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TWG IX: The Lantern Keeper

Started by Nakah, August 18, 2010, 03:33:12 PM

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Soo.... Humans won...? I guess that's that then. o.o

Slow definitely deserves MVP.

Mashi you liar D;


You forgot the lanterns, Mashi

And omg Mashi's in denial.

The strange man was put in without a lot of thought... there's no way for him to "win"
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


No, Strange Man could easily joint with either side.  Had I been the Master Wolf, I would have told jake3343 the Lanterns (Assuming none of them gave them out) since askalice23 was a Lantern.

EDIT: I put Lanterns, as far as I know, in.



Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Not quite Will, because he didn't correctly guess the three lantern keepers(but he came oh so close, missed it by only one person, and that was Concerto).



   What a way to end the game, epiphanies all around.

   In other words, Mashi is dead. Therefore, HUMANS WIN! Why? because Jake's role involved a special item that made masked his color as green. Therefore, all seerings done on him returned as green, and there has been a positive green to red count all game.

   Hurray! A legitimate Human victory amidst the perils of a Strange Man victory.


   The men decided they had enough of this game. Although it was apparent that the Strange Man, who had bestowed this curse upon the men, was walking amongst them, his presence did not alarm the men. For they did not know that his mere presence meant certain doom if the lantern's were discovered.

   "That's it, I'm speaking on behalf of what I know and what Slow wanted to tell us when we would not listen." Said SFK. "Mashi, you're the last of the wolves."

   Jake turned to Mashi and said "So it seems you've been discovered, I am sorry, but you are now going to fully transcend into the creation I have made you."

   With that, Jake began to smile and turned to SFK. He stretched out his arm, and held it over Mashi's head.

   Suddenly Mashi began to shake and convulse, and his pupils shrank to a tenth of their normal size.

   Mashi fell upon all fours, and began coughing, which turned to a growl, and then to a full-roaring howl as hair and fur began to shoot from his chest and his ears perked up towards the night sky.

   The Moon was rising.

   Then Jake said "Let me show you just what you are really up against." And with that, Jake's body collapsed dead.

   SFK stared at the corpse for a moment, wondering what just happened. Mashi stood still, panting patiently as if waiting for his master to return.

   Suddenly the flames of the bonfire went out, and the camp went completely dark.

   SFK looked around frantically, and scurried around the camp searching for his tent. At last he had found it, and he ran inside and drew a silver sword from the chest he had been keeping safe(incase of an emergency such as this).

   Suddenly SFK heard a sound, and so he rushed out of the tent, and to the disbelief of his own eyes, the entire camp was in flames.

   "Good God..." Said SFK, not knowing what to do.

   Flames then began to rise from within the deeper parts of the forest, and filled the night sky with smoke. Eventually everything in site was burning, and a thick cloud of smoldering ash and debree began to obscure his vision. SFK fell to his hands and knees and looked up, only to see the still patient Were-Mashi panting on the ground, waiting.

   SFK tried to crawl his way towards the werewolf, and with the silver sword in his hand he prepared for what would be the final blow on the Werewolf.

   Suddenly, as SFK approached the Werewolf to within striking distance, the thick cloud of smoke burst away, clearing a circle surrounding the two.

   SFK rose to his feet, sword in his hand, dust and ash falling from his shoulders onto the ground. SFK stared at the Werewolf, which only stared back at him.

   "A-WOOOOOOO!!!" Howled Mashi, lifting his head towards the sky.

  It was then that SFK looked up and saw a green ball of light glowing amidst the murky darkened cloud.

   "LANTERNS!" Shouted the green light. "WHERE IS THE LAST OF THE LANTERNS!" "ALL BUT ONE!"

   The green light descended from the sky in a brilliantly luminescent glow. The figure of a very old man appeared, with a glowing green lantern in his hand.


   "I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about!" Shouted SFK over the roaring flames surrounding them.

   "THEN DIE!" Shouted back the Strange Man, bursting into a ball of light and rushing at SFK.

   SFK quickly ducked and kicked sparks from the flames up into the rushing ball.

   The Strange Man screamed in agony, and returned to his human manifestation.

   "LANTERNS! WHERE ARE THEY!?" The Strange Man repeated, searching frantically around the burning camp for the last supposed lantern.

