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The Will to Go On

Started by SlowPokemon, July 17, 2010, 07:13:41 AM

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What did you think of the ending?

It was a suitable finish.
What were you thinking? That was awful.
Not that great; it could have been better.
I still haven't read it.


Why would I do that? This is my story, bub.

And I've got a pretty clear idea now! :D

Wow, eight minutes can make a difference.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



I'm still too lazy to start writing it though. :)

Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


well im not to write in mine!

Next Chapter: I'm Celadon Happy!


Okay... I'm going to go write.

Tomorrow, up will be..
Chapter Four: Karen Loses Her Will

Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



I had to put that chapter title... and it really fits.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



Although no one seems to be reading this... I have to keep posting it. For me. xP

Chapter Four
Karen Loses Her Will

   They arrived in the city, yawning and slumping. High above them, a black bird Pokémon watched Karen closely. They walked a few blocks to the Pokémon Center and entered happily. They noticed that there was a bit of a line to heal their Pokémon, so they decided to sit down for a moment.

   They each took a chair and sat in silence for a while.

   “So,” said Aaron. “What should our next move be?”

   “Definitely head towards Violet City,” said Karen. “The first gym is there.”

   “Yeah,” agreed Will. “But we should probably wait till morning.”

   “But then the other group might beat us there,” pointed out Aaron anxiously. “Hey, does anyone know who the other group is?”

   “The other group of what?” inquired a voice behind them. They turned their heads to see three people listening in on their conversation.

   The one who had spoken was a guy with shoulder-length purple hair, rather the color of Will’s own. Next to him was another guy, this one with plain, black hair. And next to him was a beautiful tall blonde girl clad entirely in black.

   Will watched Aaron size up the first guy, and scrutinize the second. Will rolled his eyes – he knew what was coming next. Aaron took one look at the blonde girl and his mouth fell open. Aaron took in her appearance and Will could practically see any thoughts of Karen pop out of existence.

   Aaron sidled past the guys rather like an insect and approached the girl. “Hello,” he said, working his mouth into what he clearly thought was a winning smile. “I’m Aaron.”

   The girl looked at him in disgust.

   “Fantastic,” she said sarcastically, and pushed him away.

   Aaron looked shocked. Will sighed, got up, and dragged Aaron back to his chair.

   “The other group of what?” asked the purple-haired boy again.

   “The other group of trainers aspiring to join the Elite Four,” explained Aaron, his eyes still on the blonde girl’s flawless body.

   The purple-haired boy laughed rudely.

   “I don’t think that we’re the other group,” he said, rolling his eyes. “I was told our rivals had potential.”

   Aaron went bright red.

   “Do you really want to say that?” he growled.

   The boy shrugged.

   “It doesn’t matter, really. You’ll be horrible whether I say it or not.”

   “Lucian, stop,” said the plain-looking kid, frowning.

   Aaron sniggered.

   “You’re name’s Lucian?” he laughed.

   Lucian didn’t look fazed in the least.

   “Yes,” he answered. He looked at the rest of Aaron’s group. “This is Norman,” he said, gesturing to the plain boy, “and this is Cynthia.”

   Aaron smiled at Cynthia again.

   “Wow,” he said hopefully. “That’s a nice name.”

   Karen rolled her eyes.

   “Can you spell desperate?” she muttered.

   “Now we’re at a disadvantage,” said Lucian. He looked at Smoochum, who was in the chair and cuddling up to Will. “Er… so to speak.”

   “In what way?” asked Karen.

   “You know our names, but we don’t know yours, of course,” said Lucian.

   “Sucks to be you, doesn’t it?” grouched Aaron, still angry.

   “No, not at all,” said Lucian, smiling at the very idea. “I would like to know, though. What’s your name, green-hair?”

   “Aaron,” muttered Aaron.

   Lucian gave a loud chortle.

   “The freaky bug-obsessed weirdo Aaron?” he snorted. “Wow. Elm is lowering his standards. And you would be…?” he asked, pointing to Karen.

   “Karen,” she said, an intense look of dislike on her face.

   “I’ve heard of you as well,” said Lucian, smiling. “You can’t be much of a threat. Maybe you’ll whine at me, but that’s the worst you can do.”

   Karen went bright red and stared at Lucian with a look of hatred.

   “And you would be…?” he asked, coming to Will at last.

   “Will,” he said reluctantly.

   “The only person on your team with a shred of potential,” snorted Lucian. “If that. But we must be going. We can’t afford to sit here and talk with losers all day. Norman! Cynthia! Come on.”

   Smoochum stuck her tongue out at him as he passed. Compared to that kid, she seemed to be saying, Aaron’s a treasure.

