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Steps to Simplicity - Story Update + Dropbox File(4.17.2012)

Started by DrP, July 18, 2010, 11:52:21 AM

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Should I just give the ending away?

NO! I want you to finish this
No. This is dead. It's like a failed TV Show, no closure
Yeah, I could care less if the story was finished, but I want to see the wrap up
Yes! I think I need closure on the story.


you read this in four minutes? WTF?

So, comments?


Fast reader, unfortunately. ;P

Comments -

Everything is happening fairly quickly. Like last chapter he had a Squirtle, and now he has a Blastiose. Same with Oddish... I don't think you meant to rush though, and it;s not necessarily a bad thing.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Well, I didn't want to draw out for another two or three chapters... since everyone is probably getting a little bored of Kanto!

This next chapter is going to be new for me, describing Sinnoh for the first time!


I changed up my writing style just a bit... I hope this chapter is as amazing as chapters 1 and 2!!

Chapter 8: A Frigid Welcome

I woke up the next morning to find rays of sun penetrating the stateroom and I moved to the porthole and glimpsed outside, rubbing my eyes to adjust to the sunlight. I saw a large city off to the east of the ship. Professor Araragi walked in wearing a bathrobe and slippers. “Good Morning Drew,” she said startling me, as I was wearing just a T-Shirt and boxers. I quickly grasped for a blanket to shield myself from my “indecent exposure”. “Don’t worry, Drew,” the Professor said. “It’s all good!” “Oh, ok then,” I answered. “What city is that out there?” “That’s Jubilife City, the largest city in Sinnoh,” Professor Araragi responded. “So that’s Jubilife City!” I finally put the name with a visual. “So when will we be in Canalave City?” I inquired.  “Oh, probably in an hour or so,” Professor Araragi answered. “Come, let’s go get breakfast.” I quickly got dressed and went down to the C-Level Restaurant to eat a buffet style breakfast. Yum!
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
WHACK!  As I exited the boat’s side, I was greeted with a strong, frigid wind. I love the cold, but when you forget a nice jacket, I had to improvise, which meant I had to wear my University of Texas Longhorns sweatshirt. Once we hit the dock areas of Canalave City, I took out the bright orange sweatshirt, causing some heads to turn. Professor Araragi motioned me over to a waiting car. “Where are we heading to?” I asked. “Oh, a smaller town to the south-east of here,” Professor Araragi answered. We were driving through the streets of Canalave City, a city that looked very similar to the French city of Reims, but with a port. The buildings were made of granite, limestone and other rocks to make it look like it was a small port town situated in Provence. The cars here were different, too. In Kanto, everyone drove imported cars from Germany and Japan, here many cars were made by Renault, but there were lots of Mini Coopers and various other French vehicles. Sinnoh had a much larger French influence on it than Kanto did. As we neared Route 218 and the S218 freeway, I noticed something not found in Kanto, bilingual signs. “Did we somehow arrive in Canada?” I thought to myself.
After crossing the Pont de Joliberges, and another 20 minutes, we arrived in the bigger metropolis of Jubilife City. This city was definitely a change of pace from the rustic Canalave City. Jubilife City was suspended on a large concrete foundation that contains the power grid and other forms of communication. According to Professor Araragi, the city is run by a single underground generator, and the exhaust pipes are small openings on the side of this platform. Professor Araragi pointed out the Pokétch Tower and the Sinnoh Now! Television Station as we drove by. Next, we passed a large dome used for contests and for the famous Jubilife Cooking competition and hidden behind it was the Global Trade Station, the headquarters for sending Pokémon to people outside of the Verdant Republic’s borders. Just before leaving the city, there was a traffic holdup. Around Jubilife, there is a train that runs on the fumes released from the holes in the side of the concrete foundation.
After experiencing the small coastline forests along S202 and passing a few towns, we arrived in a larger town located about a mile away from a beach between to ranges of hills. The town was surrounded by open fields and the tallest building was a tower with a windmill. Up ahead on S201 was a forest heading to a much quainter, little town. “Welcome to Sandgem Town, Drew,” Professor Araragi opened my door. “What’s in this little town?” I asked. “You shall find out,” Professor winked and then gallivanted around the car. She continued moving quickly until we reached a building that looked like an overturned bowl next to the large windmill I saw earlier. Professor Araragi led the way inside and I followed, walking in instead of choosing the Professor’s mode of skipping. I walked down a hallway and entered a large room that contained a lot of equipment and a large computer screen. Professor Araragi was standing next to Professor Rowan when I walked in.
