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The Will to Go On

Started by SlowPokemon, July 17, 2010, 07:13:41 AM

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What did you think of the ending?

It was a suitable finish.
What were you thinking? That was awful.
Not that great; it could have been better.
I still haven't read it.


Just another installment of the story. Eusine was probably the highlight of the chapter, since it was were most of the action is! You're definitely starting to mellow down!


...Mellow down...

What do you mean by that? And is that bad?     ???


Also, I had fun writing the Eusine scene, but the most fun writing the scene with the Strange Boy.

I have a feeling this is not Eusine's (or the Strange Boy's) last appearance in The Will to Go On.

You know, I briefly considered adding Eusine to the traveling party, but I came up with a better idea that I'll save for later.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I like the pace change, instead of tying all the loose ends at the end of the story, we have 3 branches, the eusine branch, the stranger, and the original story, I like that.


There's also a Lucian branch, and I was considering writing the next chapter as a filler chapter, from his perspective, to add a bit of backstory, but I don't know if I Will. [/horrible pun]
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I dont know about a point of view change but a filler chapter is definitely needed. Also, I liked when you had the slowpoke avatar.. it just fit... better


What's this? Two chapters in two days??? This is crazy!

Crazy it may be, but it's happening. ;)

I may do some things that you won't like, but maybe not. Let's see how it goes. This was interesting for me to write, but I don't know how it will go over.

Without further ado, here's the next expertly named installment of The Will to Go On.

Chapter Fourteen
I Heard it Through the Olivine

   They continued on Route 38 for some time, then set up camp and stayed the night. When they rose, Aaron had a runny nose and was coughing loudly.

   â€œI think I might have a cold, you guys,” he said when he finished. “Did either of you give me some sort of bug?”

   â€œI certainly did not,” said Karen, rolling her eyes. “You don’t see me wheezing like a school bus, do you?”

   â€œI guess not,” said Aaron, wiping his nose.

   â€œPlus, Professor Elm’s the only one who’s ever given you a bug… but if I recall, you seemed to want that one,” said Will.

   â€œTrue,” concurred Aaron.

   They walked silently across the scenery and soon came upon a little farm. A small girl was waving her arms frantically at them. She called in a southern accent, “Y’all three! Over here!” Aaron, Will, and Karen looked at one another, shrugged, and walked over to the little girl.
   â€œYou folks wouldn’t happen to have any Oran Berries, would you, now?” asked the little girl anxiously.

   The trio looked at one another, then dug into their bags and pulled out their Berry Pouches.

   â€œI have three,” said Karen.

   â€œI have two,” said Will.

   â€œI have two,” said Aaron.

   â€œThat’s great!” said the little girl. “This is gonna sound awful rude, but y’all wouldn’t mind givin’ those Oran Berries to a needy soul, would you?”

   â€œWhat kind of needy soul?” said Will curiously.

“Our Miltank’s been real sick lately,” said the girl, looking sad. “She stopped givin’ milk and everythin’. But,” she continued, and her face brightened, “we figure that Miltank’ll surely get better if we give it enough Oran Berries! Those are healthful to Pokémon, you know.”

   â€œSo, you want us to give our Oran Berries to your Miltank?” said Karen. They all looked at each other a third time. Karen shrugged. “Why not? It’s going to a needy soul, after all.”

   â€œJust follow me right through here,” said the small girl, and led them to a barn at the side of the farmhouse. “But,” she added, “could you stay outside, green-hair? You seem pretty sick yourself, and I wouldn’t want Miltank to get any worse.”

   â€œI don’t mind,” said Aaron, and the others went inside to coax Miltank to eat.

   He wasn’t waiting long before he saw an odd pair. Margaret, the Goldenrod Gym Leader, was walking hand in hand with a strange-looking boy. He looked pretty awkward, but his bright blue eyes were noticeable from quite a distance. He carried a notebook that had a pencil stuck inside its spiral binding in his other hand. Aaron thought it was pretty strange that someone Margaret’s league would be walking with this odd person.

   â€œHi, Margaret!” called Aaron loudly. Margaret glanced right, then left, then finally saw Aaron and her hand rushed out of the Strange Boy’s.

