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Steps to Simplicity - Story Update + Dropbox File(4.17.2012)

Started by DrP, July 18, 2010, 11:52:21 AM

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Should I just give the ending away?

NO! I want you to finish this
No. This is dead. It's like a failed TV Show, no closure
Yeah, I could care less if the story was finished, but I want to see the wrap up
Yes! I think I need closure on the story.


I know. But it is needed for travel and understanding when I write that section of the story!


Oh, I know. Not like I'm mad at you or anything. ;D
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I know... ive been called a nerd in the past. Maybe because I got a 4 on AP Chemistry and did really well in AP Physics... and am an Econ prodigy!



Chapter 4: I'm Celadon Happy

        I finally reached Viridian City about another forty-five minutes later. The sun was beginning to set over the hills to the west and lights began to show around the city of Green. Viridian city has an outer loop for trainers to go take their bikes or walk to avoid the city. Before I started on that trail around the city, I stopped to rest. “Well, Growlithe,” I sighed. “It’s Viridian City!” Growlithe jumped up and down happily, full of energy. “C’mon out Squirtle and Pidgey,” I yelled. Squirtle and Pidgey came out of their Poké balls. Pidgey was still a little tired from being caught and the battle that preceded it. “Are you feeling better Pidgey?” I asked. Pidgey nodded, though. It wasn’t used to being caught. “You’re going to have lots of fun on this journey!” I called out. “How are you doing, Squirtle?” “Squirtle-Squirt!” Squirtle exclaimed. “Look at Viridian City, guys,” I stated. “It looks nice in the sunset. We really need to head further north before it gets darker.” I pointed a Poké ball at Growlithe and put him back in his ball. “Hop up Squirtle,” I called out. “Let’s Go!” Pidgey took himself into the air and Squirtle and I went on the path around the city
   After another two hours on the road, with the fork in the route about another 10 miles ahead, the moon was beginning to get blocked by clouds, thus making the roads darker, though there are occasional lights coming from the roads when it curves toward the path we are taking. “Hoot! Hoot!” A loud bird exclaimed. “Squirrrtleee!” Squirtle cried in fear. “No need to worry, Squirtle,” I assured him. “It’s probably a Hoothoot or Noctowl. Anything up there, Pidgey?” I called out. Pidgey shook his head. “Coo! Coo!” Pidgey called out pointing its beak up ahead. “Uh-oh! The Fork!” I whispered to myself. There was a split, one leading straight into the Viridian Forest and the other leading around. Both looked pretty spooky, but I don't get scared that easily.
   I decided to follow Professor Oak’s advice, which was replaying in my head, and went on the route around the forest. It would have been best because K2 went on the other side of the forest, so there would have been no light inside and lots of bug Pokémon live in there.  After spending ten minutes on the road, not knowing where I was going, I decided to check on my Poké Gear. Unbeknownst to me, Pidgey continued flying ahead. It looked like we were another 25 miles from Diglett’s Cave, which meant another 3 hours, more or less, and it was already 7:20, so that would mean about 10:30. “Squirtle!” Squirtle yelled to get my attention. “What?” I asked. Squirtle pointed to the sky. I looked for what Squirtle was pointing at, but he wasn’t pointing at something that was there, he was pointing at something that wasn’t there. I then looked around in circles, looking for Pidgey, who had disappeared from the night sky. “Pidgey!” I cried out. No answer. “Pidgey!” I cried out again. No answer. “How could this happen?” I told Squirtle. “On the first day I become a new Pokémon trainer, only knowing type effectiveness and some moves, nothing about raising a Pokémon.” Squirtle got up on the bike to give my arm a hug. “Thanks Squirtle,” I responded. “Let’s go find Pidgey!” “Squirt-Squirtle!” Squirtle replied.
   After racing ahead to find Pidgey, and having no luck for the next 5 miles, I stopped again. “Pidgey!” I yelled. Squirtle yelled along with me. After about 15 seconds of silence, we here faint coos coming from the woods to the left of us. “Let’s go Squirtle!” I motioned running toward the sounds. The we were running into the forest, with thick trees and spider webs as far as the eye can see, except it was just slightly pitch-black outside, so my vision was distorted to an arms length in front of me. After running for what seemed like an hour, we arrived at a clearing dimly lit by the stars, exhausted and panting trying to catch our breath. Luckily for us, we arrived at the right place. Right above us, there was Pidgey, encircled by a group of angry Spearow. Each Spearow was trying to land a peck attack, but Pidgey kept dodging it. “Squirtle, they don’t know we’re here,” I whispered. “We can use this to our advantage.” I took out my Pokédex and selected the Move Knowledge Base and put the camera lens on Squirtle. “Squirtle belongs to Trainer Drew Norman, knows moves Water Gun, Bubblebeam, Withdraw and Rapid Spin.” “Professor Oak really trained you well, didn’t he?” I said at the awe of Squirtle’s attack knowledge.
   â€œOk Squirtle!” I said. “Get up a little closer and aim your Bubblebeam at a Spearow and then move your head and try and get others. I’ll do what I can from here and I have a secret weapon anyways.” Squirtle nodded and I sidled along the tree line, away from being seen. I screamed, “SQUIRTLE, NOW!” The Spearow redirected their attention from Pidgey and Squirtle launched a powerful Bubblebeam that took down half the Spearow. “Pidgey! Use Aerial Ace!” I yelled again. The Spearow were confused with what was happening and one by one, the rest of the Spearow were hit with Pidgey’s Aerial Ace and some flew away in fear. After about 10 minutes of battling and taking out 15 Spearow, Pidgey fell out of the sky in exhaustion. “Pidgey!” I yelled, running to catch Pidgey.
   I caught Pidgey right in the nick of time. “Pidgey, are you okay?” I worried. “Coo!” Pidgey said faintly. Just then, it began to glow an opaque white, brightening up the entire clearing area. I felt it moving considerably in my arms, like it was changing shape or something. By the time it returned to normal, Pidgey was no longer its old self, it changed into some other bird. I pointed my Pokédex at this new Pokémon, “Pidgeotto, the Pigeon Pokémon, with razor sharp talons and a large wingspan, Pidgeotto can attack its prey and leave quickly.” “Well, it looks like it evolved, eh Squirtle!” I said. “Squir-tle!” Squirtle replied. After Pidgey evolved, it regained some health and though still weak from when I initially caught it, Pidgeotto knew that I was a good-natured trainer, and I saved its life, and therefore evolved to show its contentment with today’s events. “Let’s go guys!” I said. I returned Pidgeotto to its Poké ball. “You deserve a nice, long rest!” I said. The moon came out from behind the clouds once again and we found my bike quite easily. I hoped on and left up the road. After about another two hours, we arrived at the entrance to Diglett’s Cave. I decided to wait until morning to continue, and I pitched my tent and took a well-deserved sleep with open arms.
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
