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They b stealin mah internets ;~;

Started by Qew, August 23, 2010, 01:31:35 AM

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>_> first there was that great firewall of australia, which fortunately collapsed under the weight of more important things... now

and it affects you guys as well >_< not just silly Australia.


The Deku Trombonist

While we're at it, why don't we all just hark back to the days of the USSR; when you never knew which one of your friends was a spy and in which the government could check up on anyone at anytime and make those suspected of treason simply disappear?

Quote from: Qew on August 23, 2010, 01:31:35 AMand it affects you guys as well >_< not just silly Australia.
I'm with you there (in terms of the current government anyway).


w/e, I'll let the liberals handle this with their protests.


@Deku, I'm not sure if we actually HAVE a government atm

@Harvest, yeah that's what I thought, I mean practically this could never work, what with all that manpower and money wasted, for what? saving record companies? why on earth should we care about that, there are more important things to think about. It's just not cool to see governments proposing messed up oppressing treaties behind our backs.