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Started by DrP, July 18, 2010, 04:32:25 PM

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What's your favorite Mega Evolution (G2)



I prefered the Orchestral peices in Gen III


Quote from: SocialFox on November 01, 2012, 08:01:33 PMI prefered the Orchestral peices in Gen III
Aressee probably had the best music of all the games.

Anyone else in love with the music of Aspertia City and that route theme before victory road (route 23?)?
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Aspertia City has beautiful music! Though I like route 22 over route 23, but both are great.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Sinnoh games were my least favorite, for sure. I did like the music though. And the problem with the music in Ruby and Sapphire is that while the route/city themes were mostly great, the battle music was definitely lacking.

Route 23 really grows on you.

Also Lentimas Town is so catchy it shouldn't be legal.

Also, even though it's hard to stomach at first, I really like the Reversal Mountain theme in Black 2.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Only better region soundtrack than Sinnoh is Johto. Sinnoh is awesome as hell(I love Champion theme, Gym Leader battle, Cyrus battle, etc.) but Johto was the best. Nothing can even compete with that.


All the main Pokemon soundtracks are phenomenal, I will disagree with anyone who says otherwise.

I think I'd rate them like this...

1. Unova
2. Sinnoh
3. Johto
4. Hoenn
5. Kanto
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on November 02, 2012, 08:56:43 AMAll the main Pokemon soundtracks are phenomenal, I will disagree with anyone who says otherwise.

I think I'd rate them like this...

1. Unova
2. Sinnoh
3. Johto
4. Hoenn
5. Kanto
Kidding? Sinnoh rocks!
Birdo for Smash


I have it as number 2 of 5! That's really good :P
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Hard to stomach? Why so? I fell in love with the music instantly.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Slow, I think I might've misunderstood - I thought 1 was the lowest, since you had Unova there.. :)

I see them like this:
5. Unova - MOSTLY techno(especially BW2), but has a lot of good ones, like Route 10, Nimbasa City, Driftveil City, and the battle themes
4. Johto - MOSTLY music that you don't really remember (sorry, this is very personal - I didn't play much Johto)
3. Hoenn - trumpets!! (there isn't one theme that could be better!)
2. Kanto - So original it deserves it's own genre
1. Sinnoh - Jazz Jazz Jazz, and they're all masterpieces!
Birdo for Smash


I see them like this:
1. Unova - Awesome
1. Hoenn - Wait do I actually know any hoenn music
1. Kanto - Yeah, it's pretty amazing
1. Sinnoh - Because it really gives the towns atmosphere. Veilstone would not be the same without the music, along with some other places.

but yeah, they're all number 1.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Rating music by regions, now?

1. Kanto - Memorable music and catchy tunes all over. Full of atmosphere, even though there is only one instrument playing. Easily the most melodic music of the series. Who can forget the go-happy Route 1, the epic Route 11, the awesome Trainer Battle theme, or the cozyness of Celadon City?
2. Hoenn - Melodic, atmospheric and with instruments. Route 103 gives you this "You're doing great!" feeling. The Battle Frontier tune shouts out that this is the gathering place for the best of the best. The PokéMart tune makes me want to shop my arms off. Pokémon Contest sets you right in the mood. And so on.
3. Orre - Pyrite Town. The Under. Gateon Port. Krabby Club. The Trainer Battles. Battle Mode menu. So many great and atmospheric tunes, all vividly orchestrated. They really worked with the setting of the game too. Rogues are fighting rogues to survive in this harsh region, and the music reflects the roughness of everything.
4. Unova - Many good pieces here, and dynamic music. Village Bridge and Accumula town are good in their own right, but become stunning when all instruments are applied. There are some downers (*coughNimbasa*), but overall a solid soundtrack.
5. Johto - Don't get me wrong, I really like the Johto music, but overall it's slightly less memorable than the others. The Top 5 is very tight. By all means, Johto music is very close to the Kanto music, which is my favourite. Sort of more like the same, and there are many great pieces, but I prefer the others over this, overall. Perhaps 4 and 5 can be swapped around some, or even share a spot. There are many great songs to be heard in Johto.