“Hello Drew,” Professor Rowan said. “It is great to see you again.” “You, too Professor!” I answered. “So, let’s get you on your way here,” Professor Rowan replied. He threw up three Poké balls. Out came three little Pokémon: A Penguin-esque Pokémon, a Monkey with a fire tail and a Turtle with a leaf growing out of its head. “Drew, meet Piplup, Chimchar and Turtwig; these are the beginning Pokémon in the Sinnoh region,” Professor Rowan continued.  “Now, Drew, if for any reason you don’t want any of these starters, now or in a future region, you are welcome to use any starter from Isshu,” Professor Araragi added. “No, I think I will give one of these little guys a chance,” I responded. I knelt down to the three Pokémon just standing there. I picked up Chimchar, who instantly hated being lifted off the ground and then scratched my arms to force me to drop him, thus causing him to run around trying to get rid of the pain. Turtwig just stood there, bored and slow. I picked up Piplup, who enjoyed it. She instantly jumped on my head and gave it a hug. “Well it looks like Piplup chose you,” Professor Rowan said. “I think you’re stuck with her now.” “I guess so,” I answered. “Luckily for me, I have already trained a water Pokémon from this early age.”
Professor Rowan returned all the Pokémon to their Poké balls and scanned my ID into the Poké ball, making Piplup my first Sinnoh Pokémon. I scanned Piplup’s ball to find out what moves it knows. The Pokédex began, “Piplup: The Penguin Pokémon. Piplup has a Relaxed nature and knows Water Pulse, Peck and Waterfall. Below is a list of moves Piplup can eventually learn.” The Pokédex displayed all moves. “Since when could my Pokédex do this?” I asked. “Since Professor Oak stuck your Pokédex in the Kanto Hall of Fame machine with your badges,” Professor Araragi answered. “It updated the firmware on the Pokédex to give it a much more fluid description. It can now display your Pokémon’s strengths and weaknesses against other Pokémon. It’s a pretty nice feature.” “That’s pretty cool!” I responded in amazement. Professor Araragi and Professor Rowan started talking, which escalated into a debate about the Fragmentation of the Artificial Development of the Pokémon Psyche and the Evolutionary Chain by Simple Means. While they were off making their arguments, I decided to call Professor Oak. â€"ring- -ring-.
“Good Afternoon, Professor,” I exclaimed as Professor Oak waved. “Hello Drew,” Professor Oak answered. “Where are you calling from?” “From Professor Rowan’s Lab,” I responded. “Oh, you’re already there?” Professor Oak was shocked. “I AM traveling with Professor Araragi, now,” I chortled. Professor Oak laughed along, “Oh, that’s right. So, did you pick a Pokémon for starting out in Sinnoh.” “Yessiree,” I answered, tossing up Piplup’s Poké ball. Piplup instantly landed on my head. “You chose Piplup, huh?” Professor Oak pointed out. “Well, she chose me,” I replied. “Well congratulations,” Professor Oak answered. “It is great to see new Pokémon are helping the rest of our research throughout the Verdant Republic.” Professor Oak took notice to the two professors arguing about their work. “What are they talking about?” Professor Oak inquired. “Oh, it’s just The Fragmentation of the Artificial Development of the Pokémon Psyche and the Evolutionary Chain by Simple Means,” I answered in one breath. “They’re discussing this WITHOUT me?” Professor Oak became annoyed. Professor Oak moved over to a screen closer to the two professors, and joined the conversation. “You know, Piplup,” I said. “Those guys must REALLY love their work.” Piplup nodded in agreement.
I went out back to the pond, and brought up a chaise lounge to the water’s edge. I let out Lapras into the pond and Piplup dove right in. “Hey Lapras!” I exclaimed. “Piplup is our newest team addition here in Sinnoh.” Lapras got all excited. Though she was fairly new to being a trainer’s Pokémon, she adapted as a maternal figure for all the younger Pokémon, especially when Squirtle was just beginning in battling. Piplup instantly took a shining to Lapras and began playing with her. I laid back on the lounge, drew my hood shut and took a nap.
