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Steps to Simplicity - Story Update + Dropbox File(4.17.2012)

Started by DrP, July 18, 2010, 11:52:21 AM

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Should I just give the ending away?

NO! I want you to finish this
No. This is dead. It's like a failed TV Show, no closure
Yeah, I could care less if the story was finished, but I want to see the wrap up
Yes! I think I need closure on the story.


Sorry to hear that Nik. I look forward to a better day when this story can be completed.

Now go read my new storyI hope you get more free time soon.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Well, when I travel, I'm bringing two books I've been meaning to read: Decision Points (by Pres. Bush) and Between Shades of Gray (by this Lithuanian Author -- it looks quite interesting), however after updating my daily expenditures, I will be working on two new chapters of STS and fixing chapters in my novel (and updating what I say to be more descriptive and more "formal" from what I have written).

Let's hope I can keep up with this... (and hopes it rains for a few days)


Well... let's see how this fares. I just wrote this tonight, so it was on the fly just a bit (im adding a curve ball to the story now). This may be the beginning of a steady inflow of more chapters.

I can't my outline anywhere, so I'm flying blind for now.

Chapter 15: Pines and Fines
   I was trying to keep my pace with Charlotte. She seemed to be quite peppy at 7 o’clock in the morning. It seemed that she could have ingested copious amounts of caffeine, or she was the dreaded morning person that I seemed to despise with a passion. By now, we were able to see the outskirts of Ferne Town, our first town on our “bike-tour” of Mérin. The landscape of Mérin was absolutely majestic, filled with rolling hills and pristine lakes. I could swear that I saw an exact replica when I was driving through Washington on my way to Spokane.

   It was half past eight when we arrived in the center of the sleepy Ferne Town. It didn’t have the grandeur of Shamrock Town with all the American glam. It seemed more like a village in Austria, surrounded by luscious pine trees and the Burgundy Hills off to the south. We stopped at a grandiose fountain in the center of the village, and Charlotte hopped off her bike to wash her face in the fountain water. “You see, Drew, we’re not just an American oriented region,” Charlotte smirked, “We still have our French roots. You could call this town ‘Canadian’ to compare.” “So I noticed,” I sniped back, still steaming over the inability to take a break between Ferne and Shamrock. “C’mon, let’s go find a nice café for breakfast!” Charlotte said after a long silence. Could we wait a bit more while I catch my breath, I said under my breath as we hopped back on our bikes.

   Charlotte took us further along the cobblestone streets of Ferne Town to a café looking over Route 143 and the pastures with farms alongside. The moment we walked in, the maître d’ greeted Charlotte almost instantly. “Bonjour mademoiselle, un table pour deux aujourd’hui?” The maître d’ inquired. “Absolutement, monsieur,” Charlotte replied. The maître d’ took us to a small table overlooking Route 143, al fresco on the gorgeous day that it already was. “You can see Carnelian City off in the distance!” Charlotte pointed out. I looked over to see the tops of just a few buildings and then the water. “It really doesn’t look all impressive,” I said kind of disappointed on seeing an amazing city. “Well, you can’t see all of it,” Charlotte retorted, sensing my tone. “The city you can see is the outer rim, the main part is down below from the hill. They built the city out on top of the hills so that you can’t see the city center.” “So, it’s quite charming, I’m guessing,” I answered. A waiter delivered our food, something Charlotte already ordered last night and we dined looking at the beautiful vista that was Route 143.

   After filling up on muffins, fruit, pastries and a variety of juices, we hopped back on our bikes, this time with Charmander riding shotgun in Charlotte’s basket. Charmander instantly began to relax as we took to the road. We took Route 148, an “easy” shortcut cutting out Carnelian City, Opal Woods and Opal City. The moment we left the southern gate from the town, the road began to rise in elevation, though we had some nice switchbacks as cars just went zooming by in a bridge around the Burgundy Hills.
   After about two hours pedaling arduously, we reached the summit of one of the larger hills, marking our halfway point between Ferne Town and the junction with Route 147. Charlotte actually stopped for a break. Maybe she noticed the lone park bench on the side of the trail. “Want to take an awesome picture?” Charlotte asked me pulling out her phone. “Sure, why not!” I replied ecstatically. I felt kind of bad because I didn’t take as many pictures as I hoped to during my travels. I struck a few poses causing Charlotte to giggle and blush as I continued to make a fool of myself and humoring those who would ever glance their eyes on these pictures. Charlotte and I changed places and I took pictures, also quite humiliating and humorous for both parties. She ushered me over and we took a picture together, funny faces and all. We were having a good time until she held out the phone, kissed my cheek and caused me to emit a face that would be suitable for those romantic comedy movie posters. Charmander just sat and watched everything, napping on a nearby rock.