   “What a jerk,” Aaron said angrily. He sat down and folded his arms, clearly in a bad mood.

   “It’s okay,” Karen said. “He’s just another idiot amateur. We’ll get him.” Karen reached into her bag and pulled out an apple. “Here,” she said, handing one to Will and pulling out another for Aaron. “God,” she snapped at Aaron. “No need to look so angry.”

   “Who said I was angry?” said Aaron darkly as he squeezed his apple into a pulp.

   “No one did,” said Will cautiously. “But I think you should heal your Pokémon.”

   Will got up, took all of their PokéBalls to the counter, and handed them to the nurse. Shortly after getting them back, he dished out the PokéBalls to his friends.

   Will rubbed his forehead.
   “It’s already ten o’clock, guys,” he sighed. “We’d better stay here.”

   Aaron went up to the nurse and booked three rooms in the Pokémon Center. He bade Karen and Will an annoyed goodnight and walked off to his room.

   “Goodnight,” yawned Will, and shuffled to his own room.

   Karen went to her room shortly afterward, exhausted. She made to put her PokéBalls away – Huh? PokéBalls? With an s? Karen frowned. She only had one Pokémon. One of the boys must have given her his by mistake. She bit her lip, wondering which one it was. She threw the PokéBall in the air and out came…

   “Oh, crap,” she whispered. “No… no…”

   Will’s Hypno loomed over her and swung its pendulum right in front of her face. She gathered up the PokéBall and attempted to call it back, but she was too afraid to try.
   “No…” she whispered again, looking on with fear. The pendulum made a sound as it swung back and forth… Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh. Karen’s pulse seemed to slow down to align perfectly with it. Her eyes were pulled to the irresistible sway of the pendulum. Her eyelids drooped as the alluring Pokémon began to do its job. Her mind was suddenly filled with tempting ideas of sleep and relaxation. Suddenly, something snapped inside her, and she could resist no longer. Her eyes took on a glazed look and closed halfway; a small, dreamy half-smile formed on her face; and, completely hypnotized, she pocketed the PokéBall and followed the Hypno gradually out of the room.

   She followed it out of the Pokémon Center and entered into the silent night. The pendulum sparkled slightly as it swung, enticing Karen a few steps at a time. They went on like this for some time, and she finally followed it all the way to Cherrygrove’s beach. Hypno walked backwards into the lake and Karen pursued. High above them, the black bird Pokémon that was keeping tabs on Karen was panicking – if she continued to follow, she would drown.

   The bird Pokémon was struck by an idea, and it flew off to the city.

   Meanwhile, Will was having a nightmare. Karen was following something into a body of water, completely unaware of what she was doing… How could they help? She was going to drown! He was startled awake by a TAP-TAP-TAPping on his window. A small black bird Pokémon was trying to get his attention.

   He let it in, and it zoomed straight for the door, trying to get it open.

   “Do you know where Karen is?” Will yelped. “Is it too late?”

   The bird didn’t answer, but Will got the message. He woke Aaron up frantically and they set off down the streets, chasing the bird Pokémon. They arrived at the beach, and they saw Karen following Will’s Hypno into deep waters. She was already in up to her neck and she was approaching the middle of the lake, where there was a huge drop-off.

   Will wasted no time in diving into the waters and swimming a bit further in.

   “Come on!” he yelled to Aaron, who was panicking.

   “No!” said Aaron anxiously. “I could drown!”

   “YOU’RE helpful!” snarled Will, and swam as fast as he could toward the middle of the lake. Karen was completely oblivious as to where she was. Hypno was not in the water, but somehow standing on top of it. “KAREN!” he shouted as he got nearer to her. She didn’t hear him, or appeared not to. She took another step towards Hypno. Will finally reached them and seized Karen around the waist. He tried to drag her back towards him, but she fought to keep her eyes on Hypno. She took another step, pulling Will with her. Will started to panic as well. He couldn’t pull her; this was more suited for Aaron. He wasn’t strong enough.

   Karen tried to shake Will off, and his hands slid farther down. Hold on – there was something bulging in her pocket… the PokéBall! He thrust his hand into her pocket and extracted the PokéBall, calling Hypno back just in time.

   Karen looked extremely dazed and exhausted. She mumbled something incoherently and immediately fell asleep. Feeling triumphant, Will lifted her up – with much difficulty – and carried her back to shore. He reached the beach and Aaron – who had calmed down – looked extremely relieved.

   “I can take her from here,” he offered.

   Will glared at him, but reluctantly handed her over. They walked in silence for some time. The bird insisted on following. Just outside the Pokémon Center, Karen woke up. She looked around, puzzled, then looked up and saw Aaron’s face.