   I woke up to Piplup pecking at my forehead. I instantly sat up rubbing my head and looking around. The bright scene turned into a twilit orange and the sun was sinking its rays behind the hills and trees that lined the lower half of Route 201. “What’s going on Piplup?” I asked. Piplup was moving around, spinning and it looked like it was trying to balance on something, but all I thought was “how’d I get so dizzy?” After a moment, I realized I wasn’t busy and I saw Piplup standing on top of her Poké ball. “Ok, I think you’ve had enough fun for today,” I said. I tried to return Piplup to her ball, but it wouldn’t let me. I tried returning Lapras, and the same thing happened. I decided to open the Poké ball and see what was inside. A Pokémon jumped out of the ball, it was nothing like I’ve seen before. It was kind of chubby with large eyes, and when it caught sight of Professor Rowan’s berry orchard to the side of the lab, it instantaneously ran towards the trees, grabbing all the fruit in sight. After nearly clearing out all the fruit, it collapsed under a tree, full from its escapade attacking the poor trees. Piplup and I ran over, and I grabbed my Pokédex at the same time, and it began to describe the Pokémon, “Munchlax, the Big Eater Pokémon, it wolfs down its weight in food once a day, swallowing food whole with almost no chewing. Munchlax has a Quirky nature and knows the moves Zen Headbutt, Lick, and Flamethrower.” “Flamethrower?” I questioned and Piplup looked at me the same way, it was like I was looking in a mirror and I was a penguin. I returned Munchlax to its Poké ball and scanned it to make sure it was mine, and it was.
   After collecting my things and letting Lapras continue her spelunking of the Rowan Pond, I entered the main lab. “It looks like you had a nice nap,” Professor Araragi said. “It was lovely, actually,” I answered. “Except for this one thing.” I threw up Munchlax’s Poké ball. Munchlax came out, confused about where it is. “Munchlax here somehow made it into one of my Poké balls, and when I discovered it, it ate about 90% of your berries,” I explained. “Oh, not to worry,” Professor Rowan answered. “This Munchlax is a regular visitor here. I’m glad it found someone. They love people who like what it likes best: eating and sleeping.” “But I don’t eat and sleep,” I replied. “Munchlax can sense what you REALLY want to do instead of be out here on the road,” Professor Rowan retorted. “I guess you’re right,” I answered. “But, what is really strange, Munchlax knows Flamethrower.” “He must have learned it in the forest,” Professor Rowan said. “Wild Pokémon can learn strange moves.” “It seems so, Professor,” I responded. “So, Professor,” I asked. “Where are we off to after here?” “Well, we’re due in Eterna City in a week, which is where your first gym match will be,” Professor Araragi answered. I opened my Pokétch, which received a whole lot more applications that worked the moment I stepped foot in Canalave City. The map showed where Eterna City was in terms of us here in Sandgem Town. “Isn’t that a bit far?” I asked. “Nope, not for beginning here in Sinnoh,” Professor Araragi winked. “Plus, I know a short cut!”
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
   I woke up the next morning to Professor Araragi banging a pot from the doorway. I instantly sat up and hit my head on the bead above me. “Don’t you ever get enough sleep?” She asked. “Trust me, if you saw how I went about everything while I was alone in Kanto, you would think otherwise!” I retorted back. “I already packed your things, and the ship company delivered the bikes from Vermilion,” Professor Araragi answered. “I took the liberty of taking your bike aboard the ship so you can use it here.” “So, that’s where my bike went,” I let out a sigh of relief. I quickly got dressed and left with Professor Araragi anxiously waiting outside. She wasn’t dressed in her usual lab coat. She was in really short shorts (for someone her age, she had pretty nice legs) and wearing a T-shirt with another button down shirt that was half-buttoned over it. She also exchanged her heals for hiking boots. “So, what are we doing now?” I asked. “We’re going to bike to Jubilife City and eat lunch on Route 202.” “But what about breakfast?” I asked. “There’s this nice place in Sandgem that Professor Rowan recommended,” Professor Araragi answered.
