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TWG IX: The Lantern Keeper

Started by Nakah, August 18, 2010, 03:33:12 PM

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Day 1 is over.


   The men in the camp looked at each other puzzled when the strange man had vanished. A deep fear sank into their hearts, knowing an impending doom most likely awaited them all.

   The men argued and discussed all of the suspicions of one another and who had been where at what time doing what, etc. They eventually narrowed down their candidates to two men, Mr. SuperRiolu, and Mr. AskAlice.

   "This is preposterous, your reasons for suspecting me are full of fallacy and blindness." Declared AskAlice.

   "Your actions just aren't lining up, and someone's gotta go." Responded UX

   The Mr. MG jumped in and stated "Sorry guys I just woke up, what I miss?"

   Then MG noticed Concerto's rotting and mauled apart corpse still laying on the ground in the same place.

   "HOLY **** " Said MG.

   The men stared at the corpse, and decided it was best to finally get rid of it. After all, they had been arguing around it all day while paying little attention to it. So a few men circled around poor Concerto and picked up his wrangled mess of a body, and tossed it in the bonfire.

   The camp began to fill with a fragrance of burning flesh and crackling bone. Many of the men became sick and threw up on the spot.

   "Anyways," said MG. "I think I'm going to go with SuperRiolu here, he's been pretty suspicious and stuff, ya know."

   "Well, since I feel like being the one to get somebody killed, I'll switch my decision to SuperRiolu too." Said UX.

   And so it was. The men seized SuperRiolu, who started to scream and sob in horror. One man grabbed a noose, but another man put his arm across the noose, blocking it from reaching SuperRiolu. "No, we must burn him alive to make sure he doesn't come back and kill us."

   The men began to laugh maniacally and full of cheer. SuperRiolu shouted and plead for mercy, but the men only began to sing, and sing louder for each complaint by SuperRiolu.

   Ho ho ho to the flames he goes
   To burn up from head to toes.
   His skin will crack, his complexion turn black
   His eyes will melt, and skin will peel
   And when toasted front to back
   The safer we'll feel.

   The men heartily repeated these verses on the spot as they roped SuperRiolu, who was a sobbing mess, and carried him over beside the flames.

   The men all looked to one another and nodded, completely ignoring the unceasing screams for mercy.

   "One and 'a Two and 'a THREE!" Screamed MG as the men all swung and let go of SuperRiolu, tossing his roped body into the fire.

   Instantly his body was engulfed, and a horrifying scream filled the evening air. He writhed and attempted to scramble away for a few moments, but with each attempt, one of the men just kicked him back into the flames. There was no escape, and within a few minutes the screaming and stopped.


   "Well, I'll sure miss that Concerto fellow. It's a damn shame he's gone." Said SFK.

   "Damn shame indeed, poor Concerto." Said MG

   The rest of the men all went back to their tents and went to sleep.


   It is now Night 2. SuperRiolu is dead. Night ends Sunday @ 9:00 p.m. EST.


I love how it makes me seem like a follower xD

Also, loved the little tune that you put in there... even though it meant death. :D


First of all, I'd like to point out that SlowPokemon and Universe-X are both following each other.


There is no reason why SFK couldn't be the seer. In fact, the seer could be anyone. The fact that no one has claimed is a good thing. If the seer came out, they'd be dead this night phase because they have no one to protect them. You said it yourself in your post that you have terrible evidence.

You say you want to know the relations. I've been talking to people that come on irc. And I'm talking to AskAlice through PMs instead of using Aim to do it.

Through my chats with him, he has seemed human. I'm trusting him to be human until further evidence is revealed.

Mashi and I have talked on irc, and I added his YIM, although we haven't talked there yet. You say his posts are fishy. They aren't. This is how TWG should be played. This game is actually going well and not random inactivity kills. Mashi's posts may seem fishy, because they are actually getting things to happen. This is making me believe he is more human than anything.

Jake is another experienced player, he is acting like Mashi, doesn't mean that we three are together. We are just three experienced players that know what we're doing and how to look for evidence.

Your evidence/logic for us being three wolves together is flawed. Not to mention the chance of this is 1/720. And then with AskAlice being the strange man with that combination, is 1/5040.

Continuing onto your next post, the length of posts does not always make a difference. Quality != Quantity.

Nakah can't give information, you definitely were able to show you weren't lying.

But yeah, you can show logs and stuff from other players. But those can also be faked.

[08/21 07:20:59pm]   <Universe-X>   liek, i r a g8 wulf.

Yeah, pretty easy to fake logs.


You cannot rely on Who's online for anything. Especially since you said that SuperRiolu sent the PM to you. By your reasoning right there, you're in an alliance with him and you're both wolves and we should lynch you right now. You're logic that U-X is human is good, but the host cannot reveal information. Role information between the host and players is all strictly private. There is a reason drp was kicked out. Nakah cannot reveale anything, and information obtained from reading into his posts shouldn't be used.

Well, it's night again now.  

   1. Mashi
   2. Concerto No. 20 in D Minor
   3. Universe-x
   4. SlowPokemon
   5. Drpamplemousse
   6. Master_Gamer38
   7. SuperFireKirby
   8. SuperRiolu
   9. Jake3343
 10. Askalice23

At the end of this phase, there will be 6 people. At the end of the day phase, 5. Meaning, if no wolves have been killed. We lose. I don't think this will be the case. Meaning, night 3 will happen, which will at the end have 4 people. At the end of day 3, 3. That will more than likely be our last chance. Basically, we have to get either our next two lynches right, or we have to hope that we've gotten two wolves already.

Another thing to hope for would be the wolves attempting to wolf the strange man. Which would be a failed lynch.

