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The Introduction Thread

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, March 18, 2008, 08:51:25 PM

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Quote from: Bespinben on April 10, 2016, 06:45:20 PMWell, this is the introduction thread after all. Maybe it's high time you all got to know me better. I'll show NSM is a safe place for friendship and acceptance.

I'm asexual. Never liked anyone or anything, at least, not in THAT way. I can't even begin to count how many times in my life I've been asked "So, gone on any dates yet?", "Oh, aren't you married yet?", "Hey Ben, whaddya think of so-and-so? Eh, eh?"

...and you know what? None of those questions bother me. I've gotten it from friends, family, church sermons, co-workers... the lot. I've never once used the word "asexual" in my life until this post because IT DOESN'T MATTER if they know, or don't know. They're still good people. I'm me, and nothing is going to change that.

I don't need other people to validate who I am. I don't need the Social Justice Police to educate the masses about me, and NONE of us --straight, gay, bi, pan, trans, ace-- need them either.

We don't need FA's textwalls. We don't need Waddle's diplomacy. We don't need Ruto's call-outs. We don't need Tobbeh/Egadd/Dude preaching their orientations. We really don't even need my post here. All we need is friendship. Play some video games, make some music, share some funny stories with eachother... just live life and enjoy it.

Don't be so naive, not everyone can just ignore stuff like this, especially when people actually make laws against a population. North Carolina, Mississippi I'm looking at you. If we don't point this stuff out, how are things ever going to change? Don't make it sound like "calling out" is all I do. I know some people can't deal with wimminz not being quiet, but I definitely don't believe they should be quiet.

Also, don't refer to people as "you people", it sounds rude.

I enjoy life just fine, I have enough friendship...

+Funny story, I also thought I wasn't interested in any kind of human being *that way* until I met someone here. OOOOH!

I thought I would do an intro post but it's been like, 6 years since I joined? Also I would leave half those fields blank because .

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.



Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on April 10, 2016, 07:34:26 PMYES

does that mean im not firey axe of death anymore :]
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Name: Nebbles
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Born: Jan 18th, 1994
Lives in: The void, actually.
Languages: English.
Nicknames: Nebs, while Nebbles is a nickname my real name is boring so meh you aren't getting it
Religion: Agnostic

Social status
Status: Single.
Sexual orientation: Asexual (but still romantically attracted to guys)

Spare time
Hobbies: Play video games, music, sleep, watch shows

Favorite band/artist: Yoko Shimomura?? idk
Favorite album: Kirby's Epic Yarn OST all the way yo
Favorite music genre: Jazz? Swing? Idk
Favorite television channel: The Cooking Channel :B
Favorite anime: Probs Parasyte

Favorite genre: RPGs!
Favorite game: uh i'll get back to you on this one
Favorite game at the moment: Undertale? I guess?

Other media
Favorite movie: uhhhh
Favorite movie genre: Animation.
Favorite book: Probs Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Favorite television show: Gravity Falls I guess? Or Parks and Rec.

Favorite food: Chocolate.
Favorite snack: Potato chips all the way
Favorite non-alcoholic drinks: Tea or coffee, for specific kind of tea, Earl Grey.
Favorite alcoholic drinks: Anything chocolatey or sweet, for sure.

Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


you're WWE Superstar Garruk Wildspeaker

Huh, nebbles is actually pretty cool

Waddle Bro

ruto he just came out as asexual so i'm asking you not to be that harsh on the man please, even if he talked about you in a negative light :x


wow he even has the same body as me
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: FireArrow on April 10, 2016, 07:46:26 PMwow he even has the same body as me
this is so much better than lava axe of soul-burning truth


Quote from: Waddle Bro on April 10, 2016, 07:45:48 PMruto he just came out as asexual so i'm asking you not to be that harsh on the man please, even if he talked about you in a negative light :x

crap I should have deleted that part of the quote, I don't actually have much to say on that matter? (see how we need diplomacy?)

well anyway I guess mixing the two in one post should be avoided or separated somehow

The other thing is, maybe it would be better if everyone understood each other, I still get questions on who the mystery person is because my sisters are so terrible sometimes, they always invite their boyfriends to everything and some people are starting to arrive at their own conclusions. I can kind of ignore it now, but not always.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


I don't have the two hours it'd take to properly respond to this thread so I'll give the short version:

1. Tobbeh's comment was blatantly, unapologetically homophobic.
2. To Ben: I'm legitimately glad that you're fine with the way you approach your sexuality. However, you should understand why not many people want to simply accept homophobia and ignore other people's ignorance. Your tactic works for you, but it's directly against my moral values. I don't want to have to hide who I am, and I want to be proud of all aspects of my identity, including that I fall in love with men and not women. This is not an unreasonable request and I don't think the way you're handling the situation is fair or professional.
3. Altissimo is absolutely right about double standards here. Gay people are a vast minority (did you know that less than 5% of the population identifies as something other than straight?) and it's very difficult to imagine that anyone criticizing Dude or any of the others of us here would behave differently in the situation if they were the ones being insulted. Even if they would, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with being upset by these comments. It's blatant discrimination. Honestly I don't give a fuck if it doesn't bother Ben or even if it doesn't bother me. Ignoring it is NOT A GOOD SOLUTION.