6. Sinnoh - LOOK HOW MANY INSTRUMENTS WE HAVE!! AND WE CAN HAVE THEM ALL PLAY AT THE SAME TIME!!!!1. Seriously, though, the music of Sinnoh is, with a few excellent exceptions, flat out forgettable. The Route and town music is too flat, a cacaphony of instruments spewing out mediocrity. Route 201 is fine, 209 is beautiful, the rest are forgettable. Where are the melodies? Where are the themes? The battle music is all right, but hardly worth paying attention to (apart from the battle music of certain legendaries). There is no middle ground in Sinnoh, the songs are either great or forgettable. Sinnoh Underground is epic, Pokémon Center (night) is lovely, but on the other hand you have stuff like Route 216, which goes from calm and soothing to jumbling cacophony around the 50 second mark and never turns back. Or Route 225, which has a serious identidy crisis. What is this, a game corner? What landscape is conveyed in this song? Where are we supposed to be? The songs that work best in this game are the ones where the instruments work together to produce a good theme, and stick to that theme throughout the song, rather than rambling around on their own as they seem to do in most of the tracks.

Sorry for the overly long Sinnoh section, but seeing as everybody seems to like it for some reason, I felt like I had to explain why I slate it so much.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Quote from: Cobraroll on November 02, 2012, 04:15:30 PM6. Sinnoh - LOOK HOW MANY INSTRUMENTS WE HAVE!! AND WE CAN HAVE THEM ALL PLAY AT THE SAME TIME!!!!1. Seriously, though, the music of Sinnoh is, with a few excellent exceptions, flat out forgettable. The Route and town music is too flat, a cacaphony of instruments spewing out mediocrity. Route 201 is fine, 209 is beautiful, the rest are forgettable. Where are the melodies? Where are the themes? The battle music is all right, but hardly worth paying attention to (apart from the battle music of certain legendaries). There is no middle ground in Sinnoh, the songs are either great or forgettable. Sinnoh Underground is epic, Pokémon Center (night) is lovely, but on the other hand you have stuff like Route 216, which goes from calm and soothing to jumbling cacophony around the 50 second mark and never turns back. Or Route 225, which has a serious identidy crisis. What is this, a game corner? What landscape is conveyed in this song? Where are we supposed to be? The songs that work best in this game are the ones where the instruments work together to produce a good theme, and stick to that theme throughout the song, rather than rambling around on their own as they seem to do in most of the tracks.

Sorry for the overly long Sinnoh section, but seeing as everybody seems to like it for some reason, I felt like I had to explain why I slate it so much.

Sinnoh is something you have to be used to. Because a lot of the stuff was related to jazz, it had intricate rhythms which MAKE it seem like as if it's cacophony, but as you start to identify each instrument's role in the music, you start to realize that every instrument is curcial. Route 226's bells contribute greatly to the atmosphere, and the other instruments in the background help contribute to the vivacity of the piece. 225 isn't one of my favorite pieces, but let's say you took out a melody in the background. All that's left would be the main melody and drums, much like previous generations. Which is why it's extremely hard to create a solo sheet for Sinnosh soundtracks without losing its feel. Here is the link for Amity Square. In my perspective, the solo loses much of it's liveliness, and it's not that the arranger is bad. There are just so many crucial stuff in the music that help contribute to the feel. The duet is just amazing. Also take Mt. Coronet. You can feel the vigor and energy in the music as it continues during the music.

I didn't mean to offend you, if it did. I know that it was your opinion, but I just thought I would post why I don't belive in that.


Sinnoh was a VERY iffy region in many people's minds, but in all honesty, I still love its soundtrack. So much.