   After having a delicious breakfast consisting of fruit rolled crepes and yoghurt, we left on the road towards Jubilife City. On Route 202, the highway is ground level, with bike trails going through the woods and then into some small clearings. I liked it a lot. It reminded me of when my mom and I would visit my grandparents in Long Island every summer. We would fly to 3 places before even arriving at this tiny little airport. We had to go to Sydney, Los Angeles and then either Cincinnati, Atlanta or Philadelphia before arriving at a small town out in the middle of the island. The Long Island Expressway, when going through the Pine Barrens felt just like this bike trip, and even the drive down. I felt it was quite uncanny how these two regions are extremely similar. After biking for two hours, it was almost noon and Professor Araragi was about 30 feet in front of me and she finally pulled off to a small clearing by a small lake and got off the bike. “Lunchtime!” she yelled as I rode by. I was starving and Piplup was anxious to get off the back seat. Piplup instantly ran towards the pond and dove in head first. Professor Araragi untied the basket from the back of her bike, took out a huge blanket and spread it on the grass. “Go ahead and eat,” Professor Araragi said. “And there are some berry trees behind you, so Munchlax can go eat those.” I let out Lapras into the pond and fed Piplup and her; Munchlax ran for the berry trees to chow down. I ate some sandwiches and some of the other snacks the Professor packed. The Professor also let out two of her Pokémon: Pokabu and Pachirisu.  “I just caught this little guy last week when I was here making preparations,” Professor Araragi said rubbing Pachirisu’s ears. “This Pokabu has been with me since I left Isshu last month. No trainer wanted him, they all wanted the Grass and Water Pokémon, and so this guy is traveling with me.” “I would have taken him in a heartbeat,” I answered picking up Pokabu, who in turn licked me just like Growlithe did. I continued to eat my lunch and Piplup was playing around in the water until it came floating up on bubbles. “Piplup, what did you do?” I called out. A small fish popped out of the water and when it caught Professor Araragi’s eye, she instantly ran over with a notepad in hand.
   After watching Piplup interact with the annoyed fish and Professor Araragi study it, and after watching Pokabu and Pachirisu talk and eat, I decided I wanted another sandwich. When I opened the basket and the last Roast Beef sandwich was gone. “Did you guys take the last Roast Beef sandwich?” I asked. Pokabu kept on eating its Pokémon food and Pachirisu pointed off into the distance. “Very funny Pachirisu,” I scolded Pachirisu. He then pointed again, and now I was compelled to turn around. There was a blue and black cat eating the sandwich about five feet from the blanket. “Did you steal the sandwich?” I asked the Pokémon. It looked at me with a blank stare, and continued to finish the entire sandwich. It then moved over towards Pachirisu and then sat next to him. “Are you guys friends?” I asked Pachirisu. Pachirisu let out a cry in affirmation and continued to eat. I took out the Pokédex and scanned the Pokémon, “Shinx, the Flash Pokémon, said to resemble a lion cub, this Pokémon uses electricity to fend off enemies.”
“Come here Shinx,” I called out. It listened to me and came over and sat on my lap. “You’re a good kitty, aren’t you?” I said, using what I always said to Skitty when it came over to me. Shinx yawned and laid its head down. Professor Araragi came back, soaking wet with Munchlax in hand. “You Munchlax likes to get into mischief,” Professor Araragi said annoyed. “Your Munchlax came up behind me while I was studying the Finneon in the pond, startling me and shoving me in the pool. Luckily for me, Lapras grabbed me before my notes got really wet.” She instantly changed her mood when she saw the Shinx on my lap. “Did you catch a Shinx?” Professor Araragi asked, completely ignoring her wet clothes. “Nope,” I replied. “It is a friend of your Pachirisu, though.” “Really,” Professor Araragi looked at Pachirisu. “Maybe you should catch it!” “You really think so?” I asked. “Sure,” Professor Araragi answered. “Then it’ll be able to hang out with Pachirisu and grow into a powerful Pokémon.” “Would you like to travel with us Shinx?” I asked. Shinx looked at me for a couple of minutes and nodded. I put it in an Ultra Ball (because I had no use for them at the moment) and let it back out.
I pointed my Pokédex at it again, “This is Shinx, notice its paws. If there was blue on the hind paws, it would be a female. Your Shinx has a Bold nature and knows the moves Bite, Spark, Iron Tail and Night Slash.” “Well, Shinx, you’re a pretty cool Pokémon,” I answered to what the Pokédex said. “Come here Munchlax and Piplup. This is Shinx, and he is going to be joining us on our journey through Sinnoh.” Piplup gave Shinx a hug and Munchlax licked the sandwich crumbs off Shinx’s face. After more introductions, I put Shinx on the back pedestal on my bike and placed Piplup in the Basket as “Chief Lookout”, a job which she took quite seriously. Munchlax and Lapras were sitting comfortably back in their Poké balls. By two in the afternoon, we were navigating the streets of Jubilife City, with Professor Araragi constantly looking around for something.