   “Good morning, sunshine,” said Aaron pleasantly.

   “EEW!” she shrieked. “Put me down, you perv! Put me DOWN!”

   Aaron shrugged, but dropped her. She got up, folded her arms, and glared at him.

   “And what was that all about?” she demanded.

   “You don’t remember any of it?” said Will incredulously.

   “Just tell me what this is all about. Now,” she said angrily.

   They entered the Pokémon center and sat around a table while Will explained what had happened.

   “And then, we saw you in the water and, uh…” he said, trailing off. He had just glanced at Aaron, who was behind Karen and pointing at himself frantically. “…and we saved you.”

   “We?” inquired Karen.

   “Well,” began Will, but Aaron cut him off.

   “And by that, he means that I dived heroically in the lake, reached you, and carried you back to shore,” said Aaron importantly.

   Karen raised one of her eyebrows as she looked from one boy to the next.

   “Really,” she said, clearly disbelieving. “Please explain why your clothes are completely dry, and Will and I are soaked from the neck down.”

   Aaron faltered.

   “And I’m supposed to believe you called Hypno back, too?” snorted Karen. “Nice. Real nice.”

   She looked over at Will, who was smiling weakly.

   She smiled wryly, leaned over the table, and kissed him – SMAK – on the cheek.

   A small grin broke out on Will’s face.

   “What, none for me?” said Aaron indignantly. “I carried you here!”

   “Whatever,” she said, shrugging, and leaned over to his cheek. However, he held up his hand.

   “Nope,” he refused. “None of that cheek crap. Right here,” he said, pointing to his mouth, clearly hoping to get Karen furious. Surprisingly, she shrugged again.

   “If that’s what you want,” she said. Aaron looked pleased as she leaned forward… he closed his eyes… and Karen grabbed Smoochum from the ground and shoved it against his face.

   Aaron opened his eyes and saw with disgust what was pressed to his lips.

   He tried to wrench Smoochum off, but it was stuck fast. A series of screaming noises from Aaron followed before Will stopped laughing long enough to call Smoochum back.

   Aaron glared at Karen, who was laughing behind her hand. Will suddenly noticed that the sun was rising and hurried them out to Route 30.

   “Do you think Smoochum needs some mouthwash?” he asked Karen just loud enough for Aaron to hear.

   “SHUT UP!” roared Aaron as his friends laughed.

   “Oh, come on, Aaron,” said Karen, putting her arm around his neck. “We’re only joking! Why can’t we just be one big happy family? Look, Will’s up for it!” she said, pulling Will over and putting her other arm around his neck.

   “We are a family,” said Aaron. “Big, happy…and dysfunctional.”

   Karen sighed.

   “Hey, Kare,” said Aaron suddenly. “It’s that bird Pokémon!”

   “The one who led you guys to me?” said Karen in surprise.

   “Yeah! Let’s find out what it is,” said Aaron, pulling out his PokéDex.

   “Murkrow, the Darkness Pokémon. Feared and loathed by many, it is believed to bring misfortune to all those who see it at night. Type: Dark/Flying.”

   “Didn’t bring misfortune to us,” said Will.

   “Hey, Kare!” said Aaron, struck by a sudden idea. “Why don’t you catch this and train Dark-types instead of Fire!”

   “Do Dark-types suit me?” asked Karen skeptically, looking at the Murkrow.

   “Oh, believe me, they suit you,” said Aaron.

   “Okay, then!” said Karen agreeably. “Go… PokéBall!”

   She threw a PokéBall at it, and Murkrow all-too-willingly hopped inside.
   “This Pokémon is just as useless as Houndour,” she muttered, reading its PokéDex. But Will wasn’t fooled; her eyes were shining and he knew she was really happy with her new catch.

   Will took out a PokéBall.

   “What are you doing?” Karen said suspiciously.

   “I’m releasing Hypno,” said Will firmly.

   “What?” gasped Aaron. “Why would you do that?”

   Will and Karen both turned to look at him.

   “Umm, it put Karen to sleep, made her walk all over the town, and tried to drown her.”

   “Why wouldn’t he release it?” Karen said.

   Aaron shrugged.

   Will threw the PokéBall far into a forest on the edge of the road, where he heard it open. When he ran to retrieve the PokéBall, Hypno was gone. He slammed the PokéBall shut, finalizing the release. He looked down at the empty PokéBall and sighed.

   When he came back, Aaron was shaking his head.

   “Can’t believe you did that,” he sighed. “Your first Pokémon.”

   “It was insane!” said Karen heatedly. “It tried to kill me!”