   It was a tough day for me, spending almost five hours in a cave, trying to get places with my bike wasn’t wonderful. I woke up early to get a move on into the cave and spent the arduous journey training Growlithe and Squirtle. Around noontime, I arrived outside a cave and went toward the city to the right of me. It was a coastal city, fresh with a perfect sea breeze. I opened my Poké Gear, and discovered I was in Vermilion City, the main port for Kanto. I biked my way through the city and turned north on my way out of the city. I had to keep a schedule and I had to get to Celadon City. Once I got out to Route 6, I felt more at ease with the time. It was another three hours to Saffron City and then another hour to Celadon City. The Route on this side of the Viridian forest was quite different, it was more flat, with seldom trees. The air was colder and the breezes were faster, like a valley between two mountain ranges, except there were hills off into the distance. Growlithe was enjoying the breeze and was just sitting there moving his head around, feeling the breeze come in contact with his face. I was just pedaling away toward Saffron City. It was a beautiful day to be outside. On my way up to Saffron City, I passed various trainers looking for battles, and I accepted some of them. I wanted Growlithe to get stronger. While in one of our battles, he learned Flamethrower, which is more powerful then Ember, and that made both of us happy. We had a fighting chance against Erika now! If Growlithe could withstand four battles with trainers and still want to fight, we were ready for what was ahead.
   After passing through Saffron City and making our way west on K7, the only Route with the trainer path and actual road were combined. We were making our way up in elevation, and my legs were beginning to feel like loose rubber sheets, rippling in the breeze. I decided to call Professor Oak, and tell him where I was. I pressed his number on the Poké Gear and Professor Oak appeared. “Hi Professor!” I exclaimed. “Hi Drew,” Professor Oak replied. “Have you reached Vermilion City by now?” “Well, we were there earlier,” I answered. “We’re almost to Celadon.” “Celadon? You mean Saffron, right?” Professor Oak answered confused. “No, we’re almost to Celadon,” I responded. “We passed through Saffron about 20 minutes ago. You can see that the tree line is growing again and we are going up in elevation a little bit.” I showed the Poké Gear around the path. “You’re already on Route 7?” Professor answered perplexed. “My, I thought it would take you a couple of days to get to Saffron. Have you caught any Pokémon, or stopped anywhere for that matter?” “I caught a Pidgey, which evolved into a Pidgeotto last night, and Growlithe learned Flamethrower!” I exclaimed happily. “But we did stop to battle a couple of trainers on Route 6 and I haven’t eaten since the little noodle shop in Vermilion City.” “Wow, so have you even been to a Pokémon Center yet?” Professor Oak inquired. “Nope, not yet,” I responded. “We’ll stop at the Pokémon Center the moment we arrive in Celadon.” “You need to give your Pokémon periodic rest, or they’ll be too tired to fight. â€"ding dong- That must by my pizza.” Professor Oak ran off the screen and came back with a large pizza. “Mmm! Anchovy, Pepperoni and Onion, my favorite! Oh, sorry Drew, I’m going to have to call you back!” Professor Oak disconnected the line. “Maybe I’m turning into a prodigy,” I thought to myself. “I’m traveling in an unknown area and I am doing extremely well as a brand new trainer. Maybe I may be able to beat a Champion someday!” I rode off into the now darkening horizon.
   I arrived in Celadon City right around five, and the sky was beginning to throw its darkening cloak over the world. The city was definitely smaller than Saffron, but I was still pretty big. There were plazas all over the place and the main road entering Celadon lead straight to this huge building with balloons on the roof and signs saying “SALE” written in huge block letters. I finally found the Pokémon Center a few streets ahead.
   I walked into the building and went up to the counter where a Chansey was shuffling through papers. “Hello,” I said. The Chansey looked up at me. “Is there someone here I can talk to?” Chansey smiled and went somewhere. I looked around the room. The sitting area was empty and there was no one in sight. I heard footsteps and Chansey returned with a red-haired woman about my height wearing a hat with a red cross printed on it. “Can I help you sir?” the woman asked. “I just arrived here from Vermilion City, and I need to heal my Pokémon, but I’ve never been to a Pokémon Center before, so I have no idea what to do,” I replied quickly. “You’re telling me you battled three gyms without healing your Pokémon?” the woman said slightly angered. “Oh no, I haven't battled gyms yet. I came from Pallet Town before Vermilion,” I answered, trying to save myself from being yelled at. “You came all the way here? From Pallet Town?” the woman replied. “Then that still makes you a beginning trainer?” “Yes, I just became a trainer, and I am here in Celadon to battle Erika,” I answered proudly. “Don't you need three gym badges to battle her?” the Woman responded perplexed. “She and I go way back,” I lied. “She’s going to help me get started as a trainer.” “Well that’s nice of her,” the woman answered relieved. “Well, I am Nurse Joy of the East Celadon Pokémon Center.” “Well, I’m Drew, from Pallet Town, Enchanté,” I replied. “There are two Pokémon Centers here in Celadon?” “Yes,” the Nurse answered with a sigh. “The Government passed legislation about a year ago making two Pokémon Centers in cities with over 100,000 people. Goldenrod is the largest, with slightly under 600,000 people. So, now this Pokémon center is less busy than normal. My sister, Nurse Joy of the West Celadon Pokémon Center, took over that one and people like it better over there.” Nurse Joy sighed after saying all that. “Well, cheer up,” I said joyfully. “I’m here and you can attend to my Pokémon!” “That would be my pleasure,” Nurse Joy said. “Chansey can lead you to the dining room for dinner.” I handed over my Poké balls to Nurse Joy and headed off with Chansey to get food.
   After filling up on the best Teriyaki Chicken and rice I have ever had, Nurse Joy came in with my Poké balls and sat on the other side of the table. “How come you’re traveling all alone?” Nurse Joy asked. “I am doing something special for Professor Oak,” I answered. “This is only my second day on my journey, though.” “And you already have four Pokémon?” Nurse Joy replied. “Well, I left Pallet Town with the Lapras and Squirtle Professor Oak gave me and the Growlithe was my mom’s pet who wanted to go with me,” I answered. “Your Pokémon seem to really love you already,” Nurse Joy stated. “They can sense your intentions in your heart. They know if someone is pure and kind-hearted.” “Well, thanks, but I don’t think I’m that kind-hearted,” I replied. “Well, everyone is different, unless you’re like my family, and everyone is identical,” Nurse Joy replied. “Really?” I answered stunned. “That’s strange. I come from California, so that’s my strange trait.” “You’re from the United States?” the Nurse said shocked. “I’ve always wanted to go there!” “It’s ok, I guess,” I answered. “I really need to get some sleep for tomorrow. I’ve been up since 6 AM when I entered Diglett’s cave outside of Pewter City.” “Wow! You’ve must have traveled almost 100 miles!” the Nurse said amazed. “Let’s get you a room,” She said smiling.


