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Calling all Pokémon Arrangers!!!

Started by DrP, July 02, 2010, 02:12:04 PM

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I can do Professor Elm's Lab, Team Rocket Battle, and Radio Tower Takeover. I'd probably do them in the reverse order that I just listed them if anyone wants any of those.
I have an Azalea Town version I arranged a while back that I can upload. Seen a few versions floating around here too though.


yep dahans did an Azalea town, but he felt he didn't do well enough on it... but pick only one, we all gotta share this equally you know  ;)


Heh. In that case, I'll take Rocket Tower Takeover theme. Probably my favorite in the whole game.


could I take goldenrod city? I'd like to take a crack at it.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Hey wait a sec! I'm not backing out. Just because I haven't posted here doesn't mean I'm suddenly backing out :o
I'll finish them, okay?


"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Sigh. I just finished too.
I'll post it anyways. Later.


Quote from: pumpy_heart on July 17, 2010, 12:43:25 AMHeh. In that case, I'll take Rocket Tower Takeover theme. Probably my favorite in the whole game.

It's a pretty good theme! I now have an option to compare!!

Quote from: GreekGeek on July 17, 2010, 01:26:20 AMHey wait a sec! I'm not backing out. Just because I haven't posted here doesn't mean I'm suddenly backing out :o
I'll finish them, okay?

Well somebody finally surfaces from the woodwork! Welcome back. (and its not about posting here, either... theres something strange going on... did you get my pms)

EDIT: If somebody wants to make a New Bark Town theme closer to the HG/SS version... that'd be great!

The Deku Trombonist

I've got a half completed New Bark Town from HG/SS. I could finish that I guess?



Well since apparently people have taken over my work, what sheets should I finish now?
I've almost finished Prof. Elm Lab and am now starting on Azalea Town, but what should I do?


Goldenrod City, Rocket Battle and Rocket Tower take over... I just want to see another New Bark Town (don't get me wrong, yours is good... but its not what we're looking for)


You know what, do it yourself.
I'm fed up with you guys and especially you drpamplemousse.
If I don't post here for 3 days, my work is given to other people while I was one of the first to let you know which songs I want.
And when I do a sheet, it's not good enough for you.

Now I'm backing out. Do it yourself.


Its not necessarily my fault! I sent you countless PMs asking just for a "yes, im still planning on it" during that period in which you say you were gone and i sent a couple of those messages WHILE YOU WERE LOGGED ON.

And I didnt give away the arrangements you requested. and the reason why i didnt want your NBT, was that I wanted the intro from HG/SS, and for the melody to be higher on the treble clef.

Its fine if you're backing out, and im sorry to hear that (or anything else i could have done to offend a fine arranger for that matter)


I, quite frankly, despise most of the HG/SS remakes. We should stay as close to G/S as possible.
I went back to double check and see if I changed for New Bark Town. Nope.

That being said, I'll take dibs on those 3 I claimed earlier. Already done with Rocket Takeover. Rocket Battle and Professor Elm's Lab next.
I'll upload Takeover and my version of Azalea later tonight.