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TWG VII: Invader Zim

Started by master_gamer38, June 28, 2010, 09:29:15 PM

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Yeah I was wondering why I'm not dead as well.

I mean seriously, SFK? Come on.

I think there's more to this than what meets than eye, and more to it than what pumpy is leading on to. I wouldn't have chose SFK, I'd have chosen a good player, up to my own calibur as you're all trying to suggest would be one to die. It's more likely therefore that I am being set up rather than the mastermind behind all of this.


Nakah, you could be trying to illude us (is that the right word? :P)

But you could be making some good sense, which is why I vote jake.

Only he and MG would plan something like this, and MG's not playing...

or is he? >_>


MG cannot not have any participation in this game other than overseeing it. Any ineraction on his part would render the game void.

I wouldn't put it past you, Nakah, to claim to be the victim of some greatly elaborate scheme, one that would take two very experienced players to construct very fast. I'm not saying it is impossible, but the odds that both wolves would have enough contact to plan something like that out are very minimal.

Because of this I can't really trust you, Nakah.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Really good point... my next vote goes to jake though

for now: Nakah


Being set up? You suggest we kill a new player, askalice, then your next suggestion is universe-x because him and Dude are the wolves, off a hunch.
You would know to kill Concerto. You would know to kill SFK. Both two good players with experience, but none as much as yourself.
I'll have to get in IRC, but the facts don't add up in your favor Nakah =/


Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 03, 2010, 09:14:26 PMMG cannot not have any participation in this game other than overseeing it. Any ineraction on his part would render the game void.

I wouldn't put it past you, Nakah, to claim to be the victim of some greatly elaborate scheme, one that would take two very experienced players to construct very fast. I'm not saying it is impossible, but the odds that both wolves would have enough contact to plan something like that out are very minimal.

Because of this I can't really trust you, Nakah.

What? Are you even reading what you're saying? You're relying on inactivity between the wolves team, which the idea of them planning something just based off of observation is not very minimal in possibility at all.

Interesting, this shifts everything about what I've been thinking. I doubt Universe is a wolf at the moment, because it seems pumpy and his accomplice here are making a plan to shift this onto me. Any wolf in the position that was given yesterday would realize that killing me would be unnecessary. Since everyone expected me to be very likely dead today, it would make more sense to leave me alive and throw everyone off. "Why is Nakah alive? If I were a wolf, he'd be dead by now."  That logic right there is the typical that everyone would follow, even I thought I'd be more than likely dead. Though now I see more clearly why SFK died. Scapegoat. He is the reason why I can be pinned. Him being dead and me being alive is the emphasis here on why I seem suspicious.

Now I want to propose my own theory, and let you all decide which you trust more.

   Pumpyheart starts off today with the reasonable, yet slightly obvious of the possibilities, sort of claim. His reasons are noble and just seeming, yet they have a motive in their meaning. To kill me off. I'm saying everyone should look more closely at what's being done here. Deception is something one should always be conscious of, even in this post. Yet here I am providing the option for you to believe my theory or theirs. I could be a wolf, by technicalities of this game, but I wouldn't be standing so alone if I were. Maestro, you seem to follow along with pumpy quite well in your post that furthers his ideas and indirect accusation. There is teamwork evident here, not that it means certainly that they are wolves, but there is cooperation. Why?



Now let's see what Nakah has just done class. Another gut feeling.
I haven't been on IRC all day. I haven't messaged anyone all day. I'm not voting for you yet because I want to speak to you on IRC.
I'm just pointing out that you are doing everything from the gut. Everyone here is. I just see flaws in your logic.
The flaw in my logic? I'm accusing you =/


soooo i do believe that ux is being very wolfy and didnt you say earlier you dont talk to dude ever??? also you voted for hum and now your all of a sudden like no he wasnt a wolf.... now one would say why would a wolf vote for another wolf.... well by the time ux voted for dude we knew he was dead so to make it seem as if he wasnt a wolf he would vote dude so my votes on him for now and is subject to change..... however pumpy.... you are being very weird in the way youre playing... from what has been posted and what ive been told you have attempted to make an alliance with everyone who is on the chat saying the same basic thing... i have reason to suspect your a human so tell me what you know... my take on this is youre tryng to see if anyones on to you possibly.... now im not saying your a wolf but i suspect you as a canidate.... also from the start you went over the top in trying to prove your humanity with posts of previous games..... as for nakah... it is a bit odd he hasnt been killed but say he isnt a wolf... now the actual wolf would be at a very good spot right now because we all think nakahs a wolf cause he isnt dead so the real wolf wouldnt kill him off... simple strategy actually... the wolf keeps the humans who are suspected the most because it would save a wolfing because the human would be lynched giving the wolf a free kill essentially..... now i believe he is a human for now although he is also a canidate


Nakah and jake are the wolves, I know it. That's the only reason they're not dead right now... that and there hasn't been a third wolfing yet. Both Nakah and jake are being very defensive this game and I'm getting a weird vibe from them both. Why kill Concerto first? Cuz he's good. SFK? Apparently the best we have out of the leftover humans. The wolves would've voted Nakah or jake by now (the best supposed humans we have) if they could have. Nakah just gave away a plan as to why to kill SFK.

Damn. I feel good. :D Any defenses?


askalice is the other wolf, I'm sure of it... this could be the most devious plan I have ever seen coming from the wolves.

askalice, read your post again, it seems pretty wolfy to me. Looking lonely to avoid attention... agreeing with Nakah's past choices, etc but not keeping his current votes to seem more independent in this game.

Current thoughts: jake, Nakah, or askalice are the wolves. But it's sad, cuz there's 3...


I'm not going off of gut at all, this phase has shifted my perception of what's going on. Your post and Maestro's post is evidently for the same cause.

You guys are holding me to too high of an esteem. There are many of you here who have the capacity to become better at this game than I have. I just have years and years of experience.


i dont see the defensive gameplay honestly.... nakah was agressive in accusing you and dude night 1.... also its very simple like i said keep those who are suspected alive.... also if nakah were a wolf id most likely be dead for we are irl friends just as hed be dead night 1 if i were a wolf because we would be able to figure eachother out better because we know eachother.... jake has had to be defensive because you have been after him since the word go.... a good player wouldnt necessarily kill the good players... as a matter of fact they wouldnt kill them at all because it would make them look very suspicious like they look right now... honestly you and dude struck me as a wolf more than jake does... hahaha wow your sure of me nakah and jake being wolves???? i thought it was 2 wolves not 3 but thats ok to lets put the spotlight on those playing agressively and arent dead yet.... didnt this happen before with you in game 5... with the bandwagon voting???? isnt that what gave jake away??? looks like we didnt learn from our mistakes


Dear William,

   Please use punctuation. Also, periods are nice. Oh, and dividng your post up into neat paragraphs would save us from staring at some big block of text.

Yours truly,
        The Big Bad Wolf

('''\ (;,,,;) /''')


@askalice: ...what? I can't comprehend you, ever.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


i like big blocks of text :P