   SFK decided it was now the time to strike. He quickly picked up his sword and rushed at Mashi, and with one quick stab, delivered the final blow, straight into the heart of Mashi.

   Mashi's body turned petrified, and dropped to the ground.

   The Strange Man let out an un-wordly shriek, and turned towards SFK.

   "The last of the wolves has been eliminated, you have lost." Declared SFK.

   Then the Strange Man laughed and said "You cannot defeat me, I am beyond your mortal shell."

   SFK was at a loss of words. It was true, how could he defeat one who englufed the entire forest in flames within moments.

   Then SFK looked down at they ash covered and charred ground, and saw a faint glow over by the fire pit where the bonfire had been. SFK rushed towards the pit, and began to dig through the dust(which was composed of the burned victims that were once men). Suddenly, SFK felt something.

   SFK's hands closed around a lantern, attached to what appears to be the remains of Concerto.

   The Strange Man looked up instantly "YOU! YOU HAVE FOUND IT! GIVE IT TO ME NOW!" Screamed the Strange Man.

   SFK looked at the Strange Man, and then back at the lantern. For a moment he only stared in silence, then with one motion, he threw down the lantern, smashing it across the ground, and extinguishing it's flame.

   "NOOOOO!!!" Screamed the Strange Man. His green glow immediately faded away, and he fell to his knees in agony. His skin flushed red and his age caught up with his body. He was mortal now.

   SFK walked slowly towards the mortal man. "Your time is done."

   The old man began to crawl backwards away from SFK, begging to be spared while cursing his name.

   SFK dropped his sword and walked up to the old man, grabbing him by the neck and dragging him to the center of the bonfire pit. The old man gasped for breath and struggled to break free, but was too weak.

   SFK picked up the Evergreen Lantern that no longer emitted light, and dumped the remaining lighter fluid into the pit and over the old man. Then from his pocket he drew his last match.

   "You have not won. I will return." Said the old man.

   SFK lit the match, and dropped it into the bonfire pit, and immediately the old man was engulfed in roaring flames that burned green. His body was burnt to ash, and SFK watched the fire burn all the way, to ensure the old man's execution.

   SFK then became dizzy from all of the smoke, and passed out onto the ground.

   The next morning SFK awoke to a desolate wasteland of ash and debree. He stood up, and looked around to find that nothing but him had survived. SFK walked over to the bonfire pit and collected the ashes of the old man, and carried them in a jar to a nearby river that flowed from the village of Nakylvania atop of the mountains to North of the campsite.

   "At last, it is over." Said SFK, dumping the jar of ash into the river, watching as it carried the old man's remains away to the ocean.

   SFK stayed by the river for a while, then stood up and began to walk towards the mountains. He had heard of a high Count that resided amongst the villagers, and was eager to set out for a new life in Nakylvania.

   The sun began to set that day as SFK walked alone towards the mountains through the charred wastelands of the once-lush forest. Night settled in, and as the moon rised high amongst the stars, all that could be heard was a calm silence. Peace at last.




See! I was a human after all!

SuperRiolu told me everything, and Mashi got it spot on. It looks like I learned some things (and I have effectively read the last games on this site). I can't wait to try out some new, LEGAL tactics the next game (that is, if I'm not doing something else)


Hey jake3343, you're the worst dad everrrr.



The only problem with that story is that I was Count Deku of Nakylvania. S

And we wouldn't have won without Slow , even if I did slay Mashi with a silver sword.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


I personally loved the story... it almost made me want to host a game... but i have way too much fun playing

well maybe sometime in the future i'll host


I may be hosting a future one... I have a long list of some pretty nice stories, that might make a good TWG! I think I would be a better host than a game player (but I may always go for some more game fun... minus IRC)


Mashi did good acting as a human, we'll have to watch for him next time around.
And guess who's about to have his first game of TWG?  ;D
Enter the Jub!!!
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Is there really a post-game thread coming soon? Cause if not, I want Nakah to do his "posty thingy" where he names all the players and says what they did wrong or right, and name mvp. :P
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Well, we all know what I did wrong... haha :P It was just merely a slap on the wrist, nothing more


Funniest quote in TWG IX (outside of story):

"Yeah, DrP really threw a curveball into this game..." (askalice)


I liked how askalice avenged his death after I killed him.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.