   Aaron shrugged as if it were no big deal.
   “So what? Good riddance, in my opinion,” he said.

   She glared at him, then turned back to Will and talked to him instead.

   “I’m really glad I caught this little guy,” she said, looking up at Murkrow.

   “It suits you,” said Aaron seriously. “I mean, look at that PokéDex entry: ‘feared and loathed by many…believed to bring misfortune…’” He looked up. “If I didn’t know better, Kare, I’d say that was written about you.”

   He stared at Karen’s face, slowly turning red, and bolted down the path as quickly as he could. She was in hot pursuit, screaming “WHY, YOU LITTLE –”

   Will rolled his eyes, smiling, and followed them.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Chapter Five
Will We Ever Reach Violet City?

   They continued on Route 30 for some time. Will and Karen were especially bad off, because they had just gone for an unplanned swim and their clothes were still damp.

   “So, Will,” said Aaron, breaking the silence. “Are you still training Psychic-types?”

   “Of course he is,” snorted Karen. “The guy’s psychic, isn’t he?”

   “Yeah, but what if all his Psychic-types try to hypnotize you?” demanded Aaron. “There are plenty of Psychic Pokémon that learn Hypnosis.”

   “His choice,” Karen sniffed, but she did look a little pale.

   “I’m not going to catch my Pokémon based on their moveset,” scoffed Will.

   Karen looked extremely relieved.

   “That’s good, then,” she said comfortably.

   “What do you mean?” sniggered Aaron. “He never said that they wouldn’t know Hypnosis. He just said that wouldn’t be a contributing factor.”

   Karen gave him a nasty look and went to walk on Will’s other side.

   “I wonder what those other people are training,” she said thoughtfully. “Lucian…Cynthia…and that forgettable kid.”

   “I don’t care,” said Aaron angrily. “I just want to see him get paid back. Lucian is the biggest –” (here he called Lucian something that made Karen glare at him) “– that I’ve ever seen.”

   “Yeah, but you…” began Karen angrily.

   “Guys, look!” said Will suddenly. A small Pokémon had just crept nervously out of the forest and was approaching Will gingerly.

   “What is it?” said Aaron excitedly, but was immediately “SSSSSHHHHH!”ed by Karen and Will. Will carefully took out his PokéDex, not wanting to startle the Pokémon. He looked up a small, white Pokémon with a round green head of hair covering its face.

   “Ralts, the feeling Pokémon. The horns on its head provide a strong power that enables it to sense people’s emotions. Type: Psychic.”

   Will looked up.

   “I think I’m going to catch it!” he whispered. He picked up a PokéBall and gently tossed it at the Ralts (something told him he wouldn’t have to weaken this one).

   Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. DING.

   “Great for you,” said Karen happily, shooting a smug look at Aaron.

   “Why don’t you check its moves, Will?” suggested Aaron slyly.

   “Let’s see…” mumbled Will. “It knows Psychic, Magical Leaf, Double Team, and…” his voice trailed off. “Oh…” he gulped. “Um…Hypnosis.”
   Aaron broke into derisive laughter.

   Karen turned her head away from Aaron to talk to Will.

   “I really don’t mind,” she said honestly. “I don’t think this one will try anything.”

   Will smiled and nodded.

   Walking on, Will noticed that the trail became less and less pronounced. Soon they left Route 30 and came to Route 31. Right in front of them, there was a cave entrance. Will looked at his friends, who were looking back at him.

   “I don’t think we should enter,” voiced Karen. “We’re not supposed to take any detours. Let’s just keep heading west to Violet City.”

   By saying that they shouldn’t, she sealed Aaron’s vote that they definitely should.

   “Come on, Kare, where’s your spirit of adventure?” asked Aaron, grabbing her wrists and tugging her towards the little entrance.

   “Right here,” she said nervously. “But my spirit of common sense is overpowering it.”

   “It’ll be fine,” he said coaxingly, pulling her closer to the cave. “Besides, we really couldn’t do it without you,” he added sweetly.

   “Shut up,” she snapped, but she looked slightly flustered as she reluctantly followed Aaron into the cave.

   They all missed the sign next to the entrance – “DARK CAVE – AVOID UNLESS POKÉMON KNOWS FLASH. DARK AND DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE.”

   They figured out the consequences shortly after stepping in.

   “Aaron!” shrieked Karen, terrified. She was unable to see anything, not even the light of the entrance. It was pitch-black. “AARON! WHERE DID YOU GO? THIS ISN’T FUNNY!”

   “Boo,” whispered Aaron right into her ear.

