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Started by DrP, July 18, 2010, 04:32:25 PM

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What's your favorite Mega Evolution (G2)


Waddle Bro


M'kay, see this:

I have a theory!!!
Metapod was originally intended to have a split evolution, one evolving into Butterfree (for purposes of making everything simple, I'm using the names we're familiar with), and another evolving into Venomoth.
However, the developers thought that Venonat should have an evolution, so, they intended to put Butterfree as the evolution (with a few minor changes to make them appear more similar). However, they accidentally put Venomoth as Venonat's evolution.

They realized their error, but there wasn't much time to change it before the game came out, lest they risk an entirely glitchy game (imagine, all the current glitches times 10 or more). They simply recolored the sprites and, in later generations, tried to hide the similarities as much as possible.

In conclusion, if it was an error, it might have been better to just admit it and fix it in Gen 2 (or not...).
I've also heard about other "errors," such as Remoraid and Octillery, but that's a different story.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
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The Dread Somber


But... since when do cocoons from caterpillars turn into moths?

I mean Caterpie is supposed to follow the caterpillar -> cocoon -> butterfly thing and I really don't think there was any mix up?
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Quote from: Nebbles on December 04, 2012, 02:25:05 PMBut... since when do cocoons from caterpillars turn into moths?

I mean Caterpie is supposed to follow the caterpillar -> cocoon -> butterfly thing and I really don't think there was any mix up?
Venomoth could easily be a butterfly as well, especially given its Japanese name, Morphon, and similarity to butterflies. Butterfree actually looks more "compact" like a moth, similar to Dustox. Also, what we know as Venomoth could have easily been called "Butterfree," and visa-versa.

I don't recall fluffy gnats turning into moths either... :P In some cases, though, they have been seen to take "creative liberty."
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


it's Pokemon, it's FULL of creative liberty!

Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Dustox and Venomoth have the same basic shape, as do Beautifly and Butterfree, so I think they were meant to be what they are. Personally I think this theory started because someone noticed that Venonat and Butterfree had the same eyes/hands, so they just assumed that Venomoth went with Metapod and Caterpie. Maybe the artist creating them didn't realize that he recycled a pattern?

Waddle Bro

don't argue with pokemon logic


Quote from: Bubbles7689 on December 04, 2012, 02:34:52 PMDustox and Venomoth have the same basic shape, as do Beautifly and Butterfree, so I think they were meant to be what they are. Personally I think this theory started because someone noticed that Venonat and Butterfree had the same eyes/hands, so they just assumed that Venomoth went with Metapod and Caterpie. Maybe the artist creating them didn't realize that he recycled a pattern?
Ok, ignore colors for a moment. Look at Metapod. Look at Venomoth. Look at Caterpie. Look at Venomoth. See all the similarities (e.g. yellow spots in original artwork, the three-pronged head)? Venomoth is essentially an altered Metapod with wings.
Look at Venonat. Look at Butterfree. In the first game, Butterfree essentially IS a larger Venonat with wings.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Butterfree's body is basically two joined circles, while Venomoth's is a long Metapod-shaped thing like you said. That reflects real-life butterflies in moths, at least how you tell the difference in cartoon images

Plus everyone knows butterflies are prettier than moths, which is why Butterfree is prettier than Venomoth

EDIT: Whoops got my names mixed up


So by this logic, Magikarp was supposed to evolve into Dragonite because they are orange.  Also, Dratini's final form would have been Gyrados because they are all long and blue.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!

Waddle Bro

Quote from: the_last_sheikah on December 04, 2012, 03:05:54 PMSo by this logic, Magikarp was supposed to evolve into Dragonite because they are orange.  Also, Dratini's final form would have been Gyrados because they are all long and blue.
Another mistake done by Nintendo!


Quote from: the_last_sheikah on December 04, 2012, 03:05:54 PMSo by this logic, Magikarp was supposed to evolve into Dragonite because they are orange.  Also, Dratini's final form would have been Gyrados because they are all long and blue.

bahahah the image of a little fish evolving into a giant dragon is hilarious

Magikarp and Gyarados are based off mythology anyway I believe, so trying the "mistake" route is absolutely wrong.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


^But Magikarp already does evolve into a giant dragon :P

Waddle Bro

Quote from: Nebbles on December 04, 2012, 03:11:26 PMMagikarp and Gyarados are based off mythology anyway I believe
Yes, the legend of the waterfall.



I know, I was just making fun of his theory cause he has no hard evidence.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!