   â€œWhat the???” the dazed words exited my mouth. “I thought it would be kind of funny,” Charlotte quickly answered. “It is kind of a shock,” I answered all defensive. “It just came out of nowhere, so I kind of freaked out just a bit.” “It’s ok,” Charlotte reassured me. “There’s nothing going on with us. You’re cute, but now is not the place or time for me to even focus on starting something up with someone.” I blushed at her response, also shocked from her instant drawing of conclusions. This trip just got a bit more awkward. “Let’s go,” I added grabbing Charmander from mid-nap and plopped him into my bike basket.
   We continued a steady downhill pace in complete silence that got us to the junction in a little over an hour. By now, the sun was getting quite hot and the landscape was quite different from the other side of the hills. It looked more like California, shrubberies meant for lack of water, grasses you would see off I-5 up near Bakersfield… just the general stark scenery of that entire Central California agri land. “Quite the contrast from the other side of the hills, huh?” Charlotte asked, trying to wipe away the awkwardness from the kiss. “Yeah,” I responded awkwardly. I continued on my bike west toward the sign that said “Burgundy City, 20km â€" 16mi”. Charlotte trailed behind me, a difference from this morning. All I kept thinking about was thinking about this kiss way too much. It was probably just a spontaneous moment, however when I remembered Charlotte talking about relationship-y stuff, I began to think more and more that it was less of an accident and more of something on purpose. We continued ahead towards Burgundy City.

   The scenery as I was reaching the river was reverting back to the Celtic coloring of Shamrock town, however the bridge over the river was a deep maroon, making it look like Christmas. The sun was beginning to set and I was set dead ahead on Burgundy City. I continued over the suspension bridge and saw the signs that said “Bridge Toll â€" $12.50 â€" Cars, $6.80 â€" Bikes, $2.50 - Pedestrians, on return from Burgundy City”, putting the information into the back of my head. Once I got off the bridge, the lights began to brighten up as I entered the glamorous Burgundy City. The city was mapped out quite well, with a Pokémon Center/Starbucks right ahead as you continue on Route 147 within the City. I got off my bike and walked into the city, still in silence. I saw Nurse Joy and walked up to her. “Hello Nurse Joy!” I greeted her happily. “We have a reservation under Charlotte for the night.” Nurse Joy looked through her computer. “Yes, two of you,” Nurse Joy answered. “And were is Charlotte?” I looked around to find Charlotte not in sight, only a boy and his Vileplume. “Hey kid, have you seen a girl around who walked in with me?” I asked the kid. “No.” the boy answered. He returned to reading his Grass Pokémon Monthly magazine and I told Nurse Joy I’ll be right back.

   Where could she be? I thought to myself as I retraced my path. I continued back towards the Burgundy Hills, passing through the bridge. In my rush to find Charlotte, I completely bypassed the tollbooths, forgetting about any tolls I would have had to pay. I raced over the bridge and on to the other part of Route 147. By now, it was really dark and I turned on my bike light. “Charmander, keep a look out for Charlotte,” I said. “We really need to find her.” Charmander agreed. He was oddly obedient for a new Pokémon, but also quite lazy too. We continued searching for Charlotte, calling out for her, searching around every few miles or so. After heading back about 5 miles, I stopped for a break. “Charmander, we’re never going to find her,” I said hopelessly. I heard a rustle in some bushes. I went to check it out with Charmander. It was a lone Emolga trying to find food. It seemed hurt and when it discovered that I found it, it stood there with a “deer-in-headlights” look. “I’m not going to hurt you,” I said calmly as I reached into my pack. I grabbed a few Oran Berries and set them in front of the hurt Emolga. It instantly recognized them and devoured them in a split second, letting out a nice burp after it finished and pepped up with its newly restored energy. “You seem content,” I ecstatically said to the Emolga. “I’ll bet you’re feeling like a million bucks!” It smiled and walked over to hug my leg. It looked at Charmander, standing behind me and gave it a hug too. This was one considerate, sweet Emloga. “Well, you take care now!” I said, returning to my bike to look out for Charlotte.

   As I began to pedal away, the Emolga appeared to be running beside us. I continued on until Charmander noticed it and stopped me. We waited for it to catch up. “Do you want to come along with us?” I asked. All it did was jump onto my shoulder and hugged my head, obstructing my sight because of it’s wings. “Charmander,” I said in a muffled voice. “Gwab a Poké Bwall fwom my pack.” Apparently he got it, because in 2 minutes there was a Poké Ball in my hand and I caught Emolga, releasing its loving hold from my face. I continued forward another mile to finally find Charlotte. She was napping on the side of the road with her bike chained to a street lamp and her Mudkip and her side.

