angry. not at you...any of you. but seriously if one person could talk to me without a rude tone in my voice in this forum i might have a better attitude about this, I don't want to be detrimental to the game. i was really exited about this, but is it that hard to just get along in this place? (directed at nobody  in specific) and if you don't like something, dont bash on the creator and tear their soul out, just give positive feedback, it doesnt make you seem wise when you tell someone they suck at something if their a fucking beginner. damn. I may get back in on this game if we are at a loss of players, but for this exact moment, I feel like my anger towards people who dont have compassion for others would only make me ruin the mood of the game, i hope you understand.


Uhh... Maybe you're taking it too personally?

NSM isn't that active in the music department if you haven't noticed yet.


no, I definitely knew that, but at least they could've taken into consideration, there is an absence of emotion from playing on a synth, a shitty camera, and having one try to get the song right, i left out the interesting part to save for sound quality, and its not nice to tell a dedicated beginner they are boring right? that's the ONE comment I get?

If i'm only gonna get one i'd like a nice one.

By the way, I posted in that area to help NSM have more things to talk about, just cause it usually is an inactive board doesn't mean I can't promote it!


Well, I don't think many people here are very good judges for other people performing piano.
Quote from: winterkid09 on September 30, 2010, 03:37:08 PMno, I definitely knew that, but at least they could've taken into consideration, there is an absence of emotion from playing on a synth, a shitty camera, and having one try to get the song right, i left out the interesting part to save for sound quality, and its not nice to tell a dedicated beginner they are boring right?
You could have mentioned that in your topic too, you know? And Maestro is an asshat, so don't mind him. :3