Cool! Nice chapter! :) :) :)

Combining reality with fantasy is not an easy task, but you pretty much have it nailed.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


It's my specialty. I'll put up Chapter 5 later today. I think it may be better than Chapter 5!!


So here's Chapter 5! It's a good one!
Chapter 5: From Grass to Water
I woke up the next morning to a big slurp by Growlithe, who was sleeping next to me the entire night. “Good morning, Growlithe!” I said wiping the slobber off my face. “At least you’re better than Skitty. She’d dig her claws into me!” I quickly got dressed, packed up my gear and ran into the lobby, my legs restored from sleeping for ten hours. Growlithe quickly trailed me from the room. Nurse Joy was sitting at her desk reading a book. “Thank you so much, Nurse J-“ I said running toward the door while looking at her. I ran straight into the door before it could open. “A little patience goes a long way!” Nurse Joy stood up with a grin. “Uh, thanks,” I replied. I stood in front of the door and it opened after a small delay. “Good Luck today, Drew!” Nurse Joy yelled out the door.
   I decided to walk. It was a beautiful day and I wanted to experience the city to its full extent. I walked down the street I came in on and turned left at another big street. Luckily for me, Nurse Joy gave me directions, so I didn't have to search around. As I headed south toward the gym, there was a building on my right with flashy lights and guys dressed as clowns standing outside. “Try the new Card Flip slots… they are really explosive!” Once clown yelled. “The payout on the Card Flip is shocking!” The other clown said. I continued down further; I was on a mission and I didn't want to diverge from my path. I turned left at the next big street and saw another large crowd standing in front of the building; right across the street from it was a sign for Celadon Gym, so I decided to stop and see what the fuss was about. “… Come one come all,” the guy standing on the platform said. “Eat all you want, and if you win, you don’t have to pay for your food and you get a year’s worth of free food! Step right up.”
“You know, I came all the way from Sinnoh just to participate in this,” a voice said next to me. I looked over. It was a woman slightly older than me with short, pink hair. She had a band-aid on her nose, which was a little strange. “I don’t know, it seems tough,” I answered. “Tough, you don’t know tough!” the girl replied. “With all the training I go through just to put up with trainers these days.” “I don’t think trainers now are THAT bad,” I said not knowing anything about most trainers. “I like you kid,” the girl replied. “I’m Maylene, from Veilstone City.” “I’m Drew, from Cali- Pallet Town,” I answered. “Were you just going to say California?” Maylene asked all excited. “Yep, but I’ve lived here for four years. I’m about to challenge Erika.” “Oh, well, you don’t want to keep her waiting,” Maylene replied. “Here’s my number, if you’re ever in Sinnoh, or Veilstone City for that matter, stop on by. Good Luck!” Maylene pushed her way through the crowds and joined the contest. “That was kind of strange, Growlithe,” I said. “Let’s go beat Erika!” We continued through a grassy passageway and followed a trail between sets of trees. We turned right onto a long, manicured path with small streams and ornamental trees lining the path until we reached a large building that looked like a Vileplume.
I walked into the gym, where the lobby was ornamentally decorated with vines and flowers and a large rainbow, sun-like object hung above the front desk. I looked around and saw that this entire gym was filled with women. A tall woman with brown hair came up to me and asked, “Are you lost sir?” “This is the Celadon gym, correct?” I inquired. “It is indeed,” the woman answered. “I have a battle appointment with Erika,” I proudly said. “And you are?” the woman asked. “I am Drew, from Cali- Pallet Town… I have to stop making that mistake,” I said and then whispered. “Erika is expecting you… Drew from California,” the woman said with a chuckle. “You think that’s a joke?” I yelled pulling out my US Passport. I flipped it open like an FBI agent would show their badge. “Laughing now?” I sarcastically asked. “Oh, I’m sorry,” the woman apologized. “People here want to vacation so much there now that flights fly to Los Angeles. Please follow me.”
I followed the woman down a long corridor and into a large room with stadium seating and a huge roof; light was coming in from the roof. She led me onto a large, basketball court-esque dirt field. “Please stand over here,” the woman said pointing to a box on one side of the field. “Ok, Let’s go Growlithe!” I answered. The woman clapped twice and the doors on the other side opened, yielding a tall woman with black hair, held up tightly with a pink band, wearing normal clothes with a green apron. She stepped to the other side of the court. “Please forgive my appearance, Drew,” the woman stated. “I was just tending to my plants, caring for them. I am Erika, Gym Leader of Celadon.” “Pleased to meet you, Madame!” I answered. “The Verdant League is certainly tough to compete in,” Erika said. “This will be a 2 vs. 2 battle, elimination round. Meaning, we can’t recall a Pokémon and we can’t switch. Once a Pokémon faints, then the Pokémon remaining is recalled and two new Pokémon are entered into battle. Is this fine with you?” “Bien sur, Madame!” I replied politely! Erika blushed, “No trainer is ever this polite!” A woman showed up on the side, holding two flags, “Let’s prepare for battle!”
I called out Pidgeotto first to combat Erika’s Bulbasaur. The battle was neck and neck for a while, with Bulbasaur’s Razor Leaf holding back Pidgeotto’s Gust attacks from hitting it. Once Pidgeotto used Aerial Ace, it was all over for Bulbasaur. “My, your Pidgeotto is powerful,” Erika yelled after Bulbasaur fainted. “This next one won't be so tough!” I called back Pidgeotto and sent out Growlithe. Erika followed with her Gloom. She was right. After attacking a couple times with Mega Drain, Gloom used Sleep Powder. I wasn’t able to land a single attack, and Gloom kept using Mega Drain. Luckily, since Growlithe was a Fire type, it barely affected him. Once he woke up, Growlithe launched a Flamethrower that sent Gloom flying against the gym wall. “Gloom!” Erika yelled. “This battle is over,” the woman on the side yelled. “Drew is the winner.” I ran up to Growlithe and gave him a hug, “You did great, buddy! Let’s go check on Erika.” I continued to run where Erika was on the ground where Gloom fell. “Is Gloom alright?” I knelt down next to Erika. “She’s going to be fine,” Erika looked over at me. “It was a tough battle for us. For a new trainer, you’re stronger than a person who went to face Brock, Misty and Lt. Surge.”
“I’m just training my Pokémon to how I see fit,” I answered. “I can tell. Your Pokémon know you show genuine care for them and for others,” Erika looked down at Gloom and blushed. “I know you’ll go far.” I helped Erika back up. She walked me over to a little box and sifted through it and found a miniature version of the rainbow, sun-esque symbol from over the front desk. “This is the Rainbow Badge,” Erika placing the badge in my hand. “This shows that you have defeated me and proves entrance into the Verdant League when you acquire all 25 Badges.” I placed the badge in the thin, pharmacy pillbox like case. I closed it and on the lid, there was a Poké ball and it said “Verdant League â€" Kanto”. “Thanks,” I said to Erika. “I want to give you one more thing,” Erika said handing me a CD like object that was green in color. “It is TM19,” Erika stated. “It contains the move Giga Drain. You just touch it to a Pokémon for them to learn the move.” “Well, thank you again, Erika,” I answered. “You’re probably busy, so you may leave now. I will never forget this battle. Good Luck on your journey!” Erika offered her hand for a shake, but I gave her a flat out hug, which made her blush again. “Thank you, Erika!” I whispered in her ear. “May our paths cross again.” I walked out of the gym with her assistant. “Erika is never this friendly with people,” her assistant stated. “If you’re ever in Celadon again, Erika would probably want to see you.” “Here’s my Poké Gear number,” I said handing her a slip. “She can call me whenever!” I waved good-bye and left for the Pokémon Center.
I ran straight for the Pokémon Center, and right into the doors, yet again. Nurse Joy got up from her desk and came right to the door. “This glass door must have a thing for you or something,” Nurse Joy said snickering. “Yea, thanks,” I answered. “How’d the thing with Erika go?” Nurse Joy asked. I searched in my pack for the badge case. “I beat her,” I proudly said showing her the badge. “Well, congratulations!” Nurse Joy exclaimed. “I just finished lunch, if you want to join Chansey and I.” “Glad to,” I said smiling. Just then, my Poké Gear rang. “I’m going to have to take this call first,” I told Nurse Joy. “Hello?” I pressed the button on the Poké Gear. “Hello? Drew? This is Professor Araragi,” Professor Araragi said. “I heard you beat Erika in one try, congratulations. “Well, I did have a type advantage,” I answered. “So, maybe that’s why I won.” “Don’t be modest,” Professor Araragi replied. “Erika said her Gloom usually beats Fire types with no problem.” “Well, then, I won fair and square,” I answered to please the Professor. “I have your next gym assignment,” Professor Araragi said. “It’ll be on your Poké Gear and Pokétch when you hang up. Good Luck, Drew! I’ll call you after you beat this gym leader.” “Bye!” I exclaimed. She hung up and my Pokétch had a couple of beeps and I looked at the map. It seems like I was going to Cerulean City next.
I walked into the dining room to enjoy Nurse Joy’s lunch consisting of sandwiches and salad. “Thanks Nurse Joy!” I said wiping my mouth. “The food was delicious.” “Why thanks Drew,” Nurse Joy replied. “Can you heal my Pokémon from the gym battle?” I asked. “Of course,” Nurse Joy responded, taking my Poké balls. “I’m going to have to pack up and leave soon, if I’m going to reach Cerulean by nightfall,” I said. “You’re leaving so soon?” Nurse Joy asked disappointed. “I’m afraid I must leave,” I answered. “I may come back through Celadon if I have to go down to Fuchsia City.” “Well, go pack up!” Nurse Joy said.
After getting my Pokémon back from Nurse Joy and giving her and Chansey a hug, I set off back towards Saffron. After leaving the city limits, back on K7, I sped up a little going back down in elevation. “You know Squirtle,” I said. “I just wish I was able to get Lapras out of her Poké ball. She has been cooped up in there since we stopped for a bit when we battled those trainers on Route 6.” “Squir-Squir-tle,” Squirtle nodded in agreement. After going faster than normal, we could see the Saffron skyline come into full detail after about 15 minutes. About a mile from the city gatehouse, for those traveling on foot or by bike, I hit a bump, which caused me to swerve and fall down. “Ow,” I thought to myself after I landed on grass. “Are you ok, Squirtle?” I asked him. “Squirtle!” Squirtle gave me a thumbs-up while scratching the back of his head. “What was that back there?” I asked out loud. I walked back to find a turnip looking Pokémon, but extremely tiny. “Odd-“ the Pokémon said. I pulled out my Pokédex and pointed it at the Pokémon. It was an Oddish, a grass Pokémon. I returned to my pack and took out a Super Potion that I just bought in Saffron on the way to Celadon. I picked up the Oddish and sprayed the Super Potion. “It’s going to sting a little bit, but you should be fine,” I said assuring it. I surveyed the area more. It seems it was hiding behind the rock I hit and I bumped its head with my rear tire. I set it back down and returned to my pack. By the time I was ready to go, the Oddish was standing behind the bike, which Squirtle pointed out. “Do you want to come with us?” I asked the Oddish. The Oddish jumped up next to Squirtle. I took out a Poké ball and Oddish happily jumped inside. “Ding!” the Poké ball went. I opened it back up and put the Oddish in the front basket of the bike and headed into Saffron City.