   â€œCharlotte!” I screamed. “Wakey-Wakey!” She woke up startled and in a daze. “Wha- What the hell is going on?” Charlotte asked sleepily. “I made it to Burgundy City and realized you didn’t make it with me, so I came back to look for you.” Charlotte finally caught her bearings. “Oh, I didn’t think we were talking,” Charlotte said cockily. “Well, I was worried about you when I realized you were gone,” I said like I was worried. “I didn’t know you felt that way about me,” Charlotte played on what I said. “That’s not what I mean,” I retorted. “You know that you’re my guide to Juniper Town.” “I know!” Charlotte joked. “I was just playing with you.” “Well, are you ready to head to Burgundy City for the night?” I ushered Charlotte at her bike. “Well, if you put it that way… no,” Charlotte cockily answered. “You didn’t say the magic word.” “You REALLY just didn’t go there,” I replied fed up. “Would you PLEASE get on your bike so we could head to the city?” “That’s not the magic word!” Charlotte snickered. “Ok… Voulais-tu S’IL VOUS PLAIT monte ton vélo, alors nous pouvons aller à la ville?” I answered annoying. “Très bien!” Charlotte said happily. “Nous pouvons aller!” She walked to her bike and mounted it and began towards the city. I finally realized why she kissed me: she had a crush on me and this bickering was just flirting.

   We rode towards the bridge, chatting about my journey through Sinnoh and more stuff about our lives in California. The bridge was lit up even more than when I initially entered the city. However, by the time we cycled to the other side of the bridge, Officer Jenny was standing talking to someone. She noticed us coming and held out our hands stop us. “Good evening officer,” I respectfully said. The other person nodded and she spoke. “Sir, I believe you forgot to pay your toll as you raced past the toll booth a few hours ago.” Charlotte gave me a funny look. All I could think about now is her thoughts about me… “You raced across the bridge to come find… me?” I thought about Charlotte’s thoughts. “I’m sorry, officer,” I apologized. “I’ll pay the toll. My friend got lost and I realized she was gone by the time I got here.” “Well, unfortunately, the time to pay the toll is long past,” Officer Jenny scolded me, even though I had a plausible story. “You have to pay a Toll Violator Fine of an extra $50.” I was stunned. “Officer, I accidently went into the woods and got lost, and my cellphone lost reception, so I couldn’t call anyone,” Charlotte backed me up. “Still, your friend here broke the law, so we have to fine him.” Officer Jenny answered. “It’s fine, Charlotte. I can pay it,” I said. “Wait,” the other guy said. “You’re not Charlotte from Sonata Town??” “I am,” Charlotte answered proudly. “Who’s to know?” The other guy didn’t say anything, but took Officer Jenny and the two whispered and Officer Jenny came back. “You can just pay the toll,” Officer Jenny said. “I’m sorry for this mess, Charlotte.” I proceeded to give the guy my toll and we continued on to the Pokémon Center.

   Charlotte was preparing for bed and all I could think about was the new awkwardness between us. The worst part was that I was beginning to feel something, which wouldn’t be the best thing for our travelling relationship. “I’m going to the Starbucks for some tea,” I called into the room. “Ok, hurry back!” Charlotte exclaimed. Oh, how I felt I was in a relationship. I went to the lobby, ordered some Calm and went on the computer. Charlotte friended me on Facebook, and to my chagrin, put the picture of her kissing me as her profile picture. I accepted and thought, “I guess she likes to make lots of hasty decisions, huh?”

==End Chapter 15==

Next Chapter: Chapter 16: Time for Some Fire


I used to make detailed drawings of towns on graph papers. fictional ones of course. but not regions.


Quote from: winterkid09 on August 14, 2011, 10:35:59 PMI used to make detailed drawings of towns on graph papers. fictional ones of course. but not regions.

I used to draw regions with my neighbor, back in the day.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: winterkid09 on August 14, 2011, 10:35:59 PMI used to make detailed drawings of towns on graph papers. fictional ones of course. but not regions.

See page 1 of the thread about 2/3s of the way down! (just for FYI)

I'm too bad of an artist to draw the towns from my perceptions.