   “EEEEEYAAAH!” she screamed.
   “Relax, it’s only me,” said Aaron soothingly. “You’re fine. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

   “How can you mean anything otherwise when saying the word ‘boo’?” she snapped, and Aaron knew exactly the way she was glaring at him. “Besides, I was NOT scared.”

   “Why’d you scream, then?” he asked, and Karen could tell he had that annoying superior smirk.

   “Uh…” she said, at a loss. “Uh… I was humoring you,” she said lamely.

   “You were humoring me?” repeated Aaron, the smug smile more pronounced than ever in his voice. “Okay, then. Consider me humored.”

   “Good,” she snapped, and walked in what she thought was the opposite direction. It wasn’t.

   “OWWCH!” said Aaron in pain. “What, are you trying to run me over?”

   “No, but that’s an excellent idea,” she snarled. “The best one you’ve had all –”

   “Will you two PLEASE SHUT UP!” Will shouted, from somewhere to their left.

   “Will?” Karen gasped.

   “No, it’s Professor Elm, coming to tell you there’s been a mistake, and you OOOOF!” Aaron started to say sarcastically, but ended in a cry of pain; Karen had finally had enough and had slugged him in the stomach with all her might.

   “We need to find the exit,” bellowed Will.

   “Thanks for the update!” shouted Karen sarcastically. “Oh, there seems to be a problem. WE CAN’T SEE IT!”

   “Don’t mind her, Will!” yelled Aaron. “She’s just in a bad mood because I scared her! Maybe we should leave her here and –” he suddenly stopped speaking, clearly in pain. Karen had kicked him harder than she knew she could, in the last spot he would have chosen to be kicked. “– owwwwwwww…” he groaned slowly.

   “Ooohh…” said Karen, feeling a little bad. “Umm…sorry, Aaron. I didn’t mean to, uh… hurt you.”

   “I wasn’t hurt,” muttered Aaron through clenched teeth, trying to stop himself from screaming.

   “Okay, then,” said Karen with that annoying wry smile of hers. “Come on, let’s find the exit.”

   “Got it,” muttered Aaron. He stood up and walked straight into the wall. Karen and Will winced at the nasty crack they heard and could tell his face was contorting with pain. “That hurt,” he whimpered.

   “Uh, are you…okay?” Karen asked uncertainly.

   “Fine,” he said shortly. “Come…on…” he insisted bravely, taking another step and tripping over a small rock. “Oh my God,” he groaned. “I think…my ankle’s…broken.”

   Will and Karen groaned. This was all they needed in a pitch-black cave where they couldn’t even see their hands in front of their faces.

   “Can you walk on it?” said Karen worriedly.

   “Don’t know,” he grunted. He tried to stand up, but he couldn’t quite manage and he fell down hard on his knees. He was overcome with pain and he passed out.

   “Aaron?” said Karen frantically. “…AARON?”

   “I think he’s fainted,” said Will, grimacing.

   Karen walked over to where they had last heard Aaron and nearly tripped over him. She groaned and lifted him off the floor of the cave. Meanwhile, Will felt along the sides of the wall and found the small hole they had crawled through.

   “Yessss,” he murmured. “Karen!” he shouted. “Come here! I found the exit!”
   “Thank God,” moaned Karen. “I’m done with caves… forever.”

   Will nodded grimly. Then he realized she couldn’t see him and said “Yeah.”

   Karen and Aaron went through first, Will pushing Aaron’s head through. Will crawled through after that, and they were in much dismay to find that it was already dusk on Route 31.

   Will’s PokeGear suddenly rang. He checked the caller ID – Professor Elm. Puzzled, he answered.

   “Hello?” he said.

   “Will? KRZ…that…KRPZT…you…?”

   “Is this Professor Elm?” he said loudly. Karen gave him a puzzled look. “Elm… you’re breaking up!”


   Will groaned. Absentminded Professor Elm… he turned around and tried it from a different angle. It worked slightly better.

   “Only one of…can take the gym challenge…must decide…yourselves…that one person will…other…
   This was followed by a series of buzzing noises, then a dial tone.

   Will turned around frustratedly.

   “What did Professor Elm want?” asked Karen curiously.

   “He said only one of us could take the gym challenge…that we would have to decide who… and he started to say what that one person will do at the end… then our connection broke.”

   Karen gaped.
   “I know he’s absentminded, but how could he forget to tell us THAT?” she said incredulously. Will shrugged resignedly. Karen bit her lip and voiced a serious question. “Who’s going to take the challenge?”

   “We’ll figure it out when we get there,” said Will miserably, and led the way for Karen, who was still carrying Aaron. They trudged dejectedly through a gatehouse and into Violet City.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Next chapter. Writing these pretty quickly (probably because they're so short).

