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Started by Capybara, March 19, 2008, 12:38:56 PM

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Can anyone here actually play it with all the sliders set to highest/best values, with out too much frame lag?

Link Freak

If you own 2x8800gtx's/gt's/gts'/ultras, or 2x9800gx2. Then you could.


Would you really need 2 of the 9800GX2?  It already is a two in one card, so its SLI in one, which means if you had 2 of them you would have 4 GPUs which would be necessary would it?

I do have a quad core, and 4 gigs of ram.  So I think I could maybe run it...with maybe a couple of settings turned a little bit down..

Concerto No.20 in D minor

I have BEATEN it on most settings high.

Link Freak

Quote from: Harvest on March 19, 2008, 01:40:10 PMWould you really need 2 of the 9800GX2?  It already is a two in one card, so its SLI in one, which means if you had 2 of them you would have 4 GPUs which would be necessary would it?

I do have a quad core, and 4 gigs of ram.  So I think I could maybe run it...with maybe a couple of settings turned a little bit down..

If you want it completely maxed out (aax4 on, ultra high resolution, etc...) Then you could PROBABLY do it with like 20fps if not lower. There's nothing on the market right now that can max out crysis with a good framerate. It's a game of the future (graphically wise). You can however max it out WITHOUT anti-aliasing. AA really does take alot of gpu power. I would recomend trying it with:

aa2x if you must

and then raise the resolution to highest, and then lower as you run benchmarks till you get in the 30fps>xfps range

and than play with the settings, very high-high


Oh well, mine still will look really good.  From the videos I have seen, it looks amazing.  Plus I heard with better drivers the GX2 will get a lot better.

Link Freak

Quote from: Harvest on March 19, 2008, 06:38:26 PMOh well, mine still will look really good.  From the videos I have seen, it looks amazing.  Plus I heard with better drivers the GX2 will get a lot better.

Oh yeah, I'm remember hearing about it too. Either way, you will NOT be disappointed with it! Post benchmarks after you get it :D


I wish I could run Crysis; I have an nvidia GeForce 5500  :-[

Link Freak

I'm upgrading from a 6150 le, haha :P


I can run Crysis on High.  8x AA

Then I changed the config file to allow VERY HIGH on XP but it will still show as high but you will get the very high effects, I'm not sure if it has 16x aa though.

The GX2 is amazing, gets very hot though, it was 90 degrees load but I've upped the fan speed and temps have dropped a lot.  Plus I'm getting my 200mm fan fixed (damn faulty parts :( :( ) and it should go down a few more degrees and I might install another case fan that I have.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

You know what I've always wanted to do?  Go get a fan like a this

And then I would just put my motherboard on that somehow.  I would put that in another room, get an extremly long cable for the dvd drive and for the monitor, then I would have no problem with noise or heat!  The big problem that I can forsee happening though is that the mobo would get so shaken up that some of the component might come loose...hmm.



I wonder if anyone ever takes their side panel off and then just has a big fan like that blowing in on it?

I have noise canceling headphones so I never hear anything around me so it would be fine for me, though it would look stupid.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

lol, well its not like anyone is looking at it right?  You should try it.  I don't have a side opening panel...I believe you can get on of those fans for like $10 at walmart...but your in canada so it would be like $203,987 right?  No but seriously.  You have Kinder eggs so Canada > USA


As of now the Canadian dollar is worth slightly more than the American dollar, most prices, except for some bastards, have matched their price with the Americans prices.

And no, I'm not trying it.  I don't need to, I don't have space, and it would look stupid.  I'm one of those people that gets very very annoyed at the slightest little thing out of place and would not like a fan like that.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

I see.  Still, care to send some of those Kinder Eggs my way?  Apparently they've been banned by a lot of states from imports from Europe.  Lame stupid kids that choke on them.  DIE