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Steps to Simplicity - Story Update + Dropbox File(4.17.2012)

Started by DrP, July 18, 2010, 11:52:21 AM

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Should I just give the ending away?

NO! I want you to finish this
No. This is dead. It's like a failed TV Show, no closure
Yeah, I could care less if the story was finished, but I want to see the wrap up
Yes! I think I need closure on the story.



Where is Candice?


Anyway, another winner here. Keep up the writing and I have to say that most of the chapters finish with the reader (me) feeling completely satisfied!
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Glad to hear it  ;D

Can you agree that these past 5 chapters in Sinnoh were better than the Kanto chapters (minus Chapter 1)??? I really think so!!


I read all the chapters except the first two, and I'm loving it! Can you point me in the direction of the first 2 chapters?


Well, thanks!  ;D I'm glad someone else appreciates it!

If you go back to the Story Telling Boards, the first two chapters are separate... I'll post them on this thread tomorrow morning


I caught up finally :) I think you did such an amazing job writing the beginning of this story, considering you probably had to think a whole lot about how to intertwine the set pokemon knowledge, with a fiction aspect, but it came out with a plot that seemed ever so fitting and comfortable for the reader, (liked the second chapter). But I enjoy your writing style, It kept me up all night reading, it's 2:00 am now :/


Well, thanks again! I like it too... I think it "flows". I should have the next chapter up soon!!!


Due to minor setbacks (and the computer that has the story I wrote on it) have been packed in boxes, I will have to delay the next Chapter until after Sunday (unless my backup Flash Drive picked it up)... you can never write the same words twice!

Please excuse this inconvenience!


I have begun writing Chapter 13 once again and I am pleased to report it should be available on the site by tomorrow night!


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Youre gonna love this chapter (it contains Candice plus another couple of SECRET people... none about my current lady-friend prospects... that will come in the future)


after hunkering down to finish just almost one page, i believe this next installment, though not as great as the rest, will lead to even better chapters... the next chapter will incorporate something I hold dear (Slow knows what Im talking about here)... So, Je vous presente!