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
   â€œHelp me!” a woman was crying out in front of us. I already turned onto Route 5 heading towards Cerulean. There was a woman being chased by three black characters and three Zubat. “Squirtle, use Bubblebeam!” I yelled. The three men turned around wondering what the sound was. Squirtle knocked all three Zubat out of the air, knocking them out in the process. “Don't mess with us kid,” one of the men said. “Don’t make us have to fight you,” the other said. “Just continue on to Cerulean City.” “No,” I answered. I threw up one of my Poké balls and said, “Growlithe, torch these suckers.” Growlithe came out and used Flamethrower to attack the Koffing that they all sent out. After knocking out the Koffing, the three men fled. “Are you ok, Madame?” I asked the woman. “I’m fine, thank you so much,” she answered. “Are you heading to Cerulean City?” I inquired. “Yes, in fact I am,” the woman responded. “Would you like a ride?” I asked. “No, it’s fine, thanks any way,” the woman said. Clouds have been slowly rolling in, and they look like rain was about to fall any moment. “It looks like it’s going to start raining,” I said. “Oh, fine then,” the woman replied. I recalled Squirtle and Growlithe to their Poké balls. “Ready Oddish?” I asked. “Oddish!” Oddish exclaimed. “Hold on tight, madam,” I told the woman. I continued forward, though it took a little longer to pick up speed.
   We arrived at the Pokémon Center just about it was about to rain. I put Oddish on my shoulder and we ran inside. The Nurse stood up at the front desk. “Nurse Joy?” I asked. “Yes, I’m Nurse Joy,” Nurse Joy responded. “And you are?” “Nurse Joy, its me, Drew,” I responded perplexed. “Remember? Celadon City?” “Oh, I am sorry,” Nurse Joy said. “My niece would think this would be strange. I am the aunt of the Nurse Joys in Celadon City. We all look alike.” “That explains a lot,” I answered. “Can you heal my Pokémon, please?” “Absolutely,” Nurse Joy smiled. “It’s my job.” I handed her my Pokémon and Oddish jumped on to her counter. The woman came up next to me and removed the hood she was wearing. It was a girl. “Hi, I should introduce myself,” the girl said. “I am Liza, from Mossdeep City. I was running an errand for my parents with the gym leader in Saffron City.” “Well, I’m Drew, from somewhere far,” I replied. “Somewhere far?” Liza questioned. “I am from the United States,” I responded. “But, I’ve been living in Pallet Town for the past four years.” “Wow, I’ve always wanted to visit the United States,” Liza answered. “But we can’t bring any of my Pokémon there, so it’s hard to leave them at home while I’m out having fun.” “That’s the downside to traveling outside the country,” I answered. “I really thank you for what you did back there,” Liza said. “I want you to have this.” She took out a Poké ball and handed it to me. “Wait, is that a Pokémon?” I asked. “Yes, it is,” Liza answered. “I found it while I was here in Kanto outside of Lavender Town. It was strange that it knew the moves it knows. I have no use for it, so you can train it to be strong!” Liza took out her Pokédex and pressed a few buttons. “What’s your trainer ID?” she asked me. I handed her my card and she put it in her Pokédex. “It’s all yours now,” Liza said. “I have to leave now. If you’re ever in Mossdeep City, come and visit!” “Bye, Liza!” I waved as she put her hood back on and hailed a taxi. I held the Poké ball in my hand, wondering what the Pokémon inside was.
   I threw up the Poké ball out came a Pokémon with its eyes sealed shut and it had a long tail and it just sat there, like it was sleeping. I opened my Pokédex and it said, “Abra, the Psychic Fox Pokémon. It sleeps 18 hours a day and it can sense danger coming from a mile away. Nature: Gentle, Moves: Teleport, Psychic, Shadow Ball.” “That’s strange?” I asked myself. “A Psychic Pokémon knowing Shadow Ball?” I shook my head. I had an idea. I picked up Abra and brought it outside into the lightly sprinkling rain and set it down. “Abra, use Shadow Ball on that bush,” I said. A large ball of energy appeared in front of it and it released it on that bush. “I guess you do know Shadow Ball,” I clapped my hands together. “This is great!” I returned Abra to its ball to let it sleep some more. Nurse Joy was sitting at the counter when I came back. “Here’s another Pokémon for you to take care of,” I said. “The girl I was with gave it to me.” “Ill put it with the rest of them.” “Do you happen to have a pool here?” I asked. “My Lapras hasn’t been outside its Poké ball in two days.” “It’s closed for the night,” she told me. “It’ll be open in the morning. Come to the dining room, Chansey made pizza tonight.” “Oh, yum,” I said.
   After enjoying a delicious dinner, and preparing to the next day, Nurse Joy and some other trainers staying at the Pokémon Center sat in a living-room style area in front of a fire, and I decided to join them. “Why hello Drew,” Nurse Joy said putting down her book. “The rain is making the place feel colder, so we started a fire.” “It seems cozier here,” I answered. “Why are you here in Cerulean?” Nurse Joy inquired. “Is it to battle the gym here?” “Yep,” I answered. “It’ll be my second badge. Who’s the gym leader here?” “It all depends,” Nurse Joy answered. “There are three of them, well, there usually is four, but one is traveling in Johto.” “They’re all sisters,” one of the trainers said. “Are you going to face the gym too?” “Yep, I got first badge in Celadon City and then I’m here,” I replied. “But don’t you get your first badge in Pewter City?” the trainer asked. “Yes, but I’m doing things differently,” I responded. “I’m going to try something different. I’m going to fight this gym leader with a water Pokémon.” “That’s going to be tough, and its going to take a while,” the trainer replied. “Not with what I’m thinking. Good Night everyone!” I replied. I walked to my room and went to sleep.
   I woke up at seven in the morning to a cloudy day, but that wasn’t dampening our spirits. I ran out back to the pool and threw up Lapras and Squirtle’s Poké balls. “Good Morning Lapras!” I said Squirtle was still rubbing his eyes from the abrupt wake up in cold water. “I’m going to use you in a gym battle today,” I continued. I gave Lapras a hug and assured it. “Squirtle, would you like to practice with Lapras?” Squirtle, though still tired, nodded. “Let’s go Squirtle, use Bubblebeam on Lapras!” I called out. “Lapras, use Psychic to counter the Bubblebeam!” Lapras’ Psychic held the bubbles in mid air, which stunned Squirtle in amazement and shock. “Lapras, use Ice Beam!” I yelled out. “Squirtle, block it with Water Gun!” Squirtle’s Water Gun was powerful, but it was no Hydro Pump. He was able to block the Ice Beam for a while and then it froze him solid. “Oh, no Squirtle!” I yelled. I dug into my pack for an Ice Heal and unfroze Squirtle. Squirtle was fine after that, not taking that much damage from it. “Lapras, use Surf. Squirtle, block it with Rapid Spin,” I said. Lapras made waves in the pool and Squirtle began spinning around. He was able to divert the water away from him, but managed to leave me soaking. “Squirtle!” I yelled. “Squirt-le,” he replied, with the sorry look on his face. “It’s fine,” I replied. “Let’s go get ready!” After returning inside, letting Lapras stay outside enjoying the water, I got changed and ate breakfast. “Is that your Lapras outside?” one of the trainers asked. “Yep, I’m going to use her to battle the gym leader,” I proudly replied. “That’s going to be an easy battle then,” the trainer replied. “That’s one powerful Pokémon. Where’d you get it?” “The Pallet Town Bay,” I lied. “The Lapras are there this time of year,” the trainer replied. “Well, I am afraid I have to leave now,” I said standing up stuffing my face with the rest of the food on my plate. I ran outside and got Lapras in its Poké ball and left the Pokémon Center.
   I ran straight to the Cerulean gym since it was just to the right of the Pokémon Center, about half a mile down the road. I went in to find a large hallway surrounding the circumference of the building, with aquariums galore. I let Growlithe and Squirtle out of their Poké balls and I went into the doors in front of me. There was more stadium seating, like the Celadon gym, but here was a pool instead of a dirt battlefield. There were three girls standing at the corner with their backs turned to me. “Um excuse me,” I said walking in. The three girls turned around. “Un, can we help you?” one girl asked asked. “I’m looking for the gym leaders,” I answered. “We are the gym leaders,” another girl said. “Well, I’m here looking to challenge the leader here,” I said putting my foot forward. “For the Indigo League?” the third girl asked. “No,” I retorted. “Hello Drew,” the first girl said. “I am Daisy, and I accept your challenge.” “How do you know my name?” I asked. “I just know!” Daisy winked at me. “Let’s get started,” Daisy replied. “Other trainers are going to be coming soon and they can’t witness this battle, since it isn’t Indigo League sanctioned.” “Alright then,” I replied. One of the other girls led me to a box on one side of the pool. “Here we use water Pokémon,” the girl said. “I am Lily and I’ll be officiating this match. You’re going to use one Pokémon for battle. Are you ready?” “Yes,” I proudly replied. The final sister walked up to me, just noticing Squirtle and Growlithe. “Oh your Squirtle is soooo cute!” the girl said, squeezing Squirtle, who was pretty uncomfortable. “I actually want to start the battle now, Violet, if you don’t mind,” Daisy yelled. “Oh, sorry,” Violet replied and quickly ran next to Lily.
   After Lily yelled all the technical stuff, Daisy threw Seaking into the water. I threw up my Poké ball. Lapras came out and floated on the water. “Go!” Lily yelled. Seaking swam around trying to land a drill peck on Lapras, but Lapras just moved around the pool like it was just out for a leisure ride. I instructed Lapras to use Psychic and it raised Seaking out of the water. Seaking was able to free itself after a bit and land some Water Pulse attacks. Lapras then used Ice Beam and froze Seaking in a solid block of ice, floating in the water. Lapras delivered the final blow to Seaking by using Psychic and launching it down on to the gym floor, thus ending the match.
   â€œGreat job Lapras!” I jumped up and went to check up on the Seaking. Right when I got there, Daisy said, “Seaking is going to be fine. He had a tough battle, and we let our guard down, because we weren’t expecting those powerful Psychic attacks.” “We worked on that before we came here,” I replied. “Lapras finally is getting Psychic down.” “Well, I have some stuff to give you,” Daisy said. “This is the Cascade Badge, showing you have beaten us here and TM03, which contains Water Pulse. It may cause confusion in opponents, but it didn’t affect Lapras that much.” “Well, thanks Daisy,” I replied. “This was a tougher battle then with Erika, and that’s because I didn’t use Pokémon with a type advantage.” “Those always make the best battles, though,” Daisy answered. “You’re welcome to stay the day, if you’d like. You can watch the rest of the battles and your Lapras is just loving it here.” “I can’t just pack up now, can I?” I replied. “So, yes?” Daisy inquired. “Yes!” I smiled.

