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TWG IX: The Lantern Keeper

Started by Nakah, August 18, 2010, 03:33:12 PM

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Quote from: universe-X on August 20, 2010, 11:20:44 AMAlso, SlowPokemon & drp! We should hear somethings from you 2. We need activity!

Well, I am still thinking. Slow is in school for another couple of hours.


Um, I was at school all day! I couldn't afford to be here! It's not that I didn't want to be, I swear!

Plus, whenever I go into the chat, the people's names are at the side... but no one's saying anything (or I can't see it). So I'm probably not going to be there...I have a chat issue. (And yes, I am in the TWG channel...)

Anyway, no real leads, so safety on askalice.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on August 20, 2010, 02:06:07 PMUm, I was at school all day! I couldn't afford to be here! It's not that I didn't want to be, I swear!

Plus, whenever I go into the chat, the people's names are at the side... but no one's saying anything (or I can't see it). So I'm probably not going to be there...I have a chat issue. (And yes, I am in the TWG channel...)

Anyway, no real leads, so safety on askalice.

Someone has to jump and say something. People are on AIM much more anyways (and Nakah backs up AIM)


I'm going to vote Universe-X based on a vibe.  It's moreso a half safety, half vote type of thing though since I don't actually have very plausible evidence, but I prefer vibes over wild guessing, and I especially like them over safeties (Which is actually a common problem at the other forum I go to, which makes many people enraaaaaaaaage).

Quote from: universe-X on August 20, 2010, 11:18:24 AMDelicious.
 Well, I don't know if it's a good idea to just announce that "I had a lantern last night, this person hesitated!" But... man... this needs a whole new field of strategy. I love it! :D

Still no vote. Will probably decide tomorrow.
In this game, no Human will ever hesitate unless they felt someone else in the group was a Wolf.  Wolves and the Strange Man won't be in a good situation, since hesitating will reveal that they aren't Human and if they don't, they will be seered as not Human.
The only exception to this would be the Seer.  But, the chances that the Seer is chosen to be Lantern is low.  The chances of the Seer being chosen to be seered by the Lanterns early on is low.  The chances of there being a Wolf holding a Lantern is low.  As well as the fact that if the Seer is seered and is wolfed the following Night, we know that a Wolf held a Lantern.

Also, to be related a bit more about Universe-X.  I'm not exactly fond about the way he's posting.  He seems to be making posts, but without adding much to the game.  Of course, this could full and well be unintentional, since I don't actually know him very much, but as I said before, this is merely a vibe, so I could be right or wrong.


Well, i'm going to vote askalice. He has been acting the same way as last game... kinda distant, like he's hiding something, and since he was a wolf last game, there are just ends at match up.


I just noticed a post I missed in this topic.

Quote from: drpamplemousse on August 20, 2010, 11:26:30 AMWell, I am still thinking. Slow is in school for another couple of hours.
This is only for precautions, but how do you know that SlowPokemon was in school?  Are you close to him, or did he mention it anywhere?
The reason I ask this is because in a past game, one of my friends had made the mistake of posting his Wolf team mate was busy at one point, which he probably wouldn't know if he wasn't a Wolf.  He wasn't caught, but it was noted in the Post Game.  Little things like this are what usually drives the game.

Also, while I'm at it, is the fact that askalice23 believed that you were the Strange Man also a part of your vibe on him?


Quote from: Mashi on August 20, 2010, 03:37:42 PMThis is only for precautions, but how do you know that SlowPokemon was in school?  Are you close to him, or did he mention it anywhere?

He knows I was in school because I posted in the "Back-to-School" thread. Plus we talk a lot.

I think you're finding things that aren't there, Mashi. :P

Never under-analyze, for sure... but over-analyzing is just as bad in some cases.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I usually save interrogations and over analysis for chats, to test reactions in real time (Which has always been a very important aspect in past TWG's I've played).  But I don't usually see anyone on YIM and no one has added me (Aren't connections to different services available though?  I could've sworn I was able to add some YIM people on MSN before) and no one is in the TWG Chatroom either, so I may as well try to do a few of those things in the topic.


I'll go in the chatroom right now if you'll be in there. xP

It'll be my first TWG chat because like you said, it's usually empty.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Ill be in there too...

Askalice and MG are on AIM if you wanna talk to them


Okay, so HUGE things just happening in the chat, which either involves DrP completely screwing up and revealing himself and U-X as wolves, or U-X broke the rules. You decide.

<Mashi> Are you suspicious of Universe X currently?
<drpampv2> nope... i know his role. im just thinking if he's a lantern holder
<jake3343> you know his role?
<drpampv2> yes... hes a human
<jake3343> how do you know?
<drpampv2> he fwd'd me Nakahs PM
<jake3343> ...
<Mashi> You can't know a person's ROle in this game, unless they're a Red WOlf or Strange Man.
<Mashi> That's cheating
<drpampv2> C'est de ma faute
<Master_Gamer38> ...
<drpampv2> he could have doctored it, ya know
<Master_Gamer38> No
<jake3343> No, it's still against the rules
<Mashi> It's still cheating.

[more of us yelling at DrP]

<jake3343> WAIT
<drpampv2> wat
<jake3343> Maybe DRP and UNiverse are both wolves
<Mashi> Did he send you Nakah's PM saying he was- Hmm?
<jake3343> And drp just said that to throw suspicion out him
<Mashi> What do you mean, jake?
<jake3343> Not know that it was against the rules 
<Mashi> Well, it could backfire hard. 
<drpampv2> He never send me saying that "You're a... " from the host
<jake3343> Then what did he send you?
<jake3343> I think they're both wolves
<drpampv2> He said he was a human
<jake3343> 1. then why did you say "<drpampv2> he fwd'd me Nakahs PM"
<drpampv2> like i said, to stir up stuff...
<drpampv2> i know its not nice to joke after that... so...
<Mashi> Joking about that at all is pretty bad.
<jake3343> Okay]
<drpampv2> so i have found out... no more misleading comments pertaining to in illegal nature... CHECK!
<jake3343> I defitinely think that DRP and U-X are both wolves
<Mashi> So do I.
<drpampv2> you want me to vote for Uni-x to show that i aint no wolf!
<Mashi> A Human wouldn't have any reason to joke about something like that.
<Mashi> That won't prove you're Human.
<Mashi> Wolves usually vote for their team mates when it's obvious that they're Wolves.

So, either Universe-x forwarded Nakah's pm to DrP, which I doubt, or DrP and U-X are probably both wolves. We'll probably know if it's the latter if Nakah doesn't end the game/kill off Universe for breaking a rule. Also, I would like to point out that if Universe sent DrP his role pm, DrP would know whether or not he had a lantern.

That being said, drpamplemousse



Woah, that's messed up.

I'm going to vote universe-x, though
I'm just going to spend my summer here in California doing so many things. There are a lot of things to do here!


Plan A
Plan B

(Nakah you can check PMs, right... if they were sent or not.)


Sorry to drpamplemousse. I believe you are a wolf.

It's awkward, but there you are.

And I'm considering SuperRiolu for tomorrow, as he isn't lynching drp.

o__o It's kind of strange that he wouldn't wolf the one we all are...
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.