Chapter 13: Golden Ambers
There were lots of sauna places where people relaxed, people were a lot calmer, and people were drinking alcohol right on the streets to “keep warm”. There were many Swedish, Danish, Russian and Baltic restaurants. I found this restaurant that served these meat and cream cheese dumplings that you dip in sour cream and bacon bits respectively at this small Lithuanian restaurant, and for dessert, we had “Cranberry Pudding” which was this thick cranberry soup that was delicious. After lunch, we headed off to the gym where this girl was sitting in a heavy overcoat on a bench outside the gym. “Candice! How are you?” Professor Araragi asked the girl sitting at the bench. “I am fine Professor,” Candice replied. “It seems that I have locked myself out of the gym. Who is this?” “Oh, I’m sorry Candice,” Professor Araragi said. “This is your latest challenger for the Verdant League. This is Drew.” “Why hello, Drew,” Candice extended her hand. “Well, thank you, Candice,” I replied. “I would love to battle you right now, but as you can see, I have a problem,” Candice answered. “Well, we shall see about that,” Professor Araragi winked. She grabbed a coat hanger out of her bag, and played with the sliding doors of the gym until we heard a click. The doors slid open and Candice found her keys.
Candice flipped on some switches and a large, extremely cold arena came into sight, with an opening in the roof where a small flurry was coming in. “Welcome to the Snowpoint Gym, Drew,” Candice announced. “Are you ready to begin our battle?” “I am always ready,” I answered. “Now, we have special rules here. I have an extremely powerful Pokémon, so I will allow you to use two Pokémon against me.” “Well, we shall see if I will need a second Pokémon.” Candice sent out this large Pokémon, towering over Candice and even me! My Pokédex said it was an Abomasnow, so I started off the battle with little Riolu, knowing that his Fighting skills might come in handy. Riolu quickly ran around Abomasnow, who just stood there bored, watching this little dog run around him. I had Riolu use Force Palm, and it did some damage, but the massive tower of Abomasnow didn’t even flinch. Abomasnow used a massive Avalanche attack, sending the snow in the room towards Riolu, who quickly ran from the attack and was caught with a Wood Hammer attack from the other side, hurting both Riolu and Abomasnow. Riolu came back with Drain Punch and regained some of the HP he lost at the expense of Abomasnow. Abomasnow came back with another Avalanche, which Riolu wasn’t able to avoid this time, and it really did some damage, because Avalanche is special. Riolu had a hard time standing up and once he finally stood up, his entire body began to glow an opaque white and he began to change forms. He was a Lucario by the time he was finished evolving, with Aura Sphere learned in place of Counter. Lucario went to work with Aura Spheres, and even though he made some pretty critical hits, Abomasnow was able to knock him out with another Avalanche.
“See,” Candice pointed out. “Abomasnow isn’t your average Pokémon; he can withstand the worst of attacks.” I just stood there and sent out Ponyta, who had even a worse type advantage over Abomasnow. Ponyta came out strong with a Flame Wheel, directly hitting Abomasnow.  Abomasnow definitely felt Ponyta’s attack! Abomasnow tried to use an Avalanche followed by a quick Wood Hammer, but Ponyta was able to land a good stomp attack before Abomasnow could use Avalanche. Abomasnow was reduced to a very weak point, and I think the reason why Ponyta began to evolve was just to show Abomasnow who’s boss. Anyways, Rapidash continued with a nice Flame Wheel and an up-close-and-personal Flamethrower and ended the battle with a beautiful finishing blow.
Candice walked across the field over to me. “Congratulations, Drew,” Candice said. “You have shown strength and courage to beat Abomasnow, even though the cards were in your favor after all. I confer upon you the Icicle Badge, showing that you have beaten me. Please take this TM containing Avalanche, as it is vital to any Ice Type Pokémon’s strategy.” “Yep, and I am finally finished, too!” I exclaimed. “I have really enjoyed travelling through Sinnoh, so I am going to miss it a lot!” “Well, you can always come back and visit!” Candice replied. “Now you must go through the passage of the Verdant Order of Sinnoh. Hopefully, you can come back here to Snowpoint to visit and experience Sinnoh once again!” Professor Araragi took me by swooping in and getting me back into the car heading to the airport.
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
   After the plane touched down in Hearthome City, I was met with somewhat of a surprise, Professor Rowan and Cynthia met us at the gate. It kind of felt like a prisoner handoff, Professor Araragi was heading to another destination and Cynthia and Professor Rowan took me in a car to somewhere. “I really had a feeling you would get this far,” Professor Rowan said. “You really have the essence of your father’s battling style in you.” “Your father is amazing, Drew,” Cynthia quietly piped in. “You know, he was always observing everything when in battle, eyes constantly moving and never a stray thought. Maybe you can be like that someday, I know I can’t.” “Well, he is my father, and sometimes children aren’t even like their parents,” I answered. “I actually got accustomed to school and I was planning on entering a United States University once I become the right age. However, this journey has allowed me to see other things, gaining friends that will help me out whenever I am in trouble.” “Exactly!” Cynthia said loudly. “Pokémon will always be there for you, just like family in most cases!” “Here we are,” Professor Rowan announced. We arrived at the large glass cylinder, the entrance into the Pokémon Center.
   We walked into the cylinder and began down the elevator, but it didn’t stop at the Pokémon Center passageway, it went down another three floors to a large oval, pill-like transport vehicle. We got in and it took us on a smooth ride, we came out on to land and continued back behind the city and around Amity Square. After a few minutes, we arrived at a large obelisk. “This is where we induct Verdant League Champions of the Sinnoh Region, Drew,” Cynthia said. I looked around, and the Obelisk was on a mountain side, on a nice piece of flat land attached to the mountain. You were able to see the entire region from up here, from Sandgem Town to Sunyshore City. I couldn’t see Veilstone City, however. Cynthia placed her hand on the Obelisk, Professor Rowan joined and asked me to place my hand below theirs, forming a triangle. Notches and etchings in the Obelisk began to glow and the top pyramid-like cap shone a bright orange. Once everything stopped glowing, a triangular badge floated down from the top of the Obelisk and landed in my hands. “You are officially inducted into the Verdant League of Sinnoh and I hereby authorize you to continue to the Merin Region.” “We do have another thing for you to do,” said Professor Rowan, who just arrived from something.
   We walked over to this concrete slab. “Take out your Pokémon,” Professor Rowan said. “You are going to permanently seal your Sinnoh partners in concrete. Have them take their hands and inscribe their prints. You start first with your hand in the center.” I pressed my hand into the wet concrete and I sent out my Pokémon who followed suit. Professor Rowan and Cynthia both wrote in it, and made it all “official” and let it dry. Professor Rowan took my Pokédex and then pressed it into a slot in the obelisk and then only a few etchings illuminated for a quick second. Cynthia took it out and then showed it to me, and a new menu item came up in the Pokédex: “Verdant League”. It showed my Kanto Pokémon and badges collected and my Sinnoh Pokémon and Badges.