So I went to this thread to do something but my mind is too tired to comprehend my future actions.
So, what was my future action supposed to be again?
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]



Woot another chapter... however, I think I am heading down the road to soft porn relationshippy stuff... we shall see what happens now. Still amazing anyways

Chapter 16: Time for Some Fire
   I woke up the next morning, refreshed and restored from the day before. Charlotte was still sleeping. “Wow. She actually looks a little cute when she’s sleeping. Her little snore is adorable,” I thought to myself and then shaking off the thought, not wanting to think about what happened the day before. I stepped out of our room and I walked to Starbucks in the Pokémon Center lobby. I seriously needed get something to wake me up. I then proceeded to order a Caramel Macchiato, a Mocha, a Nonfat Latté and a Cappuccino (because I had no idea what Charlotte would like when she woke up). I sat there for a bit sipping the Café Misto I ordered and just observed the area around me. A girl walked up to me as I was staring at the TV, showing Morning News Report on VNN (yes, the Verdant Republic DID rip off CNN).
“Good Morning Drew,” the girl said cheerfully. “Um… Good Morning,” I answered awkwardly, not knowing the girl. “How can I help you?” The girl picked up on my facial clues, “oh, I’m sorry. I should introduce myself. My name is Maggie. I am a member of the Mérin Elite Four. I have been following your journey across the Republic, keep up the good work!” “Hello Maggie,” I answered happily as the caffeine buzz was finally kicking in. “It is certainly a pleasure to meet you.” Maggie and I continued to talk about my journey in Kanto as I did the normal guy think and checked her out. She looked to be about my age, maybe a few years older. She was a whole lot different than Charlotte: around 5’7 or so with electric blonde hair, flowing down to her shoulders and the most amazing glasses that could instantly make a woman extra hot and spicy from the ordinary bland of being sans glasses. “… and that’s basically how I got through Sinnoh,” I continued on about my journeys. “Wow, you must have seen many exciting things,” Maggie said amazed. “I wish I could have had an amazing opportunity to do something like that!”

As Maggie was saying those words, a guy with flaming red hair walked over. He looked a lot like me, around 6’1 and had a medium build. He wore a pair of Black Ray-Bans with the lenses extremely tinted. His semi-long hair was folded-up on the along the edges. His most astonishing feature, though, were the extremely tight jeans and the Toms he was wearing; it kind of gave me a shock. I made a strange face that was closely translated to WTF. Maggie noticed this and turned around. “Parker!” She yelled ecstatically. “Hello Maggie,” Parker answered softly. “How are you this fine morning?” “Great! I met Drew over here,” Maggie looked over to me. “He’s the traveller going around the regions. And he’s the one that Charlotte has been talking about,” Maggie said hushed. “Hello Drew,” Parker extended his hand. “It is a pleasure to meet you. I am also in the Elite Four with Maggie, specializing in Water Pokémon.” “Awesome!” I answered noticing a figure out of the corner of my eye. Charlotte was walking out, like if she drank a whole bottle of vodka the night before. She was slightly crouched over and scratching her head.

“Good Morning Sweetie,” I said sarcastically. “Isn’t it the most beautiful morning in the history of the world?” She didn’t answer me, but gave me a look that I read, “Are you being fucking serious right now? All I want now is coffee and I don’t want to talk to anyone until I had a cup of coffee.” Maggie and Parker saw this interaction between us, chuckled and Maggie said, “Here’s my number. If you’re ever in Amber City, give me a call and we can do lunch!” Maggie and Parker walked away whispering about us (well, that’s what I thought). “Well Charlotte, I have a nonfat latté, mocha, caramel macchiato and a cappuccino. What would you like?” I asked calmly. She took all four cups of coffee, drank a little out of each and when she reached the mocha, she began to down the entire cup. After a few minutes, Charlotte broke the silence, “much better! I usually don’t need caffeine to start the day, but yesterday was quite exhausting.” “I can totally understand,” I answered. “You were quite the daredevil yesterday, riding like a bat outta hell.” “When I start a journey, I do have the tendency to rush a bit,” Charlotte admitted. She stood up and gave me a soft hug, one of which I saw my aunt give my uncle every morning.

We walked back together to prepare for the day trip ahead. I stepped into use the bathroom while Charlotte packed. By the time I got out, I was astonished, even my stuff was packed in the bag. I went into my neatly packed bag to grab Charmander’s and Emolga’s Poké Balls when I felt them wrapped in something quite soft. I pulled out their Poké Balls and then it encasement. Out it came, one black strap revealing a very lacy, two-cupped article of clothing. I stared at Charlotte and gave her a look. “My, how did this get in there,” Charlotte quickly snatched the bra and blushed. “I’m so sorry.” I just wrote it off. “I’ll confront Charlotte about this attraction later,” I thought to myself walking out the door. We hopped on our bikes and headed south out of the city.