Chapter Six
Will Anyone Take the Gym Challenge?

   â€œAhh…” murmured Karen, breathing in. Violet City was full of nostalgic and wonderful smells and neither Will nor Karen could stop themselves from stopping a moment and taking several long breaths. They shook themselves after a minute and walked on to the somberly-painted Pokémon Center. They hurried inside and Karen set Aaron down carefully on a couch. Will walked up to the elderly nurse.

   â€œHello, I’m sorry to bother you, but…” he said, and then glanced over his shoulder at Karen, who was brushing Aaron’s neon green hair out of his eyes. “…we have a situation.”

   â€œA…situation?”  the nurse asked. “Er… what kind of situation, exactly?”

   â€œUmm, we kind of walked into Dark Cave by accident,” Will said, and the nurse clicked her tongue irritably.
   â€œSay no more,” she muttered, and rushed over to Aaron’s side. “Have more accidents in Dark Cave then any other place in Johto, you lot do… Nobody reads signs anymore, that’s what it is… Half of you can’t even read… Ridiculous, that’s what it is…” she mumbled under her breath.

   â€œEr â€" sorry?” Will said.

   The old woman looked up, appearing surprised to see him there.

   â€œNothing, dearie. Nothing. Of course,” she began mumbling again, “you all do eavesdrop on old people… Nosy things, teenagers are… You should be wiped out… all of you… All of you wiped out as early as possible…” Her voice trailed off and Will heard her mutter something that sounded distinctly like “nasty little buggers”.

   Will gave a questioning look to Karen, who rolled her eyes and shrugged.

   Aaron stirred slightly and murmured something under his breath. The nurse suddenly stood up.

   â€œWhat is it?” said Will, startled.

   â€œNothing,” she snapped. “He has a broken ankle, that’s all. He’s going to have to stay here for a couple months.”

   â€œWhat?” Karen gasped. “No!”

   The nurse chortled loudly.

   â€œFWAHAHAHA!” she said, wiping a tear of laughter from her eye. “Gets ‘em every time!”

   Will smirked at Karen, who was blushing.

   â€œYou there!” said the nurse suddenly, pointing at Karen. “Come here. Help me carry some tools out here.”

   Karen grimaced at Will but followed the nurse to a back room.

   Aaron mumbled something that Will couldn’t understand again; he was lying face-down. Curious, Will turned him over and Aaron murmured something again.


   Will froze. Aaron sighed deeply in his sleep and again muttered “Karen…”

   â€œCome on, Blissey, we haven’t got all day!” snapped the nurse. Evidently she was returning. She was carrying nothing. Next to her waddled a fat, pink Pokémon with an egg growing out of a little pouch on its stomach. Karen was carrying three large and apparently heavy boxes.

   Karen groaned and dumped the boxes onto the table. Rubbing her back, she collapsed onto the couch… except she collapsed on the, er…wrong couch.

   â€œHello,” came Aaron’s muffled voice from underneath Karen. “Just a thought, but do you think you could get off of me? Because I hurt enough without you adding to things.”

   Karen gulped and stood up quickly. Aaron sat up, rubbing his eyes and wincing with pain.

   â€œOkay, Kare,” said Aaron. “I know I’m amazing, but sitting on my head isn’t the right way to go about telling me.”

   â€œIt was an accident!” snapped Karen.

   â€œOkay. If you insist,” Aaron said knowingly, winking at Will.

   â€œBlissey, get over here,” ordered the nurse irritably. The Pokémon â€" evidently Blissey â€" bounded forward happily. “Blissey, use Softboiled so I don’t have to look at these…” She looked at the three teens, searching for the right word. “…things any longer.”

   â€œUmm, hello?” said Aaron indignantly. “We’re not things. We’re teenagers.”

   â€œIt’s all the same thing if you really think about it,” said the old woman nastily.

   Blissey saved Aaron a retort by removing the egg from her pouch (a new one immediately replaced it) and carefully breaking it over Aaron’s ankle. They heard a CRUNCH as his bone mended itself. He stood up without wincing and was able to walk around.

   â€œI think my ankle’s better than it was before,” he said, frowning.

   â€œOf course,” said Karen. “But can you hurry up? We really need to get to the Gym. You’re holding us back, like usual.” Will knew she was being nasty with him to hide the fact that she was secretly relieved. She turned to the nurse. “Hold on… what did you have me carry the tools for?”

   The nurse broke into hysterical laughter.

   â€œTo make you miserable,” she choked with glee. She walked away, cackling maniacally.

   â€œThat lady has serious issues,” said Aaron, frowning. “How does it feel to know there’s another of your kind, Kare?”