   â€œIt is time for you to continue on your journey,” Cynthia said softly. “Please hand us the Pokémon you caught here in Sinnoh, so that they may be transferred back to Professor Oak in Pallet Town!” I returned all my Pokémon and handed Cynthia five Poké balls. “Good Luck on your journey, Drew,” Professor Rowan said. “We may cross paths in the near future.” They sent me back alone in the pill capsule and I returned to the Pokémon Center, where Professor Araragi greeted me with countless shopping bags around her arms. “So, that’s what you had to do?” I asked cockily. “Well, some of it is for you!” Professor Araragi answered. “Let’s see, I have some Poké balls, various berries, potions and even some cookies!” “Well, at least it is something nice!” I answered. “I thought it was all clothes or something!” “About 90% of it is!” Professor Araragi admitted. “I thought so!” I replied. She quickly dragged me into a waiting car, and in 4 minutes flat, we were at the airport ready to return to Snowpoint City, which became a reality three hours later, and by the time we got back, the sun was beginning to set.
   To spend some time in Sinnoh, since it was my last night, we went to Lake Acuity and just dipped our feed off the dock into the pristine Alpine water. Various Pokémon swam around my feet and Professor Araragi began to wind herself down from her extremely active self, and eventually fell asleep a few minutes later. I got up and wandered around the lake and some land-dwelling Pokémon greeted me: Snover, Sneasel, and even some Misdreavus and Murkrow!  I continued my stroll around the lake and returned to the dock and made my place next to Professor Araragi. There was something standing out of the corner of my eye: a lone Snover standing at the end of the dock, just staring at me. I stared at it for a moment and then it walked over, out of its own volition and just sat next to me. It was a much calmer Munchlax-esque type of Pokémon. “You feeling lonely?” I asked the Snover. Snover nodded in agreement and let out a muffled cry. “Well, I’ll call you Lonely!” I said. Snover cried out in agreement, and gained a semblance of a smile after discovering me! “Well, I can’t take you on my other journey, but if I caught you, you could be friends with all of my other Pokémon!” I told Snover. All Snover could do is jump up and down. I felt the same way as I did when I caught Glameow and Stunky. I took out a Heal Ball (since it is one I could waste) and put Snover inside.
   I poked Professor Araragi who woke up in a frenzy. “You know you fell asleep, right?” I asked her. “I thought we were talking about how cows could run marathons?” Professor Araragi said, dazed. “Well, I have something I need to give you to return to Professor Oak,” I told her. “It seems that I caught a Snover.” I showed her the Poké ball. “Well, I can gladly give it to Professor Oak, since you can’t take him to Merin. We should head back to the Pokémon Center and get some rest for tomorrow.” I stood up in agreement and we walked back to Snowpoint City and went to bed.
   Professor Araragi drove me to the airport, and we parted ways since she had to take a boat from Snowpoint back to Isshu. It wasn’t like that beautiful day when I left Lilycove, sun shining and the fish swimming. It was cold; a blanket of white was draped over the ground, showing no sign of life underneath. After soaring into the clouds, I just sat as Mt Coronet fell out of sight and then the last of the Sinnoh region with Canalave City leaving my sight last. It was now just Open Ocean and I was sitting watching an American movie on the plane “Date Night” and I was working on what to do once I arrive in Merin, namely Amber City. I had no idea what to expect. It was the only main region I haven’t been to for any type of visit, whether it was vacation or for other reasons. Literally, right when the movie ended, land appeared out of the side of the aircraft. It was lush and green, meadows filled with windmills and small towns dispersed throughout the rounded area. We began our descent down into the port, Amber City, passing a large park with a gigantic lake in the center of it, and then getting lower, we passed over a smaller mountain range with a large observatory on one of its peaks and when we touched down, it felt like I landed in Lilycove, because the sun was shining and some Sharpedo and Seaking were having fun jumping in and out of the water. I heard walking into the terminal, “Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, AirVerdant Flight 921 from Snowpoint City has arrived at Gate S-12. If you have a connecting flight, please proceed to your next gate, otherwise head towards the Baggage Claim. Welcome to Amber City, the Starshine of Merin!”
   I began to walk towards the Baggage Claim area when I heard a familiar voice scream in my direction, “Drew!” I turned around and it was none other than the fabulous Professor Magnolia. “Why are you heading to the baggage claim?” Professor Magnolia caught her breath. “I thought you were picking me up outside?” I was perplexed. “Come; walk with me over to Terminal M, where all domestic flights into Merin are from,” Professor Magnolia said leading me in another direction.  “Where are we flying to?” I asked. “We are flying into the Lake Cobalt Resort, since it is the closest to the town where I live, so we can get you set up with a starter Pokémon. Otherwise, it would take almost a day by car, and I don’t like driving through the Burgundy Hills late at night!” While she was saying this, I noticed Starbucks has finally forced its way into Merin and I stopped for some coffee, a delight I hadn’t succumbed to since my departure from California some 8 years ago.
   After talking a bit more, we walked into an extremely modern terminal with only a few gates with flights to Amber City, the Tri Towns, Carnelian City, Apricot City, Jade City/Lake Cobalt Resort, Chrysanthemum Town, the Battle Frontier and Opal City. We sat in chairs that took us down the jet way automatically and took us to our seats on the plane. We took off and all I could do now is just stare out the window and await my arrival in Shamrock Town.
==End Chapter 13==

Coming Soon: Chapter 14: Tegul MeilÄ— Merin (May the Love of Merin Shine down upon us!... gotta love Lithuanian!)


Interesting chapter, I'm looking forward to the next chapter, but only 2 a month you say? D:

Okay Okay Fine, I'll wait.

I really like how you get personal with the Pokemon.


Well, when you have 8 COLLEGE CLASSES, you are your Building Rep for the Community Council (of all 6 apartment buildings), the Principal 2nd Clarinet in Wind Orchestra, and involved with a few Business oriented clubs, as well as reading, there isn't much allotted time for writing... and now I have allocated time for TWG, Im not sure if I can write until the weekend, but tomorrow is my LIGHT day (and Friday) so I might be able to write tomorrow

I like to keep things informal... This story won't be published, but when my kids get hooked on Pokémon, I'll tell them the story! Woo, NERDISM!


Hey I posted something in the "Home Made Compositions" board, you should check it out, tell me what you think?