==End Chapter 8==

Coming Soon: Chapter 9: The Moors of... Sinnoh?


Really good chapter!

It's kind of creepy though, as Professor Araragi is like in her thirties, I'm guessing...

And Drew is...twelve?

Either way, I suppose that doesn't matter. It's your story. Good job.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


well, Drew is getting older... HIS birthday will come up while in Sinnoh. But guys begin to notice these things at this time... and im making Professor Araragi in her 20s... (was that because of the legs remark?)

And what did you think of the writing? Worse than chapter 3-6? Better or worse than 2 and 7? Better than Chapter 1?


Believe it or not, I like chapter one the best! :D

But the others are also really good!
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



I don't know, why are you drilling me?!?! :D

I like them all! Which is what authors hate to hear, I know! But now I see why people say it!

They're all very well written.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


You're actually serious. I prefer criticism to praise  ;D Go ahead and roast me!


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


like the one from ghostbusters??? hahah

C'mon, besides grammar, whats wrong with some chapters in this story


I've had this chapter done for a while... the next one is definitely MUCH more funny (if this one is funny at all). I did another 180 and added more of the "Real World" into this and the subsequent chapters. I hope you guys like this!

Chapter 9: The Moors of … Sinnoh?
   After Professor Araragi found what she was looking for, this makeup store off Pont Avenue, we continued east out of the city. Right when we exited the city, there was a guard booth with a gate going across the road. There was a chairlift-esque thing behind the guard station, but there were just metal bars instead of chairs. The chairlift thing continued up over the hills. “What is going on?” I asked the Professor. “Bikes aren’t allowed in the Oreburgh Gate,” Professor Araragi answered. We stopped at the gate, and Professor Araragi talked to the gate attendant, who then proceeded to stop the lift, attach tags to our bikes and sent them on the lift. We walked through and continued on to this “Oreburgh Gate”.
   Walking was definitely a hassle. I liked to go fast and get to my destination, though I did love to stop occasionally. We walked along Route 203, it was pretty peaceful and calm for being outside of the biggest city in Sinnoh. There were trees, like along Route 2, but not as dense. The sunlight shone on the walking path, weaving along through small meadows and clearings. Trainers were out playing with their Pokémon or battling with them. You could the Starly up in the air, enjoying the day and the Bidoof napping by the small ponds interwoven throughout the Route. After walking for about two hours, and about ten miles inward, we began to go up in slight elevation. The cars had it easy; they had a concrete overpass to help them go into the valleys between the hills up ahead. We had to go up countless switchbacks until we were above the trees below. By the time we arrived at a cave entrance, with a sign saying “OREBURGH GATE”, the sun was beginning to set and we were exhausted from the hike up.
   I sat on the cliff’s edge, with my feet dangling below as if I was sitting a dock staring into the clear waters of French Polynesia. We were up high enough to see across the distance the tree tops and the lights were beginning to come on in Jubilife City, some 20 miles away from us. Professor Araragi joined me. “We still have a little ways to go, and we’ll stop in Oreburgh City for the night,” the Professor said. “Look at the world out there, Professor,” I answered, completely changing the subject. “It is calm and content from a distance, yet bustling and distraught when one comes too close for comfort.” “I think you’re right,” Professor Araragi answered confused, but effectively answered me in my daze. I let out Munchlax, who proceeded to look around quickly, but then sighed and sat down. “It looks like Munchlax couldn’t find food,” Professor Araragi laughed. I brought Munchlax in close, and Piplup stood on my shoulder and Shinx was purring peacefully in my lap. “This is how Pokémon and trainers strengthen their bonds, by being close together in harmony,” I thought to myself. Professor Araragi got up and went over to feed Pokabu and Pachirisu.
   After returning Munchlax, so he wouldn’t cause more trouble if we run into something with food, we entered the cave. The cave was dimly lit by the moon light peeking in through small holes in the cave roof, and there were fire-lit lanterns on the cave walls. There were hiker guys standing along the cave walls, playing with their Geodude and Machop. Many came up to me and the Professor, asking if I was challenging the Sinnoh League, and I said no. There was this one Camper who wouldn’t let anyone pass unless they battled him. I easily took out his Budew, with Munchlax, who needed convincing it wasn’t food. Munchlax was happy when I gave him some berries I picked up on the way that I hid from him. He almost bit my hand off, but that’s the price one pays for a Munchlax! Professor Araragi and I continued forward, and then we exited the cave; the bright lights of Oreburgh City came streaming upon us. The city smelt of coal and there was a bunch of machinery off into the distance, south of the city. We arrived at a small kiosk that was the other end of the chairlift thing that took our bikes after a couple of miles walking to the north-west of the town. After getting our bikes, it was only 5 minutes to the city center and we arrived at the Pokémon Center just in time for dinner.