I was the leader of the pack this time, paving the way down to Valse Town. The scenery was picturesque. Out of my entire travels through Mérin, Route 164 was probably my favorite scenery throughout the region. There was rolling hills as far as the eye could see; vineyards painted the landscape in bold colors of green and purple with accents of the rocky dirt holding the vines in place. Vineyards are one of my two favorite landscapes, the other being an alpine lake surrounded by pine trees. Charlotte and I actually slowed down just to bask in the amazingness of the scenery. Charmander and Emolga were enjoying the beautiful day and the most delightful in-land breeze that anyone could ask for. “Charmander, take the handlebars,” I said taking out my camera. I snapped about 50 photos of the hilly landscape, making sure that I didn’t miss the sheer beauty of Valse Wine Country.

After about three hours on the road (and stopping at a few wineries on the way), we arrived in the capital of Wine for the Verdant Republic, Valse Town. As a side note, only wine is the legal alcohol under the 18 year old age limit for all alcohol, as wine plays a vital role in the Verdant Republic economy and in Mérin households. Valse Town was the stereotypical French Provençal Town: sunbaked homes with deep red roofs, cobblestone streets and the most amazing building elements borrowed from the Roman time periods (not to mention a church built in the Romanesque architectural style). Valse Town was by all means a modern town, with the outer limits holding all the modern appeal, however the town center was old world and old feeling. The Pokémon Center there looked like it was built in the 1800s, however the interior looked like it was built last year.

We took a nice break, eating croque monsieur at a café and relaxing (and taking a petit sieste). Charlotte and I just talked more about our lives back in California and how we grew up here. Charmander and Emolga, as well as Charlotte’s Swanna, Buizel and Prinplup were enjoying the day and became great friends, just as Charlotte and I were becoming (with the flirting addendum, of course). We set off, continuing south onto Route 167 aka Rue de la Cyclage (Cycling Road). The Rue de la Cyclage is a large, modern cable-stayed bridge, showcasing the vast quarry business east of Jade City. It carried us on a beautiful trip over the Cobalt River and continuing into the marshes on the other side of the river and terminating at the crossroads with Route 161, which in fact happened to be directly below a cloverleaf interchange for the two main freeways of the entire Region (M4 and M5). Directly in front of us was Amber City and the Port of Mérin. Amber City is the largest city in the region by area, stretching out ten miles up the peninsula (sort of like San Francisco). We looked up at a sign, “Juniper City, East 22mi/35km | Amber City, Ahead 12mi/19km | Etude Town, West 29mi/47km”. “Do you want to stop in Amber City or go on to Juniper City?” I asked Charlotte. “We should just get to Juniper City quickly,” Charlotte answered, semi exhausted. “It would be more work for us to go to Amber City.” “Gotcha!” I playfully answered with a wink. We continued east.

The trip to Juniper was also a beautiful scenic journey along the edge of the region. It was a total picture taken away from the trip up PCH. The sun was slowly beginning it’s decent over the horizon as we were starting to gain in elevation about halfway around the Amber Strait. The route met the curves of the region, followed them almost precisely and letting off 200 feet above sea level about 5 miles from Juniper City. Juniper sat 1,200 feet above sea level, at the base of the Orange Mountains and home to the Mérin Hot Springs and Mérin Logging Corporation.

We reached Juniper city around seven at night, but there was still enough sunlight that there wasn’t a need for outdoor lighting. Juniper City was situated in a bowl with Mount Tangerine and the other Orange Mountains in the background. “Well, we finally made it!” I said elatedly, as the last three miles were pretty gruesome going uphill. “Yes,” Charlotte quietly responded. “Isn’t it a beautiful sight?” “Indeed it is,” I responded softly, slightly amorous to help her out just a bit. “Why don’t you go to the Pokémon Center? I needed to go train for the gym battle tomorrow.” “Ok, just use your phone to find the PC,” Charlotte said cheerfully. We rode away in separate directions. I went to the other side of the city to find a small pond where I proceeded to practice battle with Charmander, Emolga and Lapras. We got some intense moves down and got everyone running on the same thought pattern and by the time I was finished, everyone was raring to go face the gym leader. I arrived back at the Pokémon Center just before midnight, complete with a sleeping Nurse Joy and Chansey set included. I snuck past them to see Charlotte lounging on a couch watching VNN. We looked at each other and I proceeded to get ready for bed.