=End Chapter 5=

Next: Chapter 6 - Have You Ever Tried Zen Sludge?


So here's Chapter 6, the longest chapter. The long awaited Chapter 7 is up next!

Chapter 6:Have You Ever Tried Zen Sludge?
After having a lovely day with the Cerulean Sisters, watching trainers challenge the leaders, most not having much luck with winning. Squirtle was the only one not pleasant since Violet was constantly hugging him. It was an enjoyable evening with sushi for dinner and a phone call from Professor Araragi telling me to head to Fuchsia City for my next gym battle with Poison type leader, Janine. She took her father’s job after he went to the Elite Four for the Johto Region. As a matter of fact, there is only one person who holds two Elite Four positions, and that’s Bruno, a Fighting type trainer who is the master trainer for Kanto and Johto. Before heading to bed, I decided to do some light reading from the Pokémon book my father gave me. Chapter Four: Pokémon and Berries.
   Berries are a basic element in training Pokémon. They can heal them, make them more beautiful in the eyes of some, make them friendlier, and even weaken certain attacks. They can be made into blocks, Pokéblocks, and they are made into cakes, called Poffins.  These are used for Pokémon Contests (see Chapter Five). These two edible objects are made to assist a certain element: Cool, Tough, Smart, Beauty, and Cute in Pokémon Contests. Pokémon like certain flavors: Spice, Sour, Bitter, Dry and Sweet according to their nature (see Reference section for a Nature/Flavor chart). Berries can be planted throughout the Verdant Republic, and need special soil to grow. Most Berries found in the Verdant Republic aren’t found elsewhere, but they show striking similarities to berries found in the world. Berries are used for other products, too. Bluk berries are used to produce fireworks and Ganlon berries are used in lotions and perfumes as a base; there are even elements of Chople berries in rocket fuel to provide a quick burn for liftoff (NASA/RFSA/JAXA/ESA still haven’t acquired the technology to incorporate this into their fuels). Berries found in the Verdant Republic are still wrapped with an enigma on uses, but we know Pokémon and humans alike love them!
   My phone began to ring. “Hello?” I inquired. “Who was calling at this hour?” I thought. “Hello Drew, this is Erika, did I wake you?” Erika calmly asked. “No, I was just reading,” I answered. “I heard you got the Cascade Badge, congratulations,” Erika stated. “I know, it was definitely a much harder battle,” I responded. “I used my Lapras, but we still overcame the obstacles.” “That’s awesome!” Erika yelled. “Where are you heading off to next?” “Uh, Fuchsia City,” I answered. “So I will be in Celadon tomorrow afternoon.” “You will? That’s great!” Erika yelled again. “We can meet in front of the Department store, if that’s ok?” “That’s fine,” I replied. “Just have Nurse Joy of the East Celadon Pokémon Center meet us there, too. I have a package from her aunt that I need to get to her, a rather big one.” Maybe I forgot to mention, but the Nurse Joy up here gave me a Pokémon egg that she found with her Chansey and wants her niece to take care of it; since I was heading in that direction, I offered to take it. “Ok, just call me right before you reach the city,” Erika answered. “Good night, Erika!” I exclaimed. “Good Ni-“ Erika replied right when I hung up.
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   â€œGood-bye Nurse Joy!” I yelled running out the door after breakfast, on my way to Fuchsia City. “Good Luck, Drew!” Nurse Joy called. “Protect that egg for me!” I sped out of the city back onto Route 5 in 15 minutes flat. Since the egg was tied down to my bike, only Pidgeotto and Oddish were able to be out of their Poké balls. On my way to Saffron City, I ran into a trainer from Pallet Town and we had a battle. It was so intense, that to save us from winning, Oddish evolved into a Gloom to deliver the final blow to her Pikachu. I continued to Saffron City another half hour later to find that they were tearing a bunch of houses down to make way for a Goldenrod-Saffron train line with a stop in Viridian City. The sign said it could go between Goldenrod and Saffron in less than two hours. It was basically a plane on land. I got a phone call from a trainer that I battled on Route 6 who wanted a rematch, which I accepted, but he had to meet me by the south gate to Saffron City. We had a nice battle, two on two, which caused Squirtle to evolve into Wartortle and for Gloom to learn Energy Ball (well, after the trainer taught it to Gloom).
   After scurrying around the Saffron City vicinity, and making a quick pit stop at the Saffron City Pokémon Center for Lunch, I headed out to Celadon City. I now had some slightly unstable Pokémon, especially Gloom, since it wasn’t used to its new body. After about fifteen minutes on K7, I called Erika to tell her where I was. “So, I’m almost here Erika,” I said. “Yay! I’ll meet you in the plaza, the one in front of the Department Store, remember?” Erika said, sort of hyperventilating. “Make sure Nurse Joy is there, too,” I answered. “I will, bye Drew!” Erika responded. Erika forgot to hang up the phone, and just I was about to hang up the phone, I overheard her humming. It was Wagner’s Lohengrin, or to the layman, the Bridal March. “Gloom, do you think this kimono will make me look fat?” Erika asked her Gloom. “No, you’re right. I should go with the jeans and apron. He is an American after all.” I decided to hang up after that. “Well, Gloom,” I said. “It looks like Erika has the hots for me.” Gloom just smiled, knowing full well about the conversation.
   I arrived in Celadon City about fifteen minutes later, just the way I left it (well, it was only a few days ago). I saw Maylene leaving in a cab towards the airport and I waved to her. I continued into the center of the city, where there was a large plaza with a large fountain in front of it. I saw Nurse Joy and Erika sitting on a park bench waiting for me. I pulled into the plaza, which prompted Erika to stand up and come running toward me with open arms. She nearly pushed me over when I got off the bike. I was able to release from her hug and greet Nurse Joy. “This is the package from your aunt,” I said handing the egg to Nurse Joy. “It is great to see you again,” Erika said. “I wanted to give you something else, but you left in a hurry.” Out of her apron, she handed me a mini treasure chest. She opened it and it was a rock. “You wanted to give me a rock?” I asked showing signs of disgust. “No, silly,” Erika replied. “This is a Leaf Stone. It can evolve certain Grass types into a final evolutionary state.” “Well, I should at least show you one of my new Pokémon,” I stated.
I went back to my bike and took Gloom out of the basket. “I caught it when it was an Oddish, but it evolved into Gloom about three hours ago,” I continued. “Oh, this Gloom is soooo cute!” Erika said squeezing Gloom, thus waking it from its nap. Gloom was just about to shoot off a Stun Spore, but I stopped it. “Gloom, meet Erika, a Grass Pokémon trainer, she means no harm,” I said. “Erika, you woke Gloom from its nap.” “Oh, I’m sorry Gloom,” Erika said holding Gloom up. “I’m guessing you want to go back to sleep now, right?” Gloom nodded and Erika put Gloom into the basket. “If you use the Leaf Stone on Gloom in the future, it can become a Vileplume,” Erika told me. “Not to mention a stronger Pokémon,” Nurse Joy piped in. “I’m afraid I must leave for Fuchsia City, now,” I said. “It’s an hour ride down cycling road and another 30 minutes to the city. “Well, go on then,” Erika pouted. “Erika, I’ll be back up here soon before you know it,” I reassured her. “Now, a word to the wise,” Nurse Joy said. “The Fuchsia City Nurse Joy can be pretty grumpy at some times. She is my mother, so that may be the reason.” Nurse Joy chortled after saying that. “Good Luck, Drew!” Erika said. She gave me another big hug and I hugged Nurse Joy, got on my bike and continued on. Pidgeotto led the way to the route heading towards the Cycling Road.
   After spending ten minutes trying to find the Route leading to Cycling Road and another fifteen minutes reaching the road, I arrived on the road, slanting downhill slightly towards the bottom about twenty miles up ahead. There were small rest stops spaced out along the bridge area, since the bike path was level with the ground, whereas the road for cars was closer in the bay, with a direct line into Fuchsia City (which only took fifteen minutes by car to reach). I began heading straight down the path. Gloom was enjoying the breeze like Growlithe was when we were heading to Saffron City, but this one was artificial. Pidgeotto was finally able to go fast, and I could see it making maneuvers to go faster. After spending half an hour on the bike path, there was a rest stop and the bridge split into lanes. There I battled a trainer with Abra (since they used Poison types), needless to say, Abra attacked perfectly and listened to my commands perfectly. After a tough battle with the trainer’s Weezing, Abra evolved into Kadabra, and ended the battle with a newly learned Psybeam attack. Before arriving into Fuchsia City, there was a roadblock with three bird trainers, saying I had to beat them to pass into the city. “Usually, idiots like these guys don’t block roads in California, they just usually shoot at the police,” I thought to myself. They thought they were hotshots until I pummeled them with Wartortle and Pidgeotto (who unfortunately fainted in the second battle). Pidgeotto tried his hardest, but up against a Fearow, I had no chance of survival. I still took care of them for other trainers in the future.
   I arrived in Fuchsia City a little past six and I came to see a huge shock. Fuchsia City looked closely similar to my hometown in California. It was a city nestled in the hills leading out to the ocean further away. The Pokémon Center, located next door to the gym, was hidden in a hill to the right of the main road in. Once I got to the Pokémon Center, the view out to the ocean was stunning, and the perfect foreground for the setting sun in the back. I walked in to the Pokémon Center and headed directly to the counter. “Hello, Nurse Joy,” I said. Nurse Joy looked up at me and went back to her book. “Could you please heal my Pokémon,” I asked nicely. “Oh, you just had to ask,” Nurse Joy said. “I’ll take care of your Pokémon for you. Is there anything else you’d want me to do, your majesty?” Nurse Joy said sarcastically, ripping the Poké balls from my arms. My stomach began to rumble. “Do you perhaps have any food?” I asked holding my stomach. “Chansey!” the Nurse yelled. After Nurse Joy left, Chansey popped her head out from behind the counter. Chansey left the desk area and motioned me to follow her to the back. There was another woman shuffling through papers and writing stuff down. Chansey led me to her and exclaimed, “Chansey!” The woman looked up. She was a police officer.
   â€œGood Evening, Drew,” the officer began. “I am Officer Jenny, the Police Chief of Fuchsia City. Please excuse Nurse Joy, she’s always been this grumpy, but she gets the job done!” “Her daughter warned me about her,” I answered. “But how do you know my name?” “Just as I was getting to leave, I got a phone call from Nurse Joy’s sister in Cerulean City saying that I was coming here and to wait up for me, so I could tell you about Nurse Joy here in Fuchsia,” Officer Jenny went on. “I guess you’ve made an impression on the Nurse Joys throughout Kanto.” “I guess I have,” I shrugged. “Just to let you know, there were three bird Pokémon trainers that stopped me from entering Fuchsia City a while ago, if that is something worth of a police problem.” “I thought I told them to lay off travelers,” Officer Jenny. “Did they have a Doduo, Fearow and a Spearow?” “I’m going to kill those guys!” Officer Jenny said running out the door. “Listen to Chansey!” the officer yelled back.