I don't know if I can rate the music by regions but I'll try...

1. Hoenn. Just. God. Hoenn. Hoenn's music was gorgeous. Each new song was a breath of fresh air, the surfing music was like a waltz on the ocean, the bike music felt like an exhilarating chase down a slope. The legendary battle music was perfect, just ALL of the music was perfect I don't know what else to say
1. Unova. Wowie, Unova blew me away! I was impressed with a lot of the music, especially with both Opelucid City songs. And the elite 4 theme! Iris' theme in BW2! The new towns and places! The soundtrack was just so GOOD that it really deserves more credit. How else can you craft a perfect theme for Castelia, or the pulse-pounding E4 theme?
1. Johto. Man, Johto... the most memorable tunes. And in the remakes, the music was even better. Johto is really just out there with its music. Everyone loves it. Everyone knows it. It's catchy, upbeat - the flowy surf theme, the upbeat bike, the amazing champion theme... 
1. Sinnoh! Man, Sinnoh music is something neat. It's different, lots of instruments and sounds everywhere... but it's really really good. We have the upbeat tune of route 201, the chilling Mt. Coronet, the jazzy route themes... the friggin Battle Frontier Brain theme, Giratina's battle theme, ALL legendary battle themes... Sinnoh was so different, but that's why I like it.
1. oops kanto is last?? well... not really, since all numbers here are one. Don't get me wrong, I love Kanto's music a lot. We have all those lovely originals, but the remixes did NOT do them justice in the remakes in my opinion. The original 8-bit tunes are near and dear to my heart, but for my preferences, it doesn't rank super high with the others.

and that's just my two cents!
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Quote from: Nebbles on November 02, 2012, 05:27:58 PMSinnoh was a VERY iffy region in many people's minds, but in all honesty, I still love its soundtrack. So much.

I don't know if I can rate the music by regions but I'll try...

1. Hoenn. Just. God. Hoenn. Hoenn's music was gorgeous. Each new song was a breath of fresh air, the surfing music was like a waltz on the ocean, the bike music felt like an exhilarating chase down a slope. The legendary battle music was perfect, just ALL of the music was perfect I don't know what else to say
1. Unova. Wowie, Unova blew me away! I was impressed with a lot of the music, especially with both Opelucid City songs. And the elite 4 theme! Iris' theme in BW2! The new towns and places! The soundtrack was just so GOOD that it really deserves more credit. How else can you craft a perfect theme for Castelia, or the pulse-pounding E4 theme?
1. Johto. Man, Johto... the most memorable tunes. And in the remakes, the music was even better. Johto is really just out there with its music. Everyone loves it. Everyone knows it. It's catchy, upbeat - the flowy surf theme, the upbeat bike, the amazing champion theme... 
1. Sinnoh! Man, Sinnoh music is something neat. It's different, lots of instruments and sounds everywhere... but it's really really good. We have the upbeat tune of route 201, the chilling Mt. Coronet, the jazzy route themes... the friggin Battle Frontier Brain theme, Giratina's battle theme, ALL legendary battle themes... Sinnoh was so different, but that's why I like it.
1. oops kanto is last?? well... not really, since all numbers here are one. Don't get me wrong, I love Kanto's music a lot. We have all those lovely originals, but the remixes did NOT do them justice in the remakes in my opinion. The original 8-bit tunes are near and dear to my heart, but for my preferences, it doesn't rank super high with the others.

and that's just my two cents!
Quote from: Jub3r7 on November 02, 2012, 03:43:29 PMI see them like this:
1. Unova - Awesome
1. Hoenn - Wait do I actually know any hoenn music
1. Kanto - Yeah, it's pretty amazing
1. Sinnoh - Because it really gives the towns atmosphere. Veilstone would not be the same without the music, along with some other places.

but yeah, they're all number 1.

And in response to this hubbub of pokémon music, I've posted a soundtrack to my new story:
Party Hard!