I woke up the next morning with Charlotte back to her normal morning self from the few days before. “Let me tell you a little something about the gym leader James. He may look like a simple, humble Lumberjack, but his Pokémon can pull a few sneak attacks and he is usually a few moves ahead of you,” Charlotte warned me. “Don’t worry,” I assured her. “We got it covered.” Charlotte gave me a hug, squeezing me tight and showed me off. I made my way into the gym, two miles outside the city. It was a massive log cabin building in the center of a clearing of trees. James was sitting on a rocking chair near a small rustic kitchen drinking what I presumed to be coffee, however the classic “XXX” jug was sitting in plain sight on the counter. “You must be Drew,” James said standing up. “Indeed I am,” I said defensively. “Let’s get this started, huh?” James extended his hand. The battle was fairly tough, three-on-three on an arena that was on the physical earth with dirt, leaves, tree stumps… the works. James was a Fire Pokémon leader, which is surprising because we’re battling in a wooden building, however it seems he took caution in building it and putting on fireproof sealant. The battle was quite heated and Emolga took out James’ Magby, however she wasn’t a match for his Torkoal. Lapras knocked Torkoal and his Ninetales out and we won. I got the Charcoal Badge and I touted it as I exited the building. As always, the moment I exited, my phone rang. “Oh. My. God!” Professor Juniper said. “I can’t believe you beat James! That must have been a tough battle.” “It was hard to predict some of his moves,” I responded. “We pulled out in the end.” “Well, that’s good to hear,” Professor Juniper said happily. “Your next gym is in Peach City. You should be able to get there in a day or so!” “Well, that’s nice,” I answered. “It will save me a massive trip across the region!” “Well, you can take a day’s break and relax in Juniper City, cause it is my amazing namesake,” Professor Juniper chortled. “I’ll take to you later!” -click-.

==End Chapter 16==

Next Chapter: Fumes to Peaches


...this is really awkward xD I like writing that makes me feel awkward though I guess. Also "Maggie"'re totally stealing my ideas
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Actually, Maggie was chosen as an Elite Four member long before I met you. She's a member along with Parker, Willa and Zach.

I kind of like writing what works. I'm really starting to really write a lot at one time.


Well, installment No 3! IM REALLY ON FIRE HERE!!!! OWWWW! )hahahaha( :D

Chapter 17: Fumes to Peaches
I ran all the way back to Juniper City, ecstatic for gaining my new Charcoal Badge from the gym. It was my first Mérin win and I had to put on my game face for four more and get it right. By now, it was dead noon, the sun somewhat cool on this luscious April day. Mount Tangerine was covered in grass and trees all the way up to the summit with some interspersed roads. With the lack of clouds in the sky, I took out my camera and phone and snapped some beautiful photos and some toy camera photos from my phone. Charlotte called me around one to figure out what was going on and asked me to meet her for lunch at the Juniper Fire Diner right in downtown. I continued on fast and determined and entered the city with quite a few turned faces as I ran past lots of people enjoying the day on the shopping promenade.
“Well you look all wiped out,” Charlotte screemed as I ran by her. She was sitting outside in a nice sundress and hat. I almost didn’t recognize her. “Woah!” I yelled back. “What the??? Where’d you get that?” Charlotte pointed to a shop across the street with a huge “SALE” sign in the window. “I decided to come down here while you were at your gym battle,” Charlotte explained. “How’d your battle go?” I took out my badge. “Fine, I guess,” I humbly replied. “Wow! You beat James!” Charlotte yelled in happiness. “He is a pretty tough gym leader, but you still have some tough challenges ahead, you know?” “I kind of figured it,” I answered. “The leaders here are more determined to see battling force rather than style and strategy.” “That’s more James rather than gym leaders,” Charlotte explained. “Each gym leader here testing you for the Verdant League are testing you differently. James apparently is testing you in force, and Ralph will probably test your strategy, knowing him.” “Ralph?” I asked. “Ralph is the gym leader in Peach City,” Charlotte answered. “He is your next stop.” I didn’t question her information, I just wanted to eat something and get my talk over with.