   After settling in and scarfing down dinner, much to the disgust of the Professor, I decided to get away from the swarms of people wanting to ask Professor Araragi a question. I went out back to practice with Shinx and Piplup, to make them stronger. I wanted to teach Piplup and Shinx how to dodge attacks effectively. After spending three hours taking a one-on-one approach in hit-and-miss attacks, Piplup was able to dodge a Thunderbolt and Night Slash using a technique called Jump-n-Spin. It works and will expose a weak point in the enemy Pokémon with a Water Pulse attack. Next, I was able to teach Piplup how to use Bubblebeam using just a little dish soap Nurse Joy happily gave me. When I walked back into the Pokémon Center with Piplup’s brand new move and the lights were dimmed slightly, I knew it was late. I just noticed the illuminated signs were in French and English. Most of the signs here were that case. “Oh no,” I thought to myself. “I’m in Canada.” I proceeded to my room to discover a snoring Professor Araragi and I quickly got into bed and fell asleep.
   By morning, I only acquired about 7 hours of sleep and when I woke up at 7 AM, I finally was able to rub it in Professor Araragi’s face that I was up before her, so I decided to splash a little bit of cold water on her face, causing her to instantly get up and let out a screech. “Good Morning, Sunshine!” I said sarcastically, repeating the very words she said to me earlier. “I was having a nice dream,” Professor Araragi answered. “You know it is 7 AM, right?” I asked. “Really?” Professor Araragi looked at the alarm clock on the table between our beds. “AHH! I’m late!” Professor Araragi yelled out, quickly ran into the bathroom and in 5 minutes, she was in her lab coat running out into the hallway. I later found out that she was supposed to call Professor Oak at 7 AM and was late. Anyways, after we ran through breakfast, we walked outside. The equipment I saw when we were coming in to Oreburgh was now in full action, and some smokestacks were giving off a pitch-black smoke that would certain give you lung cancer if you inhaled a small concentration of it.
   After getting on our bikes with Piplup and Shinx, we made it out to Route 207, and after learning to ride a bike up a muddy hill, we arrived on top of a flat hill, with a road that led straight into a mountain some 10 miles east and there was some houses and then a large bridge containing S206 and the bike road between differing directions of the roads. I wanted to venture down below the roads, since there were some ponds that looked kind of cool. I wanted to let Lapras out for an hour and Piplup enjoyed the water, too. Professor Araragi found some Pokémon and took out her notepad and began writing pages of information. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw some flames behind a bush, yet the bush wasn’t on fire. I took Piplup and decided to check it out. It was a horse, with flames for a tail and mane, as well as a large flame extending from its forehead that went behind its ears. “It’s a Ponyta,” I whispered to Piplup. Ponyta was just minding its own business and was eating some berries. I wanted to catch it and Piplup came running towards the Ponyta using Water Pulse. Ponyta then caught its eye on me and then stayed for a battle. Piplup used Bubblebeam after avoiding a Flamethrower and then a quick Stomp attack. Piplup was able to weaken it, and by the time Piplup used Water Pulse again, it was confused.
I decided to catch it with a Nest Ball, since Piplup has leveled up immensely since I got it from Professor Rowan. The Nest Ball shook and the sealing light turned off and Ponyta was mine. By the time I returned to Professor Araragi and Lapras, she was feeding the rest of my Pokémon and hers. “Well, Professor,” I said walking towards her. “I caught another Pokémon.” “Ooh,” She answered. “What did you catch?” I threw up the Poké Ball and out came Ponyta, exhausted and somewhat annoyed. That was fixed once I gave it some Oran and Sitrus Berries, as well as spraying some Super Potion on it to ease some of the wounds it incurred from those Super-Effective Water attacks. Ponyta instantly warmed up to me after I took care of it. I took out my Pokédex and it told me this,” Ponyta: The Fire Horse Pokémon. It has a Hardy Nature, and knows the moves Stomp, Flame Wheel and Flamethrower. Ponyta loves to bask in the sun.” “Well, congratulations!” Professor Araragi clapped her hands together. “But we must get on to Eterna City. We have some stuff to do, even though your Gym Battle won’t be until tomorrow.” “Oh, alright then,” I replied. I returned all the Pokémon except for Piplup, who was riding in the front basket while we went up the cycling road. The view from the path was amazing; you were able to see the hills, trees and even the trainers practicing below.