Anyways, bleck. Time to wait for day.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Alright. Oh, and yes, I have spoken to MG via IRC &

I still think askalice could be a wolf, though, but like you said, further evidence.

And, this next part coming from MG's post: If this game still continues by Day 2, we'll know we have 1-2 wolves down. This also means we should start looking at who's most connected with who up to this point... Yes, I know this could possibly mean me and my failed alliance.

More tomor- er, later today.


Quote from: master_gamer38 on August 21, 2010, 09:33:33 PMYeah, pretty easy to fake logs.


You cannot rely on Who's online for anything. Especially since you said that SuperRiolu sent the PM to you. By your reasoning right there, you're in an alliance with him and you're both wolves and we should lynch you right now. You're logic that U-X is human is good, but the host cannot reveal information. Role information between the host and players is all strictly private. There is a reason drp was kicked out. Nakah cannot reveale anything, and information obtained from reading into his posts shouldn't be used.

Well, it's night again now.  

   1. Mashi
   2. Concerto No. 20 in D Minor
   3. Universe-x
   4. SlowPokemon
   5. Drpamplemousse
   6. Master_Gamer38
   7. SuperFireKirby
   8. SuperRiolu
   9. Jake3343
 10. Askalice23

At the end of this phase, there will be 6 people. At the end of the day phase, 5. Meaning, if no wolves have been killed. We lose. I don't think this will be the case. Meaning, night 3 will happen, which will at the end have 4 people. At the end of day 3, 3. That will more than likely be our last chance. Basically, we have to get either our next two lynches right, or we have to hope that we've gotten two wolves already.

Another thing to hope for would be the wolves attempting to wolf the strange man. Which would be a failed lynch.

Anyways, bleck. Time to wait for day.

That pm had nothing to do with TWG(kinda)... I can forward it if you like.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I'm Back!

I was out camping this weekend so I couldn't get in on the intense action but I've read over whats happened while I was gone. Glad I had safetied on someone before I left.

I'm a little bit suspicious of SlowPokemon at the moment.

If you look back to when everyone was voting drp before he got kicked, SuperRiolu was the only one to vote for U-X.

I think that the only reason Riolu voted for U-X was because he was one of the two suspected of being a wolf and chose one instead of the other. Probably a beginner's mistake.

But Slow Pokemon immediately jumped on Riolu, staking a claim that he was a wolf.

Why? Possibly this is what he actually believed. But another possibility is that he was making an attempt to save drp by getting people to change there votes to Riolu.

This is just a suspicion for now.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


I really am suspicious of SuperRiolu (and DrP, for that matter) because SR was insisting askalice was human and not to vote for him, with really no evidence at all.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


OMG OMG OMG :D lol, I dunno. askalice, I still need some sort of reason why I shouldn't vote for you in the next day phase. Should there be one, of course >_>


Don't think that I'm set on voting for askalice... if he has plausible proof that he's human then by all means I'd like to hear it. :P
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


sr voted for me.... if he was deadset on me being human why would he vote for me....
also arent you the one who was all buddy buddy with drp??? but wait now you think he was a wolf

it also seems like the whole time you drp and ux were together... look back to page one where ux is says drp and slow you guys should post somehthing for activity... it was a night phase there really isnt activity on the 1st night phase ever...

im human believe what you may there really is no way of proving anyone is actually human in this game so i guess i could send nakahs pm to you xD


Don't even go there, we don't need a repeat performance! xD

And DrP and I are only good friends outside TWG...

I never said I flat-out think he's a wolf. I'm saying it's entirely possible.

And I think u-x said that because we were the only ones who hadn't posted yet (unless I'm mistaken).

You're not anymore the top of my suspects list... but I can't deny that you're still on it.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Oh, btw - of course SuperRiolu voted for you... he didn't want to be lynched and you would only have one less vote than him if he voted you.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: askalice23 on August 22, 2010, 10:37:53 AMsr voted for me.... if he was deadset on me being human why would he vote for me....
also arent you the one who was all buddy buddy with drp??? but wait now you think he was a wolf

it also seems like the whole time you drp and ux were together... look back to page one where ux is says drp and slow you guys should post somehthing for activity... it was a night phase there really isnt activity on the 1st night phase ever...

im human believe what you may there really is no way of proving anyone is actually human in this game so i guess i could send nakahs pm to you xD
Ok, this is just getting annoying. I'm forwarding you the conversation that drp and I had, because OBVIOUSLY you do not know what I'm saying.

And yes, it is possible that he was a wolf. He could've lied. I don't know. We'll find out tomorrow.


i think he was a wolf which is why i suspected you because you 3 had an alliance (i could be wrong but it seems that way)

the above post about pm sending just kidding i talked to nakah and he said your clean... he also said that we shouldnt just assume anything by it... in no way is his reinstatement giving away any info he would have kicked him regardless of color and then reinstated him regardless... now we wait until it is daytime


Why the heck do you think U-x. DrP and I had an alliance???

No evidence supports that. Just because I think u-x is human doesn't mean I'm one hundred percent sure, nor that that suggests I'm in an alliance with him.

And show me where I said that I had an alliance with DrP, or even alluded to it??? I believe I am the only person so far who has denied it; you all are so set on that thought.

Quote from: askalice23 on August 22, 2010, 11:27:55 AMi think he was a wolf which is why i suspected you because you 3 had an alliance (i could be wrong but it seems that way)

Show me how it seems that way? If you mean that I also think SR is suspicious, I'm NOT repeating my reasons, I've explained it too many times already.

God, just because I talk with someone a lot outside of TWG doesn't mean that you all should go jumping on me that I have an alliance with him! Seriously! I'm getting kind of irritated.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.