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The Introduction Thread

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, March 18, 2008, 08:51:25 PM

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I disagree. I've found a way to win the game. And I'm keeping that secret to myself, and a few close friends.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.



the longest i've lasted was 3.1415964... hours. no, it's actually 3.5 hours


I discovered a few weeks ago Canadians play the game.

They really are human *Sniff*
Quote from: Arison The Bat
oviosly so far i've only got "little unmature kids" to respond to this thread
After months of mediation and exams, I return.
Probably not for long.



Not really NEW, but I haven't been on a while so I might as well introduce myself.
My name is Oni-Link, but call me Oni.
(I'm copying this from Razer, so it will be a little easier for me to describe myself)
Name: feel free to guess, but i don't trust the internets enough to say it...
Age: 14
Gender: M
Location: Cedar Park, (around 16 miles southeast from Austin, the captial) Texas, USA
Musical stuff: When I was little, I used to play the piano, but now I'm into the guitar. I still haven't gotten my lessons yet for my birthday, but I will soon.
Favorite piece of music: (non-video game) If were talking about classical pieces, then I'd probably go with almost everything by Tchaikovsky.
Favorite game music: Everything from Zelda, everything from Metroid, and some others.
Favorite video game: Every Zelda game. (Yeah I know, generic answer)
Favorite color: Gray.
Favorite food: Pasta, especially spaghetti.
Favorite school subject: Probably Science.
Language: English and a little bit of Japanese (No, I'm not a weaboo, I've just picked some up after watching anime)

Anyway, nice to meet you all, I hope we can have a good time on this forum.


Oni, I could guess your name!! I still remember it :3
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.



Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Hi Peoples!  I'm new here, and my name is Matthew.  I love Zelda :) !!! some facts about me (didn't follow template)

gender: male
location: US
age: 12 (I could tell that you guys are a little older on the swearing part)
interests: piano, violin, flute, reading, guitar, school, and computers :D
Time: GMT - 5
Grade: 8
favorite games: Pokemon (Soulsilver and Platinum), The Legend of Zelda (Windwaker and Twilight Princess
That's it!  i can't wait to talk to you guys!


Nice to meet you! Hope you have a great time here! :)


Thank you, universe-X!  Do you go by Universe? I'm guessing you like super mario galaxy :D And , good to meet you, Oni!  So you like Zelda too?