After an hour on the road and the sight-seeing below, we arrived in the quieter city of Eterna City. There were buildings that weren’t as tall as the ones in Jubilife City, but they were sizeable. It was probably the size of the city I lived in back in the United States, around 100,000 people. What I saw here was extremely awkward. Apple Computer, an American based computer company has expanded its Retail store here into Eterna City, making it the first in the Verdant Republic (and the people there say there are five more throughout the country). I guess Apple wanted to sell their stuff here, even though the computers are much more technologically advanced from US technology, though back in 2002, it was mandated that computers ran on a global OS with the established OSX or Windows programs. Linux is illegal and Silph’s computer division went bankrupt after their PokéOS was deemed illegal. Google, a computer conglomerate, is submitting a petition to allow their new OS to be used in the Verdant Republic, and Chancellor Collins will bring it to the National Assembly and the Senate for a vote in five months on April 2nd, that is, if it is approved by voters in January.
The store had a huge line leading out of it, and Professor Araragi and I continued on to a small building. We went down a couple of hallways where we arrived in a small office and a large conference room, with some businessmen sitting, and the first slide of a presentation was being show. “Now, Drew,” Professor Araragi said. “I have to give a meeting, but you can go train your new Ponyta or go to the Eterna Apple Store. Just go check in at the Pokémon Center, first.” “Alright,” I said. I went back into the streets of Eterna City and found my way to the Pokémon Center using my Poké Gear. The moment I entered, Nurse Joy ran from behind her desk and greeted me with a hug. “Hello, Drew,” Nurse Joy said. “It is great to finally great to meet you.” “Uh, Likewise,” I answered shoving her away from me. “Can you take a look at my Pokémon?”  â€œOf course I can!” Nurse Joy exclaimed.
After a few minutes, I got my Pokémon back and got a key for a room. I took Piplup and Ponyta and I went out to a park a few blocks between the Apple Store and the Pokémon Center. I told Piplup to act on her own and start pummeling attacks and I commanded Ponyta. She dodged Piplup’s constant attacks and even landed a few Flame Wheels, but they hardily affected Piplup. After spending an hour practicing, Ponyta and I were finally able to get acquainted with each other and were prepared for battling. After two full hours of practicing, I picked up my stuff and went to the Apple Store. The long line was still there, but I just walked up to the bouncer, showed him my iPod and he let me right in. The store was fairly packed, but Piplup and I found an open iMac and we just took some pretty funny pictures and sent them to Professor Rowan and Professor Oak, who just responded, “You do THIS in your free time?” After having some fun for an hour there, Professor Araragi walked out of the building across the street, and I met up with her. We continued back to the Pokémon Center, and I got some early shut-eye.
The next morning, I got up bright and early and I got my Pokémon back from Nurse Joy and I marched down to the Eterna Gym. The door flung wide open when I arrived there and inside was a similarity to the Gym in Celadon City. It was filled with trees and shrubs that added a calming aura over the place. There was a girl standing on the grass battlefield, playing with some Grass Pokémon. “Are you the gym leader?” I asked. “Yes,” She answered. “Are you the guy that cut in front of me in line at the Apple Store?” “Well, uh, yes,” I answered. “I am here to challenge you to a battle.” “Sorry, I can’t do that right now.” The girl replied. “I have some things I have to do.” “Well, is the thing you have to do is battle a guy who is having his first match for the Sinnoh portion of the Verdant League?” I answered. “So you are the Drew that everyone is talking about,” the girl said. “I am Gardenia, the Eterna Gym Leader. I accept your challenge.” “Nice to meet you Gardenia,” I answered. “Let’s make this interesting. How does a three-on-three battle work out?” Gardenia asked. I nodded and she ran to one side of the battlefield.