That's all you're all beautiful and I'm having a bad day
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


We all want to make the world a better place. We start with those near and dear to us, and hope that in that little microcosm, we can build a paradise worth living for. (Yes I'm referencing PMD: GtI)

Where we begin to differ though is HOW to do that. Social activism? Charity? Public rallies? Standing up for the minority? Educating internet forum communities?

Take it from a former full-time minister -- you can't change society in a day, but you can empower individuals. I've seen broken families mended, seen bitterness turn to love, seen addiction give way to sheer will, seen weaknesses become strengths. All it takes is realizing who is in control of your life -- you.

Ignoring societal ills is not a solution, but neither is futilely campaigning social justice on an internet forum. If you want to make the world a better place, talk to people 1-on-1. Truly get to know them, and instill in them with the same hope in the future you have. The world already has enough politicians; what it needs is love.

Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


Name: Michael
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Born: August 23, 1998
Lives in: California, USA
Languages: English and a little bit of Spanish
Nicknames: BDS, "Big Mike" (how original, har har har also "big guy," but that was just one person)
Religion: Christian

Status: Apathetic
Sexual orientation: Straight

Spare time
Hobbies: Music, drawing, learning stuff, dragons, LEGO
Sport: I'm involved in martial arts, and like to play baseball, though I haven't in years

Favorite band/artist: Don't know.
Favorite album: Don't know.
Favorite music genre: Europop, jazz, folk rock, rock (in general, mostly old stuff), video game music
Favorite comic strip/webcomic: Gaia (thanks, Fierce!)

Favorite genre: Don't really have a clear favorite, but in terms of story and setting, I tend to like science fantasy and horror, if done right
Top 5 favorite games: HoMM III, Pokemon Crystal, Yoshi's Island, Gunstar Heroes, Final Fantasy VII
Game I've been playing a lot of recently: nothing D:

Other media
Favorite movie: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (oddly, most musicals don't always appeal to me), Return of the Jedi
Favorite movie genre: Pretty much anything if it's interesting and done well, though a few genres don't appeal to me as much initially
Favorite book: A Tale of Two Cities
Favorite television shows: The Twilight Zone, Daredevil, Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, Firefly

Favorite food: Calamari, bacon, wait, why haven't I had bacon-wrapped calamari yet?
Preferred Pizza Toppings: Pineapple and bacon, or meat pizzas like the one at California Pizza Kitchen (according to their website, it doesn't seem like they still have it, but I haven't been there in a while)
Favorite snack: Does ham count Chips, pretzels, nuts, beef jerky, variety of Clif bars, chocolate
Favorite drink: That Fuze raspberry tea they have at Carl's Jr.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I don't want to prolong this lame discussion more, shouldn't fucking started it in the first place...

And also I don't think E.Gadd did anything bad, so you DON'T NEED to apologize. It was MY comment that started it, and your comment did not inspire me to to make my comment either. So NONE is your fault E.Gadd. 

Also why the fuck has Dude been banned!? I don't get the reason. Is it because of spam, or writing inappropriate comments? I personally don't think ANY member on the forum needs/have been needed to be banned, I've NEVER heard any that bad comments or spam ever since I started being active here.

BDS, Old Rock is good. Or wait.. did you mean Old Rock or Old Metal?
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


I never really filled out one of these forms so I decided to fill it out.

Name: Skyler
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Born: April 1, 2000
Lives in:Madisonville, KY, USA
Languages: English and a little bit of Spanish
Nicknames: Brainy (I don't need to be complicated in my Nickname.)
Religion: Christian

Status: Single
Sexual orientation: Straight

Spare time
Hobbies: Music, drawing, Video gaming, reading.
Sport: Track

Favorite band/artist: Panic! at The Disco
Favorite album: N/A
Favorite music genre: Jazz
Favorite comic strip: Garfield

Favorite genre: RPG, Action, Puzzle.
Top 5 favorite games: Undertale, PMD: Explorers of Sky, Borderlands 2 Shantae, Portal 2.
Game I've been playing a lot of recently: Borderlands 2 (As of 2016)

Other media
Favorite movie: Star wars: A New Hope
Favorite movie genre: Sci-fi, fantasy
Favorite book: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers (Philosophers) Stone
Favorite television shows: Adventure Time, Pokemon

Favorite food: Pizza, Taco
Preferred Pizza Toppings: N/A
Favorite snack: Twinkies
Favorite drink: Coca-Cola, Chocolate Milkshake
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.