Midway through our lunch I decided to drop my feelings as bluntly as possible. While Charlotte took a massive bite from her hamburger, I decided to take a bold move using the most classic statement known to humankind. “Charlotte, we need to talk,” I said calmly. She looked at me with an extremely strange look while masticating her Cola Burger (burger with cola glaze, caramelized onions, swiss cheese and garlic aioli) and swallowed hard. “Wha… What do we need to talk about?” Charlotte answered quite shaken. I thought for a few moments to choose my diction and arrange the syntax. “We need to talk about this flirting,” I replied bluntly. “What’s with it? I’m not saying it’s terrible or amazing, or that it’s leading to something, I just want to know… truthfully.” Charlotte looked shocked, but fake-like, seeming my sentence was news to her. “I really don’t know what to say,” Charlotte replied, slightly blushing from embarrassment. “Well, I… I… I really don’t know.” “Charlotte,” I said softly. “You don’t need to be scared. You’re quite outgoing with me. If you have something, just say it. I can assure I won’t think of you less.” “Really?” Charlotte said looking slightly relieved. “Well, it’s just that you’re extremely likeable to be around.” “Likeable,” I said quite unconvinced. “Just agree with me if what I say is true. You have feelings for me because you think we share something amazing, have an awesome time together, seem like we have a connection that you basically want to take to the next level.” “Well… In…” Charlotte paused. “Well, in a nutshell… … yes.”

Charlotte remained silent after that for a good thirty seconds. All I could think was how I got her to admit her feelings for me. Now I just have to either let her down easy or accept her feelings and start a relationship from a crush. Now the dilemma was passed on to me. I’ll bet Charlotte’s head was spinning, but just not showing it. Charlotte stood up, looked at me with a strange face and ran out of the restaurant and into the city. “Hey!!!” I yelled after her. “Where the hell are you going??? How the hell could leave me with the fucking bill?” People’s heads turned toward me, looked down on me and then left me to realize what I just said. I didn’t care; I had to find Charlotte before I left for Peach City.

I went out searching for Charlotte: asking people if they seen her, calling her phone, calling Professors Magnolia and Juniper, calling the Pokémon Center, looking around the city. Charlotte was nowhere to be found. By 8pm, I returned to the Pokémon Center. It was the most recognizable building in the city. Juniper City, knowing for the charcoal and logging industry has a very alpine feel. It is the place where the deciduous and coniferous tree lines meet. The Pokémon Center was a building made up of a Birch and Fir Tree as towers holding the trainer rooms and offices of the Juniper Pokémon Center District. It was spectacular inside, with rustic furnishings that always made you feel cozy and comfortable. It had the backwoods feel with a modern touch. I gave my Pokémon to Nurse Joy and proceeded to sleep to prepare for my journey to Peach City the next day with Charlotte no where to be found.

   I woke up early the next morning to still find no sign of Charlotte. I received my Pokémon from Nurse Joy, who still hadn’t seen Charlotte. I decided to leave on my own. “I really have must left her to believe I didn’t want to be with her,” I continued thinking to myself as I mounted my bike and merging onto Route 159. I would just go for the weekend to Peach City and be back in Juniper City by Monday morning. I continued to search for Charlotte from my bike, however it proved to be fruitless.

   Route 159 was a route surrounded by pine trees, gaining in elevation as the mountains crept closer and closer. After 3 hours of riding up hill, I met the cave entrance through the Citrus Cave. I crept in with my bike. Luckily for travellers, torches meticulously placed along the cave wall lighted the cave path. Cars were lucky to take a scenic elevated road outside around the mountain, but this caved proved to challengers. I also began to think about capturing a new Pokémon, because my defensive line had a major gash. I had no idea what Ralph would be like, but I wanted to be prepared. While strolling with Charmander through the cave, I was actively searching for Pokémon. We battled a few Zubat, allowing for Charmander to level up and evolve into Charmeleon. It was quite amazing, as Charmeleon was knocking out Pokémon left and right, until we met a lone Stunky obstructing our way. It seemed quite raring to battle, and Charmeleon took him on. Stunky was a strong opponent and kept on taking Charmeleon’s attacks, but I decided to catch it rather than let it continue to take attacks. I added a Poison and Dark type to my arsenal and I had a feeling I made the right choice.

   The cave let out onto a large road slowly decending for a few miles into flat plains with corn, wheat and other substantial grains and vegetables. There were also quite a few dairies and a large agri supply plant off in the distance forward the Mérin Regional Park. There were a few towns, and we could see Shallot City off to the Northwest of our position. Its namesake, Shallots, is the primary crop along with garlic and onions, but we were continuing further. Before I hit Route 158, I saw a sign, “Shallot City, 15mi/24 km | Peach City 32mi/52km”. I had a long day of riding through basically Nebraska until I reached Peach City.
   Along the long route, I stopped intermittently to take a break, get some water and eat some of the food I packed, but also to train my new Stunky for the upcoming gym battle tomorrow. I had a nice conversation with Professor Magnolia and the mysterious woman a little past one, which happened to be right when I past the junction of Route 157 heading to Shallot City. As we travelled, though in the five short hours between the cave and Peach City, Stunky really learned our tactics and leveled up (especially with some trainers we met along the way). By 2:30, we were on our last 3 miles and Peach City has been set in my sights for the past half-hour. It looked much like San Diego, a modern looking city that was quite small on the water. As we got closer, the American Midwest landscape changed into lowlands (like those near New Orleans), with rice and celery plantations around the outskirts of the city. However, Peach City was quite clean, pretty and architecturally wonderful.

