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TWG IX: The Lantern Keeper

Started by Nakah, August 18, 2010, 03:33:12 PM

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I was so mad, I could've broken a wall, no joke.


Yeah, well, you had a right to be... you were almost thrown out because of something he did.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Also - we are officially at the number of pages that TWG VIII ha, and Night 2 isn't even over yet.

Pretty darn good considering we've only got ten players, and one of them was killed the first night, and another was thrown out early.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


He had to of been some sort of special role... Just read his 1st night posts

It seemed like he had something to hide and then he did what he did.

Quote from: universe-X on August 22, 2010, 05:05:51 PMThat's where all this chaos started. This was gonna be a good game, 'til drp had to break the rules...

11 pages in only 1 full phase is pretty epic


I know I am dead and all, but I can't let this conversation go on without some truth and everything.

DP is going through a lot right now, and he just couldn't think clearly, like if you have been up for 72 hours and not have any sleep or caffeine to keep you awake. It was probably a minor lapse in judgement and then he tried to go along with it because he realized what he had done and tried to fix it. Nakah pardoned DP for what he did (since I had to forward his long apology letter to him) and I can post it here if you all want to read it.

There's my two-cents (and I know I shouldn't post... but these comments are not pertaining to TWG and more of a war on who's more annoying and has turned into something that doesn't seem fun)
I'm just going to spend my summer here in California doing so many things. There are a lot of things to do here!


The game is very much still alive. Everyone should just stop complaining and take the game as it comes. None of you are playing perfectly, and from the stance of the host(where I actually know who is who), I'd say not one of you has the right to be thinking lowly of the other, as everyone is doing their job adequately. That's the reason that you're all getting so frustrated, because GOOD TWGs bring out INTENSE debate that leave people in a frantic debating frenzy.

   So chill out, if you get voted then that's ultimately beyond your control. Do what you can while you can, and just stop caring so damn much about every little remark someone makes. It will blind you from real advancement in the game.

   Oh, and all PMs are in.


   The men all awoke the next morning and went out to the center of the camp. It was quite a different site to see the tent of Mr. MG completely torn apart, and a trail of claw marks lead to some nearby bushes. The men walked closer to the seen, and followed the trail to the bushes, where they found the body of MG in a wrangled fit of flesh and blood.

   The men stoked the flames, and tossed MG forever away. Then they all met around the fire and nodded to one another, knowing what next had to be done.


   Night 2 is over. MG is dead. It is now Day 2. Day 2 ends Monday @ 9:00p.m. EST.



Hmm. Interesting, but I didn't really suspect MG anyway. xP

Hmm (again). Master-Gamer dead, though, means that he wasn't a wolf (or the wolves have issues), and he suspected that askalice was human.

It is for this reason and this reason alone that I am holding off on voting (for AA), at least for a little while.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.




Which means we all have to agree on someone to lynch.  So if you want to have a say, I would suggest you begin chatting with other players, such as in the #TWG Chat.


Also, for reference:

   1. Mashi
   2. Concerto No. 20 in D Minor Wolfed (Night 1)
   3. Universe-x
   4. SlowPokemon
   5. Drpamplemousse Kicked (Day 1)
   6. Master_Gamer38 Wolfed (Night 2)
   7. SuperFireKirby
   8. SuperRiolu Lynched (Day 1)
   9. Jake3343
   10. Askalice23


Hrm, I feel as if I should have some inspirational thing to say to lead the remaining people to victory. But I b ded. To the rest of you. Gud luck.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Quote from: master_gamer38 on August 22, 2010, 06:02:37 PMHrm, I feel as if I should have some inspirational thing to say to lead the remaining people to victory. But oh noes, I b ded. To the rest of you. Gud luck.

Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


ok this is very bad... we all need to put our differences aside for a bit and try to think here

mashi: seems to be putting much effort into a human win right now so i dont suspect him at all

sfk: not much activity at all... maybe flying under the radar but who knows

jake: not much activity but when active has valid points

ux: you seem to be aligned with slow and i think you guys maybe wolves but then again you guys have a good alliance and it may be for the better

slow: same with ux although you seem to be very vocal and a wolf tends to not be that vocal

now i highly doubt that all 3 wolves are left right now...
no votes for now this is just my thought process


Ok, so 6 Players left.  Note that there are like 10 possibilities and Mashi's too lazy to do them all, so he will do the two he thinks are worst case scenarios again.

Lets speak hypothetically, say there are 2 Wolves left, the Strange Man, and 3 Humans left.

Lets say we lynch a Human.  That leaves 2 Wolves, Strange Man, and 2 Humans.  Then after the Night Phase, it leaves 2 Wolves, a Human, and the Strange Man.
If we lynch a Human, we lose.
If we lynch the Strange Man, we lose.
If we lynch a Wolf, the game continues (Unless Lanterns are recycled, otherwise the Strange Man will win I believe)

Lets say the Wolf wolfs a Human.  That leaves a Wolf, a Strange Man, and a Human.
If we lynch the Wolf, we win.
If we lynch the Strange Man, the Wolf wins.
If we lynch err ourself, hehe, it's Wolf VS Strange Man.

Another Scenario:

The Strange Man has to guess 3/5 of the Players to be Lanterns if we lynch a Wolf this Day Phase.  Ok, not bad I suppose.

Next Night Phase, lets say that the last Wolf hit another Human (Then it's Day Phase).  That leaves 1 Wolf, 2 Humans, and the Strange Man.  This means that the 2 Humans and the Wolf must be holding the Lanterns (If Lanterns are recycled when their holders dies).
So if we lynch the Wolf, we win yaaaaay.
If we lynch the Strange Man, the Wolf wolfs someone next Night Phase, leaving 1 Human VS 1 Wolf next Day Phase, or a KitB.
If we lynch a Human, then only 2 people would be able to be holding Lanterns and it's confusing, because of the Strange Man's Role, so I'm not sure about what happens in this scenario.

So after some thinking, it's in our best interest to lynch a Wolf or Strange Man, moreso the Wolf of course.  But, I would still like to know what will happen if there are 3 players left during the Night Phase including the Strange Man.  Only two living players can hold the Lantern, so what will have happened to the Lantern?  This is important to know since it probably has a major effect on the Strange Man.