 I sent out Lapras first and she sent out this little Pokémon, about 2 feet tall with roses for hands. “This is Roserade,” Gardenia yelled. “I’m just going to start out powerful, here.” I told Lapras to use Ice Beam, but not on Roserade. Soon, the field was covered in ice, making it easier for Lapras to move and made Roserade slip. Roserade tried to use Grass Knot to stop Lapras from sliding around, but the ice was thick. I told Lapras to use Psychic, to elevate Roserade. Gardenia told Roserade to use Mega Drain, but it couldn’t attack either. Lapras used Ice Beam on the floating Roserade, surrounding it in ice and then hurling it to the gym wall, thus knocking out Roserade. The ice on the battlefield was beginning to melt, which gave it an ease for her next Pokémon, Turtwig. Turtwig looked small, but since the ice was beginning to melt, it was able to land some quick Razor Leaf attacks and landed some Energy Ball attacks from afar, needless to say, Lapras was hit with constant attacks that she was knocked out pretty quickly. I sent out Munchlax next, who chased Turtwig, trying to nibble on the leaf growing out of its head. Well, once Munchlax came to its senses and I told it to use Flamethrower, it was all over for Turtwig. Lastly, Gardenia sent out a Pokémon resembling Cherries. It was called Cherubi. I decided to recall Munchlax and give Ponyta a fighting chance. Ponyta was unable to dodge the Grass Knot attacks that came up on the battlefield, but when Ponyta got close, she used Stomp and then quickly came back with a Flamethrower. Cherubi was still able to hang on and use a Leech Seed attack that took some of Ponyta’s energy and restored some of its own. Ponyta was able to land a final blow using Flame Wheel and I defeated Gardenia.
Gardenia walked over to my side of the gym. “You know, you never got the full battle experience!” Gardenia told me. She reached into her pocket and took out a remote and pressed a button on it. The roof of the gym dome began to open and the sun shone right down into the gym. “Cherubi, use Synthesis,” Gardenia called out after it rested for a little bit. Cherubi seemed close to what it was at the beginning of the battle. “Well, I must confer upon you the Forest Badge,” Gardenia said. She handed me a badge box in the shape of a large triangle. “Here in Sinnoh, the official Verdant League box is a triangle, symbolizing the three major lakes that are found here.” “Thanks so much!” I exclaimed. “Just next time, let me go with you into the Apple Store,” Gardenia winked. She also handed me her phone number so we could have a rematch next time I was in Eterna City. I waved good-bye and I exited the building. On my way back to the Pokémon Center and there was a much greater line in front of the Apple Store. I walked up to a guy and asked, “Why is there such a big line?” “Yesterday, a guy came in with this new product that we haven’t seen before and now Apple is releasing it here.” “Is it an iPod Touch?” I asked. “Why yes,” the guy replied. I just nodded, thanked him and continued on.
On my way back, I dialed the number of the strange person I called before I was inducted into the Kanto Chapter of the Verdant League Hall of Fame. “Hello?” the voice answered. “Hi, it’s me again,” I answered. “I beat Gardenia.” “Well, congratulations,” the woman answered. “Gardenia certainly has the fighting spirit, but this next gym leader has even more of the fighting spirit. You shall find out soon enough, and maybe you may even meet me at some point on your journey. Viel Glück, Drew.” She hung up after she said that. “What a mysterious person,” I told myself.
Professor Araragi was sitting down to lunch by the time I arrived back at the Pokémon Center. She packed up all of our stuff and was ready to go. I handed my Pokémon to Nurse Joy and joined her. “So, how was your battle?” Professor Araragi asked. “Oh, it was great,” I answered, elated. “I got the Forest Badge!” “Well, congratulations,” Professor Araragi replied. “We are making our way over to Veilstone City, next.” “Why are we rushing over there?” I asked. “You are due to battle the leader over there in two days, and then you can take a couple of days to train before we leave for the next city.” “Sounds fine with me,” I answered. After barreling down half of a pizza, we left for Route 211, which lead to the north entrance of Mount Coronet, the highest peak in the Verdant Republic (it is even taller than Mount Whitney in California). After passing through some caves, we continued on Route 211 and arrived in a small town, called Celestic Town. After stopping for dinner, we continued onto Route 210, and by nightfall, we were walking in tall grass, laden with fog. We couldn’t see either direction for more than 10 feet. Ponyta’s flames were no help and we almost set some grass on fire trying to get rid of the fog. We found a small clearing and set up camp, not knowing what the weather conditions would be like in the morning.
==End Chapter 9==

Coming Up: Chapter 10: A Stone Cold Feeling


Rather funny stuff! :)

I like Munchlax in the story despite the fact that I hate Munchlax in real life. xD

Well, I don't hate it. But my brother likes it, and we're sworn rivals.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I've been making him the main antagonist for Professor Araragi!

(Oh, and I'm posting this from my IMAC!!!!!)... It looks so dignified!

You will really like the next chapter. There is an unnamed person who will make an appearance (you will have absolutely no idea who it is!!!)

And do you want chapter 10 now, monsieur slow?