   â€œHowdy, Aaron!” said Margaret, looking radiant. “How’s the Gym challenge comin’ along?”

   â€œGreat, actually,” said Aaron. He looked to her companion. “I don’t think we’ve met,” he said to the Strange Boy, frowning as he tried to remember. “I’m pretty sure I would remember you, and I don’t. Strange, though…it seems like I know you.”

   The Strange Boy scrutinized Aaron and smiled.

   â€œYou’re exactly how I thought you’d be,” he said, looking pleased. “No, we haven’t met before. Well, not exactly.”

   â€œSo, who are you?” said Aaron curiously.

   Margaret glanced at the Strange Boy briefly.

   â€œHe’s…” she began, but the Strange Boy cut her off.

   â€œI’m still nobody,” said the Strange Boy, grinning broadly. “It doesn’t really matter. I don’t think that you’ll see me again, Aaron…” he continued, his smile faltering a bit.

   Aaron blinked. Who was this psycho?

   â€œOkay, then,” said Aaron, frowning. “So, what are you guys doing here?”

   â€œJust walking,” said Margaret, smiling.

   â€œMargaret’s an old friend of mine,” said the Strange Boy with a wry smile. “We were just…” (now it was his turn to glance at her) “…catching up.”

   â€œOkay,” said Aaron, though he really didn’t understand.

   â€œHmm…” said the Strange Boy, who was still watching Aaron intently. “Is there something bothering you, Aaron?”

   â€œNot really, except this stupid cold,” said Aaron, wiping his nose irritably.

   â€œCold,” repeated the Strange Boy, frowning. “Okay.” He opened his notebook to about one-quarter of the way in, and made a note of something. He then shut it and returned the pencil to the spiral binding. “Well, Aaron, it was nice to finally meet you,” said the Strange Boy with another dry smile. “But we’d better be getting back to Goldenrod.”

   â€œBye, Aaron,” said Margaret in a friendly way. The two set off and within a few seconds were gone.

   As he waited for Will and Karen to exit the barn, Aaron took note that the air here smelled really fresh. It really gave one a sense ofâ€"hold on. He could smell.

   Aaron frowned again. His nose wasn’t stuffed up or runny. He swallowed once and his throat didn’t ache. Hs cold was gone.

   Before he had much time to wonder about this, though, Karen and Will came out. Karen said happily, “We cured the Miltank, Aaron!”

   â€œThat’s great,” said Aaron, puzzled. He shook himself. “Cool. Well, Olivine City is just south of here. Let’s go, shall we?”

   â€œOf course!” said Will. “They have a huge lighthouse there! We could check it out after you battle the Gym Leader!”

   â€œDefinitely,” said Aaron distractedly. He led the way to Olivine, and the ocean air cleared his head. He looked around at all the sights of the port city.

   â€œHey!” he said suddenly. “They have a huge lighthouse here! We could check it out after I battle the Gym Leader!”

   Will looked at him strangely.

   â€œWhat?” said Aaron.

   â€œUmm…great idea, that’s all…” said Will.

   They all healed their Pokémon at the Pokémon Center, and Karen and Will again chose to wait outside the Gym. Aaron exited about thirty minutes later, an enormous bee Pokémon at his side.

   â€œWhat is…that?” asked Karen, repulsed.

   â€œMy Combee evolved while it was facing an Aggron!” said Aaron happily. “Now it’s a Vespiquen!”

   â€œGreat…” muttered Karen, but Will said, “That’s really cool!”

   â€œLet’s hit the Lighthouse, shall we?” said Aaron enthusiastically.

   They headed for the Lighthouse. Inside, it was very dark; the only sources of light were dim lamps hanging every six feet and the windows only reminded them of the late hour. They climbed for quite a while, the huge, winding stairs looking quite daunting (there was unfortunately no elevator installed at the time).

   At the top, they gasped. The view was breathtaking. Olivine City lay out before them like a map, with tiny cars flashing their tiny headlights and honking their tiny horns. On the east side, the trio could just make out the Bell Tower of Ecruteak, and a large bird Pokémon was flying around it, glowing brighter than the sun. To the south, they saw the Whirl Islands, and Will could have sworn he saw a gargantuan bird Pokémon diving into one of the whirlpools, but no Pokémon came back out. To the west, the enormous Battle Frontier and, a little to the south, they could make out Cianwood City.

