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Would you rather...

Started by Winter, September 25, 2010, 07:19:09 PM

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A) I like walking and running ya know


a) Read the entire Twilight series
b) Go swimming in the nearest beach on Jan. 1.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


b. I do live in California... but I wouldn't mind a dip on the South shore of Long Island on the 1st... I do love the cold!!

a) Have a constant rainy summer vacation and perfect weather during school
b) Live in Norway for the winter only


B! I don't mind the cold, but good weather is useless if you can't use it.

Quote from: Ruto on December 30, 2010, 03:10:57 PMA) I like walking and running ya know
Some people who spend their life on a piano would rather lose their legs, like my brother... oh wait I forgot about the pedal.
Quote from: Ruto on December 30, 2010, 03:10:57 PMa) Read the entire Twilight series
I haven't read it, but it seems like it's one of those book series that aren't horrible, but are way too overrated.

A) Read "Moby Dick"
B) Read "Great Expectations".

I have to read Great Expectations for class, but Moby Dick is written by the same author...
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


B! easily =) They are just causing trouble. But I would like to keep the right leg for the pedal when I'm playing piano. *Farewell drums*

The person below me...
a) Don't go outside of your house for 5 years
b) Don't be inside your house for 5 years

*Ignore me* Answered wrong question =D The one with the legs and arms loss


a) Being outside in the winter scares me.


Dunno...I read this and I felt like shooting myself. I just couldn't handle the synopses, the real book must be AGONY.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Notice how long they are and reluctant the author is to end it. *shudders* The chapter titles of the last third of the book are terrible. It sounds like an STD almost.


a) Wake up on the side of a highway
b) Wake up inside a porta-potty.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


A! For adventure, and beyond! ...Okay I'm actually really bad with navigating roads.

Okay. Some mystical being is sending you on a journey, and you can take a few other people with you for a higher chance of survival...
A) Take someone from NSM
B) Take someone from RL?
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]



Would you rather...
A) design a calculator to do special stuff.

B) program a microwave to do special stuff.


B) because you can make the little screen with numbers do anything a calculator can do, with the added benefit of reheating last night's pizza while it calculates the derivative of y=x^x [it's (x^x)(ln(x)+1) btw]


and then the microwave transforms into something awesome. Zeta, transform and roll out!

The person below me visits both t
A)Never celebrate another birthday
B)Never celebrate the New Year?
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


a. if it is my own birthday ONLY. otherwise b if that ain't the case

a) Have one extremely great year where nothing bad happens and then the rest are just dull and such
b) Have ten great years, but they arent all that great at the same time


If I choose b I would probably get killed this year, after around 12 months minus 2 days. But I still choose b, I don't want any bad years

a) Play classic old-school games
b) Play modern games


:/ I really do enjoy pacman, snake, tron, pong, but...
I guess B, so I can play all the other games I like.

A) Play the original pacman, or
B) Play the original tron?
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


hmm...I'm not much for Pacman, but I'm curious over Tron so b. I have only played a game that's based on the movie, which is based on the game :P

a) Watch hockey
b) Watch football (normal)


If you mean the game with the little white ball and black spots, b. Football is my favorite sport. :D

A) Live in hot weather forever
B) Live in cold weather forever
Quote from: Slow
Quote from: manio
I love taking wiener schnitzel in my mouth
Quote from: Kefka
cooperating anal
Quote from: ZeldaFanmy dream is to get a quote in someone's sig someday


A!!! I'm freezing my...let's here!!!

a) Be on this forum and only this
b) never go here again