Arekushisu11's arrangements: Last add: Goemon Mystical Ninja - ''Zazen Town''

Started by Arekushisu11, June 23, 2010, 02:53:02 PM

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Feel entirely free to comment / criticize on what should be: improved / change / re-arranged / redone / modify / or even, be put in a garbage bag, burned, then danced around while being dressed like a GIANT CHICKEN NUGGET, then be put in the trash with a shovel and finaly be re-done all over again, if it might be so. I'll gladly accept it and will try to make it suitable to all. ^_^


(N64) - Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon - ''Zazen Town'' - Arekushisu11

Woah... these are getting old from waiting. OoO

(PS2) - Dark Cloud - ''Dark Cloud - Shipwreck'' - Arekushisu11 (Updated) (MUS) (MIDI)

(SNES) - Wild Guns - ''Wild Guns Theme'' - Arekushisu11 (Updated Final) (MUS) (MIDI)

(SNES) - Wild Guns - ''Wild Guns - Carson City'' - Arekushisu11 (Still need some work) (MUS) (MIDI)

.... Okay then. Next submission thread, here I come... maybe, someday, eventually, I guess... sooner than later... inevitably not too long from now. AAAHHH!!!

Anyways, thanks again for all your help and have an awesome rest of day! ^O^



wild guns theme

bar 3 - there's two eighth rests when it could just be a quarter rest.
bar 8 - two halfs that could be 1 whole.

I would remove the bottom note when the left hand plays the 8th and 2 16ths.
tempo- I double checked with the link you provided and used a tempo tapping website and it came out with around 146.

And this next part is optional, switch the 8th and half note ties in the beginning. halving the 8th first completes the dotted quarter and would make it easier to count in your head.

otherwise it's a great arrangement.

garson city

bar 2 - those A's are on the same key. I would remove the right hand A.
bar 4 - the A and Bb cause a dissonance that I don't hear in the actual song. I believe the A is actually the same Bb in the left hand.
(optional) I would probably lower the most of the bass section down an octave.
bar 20 - four note chord that would be extremely hard for most players. remove the lower B. In the left hand, remove the E's because they are being played by the right.
bar 21-23 - same as 20
bar 33 - change the 32nd notes to grace notes and the  dotted quarter tied to a 16th to a half.
bar 36-39 - same as 20

page 2 and 3 could use some page formatting. if your version has it, use the page layout tool, go to the page layout menu at the top and go to "fit music..." and set it to 4 measures per system. you can make manual measure edits by using the mass select tool, selecting the measure and hitting ctrl+down/up
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Alright, so... For (SNES) - Wild Guns - ''Wild Guns Theme'' here's what's been done:

-Bar 3: Corrected
-Bar 8: Corrected

-Bottom note 8th and 2 16ths: I don't quite get what you mean but, I have re-updated it here, in my topic, so you can tell me if I understood what you said correctly. I'm not too familiar with partition language. I know some of the basics and that's about it. -_-'

-Tempo: I does sounds better and more precise even if I feel it being a little bit rushed but, that's just because I'm used to the old tempo. Me to, I re-checked the original and it does sounds around 146. Thanks! Could you please write a link to that tempo tapping website in your next response? I think that it would greatly help me out figuring out the correct tempo for futur arrangements.

-Optional suggestion: ...I'm very sorry. I have quite a bit of trouble understanding you. Could you perhaps post an image example of what you mean in your next response. Like I said... I don't know much about partition language and I learn far better with visual examples. That's the kind of mind I have.

-Final impression: I'm glad it sounds good even though I'm far from being an experienced arranger! ^O^ Thanks a whole lot for your advices and opinion on this arrangement!    


Now, for (SNES) - Wild Guns - ''Wild Guns - Carson City'', here's what's been done:

-Bar 2: Corrected, I think...
-Bar 4: So... shall I change them both for the same note? Both being A or even... the same A? That's what I did and it sounds... like the exact same note. Otherwise, would you suggest something else?

-Optional suggestion: You do this with the 8av tool right? Or something like that? How do you use it?

-Bar 20: Corrected. Yes... indeed but, I though it was okay since I've seen similar chords in other partition but, if you don't have extremely long fingers well... yeah, that's pretty impossible I guess. ^w^'
As for the E in the left hand being played by the right, if I lower them by one octave, will I be able to keep them?
-Bar 21-23: Corrected, even though I feel like it has less punch than before.

-Bar 33: I know what the glissando tool is.. I just have no clue how to make it work or even how to use it correctly! That's why I choose 32nd notes to kinda replace it. Do you think you could help me out with it? As for the doted quarter and 16th, I bet I can't replace them with an half until the two 32nd haven't been change into a glissando, right? 