   â€œThis is amazing!” said Karen, stunned.

   â€œWow,” snorted a voice behind them. “You could be out raising your Pokémon, and you decided to come up here and enjoy the view?”

   â€œHello, Lucian,” said Will politely. “Care to join us? Cynthia and Norman would of course be free to as well.”

   â€œCynthia and Norman…aren’t here right now,” said Lucian, looking a little put-out.

   â€œThey’re not?” said Aaron, looking confused. “Where are they?”

   Lucian swallowed.

   â€œProbably halfway across the Hoenn region by now,” said Lucian with difficulty.

   â€œWeren’t you three traveling together?” said Will, bewildered.

   â€œThey left you, huh,” said Karen pityingly. It wasn’t a question.

   Lucian nodded in a withdrawn sort of way.

   â€œWhy did they leave?” said Aaron in shock.

   â€œBecause I’m Lucian,” said Lucian bitterly. “The cruel jerk who doesn’t care about anyone but himself.” He looked over to the Bell Tower. The bird Pokémon was gone. “They got…fed up with me. Not many people can stand me for too long.” He smiled joylessly. “I was wondering how long it would take them.” He sank into a chair and put his head in his hands. “I have no friends again,” he said. “Story of my life.”

   There was a silence as Will, Aaron, and Karen processed this new knowledge, looking at each other with wide eyes.

   Finally, the three walked over to him. Aaron pulled him out of the chair.

   â€œYou’ve got friends in us, Lucian,” said Karen.

   â€œDefinitely,” said Will.

   â€œAnyone who’s put through that stuff deserves a better group,” agreed Aaron.

   â€œWhy don’t you come with us?” suggested Karen.

   â€œNo,” said Lucian before the words were out of her mouth. He laughed bitterly. “I couldn’t do that to you guys. I’d only hold you back.”
   â€œYou don’t have a choice,” said Will. “You’re coming.”

   â€œI really can’t do that,” said Lucian.

   â€œYou’re coming with us whether you like it or not,” said Aaron matter-of-factly. “So get used to it. We’re your new traveling companions. I’m Aaron, that’s Karen, and that’s Will.”

   A cry of objection came from Smoochum, who was out of its PokéBall to enjoy the view.

   â€œAnd that’s Smoochum,” added Aaron, rolling his eyes. He leaned over and whispered loudly, “AVOID HER AT ALL COSTS.” Then he glanced around. “So, Lucian, what do you say?” he said, offering his hand.

   Lucian considered the hand, then smiled at its owner and shook.

Post comments and/or feedback below, please!
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Finally Lucian gets his Just-desserts. but then then they pick him up again. So I think the Strange boy wit Margaret was the same boy with the Kimono girls, maybe.


You mean the one who talked with Karen?

Of course it's the same one... besides having similar descriptions, they have a conversation, and he says something like...

Quote from: SlowPokemon on September 11, 2010, 03:05:29 PM“Wait!” said Karen, running after him. “Where are you going?” she said, confused again.

   The strange boy gave a sad sort of half-smile and replied, “Goldenrod. I need to meet with an old friend."
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I really dont have anything to say... It's just good! Good use of diction, stylistic devices (which includes diction) and caramel macchiatos


Mmmm...caramel macchiato...  :)
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I just had to do it!!! but if I do have to say... it was a nice "mellow chapter"... felt like I was in a coffee shop (hence the caramel macchiato). I did like Lucian switching sides (but I dont blame the other two)


Have you picked up anything about the Strange Boy?

Doubtless you have, but I was just wondering.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I have, but I am not making any accusations/guesses yet... i am still observing!


You have more than two readers, slow!  :D
Even if one of them irritates you, lol.

My favorite character is the strange boy so far...
And I have a feeling Lucian is going to start acting snotty again.  :P
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]



You are so right!

Lucian is going to be a pain to write for if he stays with expect this alliance to be short-lived.

I have written halfway through the next chapter. I need to write the rest.

Also, you really don't irritate me all that much. I'm just a very rude person occasionally.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.