   The Peach City Pokémon Center was stunning. It was a large tower made solely from glass that resembled a certain notable building in Seattle. The Pokémon Center had a large seven-story round building attached to the glass (and concrete) tower supporting it. Once I took the elevator up, you were able to see the entire city. It was certainly a whole different site from the rustic Juniper City. However, I still couldn’t believe this city was here, because being out in cornfields (like deserts) can produce mirages and this modern-looking city was definitely a textbook mirage.

   After I ate some food and got settled in, I set out on the city to train and prepare for my battle the next day, and after spending lots of time looking around the local parks, the waterfront and a Starbucks in the Sliph Company Mérin Headquarters (Devon’s was across the region in Azure City), I trained for the remainder of the evening. Once I returned to the Pokémon Center around 7:30, I received a note. “Dearest Drew,” It began. “It is with my utmost pleasure to welcome you to Peach City. I would like to note that our gym battle will commence tomorrow morning at 6:30am at the Observatory on the Embarcadero. I humbly ask you to not be late. As another note, please bring only two Pokémon to battle with. No more. No less. Auf Weidersehen! ~ Ralph.” “That was quite formal, huh?” I told Charmeleon after I read the note to him. I put it away and instantly got into bed, because it was going to be an early morning and he seemed anal about time.

   I woke up at 5 AM, still dark outside and still cold from the night before. I was pumped to almost be 50% finished with my journey through Mérin (though it is still, by far, my favorite region so far). We set out on the city once again, but straight to the waterfront district were, along the rows of skyscrapers, an observatory (lit up by bright lights in the darkness) stood out. I made my way over and entered the building. I was shocked. It looked like a palace from the interior décor: busts, paintings, carpets, plants, a fountain, rich mahogany (and lots of books) paneling and large rooms. A butler greeted me at the door. “Are you Monsieur Drew?” the butler asked. “Yes, I am,” I answered confidently. I only brought Stunky and Emolga to battle, leaving Lapras and Charmeleon still sleeping in their Poké balls. “Suivez-moi (Follow me!),” the butler added.

   He brought us into an elevator where it shot up to a floor below the observatory, a room marked “Ralph’s Garden”. Believe it or not, there was actually an indoor greenhouse beneath an observatory. And right in the middle of the entire floor was a gym floor. “Good Morning!” a soft voice said as a young man about as old as a college sophomore came walking in. “Welcome to my garden of solitude. I am Ralph, Mérin’s Psychic Master. I took up playing with Pokémon as a pastime to save me from my boredom as a child and I took quite a liking to it. Look, the sun is rising! Isn’t it beautiful?” The entire room was surrounded by glass windows and I just kept looking how he was dressed. He was wearing a black tie with an entirely white suit (and black shoes). It looked like an optical illusion.
He motioned me over to the floor where we began a double battle, Emolga and Stunky vs. Gothlitelle and Girafarig. It was certainly a tough battle, but our strategy was to knock out one first. Giafarig was the first to fall, however soon was Emolga, as Ralph used the same strategy on us as we used on him. He seemed to be testing out strategy, but I still had a dirty little secret. Right before I sent in my final attack, my phone rang, but I ignored it. I ordered Stunky to use one more Crunch attack, ending the battle and earning me the Telescope Badge. “The world, the sky, the universe. We are all part of a bigger element,” Ralph said. “I graciously accept defeat and proclaim you the winner.” He vanished into his garden afterwards and the butler took me to another elevator that brought me right back into the Pokémon Center. Ralph was strange, but a strong force that proved my strategy under pressure. I looked at my cellphone; the call was from Charlotte. I frantically dialed my voicemail and found her message. “Drew,” Charlotte said. “We need to talk…”

==End Chapter 17==

Next Chapter: Chapter 18: Cross Country


I usually hate reading, but you kept me entertained throughout the story! Excellent chapter. :D


Your story kept me from reading my summer book... And kept me awake until 3.


I promise I'll read this eventually!
I know it's going to be good, so as soon as I find the free time and I happen to remember this I'll get it done.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]