   I sat down at a table and Chansey served me some pasta and meatballs. “Thanks Chansey,” I said. Chansey walked back into the kitchen while I ate. Nurse Joy walked in with my Pokémon. “Your Pokémon are all healthy again,” Nurse Joy said. “Just don’t let it happen again.” She sat down at the table next to me and Chansey served her. The entire room was silent, until I brought out Wartortle and Growlithe. I put Growlithe on my lap, but he was more interested with what was on my plate than what was going on. Chansey brought out some Pokémon food for them. “Thanks Chansey,” I broke the silence. “Here, Growlithe, you can eat this. You guys need to be healthy for tomorrow!” “Wartortle and Growlithe dug into the food before Chansey even set the plates down. “Don't worry Chansey!” I assured her. “They just love food, a lot. Ever since Wartortle evolved, he’s just been a Snorlax in consuming food!” I continued eating. “Are you guys ready for tomorrow?” I asked. “Wartor war!” Wartortle exclaimed. “That’s good to hear!” Wartortle was waving his plate. “I think you’ve had enough!” Nurse Joy looked over and laughed. Chansey’s eyes opened further after Nurse Joy laughed. “I’ve never seen a Pokémon so happy about eating. Usually Pokémon don’t like the food here. I make it myself, and I try for every type of Pokémon, but most just don’t like it.” Wartortle was nodding along. “Maybe it’s an ingredient,” I answered. “There must be something in there that is making a Pokémon not like it.” “That could be the case,” Nurse Joy said. “But when my mother made the recipe, it was the most popular Pokémon food in the region. This has been irking me for the past twenty years.” “I might be able to take a look and see what you might be doing wrong,” I answered. “But it will probably have to be tomorrow.” “Ok,” Nurse Joy said. “For the sake of making me feel better and Chansey happier. Chansey was my mother’s Pokémon, and she always loved the food my mother made.” “Well, until tomorrow,” I replied standing up and heading outside with Growlithe and Wartortle.
   â€œOk,” I said taking out the TM Daisy gave me. “Wartortle, I want you to learn this new move, and forget rapid spin, ok?” I tapped the disk on Wartortle’s head, causing him to glow a deep blue and he returned to normal. “Ok, Wartortle, use Water Pulse on that bush over there!” I exclaimed. Wartortle shot out large rings of water at the bushes. “Yay, you learned Water Pulse!” I yelled. “You can now really get in there with a battle now!” We walked back inside and went to bed.
   Running outside after having a peaceful and assuring conversation to help Nurse Joy kept her in a happier mood. Next-door, Japanese birch and maple trees shrouded a long path leading up to a wooded area and a Japanese pagoda styled building. I opened the gate and ran up the path. I sensed something was following me and I kept looking behind me, and nothing. Once I arrived in the building, it was empty and faded, like there hasn’t been a human here for decades. Then a shadow appeared in the corner of my eye, and I turned around to find a small shread of fabric sticking out of a wall. I tugged on the fabric, thus opening a secret passage and causing a person to fall out. “Ahhhh!” the person cried out. The person landed on top of me. The person got up, who revealed themselves to be a girl. “Who are you and what are you doing here?” the girl asked. “I’m here to battle the Fuchsia gym leader, Janine,” I replied. “You’ve certainly come to the right place,” the girl said. “Follow me.” I got up and followed her through a series of secret doors leading to a gym battlefield. “I am Janine,” Janine revealed. “Well, I want a battle,” I persisted. “Fine, you want a Soul Badge?” Janine held up a heart-shaped badge. “You gotta come and get it. This will be a three-on-three battle, you ready?” “Uh, where’s the officiator?” I asked puzzled. “This is a Verdant League battle, there isn’t a need for one.”
   Janine sent out a Golbat and I sent out Growlithe. Growlithe was able to move around quickly and use some powerful Flamethrower attacks. Goldbat sent out one Supersonic attack, confusing Growlithe. Growlithe was still able to land a last Flamethrower attack, knocking out Golbat. Next, Janine sent out a Weezing. Growlithe was able to use Take Down, but after Weezing used Sludge at a close range, it was the end for Growlithe. I sent out Lapras next and Weezing quickly used Toxic on Lapras, poisoning it. Lapras was able to get in one Psychic attack before fainting with Weezing, and both were knocked out at the same time. That was the most intense part, dealing with a poisoned Pokémon. “You’re going to feel the wrath from this last Pokémon,” Janine called out. Janine sent out Arbok and I sent out Kadabra. Kadabra immobilized Arbok with Psybeam and confusing it. After dodging its attacks from going off at random times, Kadabra used Psychic, thus knocking out Arbok and I won the battle. “Well done, Drew,” Janine congratulated me. “I confer on you the Soul Badge and TM06 containing Toxic, a powerful poisoning attack. It worked quite fine on your Lapras.” “Well, thanks,” I replied. “I have to go heal my Pokémon now, they put up a pretty tough fight.” “Very well,” Janine answered. “I will be down there at the Pokémon Center later today.
   After running back to the Pokémon Center to heal my Pokémon, I took a look at the recipe cards for Nurse Joy’s Pokémon food. “Let me see you make it,” I instructed her. I read the recipe card as she was making it. “No, Nurse Joy, you chop the vegetables first before you sear them in the pan,” I pointed out. “They get flavor better if separated from the larger entity.” Nurse Joy continued cooking. “Before adding the chicken, you need to make sure you have pulverized the meat in a blender. It will mix better with the vegetables when placed in a food processor together,” I instructed again. Nurse Joy finished the recipe. “Now is when you separate the dough and wrap it around the vegetable/chicken mixture. Then you bake it! Don't forget to add the hint of Oran Berry in there, too,” I instructed lastly. Once the Pokémon food was finished, Chansey tried it and collapsed from how good the taste was. She continued to eat half the batch we made. “I’ll put the notes I gave you on the recipe card,” I said writing. “Don’t forget these!” “Oh, I won’t,” Nurse Joy replied. “I am elated that I can now cooking something right for once!” “Well, I must run to the Pokémart and pick up some supplies,” I said running out the door.
   After returning from the Pokémart with some Hyper Potions, Dusk Balls and some berries, I got my next phone call from Professor Araragi. I was to wait in Fuchsia City for three days and then head to Saffron City and challenge Sabrina, the Psychic type leader, so I decided to just explore the city a bit, and possibly hit the beach. Janine came in to the Pokémon Center after dinner and was surprised to find a cured Nurse Joy running things smoothly yet again.
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
   The past three days were pretty amazing. Janine took me to visit the Safari Zone. I caught a Nidoran that would eventually evolve into a Nidoking under the right circumstances, a Dratini and a Scyther. All of them were sent to Professor Oak, since I was unable to hang on to them. Also while out on the town, there was a kid who wanted to evolve his Haunter, so I traded him my Kadabra and then traded back the newly evolved Gengar. I received an Alakazam in return. I was finally prepping for my last two gym battles. At the end of the third day, I left Fuchsia City to take in some nightlife. I left the city around eight at night and enjoyed a cold, cloudless night ride up the steep cycling road bridge, since the top is almost three hundred feet above sea level, but the bottom is almost two feet above sea level. The bridge is broken in two to three mile spans between islands, so there are multiple bridges, but everyone calls it a single bridge. I arrived into Celadon City around ten at night. The city was illuminated like Las Vegas, the lights were shining on the Department Store, and the Casino-esque place was playing loud music and flashing lights every which way. Then again, it was a Saturday night. I just cruised through the city, trying to avoid to be seen by anyone, namely Erika, who would just cling on to me like a magnet onto a common refrigerator.
   I breezed through Celadon and arrived in Saffron just before midnight, though I just had to stop on Route 7 and just sit out with my Pokémon for half an hour. The instant I walked into the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy came out in a nightgown, rubbing her eyes and shaking her head. “Do you know what time it is, young man?” Nurse Joy scolded me. “I just arrived from Fuchsia City. I thought I would be here at ten,” I lied. “Well, come and get into a room, so I can go back to sleep,” Nurse Joy said. “Yes, Madame,” I answered jumping into an open bedroom. I laughed after I closed the door and went to bed.
   I woke up the next morning later than usual, at eleven in the morning. I haphazardly put on my clothes and ran out into the main hall, now illuminated by the bright sun. “Good Morning, Drew,” Nurse Joy said. “I have a message for you from Professor Oak.” “Thank you, Nurse Joy,” I replied ripping open the envelope. “I heard you have three badges,” Professor Oak’s message began. “Don’t underestimate this next gym leader. It will be the hardest you’ll encounter in your journey here in Kanto. Just make sure your Pokémon are quick and ready to rapid-fire attacks at her Pokémon. Good Luck, Drew. We’re all rooting for you here.” I put the letter in my room, grabbed my pack and walked outside. I turned around and Nurse Joy looked at me strangely, causing me to return inside. “Yes?” I asked Nurse Joy. “Have you forgotten something?” Nurse Joy reminded me. “No, not that I can recall,” I answered. Nurse Joy opened one of her hands flat in front of her and clenched her other hand into a fist and then rapidly brought her fist between her open palm and her mouth. “Oh, right,” I remembered. “Where’s the dining room?” Nurse Joy directed me to a corridor to the right, which led me to elevators and took me to the dining room on the top level. I ate lunch and set out, yet again.
   Arriving at the Saffron City gym was a little strange. The gym looked odd, and I felt a presence that was… strange from normal. Right before I approached the gym doors, they flung right open. “Enter!” a voice beckoned me to go inside. I walked down a long corridor into a battlefield, with a woman sitting in a chair. “Welcome Drew,” the woman said. “I am the Saffron City gym leader, Sabrina. Welcome to Saffron City, I sensed your arrival. Let us battle.” A man came out from a concealed door and stood at the center of the battlefield. Sabrina gracefully walked to one side of the field. “We will use one Pokémon, ready?” Sabrina asked. “Let’s go!” I exclaimed. Sabrina tossed out a single Poké ball containing Kadabra. I sent out Alakazam. “This is surely interesting,” Sabrina pointed out. Sabrina told Kadabra to use Confusion, raising Alakazam off the ground and confusing Alakazam. Alakazam was able to use Psybeam, confusing Kadabra. So, there stood two Pokémon, dazed and confused and waddling about the battlefield. I instructed Alakazam to use Shadow Ball and Alakazam instantly snapped out of confusion to attack, landing a direct hit on the Kadabra. Kadabra was knocked from being confused and Kadabra used Psychic, immobilizing Alakazam in midair. Alakazam attacked with Shadow Ball after forcing itself out of the Psychic’s grasp. Alakazam knocked out Kadabra, thus ending the battle. “Congratulations Drew,” Sabrina. “You seem to know what to do. Erika was right. Your genuine care for your Pokémon shows through your battling style. I confer on you the Marsh Badge and TM 02, which contains Calm Mind. It raises Special Attack and Defense for Psychic types. Go to the Pokémon Center from which you came, someone is waiting for you there.” “Thank you for a great battle Sabrina,” I answered. I left the room, entering a now illuminated hallway with portraits of trainers and a Pokémon. Right before I was going to exit the building, I saw something that looked familiar. I saw a younger version of my father standing next to a Gengar. I took picture in mind as I ran off to the Pokémon Center with Alakazam at my side.