-Bar 36-39: Corrected.

-As for the formatting, well... my version doesn't have this page layout menu. I have Finale Notepad 2008 and I can't find it anywhere. Although, I think I can do it with the Mass Selection Tool. So... I must have 4 measures per system... what's a system in Finale Notepad? Is it the page? 4 measures per page and not more? Tell me if I understand what you're saying.

Alright. So, to sum it up, I still have trouble with:
-Bar 4
-Optional suggestion
-Bar 33

Thanks again for your help! Can't wait until your next response to maybe finish it once an for all.

Have an awesome day, or morning, or night, or whatever!



Okay! I've removed my post in the 5 songs update thread because I don't want to submit
un-accomplished arrangements. I'll wait for your response to try and make them the best they can.

Furthermore, if you didn't say anything on (PS2) - Dark Cloud - ''Dark Cloud - Shipwreck'', does that mean this one's okay and ready to be submitted? I'm not confident in my arranger's skills enough to judge if it should be worked on more.

Anyways, thanks again for your help!



I was going through them bit by bit because I was a tad tired after awhile. I'll continue later today.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Quote from: Arekushisu11 on July 30, 2010, 01:53:39 PMFurthermore, if you didn't say anything on (PS2) - Dark Cloud - ''Dark Cloud - Shipwreck'', does that mean this one's okay and ready to be submitted? I'm not confident in my arranger's skills enough to judge if it should be worked on more.

Anyways, thanks again for your help!


As the site's (kind of)official Dark Cloud series enthusiast, your Shipwreck arrangement has my:

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Quote from: SuperFireKirby on July 30, 2010, 05:42:31 PMAs the site's (kind of)official Dark Cloud series enthusiast, your Shipwreck arrangement has my:

Thanks! Although, I would still like to have others advices before submitting it. Only to make sure that if something could be modified, improved or re-arranged about it, that I would do so before I can estimate it being an accomplished arrangement.



Quote from: Arekushisu11 on July 30, 2010, 12:07:37 PM-Bottom note 8th and 2 16ths: I don't quite get what you mean but, I have re-updated it here, in my topic, so you can tell me if I understood what you said correctly. I'm not too familiar with partition language. I know some of the basics and that's about it. -_-'
Thanks! Could you please write a link to that tempo tapping website in your next response? I think that it would greatly help me out figuring out the correct tempo for futur arrangements.


these are grace notes. finale notepad doesn't have it though so don't worry about it. i'm sure someone could put it in.

bar 4 - if it were me, I would take out the right me.
forget the octave comment I think it's fine. but yes you would use 8vb to lower it an octave.

bar 20 - you could lower the bass an octave. if you do that, I would recommend lowering 17-19 so that you don't have to jump from D down to E, and the two notes before 17 to lead into 17.

i'm not exactly sure how to describe a system.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Wild Guns Theme is complete! I've updated the final version. Check it out if you want and tell me if you think it's ready for submission.

Thanks for your help and for the link to the tapping website Shadoninja! It really helped me figuring out the right tempo for Carson City, which turned out to be about 171 rather than 150 O_O!. Gees.. I was pretty far from it.

Unfortunately, even though the tempo for my arrangement is the now about the same as the original, it feels kinda rushed through... and that's kinda weird. Does that mean I'll have to redo the entire left hand to make it fit the new tempo? (If you're not sure yourself, about this tempo, just try it. Start the original then, start the arrangement at bar 8 when the original gets there. If you start it at the correct moment, the two of them should play at exactly the same beat... well... for the right hand anyway.)

-Grace notes: If I can't find anybody to do it, couldn't I simply do it myself with another Music Sheet Editor program? I don't want to trouble other arrangers only for this.

-Bar 4: I took out the right hand A and it does sound better. As for the 8vb... well... I checked out tutorials and explainations about it but, I still have no clue how to use it or even make it work. So... couldn't I simply write 8vb with the text tool for the left hand? Would that be okay? Or... couldn't I do manually by just lowering each note one octave?

-Bar 20: Same as Bar 4 here.
-System: Okay. Then... is there another way you could explain what should be done? If the formatting is something very important for this particular arrangement, is there another way I could do it the way it should be done? I tried Ctrl+up/down but, it doesn't work.

Alright. So... I still need help with: Lowering the octave for the left hand with the 8vb, re-arranging the left hand if necessary, edit some of the 32nd notes into grace notes and reformatting page 2 and 3 with 4 measures per system even if I have no idea what it means.

Further advices are welcome for those who wish to help me out! I would greatly appreciate it!

Have an awesome day!