   Karen gave a weak smile.

   â€œThis really isn’t the time for jokes, Aaron. We have something serious to tell you,” she said.

   â€œWho said I was joking?” muttered Aaron, but he went quiet.

   They explained their Gym situation.

   Aaron frowned at nothing for a while after that, and finally spoke.

   â€œI think I should do it,” he proposed.

   â€œWhy?” asked Karen.

   â€œWell,” he said slowly, “Bug-types are the least liked Pokémon there are. If I beat eight Gyms with only Bug-types… maybe they would finally get some credit.”

   Karen looked at Will.

   â€œSounds okay to me,” said Will, shrugging.

   â€œOkay, then,” Aaron said as they walked out of the Pokémon Center. “So where’s the Gym?”

   â€œRight there,” said Karen, pointing. They started to walk in, but she pulled them out. “Not so fast. Remember what happened last time we didn’t read a sign?”

   â€œUmm…vaguely,” said Aaron.
   â€œLook at this sign,” said Karen musingly. “No Gym Badges will be handed out unless the competitor has received a token from Sprout Tower.” She looked up, perplexed. “Where’s Sprout Tower?”

   â€œI’m guessing it’s that really tall tower with a sign in front reading ‘SPROUT TOWER’,” said Will.

   â€œNo, that’s crazy talk,” said Aaron distractedly.

   Karen shook her head in disbelief. She grabbed Aaron’s wrists and hauled him to the Sprout Tower, Will behind them as always.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Chapter Seven
You Must Have the Will

   The threesome stopped in front of Sprout Tower. The stared up at the alarmingly tall and narrow structure. If one looked closely, one could actually see it swaying slightly.

   â€œWell,” said Will finally, “There’s not a whole lot of sense staying out here.” He walked inside, leading for once, with the other two following apprehensively.

   Inside, fierce Pokémon battles were being waged on either side of them. In front of them was the reason the building was shaking: Sprout Tower was supported only by a very tall wooden beam that went straight up the middle of the structure. It creaked as they walked past, seeming to warn of impending dangers. They climbed three flights of stairs to the top.

   Their path was blocked by an elderly Sage who stood deep in thought. His eyes flashed open when the trio approached him.

   â€œSo…” he said very slowly and quietly, though the children had no problem hearing him. “…which of you has come to challenge our training grounds?”

   Karen and Will stepped back willingly.

   â€œNice support,” muttered Aaron.”

   â€œYou,” said the Sage, gesturing to Aaron slowly. “What is your name?”

   â€œAaron,” said their green-haired friend defiantly.

   â€œAaron…” said the Sage thoughtfully. “‘Enlightened. To sing’. Well, enlightened one. Are you ready for your lesson?”

   â€œLesson?” said Aaron, puzzled.
   â€œHere at Sprout Tower, you are taught a lesson,” said the Sage calmly. “And although your name means ‘enlightened’, I daresay you need to be taught…”

   â€œTeach me, then,” said Aaron defiantly.

   â€œGladly,” replied the Sage coolly. “Let us battle.” The Sage retrieved a PokéBall from his pocket and threw it in the air. “Another lesson, Bellsprout,” he announced.

   An ordinary Bellsprout popped out of the PokéBall. None of the trainers bothered to look it up in their PokéDex; that Grass- and Poison-type Pokémon was one of the easiest opponents a Trainer could hope to battle.

   â€œUmm…” said Aaron uncertainly, looking down at his own PokéBall. “…Do you want to swap yours out? It’s going to be at a big disadvantage.”

   The Sage stared at him firmly.

   â€œYou know… because Bellsprout only uses Vine Whip…” Aaron said, trailing off.

   The Sage didn’t reply, but looked intently at him.

   Aaron gulped and said, “Uh…right. Okay, then. Go…Yanma!”

   Aaron’s Yanma soared out of its PokéBall and flitted around frantically.

   â€œCome on, Yanma!’ said Aaron a little more confidently. “Let’s show this guy we don’t have anything to learn!”

   The old man’s mouth turned up its corners a bit. Then he bowed to Aaron and said “It is an honor.”

   â€œYanma!” said Aaron, “use Wing Attack!”
   The Bellsprout simply swayed back and forth. The effect was disarming; Yanma’s vision seemed to be malfunctioning. It aimed in the wrong direction and missed.

   â€œBellsprout,” said the Sage fiercely, “use Double Team!”

   The Bellsprout continued to wave its body, but another one appeared next to it suddenly.

   Karen looked at Will questioningly. He shrugged and turned to watch the battle.

   â€œYanma!” said Aaron a little less confidently. “Use Wing Attack!”