=End Chapter 6=

Please comment... still expecting rocks being thrown

Coming Soon, Chapter 7: One Ampère to Go


Slow, this is a reminder for you!!

To everyone else: Chapter 7 should be done by Tuesday!


Yay! An evil father!

I mean, possibly good. I don't know. I really don't know what to think of this chapter...

Either way, great job.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on August 08, 2010, 11:46:18 AMYay! An evil father!

I mean, possibly good. I don't know. I really don't know what to think of this chapter...

Either way, great job.

evil father? from what?


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Ahhh... I see

Story will be up in less than a minute!


So, I finally finished this chapter... probably one of the better ones. I'm not going to highlight it out, but the title's namesake is in this chapter. This was such a joy to write.

Chapter 7: One Ampere to Go
   I ran as fast as I could to the Pokémon Center, avoiding oncoming traffic and pedestrians on the sidewalks. Alakazam ended up beating me there, because of teleport and I braced myself for the worst. It wasn’t the worst sight I could see. Professor Araragi and Nurse Joy were chatting in the foyer of the Pokémon Center. I dashed into the entrance and nearly fell over as I passed the threshold of the building. “Why, hello Drew,” Nurse Joy chortled. “You’ve been making quite the impression of people here in Kanto,” Professor Araragi added. “People are beginning to know your name. They’re calling you the ‘American Wonder’.” “You’re already a sensation,” Nurse Joy said. “People in Vermilion are forming fan clubs.” “Really?” I was astonished. “I’ve only been at this for a little less than three weeks. Am I really that good?” “You’re better than good,” Professor Araragi said. “You could possibly beat the Champion of the Verdant League. You are beginning to come out better than your father.” “So, I’m beginning to get a following, huh?” I said sarcastically. “Then explain this whole Erika situation. She had something to do with it, I can feel it.” “Well…” Nurse Joy looked at the Professor. “She started the fan club in Vermilion,” Professor Araragi laughed at what she said. “So, now I have to deal with a gym leader who’s twice my age, falling for me?” I asked. “I’m only 12.” “You are a sensation!” Professor Araragi said. “Unfortunately, your next gym battle is in Vermilion City in three days. Everyone knows about it.” “Ok, that’s cool,” I answered. “Everyone’s going to watch you,” Professor Araragi added. “They will have to judge it like an Indigo League battle, but use Verdant rules.” “Verdant rules?” Nurse Joy asked. “Don’t worry about it,” Professor Araragi answered. “We just need to get you ready for this.”
   The next two days I spent in Saffron City, preparing and battling trainers on the outskirts to the south. Once such battle taught Wartortle Hydro Pump, and another Pokémon pushed him too hard, so he evolved into a Blastoise. Pidgeotto saw a bunch of battles from trainers wanting to test the “American Wonder”, and an arduous battle with a Magneton caused Pidgeotto to evolve into Pidgeot. Growlithe was in the last battle before my gym battle in Vermilion, and he just kept getting stronger. The night before we all left to go down into Vermilion, I sat out on Route 6 by a pond with all my Pokémon. I gave them a nice pep talk and everyone was excited. I decided to teach a move to Blastoise that under the right circumstances may inflict tons of damage. After spending six hours with Blastoise, we perfected Earthquake.
   After waving good bye to Nurse Joy, Professor Araragi put a disguising hat on me and drove the hour down into Vermilion City. There were small crowds hanging around the gym when we passed it going to the Pokémon Center, and no one noticed me. “So, what do I do now?” I asked. Professor Araragi held up her finger as she looked at her now ringing Poké Gear. For a moment, she stepped into the other room and came out with a smile. “So, once Nurse Joy is done healing your Pokémon, you’re coming with me out to the docks. You’re going to get on Lapras and head to the back of the gym to avoid the crowds and then you can have your battle without anyone watching, under full Verdant League rules.” “Sounds great,” I answered. I knew I was going to be terrified if there were hundreds of people in the gym. Nurse Joy came out to hand me my Pokémon and I left to the docks with Professor Araragi.
   â€œGood Luck Drew!” Professor Araragi yelled as I was sailing toward the gym. I kept the hat on and took Lapras away from the sight of the crowds. There were two people standing outside a door at the gym, and they came up to me after I disembarked Lapras. “Are you Drew?” the woman asked. “Yes,” I answered. “Come with us,” the man motioned. I went inside and the gym was a dome with pillars conducting rings of electricity. “Welcome to the Vermilion Gym!” A voice boomed over the loud speaker. After I walked onto the battlefield, a man in army fatigues came out of a side door and approached. “It is finally an honor to be battling with another American,” the gym leader. “I am Lieutenant Surge of the US Army. As you can tell from my surroundings, this is an electric type gym.” “Well, the honor is all mine! I’m ready when you are,” I said. “Ok, kid,” Lt. Surge answered. “This is your last battle in the Kanto portion of the Verdant League. We’ll use one Pokémon each.” Surge ran to the other side of the gym. Gym personnel came out from side doors to guard main entry ways and the woman from earlier stepped to the side of the field, explaining the rules of battle.
   Lt. Surge proceeded to send out a single Raichu. I couldn’t think of what Pokémon to choose, and then I had a light bulb moment. I threw up Blastoise’s Poké ball, and out came Blastoise with a nice little tremor in the ground. “You got to be kidding, kid,” Surge called out. He had Raichu use Quick Attack, landing on Blastoise, but not really inflicting much damage. Surge then had Raichu use Thunderbolt, which was semi-blocked by a counter Withdraw. Surge kept on attacking with Quick Attack and Thunderbolt, that it was just inflicting some damage, but nothing significant. When Raichu was close to Blastoise’s cannons, he used Hydro Pump, sending Raichu flying to hit a wall behind Surge. Raichu was affected more by the crash into the wall then the actual attack, though it did leave some damage because of close range. Raichu came charging with a Quick Attack, but Surge changed it to a Thunderbolt at the last minute, striking Blastoise while he was out of his shell, stunning him after a large loss in energy. Then, Surge instructed Raichu to use Double Team, and copies of Raichu encircled Blastoise. I told Blastoise to “hit it” and he used Earthquake, raising Surge’s eyes and hitting the true Raichu with an upheaval from the ground, knocking out Raichu. It was a pretty powerful attack. Blastoise learns things quickly and he uses true power to make it even more powerful.
   The gym assistants just stood there while Raichu just laid there on the ground, fainted and motionless. After a few moments, Raichu regained consciousness and stood up. Surge walked over to my side of the arena and told me to hold out my hands. He reached in his pockets and placed a set of keys, a wallet, and some receipts. “Uh, sir?” I questioned. “Let me just find you a badge,” Surge replied. Surge finally found a small badge that looked like a sun, but with a garnet in the middle. “Here ya go,” Surge handed over the badge. “I’ve never seen a battle like this one. This final badge allows you to move right on to Sinnoh. Someone should be waiting for you in the Pokémon Center when you return. Just try and avoid the crowds!” “Sure thing, sir!” I answered. We shook hands and I exited the building out of the front entrance. There were about fifty people who all turned around, became quiet, and looked at me. About three quarter of them were girls, and they let out a big scream of elation after they saw me. I ran away from the crowd, with some of them following me through the streets of Vermilion City.
