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[GCN] Pac-Man World 2 - Multiple Songs

Started by ASH501ST, July 27, 2010, 10:49:12 AM

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Hello, I am requesting some songs from one one my favorite games Pac-Man World 2.  If you would arrange any of the songs from the game I would be very happy, but here is a list of a few songs specifically that I would like someone to arrange, if you ever get the chance I would be very grateful.
Pinky's Revenge
Pac-Man World 2 main theme/Pac Village Thanks WiiMan96
Menu Thanks again WiiMan96
Ghost Bayou
Night Crawling
B-Doing Woods
Yellow Pac Marine
Shark Attack
Haunted Boardwalk

These are some of my favorite video game songs of all time, I will be very grateful to whoever arranges some of these.  I made the original post way back in July 27th last year so I have been waiting a long time for arrangements to be made, I'm not very good at arranging now so "your my only hope". Thanks Again And May The Force Be With You! 
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Punctuation, please. Please. Please. Sorry to be harsh here, but I think some of the reason why nobody has replied to your request yet is that they don't bother to read it through. It's very tiring. Though, that doesn't explain why nobody has replied to my request yet...

Also, we need to be better at using the Requests forum. Requesting a song is always a game of chance: Some times, people will pick up the song because they know it and like it, other times, requests will be ignored. This is regardless of who posts.

People, shape up! And help Ash with the sheets.

Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


k man thanks,  And sorry I was new to the posting when I first did this request it was months ago I'm just starting to get mad that no one is doing it it would be great if someone would thanks again for the advice and sorry
Per Audacia Ad Astra...


Yeah, if you're gonna request something, don't expect it to get done, ever, 89% of the time. :D

That's a lie, it will get done eventually, but not for a LONG time... See the Request Points thread for more info. :P
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


well I have been waiting like 3 months now but aslong as it gets done within the next year or so I will be happy I really love the music in this game I tried to arrange it myself but I'm not so good at that
Per Audacia Ad Astra...


I was joking, it'll be done within the year definitely. xD
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Per Audacia Ad Astra...


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Per Audacia Ad Astra...


This request has gotten buried in all these posts, so I went back and re wrote it in a more legible way, please consider arranging a song it would make my day :) 
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I've never played the game but the music isn't bad at all, that being considered. Sadly, the majority of these songs are beyond my abilities as an arranger, but I'm certainly happy to attempt Pac Village. It sounds like the easiest one to transcribe. :P

Of course, this is only if you're willing to tolerate a few wrong notes. I'll try my best though. :)


Thank You! a few wrong notes doesn't bug me at all, give it your best shot(it will be better then what I can do). Thanks again,
Per Audacia Ad Astra...


Alrighty then. I'm going on vacation Tuesday and as soon as I come back I'm off to school, so if I can't finish it within a couple days I can't really give you an accurate date. Definitely before end of Feb though. Whatever I manage to complete before Tuesday I'll put up for ya.

Also, what do you think it should be called? Apparently the music doesn't play in Pac Village in some versions of the game, so would "Main Theme" suffice?

EDIT: Finished the first 30 seconds, and no problems thus far.


K Thanks:) just calling it the main theme is fine, but I can go onto the game and check all the spots that play that song(it has a song list that says the name of the song and lets you listen to it)I know this song comes up many times in the game, so I will go on it and then let you know what all it plays in :) Thanks Again
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