   The Yanma, confused by the now-doubled Pokémon, went for the space between them instead and missed again.

   â€œBellsprout,” called the Sage. “Double Team!”

   A second later, there were four Bellsprout silently swaying.

   â€œYanma! Wing Attack!” said Aaron, and they could all hear the panic in his voice now.

   Yanma missed again.

   â€œBellsprout!” shouted the old man. “Double Team!”

   Karen and Will watched on in horror as the four Bellsprout became eight.

   â€œThat’s what he’s doing!” gasped Karen. “He’s making his Pokémon multiply so that Aaron’s Pokémon that has the upper hand won’t get a hit in!”

   Will nodded grimly.

   When there were thirty-two Bellsprout standing in front of the Sage, he switched tactics.

   â€œBellsprout! PoisonPowder!” shouted the Sage.

   Will groaned.

   â€œHe’s siphoning its HP out… it’s all over now,” he said resignedly.

   Yanma kept trying to attack, but failing, and at the end of every attack, a small amount of health was sapped from it.

   Finally, Yanma’s tired wings stopped beating, and it fell to the floor in a faint.

   Aaron glared at the old man.

   â€œYour first lesson,” said the man quietly and seriously, “is that things are not always as they appear. Return when you are ready to make me accept defeat. Only then will you receive the token of Sprout Tower.”

   Aaron walked off, leading the way for his friends. It was dusk in Violet City. Aaron was biting his lip and looked deep in thought.

   â€œWhat did I do wrong…?” he murmured. “I don’t get it… It’s so disconcerting… so confusing…” He stopped suddenly, and Karen walked into him.

   â€œOh, sorry, Kare,” he said distractedly, and instead of walking with them to the Pokémon Center, he ran off to Route 31, muttering, “Confusing… confusing…”

   Will and Karen turned in for the night after a quick supper, and they found Aaron the next morning. He was dozing on a couch in the Pokémon Center’s lobby, looking exhausted. They shook him awake. He yawned and stood up.

   â€œMe and Yanma were out all night training,” he said, still tired, but smiling confidently. “Come on. Let’s go to Sprout Tower for that rematch…”

   Karen looked worriedly at Will, but followed him nonetheless.

   They walked in and up to find the Sage in the same spot as yesterday.

   â€œLet’s get started,” said Aaron bravely.

   â€œBellsprout, go!” shouted the old man. The familiar writhing plant zapped out of its PokéBall.

   â€œYanma, you’re up!” said Aaron determinedly. “Yanma! Use…”

   â€œI can’t watch,” muttered Karen, covering her face.


   â€œHuh?” Karen said incredulously.

   The Bellsprout fell onto the floor, fast asleep. The Sage smiled and nodded.

   â€œWing Attack!” commanded Aaron. Yanma zoomed toward the sleeping Pokémon. One hard smack of the wings did it in, and Bellsprout fainted.

   Karen and Will cheered for their friend, but Aaron was listening to something else: the Sage was smiling and clapping slowly.

   â€œWell done, enlightened one,” said the Sage. “Take this.”

   The Sage handed Aaron a small badge-like item, on which a picture of a Bellsprout was embossed.

   â€œThere is your token of Sprout Tower,” said the Sage. “Yes, you have learned much… You cannot defeat an opponent just by having an advantage… No, to have the true advantage, you must have the will to defeat it the way you would if you had no advantage. Now, go do me a favor… and kick that gym leader’s butt.”

   Aaron smiled slightly and accepted the item, then nodded. He left the Sage to his musings and approached his friends. Before he could get a word out, though, Karen flung her arms around him.

   â€œAaron!” she squealed. “That was amazing! How did you figure that out?”

   â€œWell,” said Aaron, frowning slightly at the way she had said “you”, “It got the upper hand on my Yanma last time by confusing it… I figured if I trained Yanma so that it was faster than his Bellsprout… I could confuse it first.”

   Will nodded.

   â€œSo,” said Aaron, grinning, “let’s go carry out that favor!” He raced down the tower. Will went down after him, and Karen, still looking slightly impressed, followed suit.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Yes! The infamous filler chapter. Its good I guess, less tension between Aaron and Karen. Slowly. Becoming. Dull... ARRRRGH! (jk)

I cant wait for chapter 8!


Quote from: drpamplemousse on July 23, 2010, 02:01:53 PMYes! The infamous filler chapter. Its good I guess, less tension between Aaron and Karen. Slowly. Becoming. Dull... ARRRRGH! (jk)

I cant wait for chapter 8!

I'm totally taking that to heart... :(
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


did you see the jk in the ( )???

But you can't cut the tension with a knife anymore, it can be cut with scissors.