   After taking side streets trying to lose the crazed fans, I returned to the Pokémon Center where Nurse Joy, Professor Araragi and another woman was standing. I entered in and Professor Araragi took me over to this woman. “Hello Drew, I am Lorelei, a member of the Kanto Elite Four,” Lorelei said. “You have definitely run amuck with all the battling you’ve across this Kanto region.” “I know,” I answered. “As I progressed through the region, everything just kept on getting easier and easier, and ideas became simpler and simpler. Training my Pokémon became a clearer as I got to know them better.” “Well, that is a great thing to hear,” Lorelei answered. “Follow me!” Lorelei began walking to the back of the Pokémon Center and then into a room that had a steep staircase. Lorelei reached the bottom step; a long hallway appeared, illuminated by ornate wall sconces and chandeliers adorning the ceiling. The floor was marble, with a purple carpet leading to another room about 200 yards ahead. As I got closer to the end of the hallway, portraits of people and their Pokémon appeared on the walls and stone slabs hung beneath them.
Lorelei placed her hand on a screen to the right of the door and a large room appeared from behind the doors. It was a sizeable dome that had a large fountain in the center and an all glass roof, with the rays of sun pouring in. Outside, I could see Diglett’s Cave and open fields and trees surrounding the building. On the otherside of the room there was a cement mixer and a large computer screen with Professor Oak standing next to a device meant to hold Pokéballs. “Welcome to the Verdant League: Kanto Region Hall of Fame, Drew,” Professor Oak said. “You have done so much to get to the position you’re in, now. Now, I would like to formally induct you into the Hall of Fame for Kanto. May I have your Pokémon?” I handed over my Pokémon to Professor Oak and he placed them on the machine. “Now, I need your Pokédex,” Professor Oak added. He slid the Pokédex into a slot and my picture and my Pokémon’s pictures appeared on the screen.
The computer began, “Welcome to the Kanto Hall of Fame for the Verdant League, Drew!” A slot opened on the computer, next to where my Pokédex was inserted. Lorelei picked up the large disk from the tray. “As the Kanto Elite Four representative for the Verdant League, I hereby confer the Kanto Verdant Badge on you Drew,” Lorelei said. “Please open your badge case.” Lorelei pulled out a hidden tray from the side of the case and placed the badge inside, and handed it back to me. “Now let’s get the prints done,” Professor Oak said. “Call out your Pokémon, Drew.” All the Pokémon came out and the cement went into a tray and one-by-one each Pokémon added their hand prints to the slab. I added my hands last and then Professor Oak wrote in the cement “KANTO VERDANT CHAMP: DREW NORMAN WITH POKEMON: LAPRAS, BLASTOISE, ALAKAZAM, GROWLITHE, PIDGEOTTO, AND VILEPLUME.” Next Lorelei motioned me to stand in front of the fountain, and placed my Pokémon beside me. She and Professor took out a camera on a tripod, and took a picture of all of us. “We’re gonna print this on canvas,” Lorelei began. “This concrete slab and picture will be displayed in the hall outside and another copy will be sent to the Kanto Wing at the Verdant League HQ.” “Each region has a different process for inducting Pokémon trainers into the Hall of Fame,” Professor Oak said. “Our last confirmation upon you for the Kanto Verdant League is this…” Professor Oak pulled out a pouch out of his pocket and handed it to me. I opened it and it contained a Master Ball. “This is the same very ball that your father had you deliver to me,” Professor Oak continued. “Your father saw something in him that he saw in himself many years ago when he rose to be the Saffron City Gym Leader. Use this ball wisely, as it can catch anything out there.” “I will take extra special care of it,” I answered.
Lorelei came up to me and said, “I have something to give you, too.” She reached into her pocket and took out a little Lapras doll. “This is from my personal doll collection. Let this doll remind you of your travels here in Kanto and your growing bond with your Lapras. Return to Nurse Joy and the Professor above, as you are sent to leave for someplace else,” Lorelei ended. I began to walk outside. “Wait, Drew,” Professor Oak said. “I’ll need to take the Pokémon you caught here in Kanto, including Growlithe. You and Lapras must continue alone.” “Here, Professor,” I responded, handing him the rest of my Pokémon. “They will love my ranch, and if you want to talk to anyone of them, just give me a call. I’ll bring Growlithe back to your house to be with Skitty and Happiny!” “Thanks Professor,” I replied leaving the room. I returned to the surface at the Pokémon Center to find Nurse Joy sitting at her desk. “Where’s Professor Araragi?” I inquired. “She has already boarded the boat to Canalave City,” Nurse Joy answered. “She left your ticket here.” Nurse Joy handed me a ticket. “Head to Dock 17A to board the SS Wave to Canalave!” “Thank you, Nurse Joy… for everything!” I exclaimed. “Don’t mention it!” Nurse Joy blushed. “Come back if you’re ever in Vermilion again!” I waved as I left the building out onto the street.
Right before I stepped onto the main sidewalk leading to the docks, I realized I had to make a phone call to a number that Professor Magnolia gave me. I punched in the number and let the phone do its thing. “Hello?” a woman’s voice came on. “Hi, I’m Drew,” I answered. “Professor Magnolia told me to call you after I completed the Kanto segment of the Verdant League.” “Yes, I’ve been expecting your call,” the woman replied. “Your trip in Sinnoh is going to be much different than what you’re used to. I have recorded your number. Call me every time you defeat a gym leader in Sinnoh.” Before I could reply, she hung up the phone. “That’s odd,” I thought to myself. I just shook my head and left for Dock 17A.
“Hurry Up!” a man was calling out to me as I was going to the dock. The sun began to set and it was getting extremely close to departure time. “Hello sir,” the man said. “You must be the last passenger. Professor Araragi said you might cut it close.” “Uh, sure,” I answered. “Go up the gangway and head down to A-Level, Room 241,” the man replied handing back up my ticket. I ran through the maze of hallways on the A-Level and eventually made it to Room 241. Professor Araragi was having tea when I barged in. “You finally made it,” Professor Araragi clapped her hands together. “I had to make a phone call,” I answered. “Ah, so I figured,” Professor Araragi responded. “It’s going to be another 14 hours until we reach Canalave City. Why don’t you join me for tea!” I nodded and had some tea. I decided to go exploring and went to the café on B-Level to enjoy some food, since I haven’t eaten since I woke up this morning and by now, the sun had already set and we were nearing the south of Fuchsia City. There was a girl sitting next to me, with long, flowing, light-purple hair, who was enjoying some coffee and the same thing I ordered: a Hamburger with a side of Fish Tacos.
“What a coincidence,” the girl said. “You must have a good taste in food!” The girl smiled. “No,” I laughed. “I’m just REALLY hungry.” “I see what you mean,” the girl replied. “All you Pokémon trainers are always hungry!” “Well, you have to understand we’re out on the road 24/7 with little time to eat,” I sarcastically retorted. “I was once in the same situation,” the girl replied. “I’m Winona, by the way.” Winona extended her hand. “I’m Drew,” I answered. “What is bringing you to Sinnoh?” “I’m taking the second leg of my vacation,” Winona said. “I was vacationing on the Cerulean Cape and now I’m heading to the Resort Area, east of Snowpoint City. I work at the gym back home, and some kid came in with his Ampharos and ruined the ground, so I’m on vacation while repairs are being made. And you’re heading to Sinnoh because?” “Oh, I’m going to challenge some gyms in Sinnoh,” I responded. “I wanted to leave Kanto for once; I mean I have lived there for the past five years…” I began to rant. “So where did you live before Kanto?” Winona interrupted me. “Oh, I lived in California,” I answered. “California? Really? Get Out!” Winona was astonished. I took out my American passport and showed it to her. “I’ve gotten used to all the sudden outbursts when people find out I’m from there,” I continued. “I can see what you mean,” Winona replied. “You have to realize flights from Goldenrod City to Los Angeles got cheaper and a bit shorter since we didn’t have to connect through Melbourne, Sydney, Tokyo or Hong Kong.” Winona stood up and moved over to a window. “Look at that!” Winona pointed out. She was pointing to the Media Tower in Lavender Town, how its lights pierced over the hills surrounding the town. Winona slipped me a slip of paper and said, “Here’s my number. If you’re ever in Hoenn, feel free to give me a call.” She began to walk away and I answered, “Well, that’s our last glimpse of Kanto, and mine for a long time.”

==End Chapter 7==

Coming Soon: Chapter 8: A Frigid Welcome


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.