
change da world
my final message. Goodb ye

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Started by Nakah, September 06, 2010, 10:09:56 AM

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Sorry, been busy lately.

Don't really know what to say right when we're so early in the game, so no vote yet

I'll be on IRC if you want to chat.


My dad was watching a movie so I got a little chat time in.
Me and drp really got some good leads!!!!

Quote[04:56:32 pm] <Jub3r7> Oh *****aoeruigh**** I just spilled cabbage on my lap
           [04:56:49 pm] <Jub3r7> From my instant noodle soup
      [04:57:56 pm] <DP> Saurkraut is even worse to dump on your lap... that smell stays for days!
      [04:58:24 pm] <Jub3r7> ..... never had it.
      [04:58:49 pm] <DP> its an acquired taste... lemme just say that... it took me a while to get used to that.
      [04:58:56 pm] <Jub3r7> But don't worry, I ate the cabbage.
      [04:59:12 pm] <DP> same with 'shrooms, some tomatoes and sour cream... oh and hummus!
      [04:59:15 pm] <Jub3r7> So it wouldn't go to waste on my lap....
           [04:59:20 pm] <DP> and... 10 second rule!!
      [04:59:32 pm] <Jub3r7> Say mushrooms, not 'shrooms....
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


OMG your on to something here.... i vote Shrooms (not actually a vote so no vote for now)


yum... shrooms! haha. I don't like shrooms that much!

Anyways, we really need to get some tension going on IRC... and no, im not gonna do what I did last time!



Here's a thought.

YES, a good player was wolfed night one.

But this is the first game in quite a while that Concerto hasn't been voted out the first night.

I'm going to place a half-safety, half-vote on Concerto.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


good point slow.... however idk if thats something we should base our votes on...

also i think the polygraph guy should let us know how many wolfs are left next day phase because if we dont have one wolf down we lose anyways.


DP basically explained it in a nutshell! I have school and I am prepping for a test that will get me out of school in December and then I can spend a year working and then go to la université with everyone else (I jumped ahead a school level a few years back, so I get out of the lycée early)

I am going vote for Concerto, as Slow brings up a good point that he hasn't been wolfed in the beginning. His not being here also adds some suspicion (though he is probably really busy). I might be able to change my vote earlier since the day ends here at midnight, and I'll be sound asleep.

See you all in 12 hours!
I'm just going to spend my summer here in California doing so many things. There are a lot of things to do here!

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Eh, sorry guys I've not been able to be on much.  I start work today! : D  Yay!  Also, woah I wasn't wolfed the first night, that's incredible.  Also, no vote for now, I need to read the posts first, I'll do that later.


see this makes me more suspicious of super now. Bandwagon vote if you ask me. Yes, concerto normally is wolfed 1st night phase but a good player was wolfed this night phase too. I honestly dont think him being in the game should be the reasoning to kill him. Especially in a game like this where we have to get a wolf. So I'm going to safety on ETF.


Even though I voted Concerto first, that was fairly suspicious of SuperRiolu.

Now he'll get lynched unless I change my vote.

I don't want a tie, so I'm keeping mine on Concerto.

HOWEVER, I would probably change it if we had more than an hour to vote. x(
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



I'm sorry but i need to just get this off my chest. People need to post because not everyone is on IRC and pms can take awhile to even get read. From what ive noticed throughout playing here, people go "oh TWG lets play," then the game starts and there no where to be found. I know there may be some reason your not on but it seems to be the same people all the time. So with that being said, if your not gonna play dont sign up.

There that feels good. I don't mean to offend anyone and I'm sorry if i did. This is a crucial day phase and no one seems to be doing anything.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Hmm, really there isn't much to go on at all.  So via I'll choose one vote randomly!  Dude.  <---Totally random.



Man, Concerto's gonna get lynched!

Should I change my vote for a tie?

Should I safety on askalice or something?

Should I go with a phantom? (Definitely not because DrP already voted for me)

Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Woah, I just realized that if I don't vote for someone else, I'll die.  : O


We have a better shot at safetying on me. Reason i say this is, if concerto was a wolf he'd be defending himself alot more.