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TWG XI: Host Signups

Started by master_gamer38, September 18, 2010, 08:19:19 PM

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Actually, one question before I go.

Askalice, why are you even here? You don't do anything. All I've seen you do is be active in this board and nothing else.

You make me sick.


You're making me sick, crybaby.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Its a game people, let it go.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Quote from: SlowPokemon on September 26, 2010, 03:44:22 PMYou're making me sick, crybaby.
Wow, thanks for bring my disability into this, retard.


Quote from: Dude on September 26, 2010, 03:39:52 PMActually, one question before I go.

Askalice, why are you even here? You don't do anything. All I've seen you do is be active in this board and nothing else.

You make me sick.

im here to play twg.. nakah introduced me to it on this forum so this is where i play

Quote from: Dude on September 26, 2010, 03:45:44 PMWow, thanks for bring my disability into this, retard.

and whining about disabilities and you use retard... hmmm a bit odd... and im actually glad your not playing because well your about as useful as a fucking rock... i cant believe you acted like this all over hosting a game that happens about every 2 or 3 weeks... you could have had a shot nect time around... but one things for sure you will never get a vote to host from me... youre an immaturespoiled cry baby... way to act like your 12



why cant you drop this... you are really such a baby... we didnt vote for your game.. im sorry that i like drps game better and i think he would be a etter host... it isnt like i attacked your game saying it sucked... all i said was that i was cautious in voting due to last game.... damn try again next host sign ups.. and if youd like me to be active on the other topics i will... i just dont really see a need for my input so i do not post... i read the other topics but i tend to not post on anything except this one

and to everyone else that had to read that im sorry its a huge block of text in a bit of a hurry



Quote from: askalice23 on September 26, 2010, 04:19:57 PMand to everyone else that had to read that im sorry its a huge block of text in a bit of a hurry

Better than reading one stupid and unhelpful sentence.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


askalice. He's not angry because he doesn't get to host;
he's angry because even after MG gave proof of his activity, you say he isn't active;
and also you say he isn't active even though he is lynched/wolfed early in the game.
From what I've seen, he is definitely more active in games where he is human, so it's not complete bs.

Everything you have said, askalice, has been responded to with reasonable defenses, yet you continue to ignore them.
Slow: Don't get involved in flame wars. (crap, I just did it too...)
Dude: Never, ever take to heart what "flamers" or "trollers" say.
If you do, you'll turn emo and start cutting yourself in a corner.
*cough* I wasn't emo. Emo people cut themselves, I hit myself! XD
That's how it used to be when I was slightly depressed. Whatever you do, don't fall into that stage. It sucks.
Hugo: Follow his advice: Its a game people, let it go.
Jub3r7: Shut up. Your not helping.
Nakah: Hurry up and end this flame war!

Oh yeah, one more thing towards askalice34:
KF is the only one allowed to flame on this forum!!!!  >:(

(oops, three new replies were posted, this should go before those three.)

Edit: After reading those posts, I came up with a question for slow.
Was that a reference to me? T_T
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


No, it was a reference to Dude. And he's upset because he can't host.

Also, his name is askalice23, lol
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


This is out of control.

Quote from: askalice23 on September 26, 2010, 04:19:57 PMwhy cant you drop this... you are really such a baby... we didnt vote for your game.. im sorry that i like drps game better and i think he would be a etter host... it isnt like i attacked your game saying it sucked... all i said was that i was cautious in voting due to last game.... damn try again next host sign ups.. and if youd like me to be active on the other topics i will... i just dont really see a need for my input so i do not post... i read the other topics but i tend to not post on anything except this one

Hey, stop being a douche. You need to learn to shut up, honestly. Name-calling doesn't make any of you look better, btw. Especially the term, "crybaby." ...seriously?

Quote from: HugoMeister on September 26, 2010, 03:45:22 PMIts a game people, let it go.
I love you for this. Seriously. <3 It's a game, people. Why bring personal emotions into this? Why get mad over something worthless?
Also, Hugo, if you still have that game idea from before in store somewhere, you should totally post it again. I'd play in it.

Drp- In all honesty, your game is way too complicated. Plus, you're one of the newest members here, so I don't know if you really should be hosting a game just yet. I'm not trying to discourage you at all, I just don't want a game to flop. :-\ Just saying.

And if I should have to bring this up... you did get banned 2 games ago. :P

Slow- You seem to be the one retaliating the most in this. It's just a game, I'm sure you have worse things to be worrying about. You're better than this.

Jub3r- You're also very new. No offense, but your voice doesn't get counted too much. Also, Dude is not angry about either of those things. He just wants the trolling from Slow and askalice to stop. And it should.
Also, we shouldn't have to be afraid of questioning a mod if we're right AND if Kefka's not in this, then leave him out of it. Seriously.

Finally, my last thoughts. It's a game. No prize is coming out of it anytime soon (unless Nakah is willing to do so, somehow). So stop getting mad over nothing.

Universe-X: out.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on September 26, 2010, 04:37:35 PMAnd he's upset because he can't host.
No, I'm upset because you're treating me like shit.



Alright, enough, all of you.

All of you are acting immature, TWG is a game, this is the last thing people should ever worry about.  How do any of you expect your TWG Community to grow if you're all bickering and complaining?  If you lose for the Hosting Ballot, whining won't do anything; be proud of who's Host, he/she is part of your community after all.  How will this hurt you if one of your friends or acquaintances gets to host?  What's wrong with that person seeing TWG in a new perspective?  If you lose, you're going to be able to play another fun TWG.  What's bad about that?  And while you're playing if you choose to do so, you can create another TWG, improve your old one, improve as a player as well as many other things.  Do any of you truly believe that being delayed in hosting your game will have a negative effect onto you or your game?

At LLF, I've tried to host two or three times.  I've been playing TWG for maybe one and a half through two years now.  How many times have I ever been Host then anyways?  Zero.  Although I've always wanted to host, the thrill of creating a game, mixing ideas, and viewing it when it's done is already accomplishment enough.

Hosting is a chore for the most part, to any of your dismay.  There's not much fun about it in the first place.  Does it allow players to see TWG in a new perspective?  Yes, every first time Host I've seen has said something along the lines of that.  Did they ever freak out if they lost?  No, of course not.  We've had 12 year olds who were patient enough to lose up to 6 Hosting Ballots and not complain.

Losing to someone does not make your game inferior to theirs.  At LLF, during the era of our Complex Games, we had quite a few and then got bored of TWG.  We weren't exactly bored of TWG though, it was most likely that we were bored of Complex Games.  Had we created a Simpler Game at the time (Which many of our more experienced players recommended), we probably would have easily continued to have fun.

So Dude, we've had relatively simple games so far and now drpamplemousse posts a more complex game into the batch.  Just because people seem to prefer your game doesn't mean you should be jealous.  Or just because people think you won't be inactive doesn't mean you should be annoyed; inactivity as a Wolf is something shunned upon in many TWG communities.
Drpamplemousse, just because Dude posts a game doesn't mean you should be acting jumpy and accusingly.  Just because you feel like you can Host doesn't mean you should go against more experienced players judgement.  Things such as that are also shunned upon.

Of course, the both of you aren't the only ones overreacting, everyone here who has been attacking others and influencing negativity is being directed at.

Also, I think I've been seeing some sort of revolt against the more experienced player's best wishes, namely Master_Gamer38 and Nakah.  In my honest opinion, I think it would have been much better if these two both hosted for a while before anyone inexperienced.
They know what they're doing.  How about some of you try listening to them?

Oh, by the way, nearly all of you completely failed the Sportsmanship Category.

Now, everyone apologize and move on.